Dave Akers (dla)
Thu, 28 Oct 1999 18:52:55 -0700
On O2, you're using 2-D textures.. so you actually have a
BrickSetCollection composed of 3 separate BrickSets -- one for each axis
of the volume. You'll need to update the brick data from each of the
BrickSets (and set the dirty flags, too) if you want everything to work
correctly. In version 1.2 of the software (planned release date is Dec.
15), we'll provide modification routines to make all this easier for you..
On Thu, 28 Oct 1999, Arno Pernozzoli wrote:
> Hi,
> I've implemented a simple threshold segmentation which modifies the texture
> bricks through the data-pointer obtained through brick->getDataPtr(). For
> every brick I set the dirty data flag through the setDirtyFlag-Method. On an
> Onyx IR2 all works well. On an O2 the modified volume is shown only from few
> viewing angles, changing the view to other angles makes the old data appear.
> Some Hints?
> THX in advance
> ==============================================
> Dipl.-Inform. Arno Pernozzoli
> University of Heidelberg
> Clinic of Cranio-Maxillo-Facial-Surgery
> Im Neuenheimer Feld 400
> D-69120 Heidelberg
> Tel: +49-6221-56-7332
> Fax: +49-6221-56-4222
> email: pernozzoli@bigfoot.com,
> email: Arno_Pernozzoli@ukl.uni-heidelberg.de
> ==============================================
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