Thomas Bendig (
Wed, 17 Feb 1999 07:37:03 +0100
Thomas Sangild Sorensen wrote:
> Hi!
> I just started working on a 2-pipe - 6 procs Onyx2,
> and I would like to have Volumizer output to both pipes.
> I fork off processes to render each pipe separately (I use MPU).
> Each process can only read/write to its own part of the memory.
> Before I start, I would like to hear any advice you could give,
> about how to allocate Volumizer data into shared memory.
> The way I'm planning to organise the processes, would be to have one
> process fill the array 'voIndexedFaceSet***' (using polygonize),
> and have this data in shared memory.
> Here, it would be available for all processes to render.
> If I make a call like
> aPolygonSetArray[j1][j2] =
> new voIndexedFaceSet(allVertexData, boundFaceCount(tetraCount));
> only the process making this call will have access to the part
> of memory where the voIndexedFaceSet is allocated.
> How can I allocate in shared memory instead?
> In general, how do I allocate any Volumizer datatype in shared memory?
> Will I have to skip 'new' and use 'usmalloc' somehow?
> Any hint would be appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Thomas
> --------------------------------
> Thomas Sangild Sorensen,
> CIT, Aarhus University, Denmark.
> --------------------------------
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