Dynamically allocating transient geometry

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Manfred Weiler (mdweiler@immd9.informatik.uni-erlangen.de)
Mon, 28 Jun 1999 13:09:49 +0000

Some days ago someone proposed to dynamically allocate
(parts of) the transient geometry, this should work because
the voIndexedFaceSets will reallocate in case of overflow.

I tried to do so by initializing each voIndexedFaceSet with

  my_Data.aPolygonSetArray[j1][j2] = new
                  1); // boundFaceCount(tetraCount));

expecting that each faceset being reallocated to the needed
size during polygonalization. But this didn't work.
Nearly allways the programm exited with core dump.
I inspected some of the voIndexedFaceSets an found out that
in some cases the "count" member was bigger than "max_count".

Does the reallocation really work correctly?


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