Gero von Wagner (
Mon, 21 Jun 1999 21:16:58 +0200
We are working on a simulation of a physical detector system for
radiation. We are using volumizer to visualize our results.
Because the detector's sensitivity highly depends upon the distance from
the radiation source (~radius^2), we are now searching for a way to
apply information from the depth buffer to the accumulation buffer.
The idea is as follows:
The z-coordinate will be weight according to the front and back clipping
plane. For each texture plane rendered into the volume we should then be
able to load the texture value with a certain "punishment" factor
depending on the distance (the value in the z-buffer). It seems to us
that volumizer doesn't work this way by default (intensity doesn't
change if you put the volume farther away).
Just to prevent us from re-inventing the wheel: Is there anybody who has
linked depth and accumulation buffer before? Or can tell us if our
approach can be successful at all?
Thanks a lot.
Gero von Wagner
-- Gero von Wagner Institute for Biomedical Engineering University of Karlsruhe
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