Thomas Sangild Sorensen (
Tue, 16 Feb 1999 22:56:36 +0100 (MET)
I just started working on a 2-pipe - 6 procs Onyx2,
and I would like to have Volumizer output to both pipes.
I fork off processes to render each pipe separately (I use MPU).
Each process can only read/write to its own part of the memory.
Before I start, I would like to hear any advice you could give,
about how to allocate Volumizer data into shared memory.
The way I'm planning to organise the processes, would be to have one
process fill the array 'voIndexedFaceSet***' (using polygonize),
and have this data in shared memory.
Here, it would be available for all processes to render.
If I make a call like
aPolygonSetArray[j1][j2] =
new voIndexedFaceSet(allVertexData, boundFaceCount(tetraCount));
only the process making this call will have access to the part
of memory where the voIndexedFaceSet is allocated.
How can I allocate in shared memory instead?
In general, how do I allocate any Volumizer datatype in shared memory?
Will I have to skip 'new' and use 'usmalloc' somehow?
Any hint would be appreciated.
Thomas Sangild Sorensen,
CIT, Aarhus University, Denmark.
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