Problems changing brick data

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Arno Pernozzoli (
Thu, 28 Oct 1999 22:42:18 +0200


I've implemented a simple threshold segmentation which modifies the texture
bricks through the data-pointer obtained through brick->getDataPtr(). For
every brick I set the dirty data flag through the setDirtyFlag-Method. On an
Onyx IR2 all works well. On an O2 the modified volume is shown only from few
viewing angles, changing the view to other angles makes the old data appear.
Some Hints?

THX in advance

Dipl.-Inform. Arno Pernozzoli
University of Heidelberg
Clinic of Cranio-Maxillo-Facial-Surgery
Im Neuenheimer Feld 400
D-69120 Heidelberg
Tel: +49-6221-56-7332
Fax: +49-6221-56-4222

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