Original Description and Call for Participation
Improvised and live, it creates delicate bridges between the primitive and the sublime. Raw, it explodes through the wilderness of the modern psyche, illuminating dark realms of thought and emotion, poignantly freeing the hidden experience. Come move with impulse, calculation, and cool. Come master innovation within the beauty of strict form.
FIAT LUX 96 took place from August 4th through August 9th in New Orleans. By all accounts, the conference was a tremendous success.
Registration started at 11:00pm on the evening of August 4th in the lobby of the Marriot Hotel. On the first evening more than 60 people attended the conference and paid our US$ 0.25 registration fee.
On Monday evening, attendees to FIAT LUX were invited to the Rhythm and Hughes Party. Additional registration occurred there, and many people had an opportunity to meet and discuss topics of mutual interest.
On Tuesday evening, Yochiro Kawaguchi hosted FIAT LUX at his Sake Barrel Party. Later in the evening there was hope that the Digital Domain party would accept FIAT LUX badges in a reciprocal arrangement, but this did not come to pass.
On Wednesday evening, the first official meeting of FIAT LUX took place. A group picture was recorded, and people were asked to describe one or two things that they had seen in New Orleans that they found interesting. More that 10 people presented their observations. Drinks were provided for all participants and meeting and discussion extended to 1:30am.
Registration swelled to 160 people.
On Thursday evening the technical program started. The organizers of FIAT LUX had ordered an overhead projector, a projection screen, and a speaker with microphone for the talks. Unfortunately, the A/V staff at the Marriot did not deliver the equipment apparently because of a misunderstanding.
The diplomatic efforts of Sally Rosenthal and Michael Jones were very much appreciated.
Things looked quite bad for a while, since the hotel could not provide the equipment. Eventually, Vincent saved the day by plugging his video camera into a large projection television in the bar.
The following talks were presented: Rants
Who Will Supply Our Digital Dialtone?
Bruce Karsh
Communication is Not a Civil Right
Mini Technical Talks
Quantum Molecular Graphics Visualization
Creon Levit
The Technology of the Book
Paul Haeberli
Spring into Action
Ben Trumbore
Mesh Generation Using Relaxation in Warped Space
Paul Heckbert and Frank Bossen
Micro Art Show
Stamps from The Lot 49
Cati Laporte
Again drinks were provided for all participants, and discussion extended until 2:30am. By the end of the evening 320 people had participated in FIAT LUX.
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