Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa01226; 1 Jun 89 14:55 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa00729; 1 Jun 89 14:45 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa00452; 1 Jun 89 14:33 EDT Received: from [] by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa03009; 1 Jun 89 14:10 EDT Received: by (4.1/cs.nps-1.0) id AA12360; Thu, 1 Jun 89 11:12:34 PDT Date: Thu, 1 Jun 89 11:12:34 PDT From: michael zyda Message-Id: <> To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Subject: IEEE CG&A May 89 Benchmarking Issue Cc: Like David Ciemiewicz, I too was pretty furious about the benchmarking article in IEEE CG&A. My main complaint is that the article is so out of date. Unfortunately, the publication process for IEEE CG&A (and other graphics pubs) takes a long time. In some ways, it is inappropriate to publish graphics workstation performance measurements in such publications. It would be more appropriate to publish such measurements in conference proceedings, where the work is maybe only 6 months old. The major graphics conference for years, the summer SIGGRAPH event, unfortunately does little or no coverage of the important issue of graphics workstation performance measurements, i.e. what can I do with say an IRIS 4D/70GT for 3D visual simulation. It is probably not possible or appropriate to change SIGGRAPH's broad focus. In an attempt to rectify this problem, I have volunteered my time as the Symposium Chair for the "1990 Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics". One of the sessions planned for that symposium is entitled "Performance Studies of Graphics Workstations". We are looking for papers that tell how many frames per second and how many polygons are in the picture for specific applications. IRIS workstation users are prime candidates for paper submission to this symposium (as are Ardent, ATT Pixel machine, DEC, E&S, HP, NeXT, Pixar, Stellar and Sun graphics workstation users). I have previously mailed out the symposium Call for Participation electronically to info-iris but I attach it here again to remind you that there is a faster forum for reporting your graphics workstation results. Michael Zyda Symposium Chair 1990 Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics ******************************************************************************** Call for Participation 1990 Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics Sponsorship anticipated from the following organizations: Office of Naval Research, National Science Foundation USA Ballisic Research Laboratory Ardent Computer, ATT Pixel Machines Digital Equipment Corporation, Evans & Sutherland, Hewlett-Packard NeXT, Pixar Silicon Graphics, Stellar Computer, Sun Microsystems Symposium Specifics Important Dates 18th - 21st of March 1990 Abstracts for contributed papers due: 15 Sep. 89 Snowbird, Utah USA Acceptance notification: 31 Oct. 89 (Proceedings at the symposium.) Final papers for proceedings due: 10 Dec. 89 The focus of the symposium is on the topic: Where is the frontier today in real-time, interactive 3D graphics ? The purpose of the symposium is to look at what research groups are doing with their high-performance, real-time, interactive graphics systems, to find out what special purpose architectures are on the drawing board, to discuss which are the most user-friendly paradigms for interaction with such systems and to learn what applications are still waiting for an appropriate 3D interactive system. The symposium will consist of technical sessions in which formal papers are presented and discussed and of hands-on demonstrations where research groups and vendors of equipment demonstrate the state-of-the-art in this field. In these demonstrations, we want to look at displays on which objects move and with which one can interact. We are particularly interested in such notions as: -- moving through virtual worlds, i.e. visual simulation systems that move us through buildings or cities, over terrain or over the sea at multiple updates per second; -- interactively shaping, building or sculpting objects, using low-level operations to drill holes or cut slots as well as high-level operations making global shape adjustments; -- interactively assembling and manipulating systems of parts, using aids that yield ease of operation without sacrificing precision and give feedback as to real-world geometric constraints; -- interaction technologies and user interfaces for moving through 3D virtual worlds. The technical presentations at the symposium will focus on innovative 3D graphics architectures and hardware, fast rendering algorithms, new man-machine interface paradigms. Performance claims should be supported by actual measurements of values such as polygons per second or updates per second. Full explanations of any special techniques necessary to achieve such real-time picture generation and display should be provided. In addition, we want to discuss the real-time graphics requirements of special applications that do not yet have satisfactory solutions, along with recommendations for new architectures or future hardware additions to existing graphics systems. Symposium Chair Michael J. Zyda Naval Postgraduate School Program Co-Chairs Rich Riesenfeld Carlo Sequin U. of Utah U. C. Berkeley Program Committee Members Norman Badler, U. of Pennsylvania Al Barr, Caltech Kellogg S. Booth, U. of Waterloo Edwin Catmull, Pixar Charles A. Csuri, Ohio State U. Mark Cutter, Apple Computer Tom DeFanti, U. of Illinois-Chicago Tony DeRose, U. of Washington Tom Ferrin, U. C. San Francisco Scott S. Fisher, NASA/AMES Research Center James D. Foley, George Washington U. Alain Fournier, U. of Toronto Henry Fuchs, UNC-Chapel Hill (Past Chair) S. Kicha Ganapathy, AT&T Bell Labs Don Greenberg, Cornell U. Paul Haeberli, Silicon Graphics Thomas Jensen, Evans & Sutherland Fred Kitson, Hewlett-Packard Jeff Lane, Digital Equipment Corporation Robert McLeod, Tektronix Cleve Moler, Ardent Computer Michael Muuss, USA Ballisic Research Laboratory Frederic I. Parke, NY Institute of Technology Michael E. Pique, Scripps Clinic Spencer Thomas, U. of Michigan Guy L. Tribble, NeXT Craig Upson, Stellar Computer Andries van Dam, Brown U. J. Turner Whitted, UNC-Chapel Hill/Numerical Design Ltd. Mary C. Whitton, Sun Microsystems Michael Wozny, RPI David Zeltzer, MIT Paper Submissions and Requests for Registration Prospective authors should submit 5 copies of an extended abstract to the address below before the 15th of September 1989. The abstracts should be 3 to 5 pages long and reflect what will be contained in the final 8 to 12 page paper in the proceedings and in the 25 minute presentation at the symposium. Abstracts should clearly state what has been achieved and how this makes a contribution to the advancement of the state-of-the-art in interactive 3D graphics. Requests for registration forms should also be mailed to the following address. Rich Riesenfeld 1990 Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics University of Utah Department of Computer Science 3190 Merrill Engineering Building Salt Lake City, Utah 84112 (801) 581-8224 The symposium is limited to 125 registrants. The registration fee for the symposium is $250. That fee includes the proceedings, reception, banquet and two lunches.   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa02323; 1 Jun 89 15:52 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa02110; 1 Jun 89 15:42 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa01956; 1 Jun 89 15:35 EDT Received: from by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa04507; 1 Jun 89 14:51 EDT Received: from by CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU (IBM VM SMTP R1.1) with BSMTP id 9813; Thu, 01 Jun 89 14:52:28 EDT Return-path: Received: from by; Thu, 1 Jun 89 14:52 EDT Date: Thu, 1 Jun 89 14:50 EDT From: Subject: software for molecular modeling and manipulation of 3d images To: info-iris@BRL.MIL X-VMS-To: IN%"" Message-ID: <8906011451.aa04507@SMOKE.BRL.MIL> Dear Subscribers, We are starting to model small molecules and crystals and need to know how to efficiently use our Z-buffer to manipulate the images as quickly as possible. Has anyone ordered the "Release Tape #1 for the 4D" which contains source code for graphics routines and has it helped you to learn how to manipulate images efficiently. In particular, we would like to manipulate images using "sliders" for rotation and translation. We would also like to store frames for quick replay. We have 8MB of memory and a 4D/70 GE.   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa02551; 1 Jun 89 16:18 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa02424; 1 Jun 89 16:08 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa02380; 1 Jun 89 16:01 EDT Received: from by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa05715; 1 Jun 89 15:22 EDT Received: from by CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU (IBM VM SMTP R1.1) with BSMTP id 9872; Thu, 01 Jun 89 14:58:46 EDT Return-path: Received: from by; Thu, 1 Jun 89 14:59 EDT Date: Thu, 1 Jun 89 14:56 EDT From: Subject: molecular modeling To: info-iris@BRL.MIL X-VMS-To: IN%"" Message-ID: <8906011522.aa05715@SMOKE.BRL.MIL> We are starting to model small molecules and pieces of crystalline solid, and would like to draw atoms and bonds and manipulate the images in 3D as quickly and efficiently as possible. Has anyone out there ordered the "Release Tape #1 for the 4D; and if so, was it worth it"? In particular we would like to - use "sliders" to translate and rotate - use our 56 bitplanes to the max for quick manipulation of images - store frames for quick replay Also, if anyone has information about vendors for output devices (photographic or videotape), or has encountered a version of Clark Still's MACROMODEL which has been ported to SG workstations, I would very much appreciate hearing from you. Thanks very much!!! Amy Bug, Physics Dept. Swarthmore College (BUG@SWARTHMR)   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa03360; 1 Jun 89 17:58 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa03273; 1 Jun 89 17:47 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa03238; 1 Jun 89 17:41 EDT Received: from AERO4.LARC.NASA.GOV by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa08128; 1 Jun 89 16:43 EDT Received: Thu, 1 Jun 89 16:37:38 EDT by (5.52/5.6) Date: Thu, 1 Jun 89 16:37:38 EDT From: "Brent L. Bates TAD/TAB ms294 x42854" Message-Id: <> To: Subject: Re: software for molecular modeling and manipulation of 3d images Cc: info-iris@BRL.MIL Personally, I don't like sliders, they are too slow and cumbersome. I use the mouse buttons in conjuction with the mouse. If I hold the left mouse button down while moving the mouse I get 2 rotations corresponding to the xy movement of the mouse. I use the right mouse button for xy translation. Finally, I use the middle button for zooming, a 3rd rotation, and for changing the perspective angle (I use a key toggles to change what the middle mouse does.) I usually move the object as a wire frame, then toggle on shadeing and z-buffering for the final orientation. This makes orienting the object very fast. I am currently using a 3130, so this method is a necessity. However, I have done a quick port to a Personal Iris, and found I could easily and quickly move the object with double-buffered z-buffering. It was slower than the 3130 in wire frame, but lightning fast in z-buffer mode compared to the 3130. If I had had more time to work on the Personal Iris version, I probably could have speeded up the z-buffered image. -- Brent L. Bates NASA-Langley Research Center M.S. 294 Hampton, Virginia 23665-5225 (804) 864-2854 E-mail: or   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa14386; 2 Jun 89 7:00 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa14279; 2 Jun 89 6:49 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab14207; 2 Jun 89 6:36 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa15709; 2 Jun 89 6:20 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.36) id AA19541; Thu, 1 Jun 89 14:33:45 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 1 Jun 89 20:30:16 GMT From: Darrell Davis Organization: University of Washington, Seattle Subject: Printer on 4D/20 Message-Id: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL We recently bought a NEC LC890 PostScript laser printer to use on a group of three Personal Iris's. I am having a fair bit of trouble getting it to work. I did call the SGI hotline and went through the configuration, all indications are that it should be printing, but isn't. I used the procedure in the laser printer documentation, the command mkPS, etc. i have several questions: The first is has anyone put one of these printers on the serial interface/ printspooler? I can't see why this device should be any different than an Apple LaserWriter, that is the idea isn't it. I am using a full 9pin to 25pin interface cable. The laser printer is configured for PostScript Batch, serial interface, 9600 baud. The other question I have is whether anyone has configured a laser writer/NEC printer to use the parallel port, i.e. /dev/plp. I have printed out PS files using cat > /dev/plp. It would be nice to config a network of Iris's to use the the parallel interface. The simple-minded approach of substituting plp for ttyd2 in the configuration sequence doesn't seem to be acceptable. I must be doing something dumb because the configuration protocol looks so easy. Thanks in advance. -Darrell Davis   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa15065; 2 Jun 89 7:52 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab14279; 2 Jun 89 6:49 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ac14207; 2 Jun 89 6:36 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa15714; 2 Jun 89 6:20 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.36) id AA12863; Thu, 1 Jun 89 12:36:01 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 1 Jun 89 18:21:03 GMT From: Dan Christensen Organization: Computer Graphics Lab, University of Waterloo Subject: problems with setvaluator (was "questions about a device driver") Message-Id: <> References: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL I write: >Everything below was tried on an IRIS 4D/120GTX unless otherwise stated. > >4) Override existing valuators and buttons with setvaluator and > gl_changedevice respectively. This does work but has a couple of > problems. First of all, the message > > ERROR #23 in kernal: severity=2, sevaluator: > > appears in the console window once every couple of seconds, especially > when the MOUSEX and MOUSEY valuators are being overridden and the > tracker crosses a window boundary. This only started to happen since > we switched from an IRIS 4D/70G to our IRIS 4D/120GTX. I investigated this error message further. I believe that there is a bug somewhere. When the following code is executed on our machine, many error messages just like the one above appear in our console window with a variety of numbers replacing . Some of the numbers, roughly in order of most frequent to least frequent, are: 3, 5, 873, 637, 195 and -4071. #include #include main() { short i=0; while( TRUE ) { setvaluator( (Device) MOUSEX, i, (short) 0, (short) 1000 ); i = (i+1)%1000; sginap(1); } } The error occurs if the sginap is removed or if the nap value is 1 or 2. It occurs most frequently with a smaller delay. It occurs most often when the tracker crosses a window boundary. Note that with a nap value of 1 this corresponds to 100 tracker movements per seconds which is only about an inch or two per second on the screen. I should be able to move the tracker faster than this. Why is this occuring? Is there a way to get around it? Why didn't it happen on our IRIS 4D/70G? It is quite frustrating that problems like these aren't documented in the man pages. ---- Dan Christensen, Computer Graphics Lab, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ont.   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa26480; 2 Jun 89 12:52 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.brl.MIL id aa23462; 2 Jun 89 11:49 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa23298; 2 Jun 89 11:32 EDT Received: from by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa23485; 2 Jun 89 11:19 EDT Date: Fri, 2 Jun 89 11:16:03 EDT From: "David F. Rogers" To: info-iris@BRL.MIL cc: Subject: Menus and mouse buttons Message-ID: <8906021116.aa06047@CAD.USNA.MIL> G'day, We are having a number of small problems with pop-up menus and the mouse buttons. 1. If we lay the window out with fixed locations for menu items ala MENU1 MENU2 MENU3 ..... and use the x & y locations of the cursor along with the LEFT mouse button to pop up the appropriate menu, it is necessary to use the RIGHT mouse button to select the individual item from the menu. Both the LEFT and RIGHT mouse pull the cursor down the menu list. We would much prefer to use the LEFT mouse button to both pop-up the menu and select the individual item. 2. For various reasons we prefer to use direct calls to mouse functions rather than queing the mouse. That works ok with the LEFT mouse button. However, the RIGHT mouse button appears to be `permanently' attached to the window manager, it pops up the window menu, as well as the MIDDLE button, which moves the window. In order to detach these functions we presently have to que both buttons. Anyone know how to detach them from the window manager while in direct mode? Please note: We are not interested in a discussion of qued verses direct device calls, nor in alternate ways to do the menus. Thanks in advance Dave Rogers   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa01291; 2 Jun 89 15:17 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab28205; 2 Jun 89 13:42 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa28149; 2 Jun 89 13:31 EDT Received: from AERO4.LARC.NASA.GOV by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa25934; 2 Jun 89 13:12 EDT Received: Fri, 2 Jun 89 13:12:37 EDT by (5.52/5.6) Date: Fri, 2 Jun 89 13:12:37 EDT From: "Brent L. Bates TAD/TAB ms294 x42854" Message-Id: <> To: Subject: Re: Menus and mouse buttons Cc: info-iris@BRL.MIL On the 3000's there is a file /usr/lib/gl2/mexrc which sets the default configuration of the window manager. Below is a copy of the one on our machine: #include bindfunc pop LEFTMOUSE bindfunc movegrow MIDDLEMOUSE bindfunc menu RIGHTMOUSE bindindex inborder 7 bindindex hiinborder 7 bindindex titletextin 4 bindindex titletextout 4 bindindex hititletextin 4 bindindex hititletextout 4 bindindex hioutborder 1 bindindex outborder 0 bindcolor menu 10 10 10 bindcolor menuback 220 220 220 bindcolor cursor 255 0 0 As you can see the RIGHTMOUSE button is bound to the menu function. I have a .mexrc file in my home directory to change the defaults. One line I have added is: bindfunc hogwhiledown 13 This allows me to use the RIGHTMOUSE button in a program without having the MEX menu come up. If I want the MEX menu, while in the program, I hold down key 13 (NO SCRL) and that gives me the MEX menu functions. If you have a 3000, I suggest reading the section on customizing MEX, its in IRIS User's Guide Volume I, Programming Guide, Version 4.0, the Window Manager Section 4., pages W-47 thru W-55. I think this should solve your problems. I imagine if you have a 4D, that it may work in a similar fashion. If it doesn't, would someone please correct me. -- Brent L. Bates NASA-Langley Research Center M.S. 294 Hampton, Virginia 23665-5225 (804) 864-2854 E-mail: or   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa02226; 2 Jun 89 15:58 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa00738; 2 Jun 89 15:06 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa00541; 2 Jun 89 14:48 EDT Received: from SNOW-WHITE.MERIT-TECH.COM by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa27715; 2 Jun 89 14:15 EDT Received: by (4.1/SMI-DDN) id AA15214; Fri, 2 Jun 89 13:16:50 CDT Date: Fri, 2 Jun 89 13:16:50 CDT From: Mike Goss Message-Id: <> To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Subject: Re: Menus and mouse buttons Regarding the message from David F. Rogers "Menus and mouse buttons": > 2. For various reasons we prefer to use direct calls to mouse functions > rather than queing the mouse. That works ok with the LEFT mouse button. > However, the RIGHT mouse button appears to be `permanently' attached > to the window manager, it pops up the window menu, as well as the > MIDDLE button, which moves the window. In order to detach these > functions we presently have to que both buttons. Anyone know how to > detach them from the window manager while in direct mode? You can queue both buttons, and then ignore the queue and access the buttons directly. This will keep the window manager out of your way. Mike Goss, Merit Technology Inc.   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab02226; 2 Jun 89 15:58 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa01767; 2 Jun 89 15:47 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa01726; 2 Jun 89 15:37 EDT Received: from by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa29215; 2 Jun 89 15:17 EDT Date: Fri, 2 Jun 89 15:09:28 EDT From: "David F. Rogers" To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Subject: Menus and mouse Message-ID: <8906021509.aa00897@CAD.USNA.MIL> G'day, Sorry, I forgot to mention that I am working on either a 4D/70G(T) or 4d/20. Dave Rogers   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa03023; 2 Jun 89 17:11 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab01291; 2 Jun 89 15:28 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa01239; 2 Jun 89 15:15 EDT Received: from [] by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa28693; 2 Jun 89 14:54 EDT Received: Fri, 2 Jun 89 15:53:53 ADT by (5.52/5.6) Date: Fri, 2 Jun 89 15:53:53 ADT From: Jim Diamond Message-Id: <> To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Subject: pax Has anyone successfully ported pax to a 3130? I tried doing so. I (apparently) successfully wrote a two-volume tape with the command pax -wb400b -t /dev/rmt1 When I tried to restore the files with the command pax -rvop -t /dev/rmt1 at the end of the tape I got multiple lines of the form pax: [offset 47m+k+0]: I/O error (with 's ... 192 197 202 207 212) and then pax: ./user/dir/file : Corrupt archive data ./user/dir/file and then it died. Anyone care to shed some light on this? Thanks. Jim Diamond P.S. The system has what I assume is the standard 3130 tape drive: it is capable of writing about 45 Mbyte on a 450 foot tape. Do those of you with a similar configuration notice that the tape drive reads much more slowly than it writes, or do I have a defective drive? "How much more slowly?", you ask? Let me put it this way: the tape drive was what inspired the choice of system name.   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa04553; 2 Jun 89 21:48 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa04526; 2 Jun 89 21:37 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa04500; 2 Jun 89 21:24 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa03539; 2 Jun 89 21:02 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.36) id AA13226; Fri, 2 Jun 89 17:59:48 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 2 Jun 89 23:55:50 GMT From: Darrell Davis Organization: University of Washington, Seattle Subject: Screen dumps with icut Message-Id: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL I have just started trying to do graphics dumps using the icut utility that comes in 4Dgifts. The hints I pulled off of the net were right on and this seems to work quite well. I have one question about contol of the output. I can't seem to get laser-printer output that has an all white background, that is, my output always has a gray background. I have used cedit to make sure that the drawing in my window has a white background (255 255 255) before I generate the image file with icut, still get the gray b-ground on the printed output. There are lots of tools within 4Dgifts for manipulation of image files but I'm not sure what I need to do, or how to access the info that I need to change the background. Suggestions? When I use ipaste to look at the generated image file before conversion to PostScript with pprint, it looks fine. Thanks, Darrell   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa06790; 3 Jun 89 9:15 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa06718; 3 Jun 89 8:33 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa06712; 3 Jun 89 8:19 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa07496; 3 Jun 89 8:07 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.36) id AA13011; Sat, 3 Jun 89 04:49:39 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 2 Jun 89 18:31:30 GMT From: Mark Galassi Organization: Institute for Theoretical Physics, SUNY at Stony Brook, New York. Subject: emulating vt100 on personal IRIS Message-Id: <242@noether.UUCP> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL We need a vt100 emulator for a personal IRIS, because someone here needs to use the full-page editor EDT on VMS. The personal IRIS comes with this thing called psterm, but it does *extremely* unsatisfactory vt100 emulation, and is incredibly slow (just for kicks, you should try to do a beep on it, and see how it forces a VERY slow visual bell, whether you want visual bells or not). I have tried compiling vtem and screen on the iris, both of which would give a reasonable vt100 emulation, but neither of the runs correctly. Has anyone solved this problem? Any help would be appreciated. One last thing I should point out is that the iris-ansi is not good enough to run the VMS EDT editor. Thank you very much, Mark Galassi rosalia@mozart.UUCP rosalia@sunysbnp.BITNET   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa00670; 6 Jun 89 1:36 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa00222; 6 Jun 89 0:54 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa00191; 6 Jun 89 0:35 EDT Received: from by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa00343; 6 Jun 89 0:05 EDT Received: from by Mon, 5 Jun 89 20:20:41 CDT Received: by (4.12/1.14) id AA11465; Mon, 5 Jun 89 18:12:41 edt Date: Mon, 5 Jun 89 18:12:41 edt From: Andrea Malagoli Message-Id: <> To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Subject: Single user mode. I have a Personal Iris and I have the following problem. I have nsf running and I usually hard mount some disks wich belong to other servers. I have installed the 3.1C upgrade (it was 3.1B before) and something got changed in such a way that the Iris is unable to communicate with the servers. Since it is trying to hard mount the disk, the Iris gets stuck while rebooting and I cannot modify the relevant files. Is there a way to reboot the machine in a standalone form, without starting the nfs daemons? Is there a solution to my problem. For example, on a Sun3 there is an option that allows to bring the system up in "single user mode". I have not been able to figure out how to do it on the Personal Iris. I will be very gratefull to anyone who can help me. Andrea Malagoli Astronomy Department University of Chicago E-mail:   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa12100; 6 Jun 89 13:43 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa08911; 6 Jun 89 12:15 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa08829; 6 Jun 89 11:56 EDT Received: from HAC2ARPA.HAC.COM by VGR.BRL.MIL id aa00660; 6 Jun 89 2:35 EDT Received: from [] by (5.59/SMI-DDN) id AA24657; Mon, 5 Jun 89 16:51:58 PDT Received: by rsgate id <00000C1B031@rsgate.RSG.HAC.COM> ; Mon, 5 Jun 89 16:47:35 PDT Date: Mon, 5 Jun 89 16:29:05 PDT From: "Kevin R. Martin" (213)-578-4316 <"SCCR50::DSLKRM"> Subject: Polygonal fonts. To: X-Vms-Mail-To: RSGATE::EXOS%"" Message-Id: <890605162905.00000C1B031@rsgate.RSG.HAC.COM> Could anyone inform me of the location of, or could share or sell polygonal fonts? We are developing various engineering prototype automotive head-up display (HUD) formats on a 4D/70GT that incorporate/require polygon based fonts. We have a simple 'LED-like' seven segment font (developed in our IRIS 1200 days of yore :-)), and recently developed one higher resolution font, but it was a time consuming and marginally aesthetically acceptable endeavor. Thanks in advance. Kevin R. Martin (213)-578-4316 Head, Simulation & Graphics Section Hughes Aircraft Company Los Angeles, CA.   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa12786; 6 Jun 89 14:08 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab12100; 6 Jun 89 13:57 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa11669; 6 Jun 89 13:34 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by ADM.BRL.MIL id aa06275; 6 Jun 89 8:05 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.36) id AA04694; Mon, 5 Jun 89 19:57:15 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 6 Jun 89 00:52:13 GMT From: Jim Bennett Organization: Silicon Graphics, Inc., Mountain View, CA Subject: PI performance questions Message-Id: <34465@sgi.SGI.COM> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL There have been a couple questions posted about the Personal Iris that haven't received answers. Here is the information that I have on these topics. Urs Meyer at University of Zurich wrote: > Our Personal Iris 4D/20G running SD3.1C exhibits problems when drawing > polygons. The top pixel row and the right pixel column are not > affected by the polygon drawing routines (bgn/endpolygon, v3...). True, this is a bug in the viewport code in 3.1C, which has been fixed in 3.1D. 3.1D should be available, it is the release currently being shipped on new units. Steve Dempsey at UCSD wrote: > Question: > Do the non-GT and Personal IRIS 4D workstations also suffer from poor > display list performance? The Personal Iris display listable routines (move and draw) run at the same speed as the non-display listable routines (v3f, etc.), so this problem should not exist on the Personal Iris. I don't know for sure about the other non-GT architectures. Jim Bennett (   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa17259; 6 Jun 89 16:13 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa16092; 6 Jun 89 15:54 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa15841; 6 Jun 89 15:33 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa14116; 6 Jun 89 13:43 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.36) id AA08314; Mon, 5 Jun 89 12:00:32 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 5 Jun 89 18:55:00 GMT From: Kelvin Thompson Organization: U. Texas CS Dept., Austin, Texas Subject: boxview demo updated Message-Id: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL I just submitted to VGR.BRL.MIL an upgraded version of the interactive 'boxview' demo I first posted here last summer. The demo lets you view a 3D faceted object read from an ascii geometry file (following the form of DEC's OFF format). The demo provides an intuitive user interface for rotating the object and changing the viewing geometry. 'Boxview' runs only on Irises. Improvements over the last update (last fall): * The program now works on Personal Irises. * The program lets you look at several geometry files at once. * I've also written two utility applications that concatenate and transform (rotate, scale, translate) geometry files. These are simple text filters that take one or more geometry files on input and produce a single geometry file as output. (No graphics.) Source files, makefiles, documentation, and sample data files are all in file 'info-iris/boxview.tar' on VGR.BRL.MIL (internet I also hope to put a large collection of geometry files there within a couple of weeks. Those of you that don't have internet access can write me for a mailed version of the application. Unfortunately, I can't guarantee any kind of response time. It's going to take some work to partition everything into mailable packages (probably five shar files of under 32K apiece), so it may be weeks, months, or never before you get the program. (I will, however, send you a quick acknowledgement letting you know you're on the list.) -- -- Kelvin Thompson, Lone Rider of the Apocalypse {...,uunet}!!kelvin   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa18925; 6 Jun 89 17:50 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa18727; 6 Jun 89 17:37 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa18712; 6 Jun 89 17:26 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa17203; 6 Jun 89 15:22 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.36) id AA06403; Mon, 5 Jun 89 20:32:07 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 6 Jun 89 02:48:34 GMT From: Chuan Chee Organization: University of Toronto, CSRI Subject: edge starting suspended jobs Message-Id: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL The environment I am using is a Personal Iris 4d/20 running IRIX System V Release 4D1-3.14711181642. I have a job that I ran with "/bin/time nice -10 ... &". I then suspended the job using "kill -20 pid". The following is output from "ps -el": 30 T 557 10785 10784 0 70 30 *14544:3073 ttyq1 435:13 test Then I start "edge" (with no parameters). The pid 10785 starts running again with the status "S" (instead of "T"). I realize that my job appeared in the top window of "edge". I had to stop the job again and got the following: 30 T 557 10785 10784 0 70 30 *14544:2853 ttyq1 435:20 test So why does edge start suspended jobs? Is this a "feature"? If another user logs onto the console and starts edge, my job is started too. This could not possibly be a feature since another user should not be able to control my processes. By the way, my job did not show up on the other user's top window of edge. One question: How do I interpret "14544:2853"? I figure that it has something to do with the number of memory pages the program is using. How big is 1 page? ...Chuan Chee CDNNET: CSNET: BITNET: ckchee@dgp.utoronto.bitnet ARPA: UUCP: ckchee@dgp.uucp   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa06607; 6 Jun 89 10:28 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa06138; 6 Jun 89 10:18 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa06046; 6 Jun 89 10:01 EDT Received: from SNOW-WHITE.MERIT-TECH.COM by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa07106; 6 Jun 89 9:40 EDT Received: by (4.1/SMI-DDN) id AA23072; Tue, 6 Jun 89 08:39:57 CDT Date: Tue, 6 Jun 89 08:39:57 CDT From: Mike Goss Message-Id: <> To: info-iris@BRL.MIL, Subject: Re: Single user mode. Regarding the message from Andrea Malagoli: > I have a Personal Iris and I have the following problem. > I have nsf running and I usually hard mount some disks > wich belong to other servers. I have installed the 3.1C > upgrade (it was 3.1B before) and something got changed > in such a way that the Iris is unable to communicate > with the servers. Since it is trying to hard mount the > disk, the Iris gets stuck while rebooting and I cannot > modify the relevant files. We had this same problem, and fixed it by simply adding the parameter "bg" to the parameters for the nfs file systems in /etc/fstab. This tells mount that if it cannot mount an nfs file system on the first try, to put the mount in the background waiting for the file system to become available, and then continue with the boot. Mike Goss Merit Technology Inc.   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa10937; 6 Jun 89 13:21 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa10117; 6 Jun 89 13:11 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa10070; 6 Jun 89 12:53 EDT Received: from SNOW-WHITE.MERIT-TECH.COM by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa11780; 6 Jun 89 11:47 EDT Received: by (4.1/SMI-DDN) id AA23239; Tue, 6 Jun 89 10:47:02 CDT Date: Tue, 6 Jun 89 10:47:02 CDT From: Mike Goss Message-Id: <> To: Subject: Re: Single user mode. Cc: info-iris@BRL.MIL > My question now is: > > How can I access the /etc/fstab file if the machine refuses > to reboot? Can I access it from the miniroot? > > Andrea Malagoli > > University of Chicago. To get into single user mode on a Personal Iris, the following arcane procedure is necessary: During system boot, you will get a message on the screen that says something like "Starting system, type ESC for maintenance mode" Hit the ESC key. You will see a menu with several choices. Type "5" to select the "Command Monitor". Enter the command: setenv initstate s This tells the system to boot to single user mode on the next boot. Exit the command monitor with a ^D (control-D) to get back to the maintenance menu, then select "1" (start sytem). This should get you into single user mode. You can then edit /etc/fstab to fix your nfs problems, after which you should reboot the system to get back to normal, multi-user mode. Mike Goss Merit Technology Inc.   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa15506; 6 Jun 89 15:17 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa14188; 6 Jun 89 15:06 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa13847; 6 Jun 89 14:43 EDT Received: from by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa13238; 6 Jun 89 13:11 EDT Received: Tue, 6 Jun 89 10:09:46 pdt by (5.51/1.2) Received: Tue, 6 Jun 89 13:21:01 EDT by (5.52/LeRC(1.0)) Date: Tue, 6 Jun 89 13:21:01 EDT From: Tony Facca Message-Id: <> To: Subject: Re: Single user mode. Andrea Malagoli writes: > I have a Personal Iris and I have the following problem. > I have nsf running and I usually hard mount some disks > wich belong to other servers. I have installed the 3.1C > upgrade (it was 3.1B before) and something got changed [ stuff deleted ] > Is there a way to reboot the machine in a standalone > form, without starting the nfs daemons? Is there a > solution to my problem. For example, on a Sun3 there > is an option that allows to bring the system up in > "single user mode". I have not been able to figure > out how to do it on the Personal Iris. A couple of things that may (or may not) help. - to boot the machine without starting the NFS daemons, try doing "/etc/chkconfig nfs no" "/etc/reboot" when you want NFS to come back, you'll have to do /etc/chkconfig nfs yes - to boot the machine in single user mode, you can edit the /etc/inittab file and change the line which reads: is:2:initdefault to is:s:initdefault which will cause the machine to always come up in single user mode. Or, just do "/etc/init s" to bring the system down to Single User Mode. Also, please follow up with what has changed in NFS. We are using it pretty extensively, and I am interested in any anomolies which show up in NFS. By the way, since we are talking about NFS, I found out an interesting thing last week. We started using a name server to resolve addresses and several of the machines in /etc/exports are on a different network than the local machine. When the NFS part of the startup script runs, it came up with "cannot export to hostname" errors. What I needed to do was specify each hostnames full domain name, not just the alias. That's because the NFS part of the script runs before the routers. Hmmm. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tony Facca | phone: 216-433-8318 NASA Lewis Research Center | Cleveland, Ohio 44135 | email: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa19460; 6 Jun 89 20:20 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa19364; 6 Jun 89 19:59 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa19337; 6 Jun 89 19:49 EDT Received: from SGI.COM by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa22352; 6 Jun 89 19:38 EDT Received: from sgidallas by via UUCP (5.52/890523.SGI) (for ) id AA12300; Tue, 6 Jun 89 16:30:29 PDT Received: by sgidallas (5.52/890523.SGI) (for sgi.SGI.COM!BRL.MIL!info-iris) id AA00606; Tue, 6 Jun 89 16:43:35 CDT Date: Tue, 6 Jun 89 16:43:35 CDT From: Thomas E Reed Message-Id: <8906062143.AA00606@sgidallas> To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Subject: viewing matrix and feedback mode USER: Randy Blaschke Bell Helicopter Arlington TX (817) 280-5860 Has asked me to post this request for information. He is having a problem using feedback mode on a 4D80/GT rev 3.1C. He is using feedback mode to select the nearest of a group of overlapping triangular polygons. The problem is closely tied to the viewing matrix being used. Feedback mode will return incorrect z-values at times. However by changing the viewing matrix ala the "ortho" and "polarview" commands the problem will go away. It seems to improve by shifting the object nearer the far clipping plane. We isolated it to the viewing matrix but haven't gone much farther since changing the viewing parameters somewhat fixes the problem. Has anyone had similar troubles? Does anyone have a possible explanation? Any input on feedback mode is welcome. You can call Randy directly or mail me and I will forward it. thanks in advance.... -- Tom Reed SGI - Dallas email: vmail: 8705 phone: 214-788-4122   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa20491; 7 Jun 89 0:05 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa20150; 6 Jun 89 23:23 EDT Received: by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa20140; 6 Jun 89 23:17 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa20119; 6 Jun 89 23:15 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa24056; 6 Jun 89 23:06 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.36) id AA17637; Tue, 6 Jun 89 20:03:23 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 6 Jun 89 23:46:19 GMT From: Wiltse Carpenter Organization: Silicon Graphics, Inc., Mountain View, CA Subject: Re: Single user mode. Message-Id: <34663@sgi.SGI.COM> References: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <>, malagoli@MHD.UCHICAGO.EDU (Andrea Malagoli) writes: > > Is there a way to reboot the machine in a standalone > form, without starting the nfs daemons? Is there a > solution to my problem. For example, on a Sun3 there > is an option that allows to bring the system up in > "single user mode". Yes there is a solution! Here's how to bring the system up in "single user mode": Press reset to get to the "Starting up system press...To perform system maintenance instead, press ". Quickly press the Esc key. You should see a menu with five items on it, the last of which says "Manual Mode". Press 5 to get into manual mode. You should get a >> prompt. Type "setenv initstate s" and then Enter. Then type "auto" at the next prompt. The system should come up in single user mode. To use vi in single user mode, TERM should be set to "iris-tp" and LINES should be set to "40". The easiest way to get the system working again might be to type "chkconfig nfs off" which will disable nfs. You can bring the system the rest of the way up by typing "multi". Here's some suggestions on how to avoid this problem altogether. If you like to hard mount nfs directories (I know I do), and they are not absolutely critical to the operation of your machine (i.e. you're not mounting /bin with nfs), then be sure and use the "bg" attribute on the /etc/fstab entry for the filesystem. For example, my fstab has a line in it like this: # Remote source tree theserver:/thesource /thesource nfs bg If for some reason the server machine is down, or my networking isn't working, my system will still boot and keep trying to mount /thesource in the background. -Wiltse   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa20307; 6 Jun 89 23:44 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa20094; 6 Jun 89 23:09 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa20080; 6 Jun 89 23:00 EDT Received: from uunet.UU.NET by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa23940; 6 Jun 89 22:52 EDT Received: from munnari.UUCP by (5.61/1.14) with UUCP id AA03522; Tue, 6 Jun 89 22:41:16 -0400 Received: from (munnari.oz) by (5.5) id AA06630; Wed, 7 Jun 89 11:16:07 EST (from for uunet! Received: from (via murtoa) by with SunIII (5.61+IDA+MU) id AA03528; Wed, 7 Jun 89 11:17:33 +1000 (from for Message-Id: <> Date: Wed, 7 Jun 89 09:30:07 EST From: "Mike A. Gigante" Received: by (5.51) id AA12054; Wed, 7 Jun 89 09:30:07 EST To: munnari!SCCR50 <!> Subject: Re: Polygonal fonts. In-Reply-To: your article <> Cc: info-iris@BRL.MIL I have the hershey vector fonts running on top of GL if that is of use.. Initially it was part of GNU-digs but I have made a digs compatibility library that allows it (and other GNU-digs programs) to run under GL. To use it, you must use vectfont(n); /* select font # n */ ... move(x, y, z); hcharstr("hello world"); Of course, since it is a vector font, it is subject to all the usual 3D transfomations... Mike   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa22235; 7 Jun 89 5:43 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa22018; 7 Jun 89 4:19 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa22009; 7 Jun 89 4:13 EDT Received: from MIRSA.INRIA.FR by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa26331; 7 Jun 89 4:05 EDT Received: from by with SMTP (5.59++/IDA-1.2.8) id AA10667; Wed, 7 Jun 89 09:51:20 +0200 Received: by ch with X.400; 07 Jun 89 08:18:52+0200 Date: 07 Jun 89 08:18:52+0200 From: Reinhard Doelz To: info-iris@BRL.MIL MMDF-Warning: Parse error in original version of preceding line at BRL.MIL Subject: security (was: Single user mode) Message-Id: <99*> Hi, to answer a question what do you do if the booting does not work ? i.e., if you want to modify the scripts in /etc/init.d without boouting the tape The soulution is a hacker solution which proved to work on 4D/70,80,and 120. It shows that once you have access to the console and a software tape on hand, you get into *any* 4D without providing any password. 1) go to >> prompt (old PROM versions) 2) start the installer 3) manual installation 4) administrative 5) spawn a shell and look into /root/ There, you will find /root/etc/init.d, and you might want to copy original SGI scripts from /etc/init.d Nasty thing: You say cp /etc/passwd /root/etc/passwd and reboot the machine. root doesn't have a password no longer !!! - Reinhard   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa26717; 7 Jun 89 10:18 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.brl.MIL id ab26409; 7 Jun 89 10:07 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa26377; 7 Jun 89 9:56 EDT Received: from NUSC-WPN.ARPA by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa00999; 7 Jun 89 9:46 EDT Date: 7 Jun 89 09:37:00 EDT From: MMDF-Warning: Parse error in original version of preceding line at BRL.MIL Subject: Sticky converter... To: info-iris Reply-To: MMDF-Warning: Parse error in original version of preceding line at BRL.MIL Message-ID: <8906070946.aa00999@SMOKE.BRL.MIL> G'day, Here is a puzzler... I was doing some ray-tracing on a 60T when one morning I came in and displayed an image that I had traced the day before. There were pixels (usually forming some pattern) that were corrupted. I naturally thought that something was wrong in my ray-tracer...I looked and looked and everything seemed to be in order. For grins, I redisplayed the image and the corrupt parts were gone. After much thinking, I wrote a short program to display a grey-ramp in RGB mode. Well what to my wondering eyes should appear but a little red line where RGB value (156, 156, 156) should have been. Evidently, my Iris goes to the Bahamas every now and then and forgets to fire its blue and green guns when 156 is in the bit planes. Curious. SGI says its the D/A's getting stuck (I hate when that happens). I would be interested to know if anyone else has suffered from sticky D/A's. Steve Swenson SWENSON@NUSC-WPN.ARPA ------   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa26793; 7 Jun 89 10:28 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa26233; 7 Jun 89 9:46 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa26207; 7 Jun 89 9:37 EDT Received: from uunet.UU.NET by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa00398; 7 Jun 89 9:18 EDT Received: from suntc.UUCP by (5.61/1.14) with UUCP id AA03039; Wed, 7 Jun 89 09:18:15 -0400 Received: by (3.2/SMI-3.2) id AA25771; Wed, 7 Jun 89 07:52:58 CDT Date: Wed, 7 Jun 89 07:52:58 CDT From: john howell Message-Id: <> To: uunet!! Subject: Polygon Fonts Kevin Martin writes: >Could anyone inform me of the location of, or could share or sell polygonal >fonts? I happen to have a helvetica polygon font set you can have ... it follows. If you plot the polygons, as lines first, you will see that these are pretty strange looking polygons, so you may need to manually 'tune them up' before using them ... depending on your application. Another source of fonts would be to use outline fonts from bitstream or a myriad other sources. These are marketed for PostScript Laser printers. Of course you would probably have to rasterize them or polygonalize them yourself. One more area ... There are a million (or more) raster fonts out there in many different sizes and style for Macintoshes. If a raster font will satisfy your needs, this will be a good solution. I have written a program that reads a Macintosh font file and loads it into a SGI 3000 font. You could have this if you like, but this is a C program that just shows how it is done, nothing else. You would have to incorporate the code. Finally, another area. There is a set of stroke fonts in the public domain called 'Hershey Fonts'. If stroke fonts will address your problem, these are available and I could forward those also. Hope this is some help. John John Howell uucp: uunet!suntc!jh34607 Deere & Company MCImail: John R. Howell, 360-4047 Technical Center CompuServe: john howell [76666,2505] _ _ / // // o __ /_ ____, , , _ // // / o / ( o / /_(_) (_(_/_ Organization: Silicon Graphics, Inc., Mountain View, CA Subject: Re: security (was: Single user mode) Message-Id: <34729@sgi.SGI.COM> References: <99*> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <99*>, (Reinhard Doelz) writes: [ yet another example of how to get into a 4D ] > > - Reinhard Just remember, no machine is safe if you can get at the physical machine and console. True of VAX'es, SUN's and everything else in the world. The only "secure" machine is one in a locked room with no network attached. If you're really paranoid, the room should have an isolation transfer and be constructed as a Faraday cage as well. You'll also need an armed gaurd to make sure nobody unwanted gets in. -- Jim Barton Silicon Graphics Computer Systems "UNIX: Live Free Or Die!", sgi!, ...{decwrl,sun}!sgi!jmb "I used to be disgusted, now I'm just amused." - Elvis Costello, 'Red Shoes' --   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa05619; 7 Jun 89 16:51 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa05496; 7 Jun 89 16:40 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa05333; 7 Jun 89 16:25 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa11469; 7 Jun 89 15:50 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.36) id AA07202; Wed, 7 Jun 89 12:36:06 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 7 Jun 89 18:41:56 GMT From: Daniel A Haug Organization: Lockheed Austin Div. Subject: Alt key differences Message-Id: <283@shrike.AUSTIN.LOCKHEED.COM> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL I have completed making a set of Gnu Emacs bindings for the Alt key to work like a Meta key. But... these bindings only seem to work for the right alt key, not the left alt key. The manual shows no difference between the escape sequences generated by the left and the right alt keys. Anyone encounter this problem before? solutions? I am using a 4D-something. thanks dan haug-- Internet: UUCP: ut-emx!lad-shrike!aihaug   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa06379; 7 Jun 89 18:36 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa06114; 7 Jun 89 18:10 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa06072; 7 Jun 89 17:55 EDT Received: from by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa13333; 7 Jun 89 17:38 EDT Received: from by Wed, 7 Jun 89 16:36:47 CDT Received: by (4.12/1.14) id AA01398; Wed, 7 Jun 89 17:29:27 edt Date: Wed, 7 Jun 89 17:29:27 edt From: Andrea Malagoli Message-Id: <> To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Subject: Wsh and pathnames. It seems to me that when I start a wsh with the option -c (command) a different path is used other than the one I define in my .cshrc file. Sometimes, wsh is unable to run the command and exits. Can someone explain to me how does wsh define its path to look for any command? And how can I modify it? Andrea Malagoli University of Chicago   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa06441; 7 Jun 89 18:46 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa06308; 7 Jun 89 18:25 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa06303; 7 Jun 89 18:19 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa13550; 7 Jun 89 17:51 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.36) id AA14055; Wed, 7 Jun 89 14:40:04 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 7 Jun 89 21:22:02 GMT From: Paul Connally Organization: University of Colorado, Boulder Subject: Pspice/EE Designer Message-Id: <9261@boulder.Colorado.EDU> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL I am looking for Pspice or a simular program that will do circuit analysis for a 4D/20 PI. I would like to be able to design/analyze circuits using graphics to layout schematics and/or chip design then do transient, time, frequency, etc. response analysis; and be able to do DC and bias point voltage or current node analysis. Any info on any program (whatever the cost) will be appreciated. Paul Connally University of Colorado High Voltage Electron Microscope Lab MCDB - Box 347 "A higher potential for Boulder, CO 80309 better penetration." Paul Connally University of Colorado High Voltage Electron Microscope Lab MCDB - Box 347 "A higher potential for Boulder, CO 80309 better penetration."   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa07838; 8 Jun 89 1:13 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa07745; 8 Jun 89 0:41 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa07706; 8 Jun 89 0:26 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa16421; 7 Jun 89 23:50 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.36) id AA03918; Wed, 7 Jun 89 20:44:13 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 8 Jun 89 03:05:23 GMT From: Darrell Davis Organization: University of Washington, Seattle Subject: dvi2ps converter for 4D's Message-Id: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Does anyone have a a copy of "dvi2ps" that they are using on an iris 4D that works reliably. The version that we have is quite buggy. I received what looks like a newer version from Nelson Beebe, but is all BSD stuff. I could hack on the BSD version, but if someone has already done this I would appreciate some info/code. Whatever happpened to the Tex previewer for the Iris? Darrell Davis Chem. Dept University of WashingtoN   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa08248; 8 Jun 89 2:26 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab08211; 8 Jun 89 2:15 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa08168; 8 Jun 89 2:07 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa17338; 8 Jun 89 0:50 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.36) id AA05712; Wed, 7 Jun 89 21:22:21 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 8 Jun 89 03:56:46 GMT From: George Kyriazis Subject: prices for personal IRISes Message-Id: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL I'm sorry I'm sending that to people that are not interested. I'd like to find out prices for the Personal IRIS in different configurations. Also, some speed comparisons would be nice (I've used an Iris 4D/60, so comparisons with it will be great). Please E-mail, so as not to annoy people that are not interested. Thanks!!! George Kyriazis ------------------------------   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa08293; 8 Jun 89 2:36 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id ac08211; 8 Jun 89 2:15 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab08177; 8 Jun 89 2:08 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa17583; 8 Jun 89 1:39 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.36) id AA08999; Wed, 7 Jun 89 22:30:05 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 8 Jun 89 00:27:30 GMT From: Dave Ciemiewicz Organization: Silicon Graphics, Inc., Mountain View, CA Subject: Re: Pspice/EE Designer Message-Id: <34847@sgi.SGI.COM> References: <9261@boulder.Colorado.EDU> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <9261@boulder.Colorado.EDU>, paulc@boulder.Colorado.EDU (Paul Connally) writes: > > I am looking for Pspice or a simular program that will do > circuit analysis for a 4D/20 PI. I would like to be able to > design/analyze circuits using graphics to layout schematics and/or > chip design then do transient, time, frequency, etc. response analysis; > and be able to do DC and bias point voltage or current node analysis. > > Any info on any program (whatever the cost) will be appreciated. > > Paul Connally > University of Colorado High Voltage Electron Microscope Lab > MCDB - Box 347 "A higher potential for > Boulder, CO 80309 better penetration." There is a pretty neat software package based on SPICE called "The Analog Work Bench (AWB)". AWB provides a graphical user interface to SPICE. AWB allows you to graphically design a circuit and then attach graphical DVMs, oscilliscopes, and other tools to you circuit to analyze it. AWB is available from Valid Logic Systems of San Jose. (The recently acquired Analog Design Tools, the creators of AWB). An old number I have for them is (408) 737-7300. The only problem with the Analog Work Bench is that it currently doesn't run on an IRIS-4D.   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa08341; 8 Jun 89 2:52 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab08293; 8 Jun 89 2:42 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa08281; 8 Jun 89 2:35 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa17748; 8 Jun 89 1:56 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.36) id AA08980; Wed, 7 Jun 89 22:29:52 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 7 Jun 89 23:55:25 GMT From: Kipp Hickman Organization: Silicon Graphics, Inc., Mountain View, CA Subject: Re: Alt key differences Message-Id: <34839@sgi.SGI.COM> References: <283@shrike.AUSTIN.LOCKHEED.COM> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL The left alt key, in support of international usage, is actually (by default) treated as a ``compose'' key. Currently there is no standard software support fo disabling this behaviour. However, a trick that would work is to hack the PostScript keyboard translation code (as others on the network have gleefully done) to turn the left alt key code into the right alt key code so that the low level translation code never sees the left alt key...Any volunteers? kipp hickman silicon graphics inc.   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa08443; 8 Jun 89 3:28 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa08414; 8 Jun 89 3:17 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa08390; 8 Jun 89 3:10 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa18229; 8 Jun 89 2:27 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.36) id AA11222; Wed, 7 Jun 89 23:14:07 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 8 Jun 89 03:04:05 GMT From: Tom Haapanen Organization: WATMIMS Research Group, University of Waterloo Subject: ftpd(1M) bug report and fix Message-Id: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL I have been having a lot of trouble getting the 'ls' command working with ftpd on our machine: a client calling in would get no output from an 'ls' command at all. After getting no useful advice from tech support, I got the new ftp & ftpd versions from uunet, and ported the ftpd to our 4D (we're using 3.1C). Now, clients could use 'ls', but _not_ 'ls -l'. I spent a great deal of time tracing through ftp and ftpd logic, trying to figure out why an anonymous client (real users were OK) could not exec /bin/ls. I renamed lc to ls, and that was fine. WHAT GIVES? Eventually, after many attempts, replacing ls with a shell script in ~ftp/bin, and creating my own chroot test program, I discovered what causes the problem: ls(1) uses a shared library! The library is in /lib, which is no longer accessible once you do a chroot to ~ftp. So, the fix to the problem is to create another directory containing the shared library that ls needs: ~ftp: d--x--x--x 2 root sys 512 Jun 7 15:28 lib ~ftp/lib: -r-xr-xr-x 1 root sys 103268 Jun 7 15:28 libc_s This is in addition to the files and directories as described in the man pages for ftpd(1M) in our 3.1C documentation. Didn't anyone test ftp/ftpd before it went out the door? Or did someone just forget to update the manual? \tom haapanen watmims research group university of waterloo "Now, you didn't really expect my views to agree with my employer's, did you?"   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa08503; 8 Jun 89 3:48 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa08211; 8 Jun 89 2:15 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa08148; 8 Jun 89 2:04 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa17175; 8 Jun 89 0:20 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.36) id AA05144; Wed, 7 Jun 89 21:09:36 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 8 Jun 89 03:25:55 GMT From: Darrell Davis Organization: University of Washington, Seattle Subject: Screen dumps Message-Id: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL I have a question about using "icut" and "pprint" to make a PostScript screen dump file. I have been unable to get a simple black on white hardcopy output, i.e. there is always a grey background. Where is this coming from? When I look at the .ps file there is nothing obvious that indicates this grey background, although my command of PostScript is pretty limited. I have made sure that the window background is white before cutting the image. Thanks, Darrell Davis Chem. Dept. University of Washington   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa12002; 8 Jun 89 9:16 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab10281; 8 Jun 89 8:13 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa10170; 8 Jun 89 8:01 EDT Received: from AERO4.LARC.NASA.GOV by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa21680; 8 Jun 89 7:39 EDT Received: Thu, 8 Jun 89 07:39:11 EDT by (5.52/5.6) Date: Thu, 8 Jun 89 07:39:11 EDT From: "Brent L. Bates TAD/TAB ms294 x42854" Message-Id: <> To: blake! Subject: Re: dvi2ps converter for 4D's Cc: info-iris@BRL.MIL Yeh, what happened to the TeX previewer? Someone said they were getting it and would post it as soon as they got it. What is the status of the TeX previewer? -- Brent L. Bates NASA-Langley Research Center M.S. 294 Hampton, Virginia 23665-5225 (804) 864-2854 E-mail: or   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa18033; 8 Jun 89 12:23 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa17599; 8 Jun 89 12:02 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa17527; 8 Jun 89 11:51 EDT Received: from [] by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa28877; 8 Jun 89 11:03 EDT Date: Thu, 8 Jun 89 11:00:49 EDT From: "David F. Rogers" To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Subject: TeX previewer Message-ID: <8906081100.aa06220@CAD.USNA.MIL> G'day, Mike Gigante of RMIT in Australia is bringing the TeX previewer with him when he visits me in July. I will post it via anonymous ftp at either BRL or here at USNA. Professor David F. Rogers Aerospace Engineering Department U.S. Naval Academy Annapolis, MD 21402 USA Tel: 301-267-3283/4/5 ARPANET: UUCP: ~uunet!usna!dfr   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa19505; 8 Jun 89 13:05 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab17599; 8 Jun 89 12:03 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa17553; 8 Jun 89 11:54 EDT Received: from by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa29217; 8 Jun 89 11:16 EDT Received: from DDATHD21.BITNET by CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU (IBM VM SMTP R1.1) with BSMTP id 1997; Thu, 08 Jun 89 11:15:12 EDT Received: from BR2.THD.DA.D.EUROPE by DDATHD21.BITNET via GNET with RJE ; 08 Jun 89 12:06:05 Date: Thu, 8 Jun 89 08:59:58 +0200 (Central European Summer Time) From: Knobi der Rechnerschrat Subject: FORTRAN Question To: info-iris@BRL.MIL X-VMS-To: X%"" Message-ID: <8906081116.aa29217@SMOKE.BRL.MIL> Hallo everybody, a friend of mine without a network connection (poor guy) reported the following observation to me. When I was able to reproduce it, I didn't feel really happy about it. Here it comes: my friend has the following Fortran code PROGRAM TEST WRITE(*,*) 'Test Test' END When compiling this code with several debug/optimize switches you get the following sizes for the executable image files: cc -xxx t.f -o t f77 -xxx t.f -o t xxx=g 220472 byte 292984 byte xxx=O1 220388 byte 292900 byte xxx=O2 same as O1 xxx=O3 same as O1 The same program compiled on a VAX (I'm definitely not a great VAX friend) with the most unfavourable switches (/DEBUG=ALL/NOOPT on compile and /DEBUG/NOSYSSHR on link) gives a maximum size of 25000 byte (4000 byte using the shared libs). I know that RISC code is larger than CISC code, but I didn't know that the difference is that large. What I also don't understand is the difference between cc and f77. I thought if cc detects a fortran file it would just do the same as f77. As a last question, is SGI (or MIPS if thats the right target for this problem) thinking about shareable libraries beside libgl_s.a ? I think that would greatly reduce link time and disk usage. Regards Martin Knoblach   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa24439; 8 Jun 89 15:32 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa23411; 8 Jun 89 15:22 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa23330; 8 Jun 89 15:07 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa05648; 8 Jun 89 14:39 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.36) id AA16120; Thu, 8 Jun 89 11:20:41 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 8 Jun 89 15:24:50 GMT From: Kipp Hickman Organization: Silicon Graphics, Inc., Mountain View, CA Subject: Re: Wsh and pathnames. Message-Id: <34885@sgi.SGI.COM> References: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <>, malagoli@MHD.UCHICAGO.EDU (Andrea Malagoli) writes: > It seems to me that when I start a wsh with the option -c (command) > a different path is used other than the one I define in my .cshrc > file. Sometimes, wsh is unable to run the command and exits. > ... > Andrea Malagoli > University of Chicago When you run wsh -c, it inherits its environment from whatever started it. If you start it from your shell, then it will inherit the environment from the shell, and all should be fine and dandy. If you start it from 4sight, then it inherits the environment from 4sight. This is the most common problem, because 4sight is started before your environment is loaded up. A quick-and-dirty solution is to add the following (sample) line to your in your home directory: (PATH) (/d/kipp/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bsd:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/etc:/etc:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/local/bin/ctools) putenv this does mean you have a copy of the information in your .login/.profile, but thats why its quick-and-dirty. Better yet, is to use the ``exporttonews'' program (I believe its floating around on the net somewhere). kipp   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab24439; 8 Jun 89 15:33 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab23411; 8 Jun 89 15:22 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa23344; 8 Jun 89 15:08 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa05715; 8 Jun 89 14:44 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.36) id AA16127; Thu, 8 Jun 89 11:20:51 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 8 Jun 89 15:56:38 GMT From: Thant Tessman Organization: Silicon Graphics, Inc., Mountain View, CA Subject: Re: Sticky converter... Message-Id: <34887@sgi.SGI.COM> References: <8906070946.aa00999@SMOKE.BRL.MIL> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <8906070946.aa00999@SMOKE.BRL.MIL>, swenson@NUSC-WPN.ARPA writes: > G'day, > > Here is a puzzler... > > I was doing some ray-tracing on a 60T when one morning I came > in and displayed an image that I had traced the day before. There were > pixels (usually forming some pattern) that were corrupted. I naturally thought > that something was wrong in my ray-tracer...I looked and looked and everything > seemed to be in order. For grins, I redisplayed the image and the corrupt > parts were gone. After much thinking, I wrote a short program to display > a grey-ramp in RGB mode. Well what to my wondering eyes should appear > but a little red line where RGB value (156, 156, 156) should have been. > Evidently, my Iris goes to the Bahamas every now and then and forgets to > fire its blue and green guns when 156 is in the bit planes. Curious. > SGI says its the D/A's getting stuck (I hate when that happens). > I would be interested to know if anyone else has suffered from sticky > D/A's. > > Steve Swenson > SWENSON@NUSC-WPN.ARPA > ------ The old graphics (after the 3000's but before GT) uses a gamma ramp that takes up the top 256 entries of the color ramp. (It is actually three gamma ramps, R, G, and B.) Anything that uses RGB will actually do a lookup in this table for the ammount of red, green, or blue to use. They normally contain (0, 0, 0) to (255, 255, 255). If one of those entries got messed with (such as the 156'th) everything that used that brightness would be something other than the number stored in the bitplanes. The 'showmap', 'cedit', 'interp', and 'gamma' tools can be used to alter these. I used to have a lot of fun messing with RGB pictures using the gamma tables.   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id ac24439; 8 Jun 89 15:33 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id ac23411; 8 Jun 89 15:22 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa23364; 8 Jun 89 15:09 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa05871; 8 Jun 89 14:47 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.36) id AA16152; Thu, 8 Jun 89 11:21:07 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 8 Jun 89 16:58:34 GMT From: Dave Ciemiewicz Organization: Silicon Graphics, Inc., Mountain View, CA Subject: Re: Wsh and pathnames. Message-Id: <34899@sgi.SGI.COM> References: <>, <34885@sgi.SGI.COM> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <34885@sgi.SGI.COM>, (Kipp Hickman) writes: > > When you run wsh -c, it inherits its environment from whatever > started it. If you start it from your shell, then it will inherit > the environment from the shell, and all should be fine and dandy. > > If you start it from 4sight, then it inherits the environment from > 4sight. This is the most common problem, because 4sight is started > before your environment is loaded up. A quick-and-dirty solution > is to add the following (sample) line to your in your > home directory: > > (PATH) (/d/kipp/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bsd:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/etc:/etc:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/local/bin/ctools) putenv > > this does mean you have a copy of the information in your > .login/.profile, but thats why its quick-and-dirty. Better yet, is > to use the ``exporttonews'' program (I believe its floating around > on the net somewhere). > > kipp > > exporttonews is a script I wrote sometime back that has not been posted to the net (unless someone did it for me :^). Just so you won't go searching for it here it is in shar file form. --- Dave ----- CUT HERE ---------------------------------------------------------------- # This is a shell archive. Remove anything before this line, # then unpack it by saving it in a file and typing "sh file". # # Wrapped by ciemo on Thu Jun 8 09:44:57 PDT 1989 # Contents: exporttonews echo x - exporttonews sed 's/^@//' > "exporttonews" <<'@//E*O*F exporttonews//' #! /bin/sh # # NAME # exporttonews - export environment variables to 4Sight's # (the news_server's) environment # # SYNOPSIS # exporttonews environmentvarname ... # # DESCRIPTION # On SGI machines, 4Sight (the news_server) is started up before a # user's .profile or .login configuration file is processed so the # 4Sight has no notion of the user's custom environment. # # exporttonews will take exported environment variables and place them # in the 4Sight's environment. # # EXAMPLE # In your .profile (sh,ksh), you might export your PATH. # # PATH=$PATH:'/additional/path' # export PATH # exporttonews PATH # # In your .login (csh,tcsh), you might export your path. # # set path ($path /additional/path) # exporttonews PATH # NOTE # The variables specified to exporttonews must be exported to the # environment. # # AUTHOR # Dave Ciemiewicz (, Silicon Graphics, 1988 # for environmentvar in $* do eval value=$"$environmentvar" echo "($environmentvar) ($value) putenv" | psh done @//E*O*F exporttonews// chmod u=rwx,g=rx,o=rx exporttonews exit 0 ----- CUT HERE ----------------------------------------------------------------   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa10041; 9 Jun 89 16:45 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa08912; 9 Jun 89 15:24 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa08735; 9 Jun 89 15:01 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa29339; 9 Jun 89 14:53 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.36) id AA03327; Fri, 9 Jun 89 11:32:39 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 9 Jun 89 17:56:57 GMT From: Daniel A Haug Organization: Lockheed Austin Div. Subject: Alt key to Meta key bindings (for Gnu) Message-Id: <290@shrike.AUSTIN.LOCKHEED.COM> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL > From jr@BBN.COM Fri Jun 9 08:23:24 1989 > To: Daniel A Haug > Subject: Re: binding Alt-X to Meta-X > In-Reply-To: Your message of Thu, 08 Jun 89 00:03:00 -0500. > <8906080503.AA14210@shrike.Austin.Lockheed.COM> > Date: Fri, 09 Jun 89 09:16:38 -0400 > Message-Id: <> > From: John Robinson > > > Thanks for the reply! Your instructions got the job done! Now I have > > full Alt-key operations on the Silicon graphics. > > In order that the next person not have to go through it again, maybe > you would consider submitting the resulting code to the FSF as a > contribution, or at least posting it to the newsgroup. > > /jr Okay, following is my .emacs file (for Gnu) with key bindings that map the Alt-key to the Meta-key. Note that on the SG, this only works currently for the right Alt key, not the left Alt key. dan haug ========================== cut here =================================== ;;; +----------------------------------------------------------- ;;; The following key bindings make the Alt key on the SG work ;;; like the Meta key. In all cases (except backward-paragraph), ;;; you can still use ESC-key as well. ;;; +----------------------------------------------------------- (global-unset-key "\e[") ;unbind ESC-[ (global-set-key "\e[084q" 'backward-paragraph) ;rebind to Alt-[ (global-set-key "\e[087q" 'backward-sentence) ;ESC-a (global-set-key "\e[105q" 'backward-word) ;ESC-b (global-set-key "\e[103q" 'capitalize-word) ;ESC-c (global-set-key "\e[089q" 'kill-word) ;ESC-d (global-set-key "\e[076q" 'forward-sentence) ;ESC-e (global-set-key "\e[090q" 'forward-word) ;ESC-f (global-set-key "\e[091q" 'fill-region) ;ESC-g (global-set-key "\e[092q" 'mark-paragraph) ;ESC-h (global-set-key "\e[081q" 'tab-to-tab-stop) ;ESC-i (global-set-key "\e[093q" 'indent-new-comment-line) ;ESC-j (global-set-key "\e[094q" 'kill-sentence) ;ESC-k (global-set-key "\e[095q" 'downcase-word) ;ESC-l (global-set-key "\e[107q" 'back-to-indentation) ;ESC-m (global-set-key "\e[074q" 'fill-paragraph) ;ESC-q (global-set-key "\e[077q" 'move-to-window-line) ;ESC-r (global-set-key "\e[078q" 'transpose-words) ;ESC-t (global-set-key "\e[080q" 'upcase-word) ;ESC-u (global-set-key "\e[104q" 'scroll-down) ;ESC-v (global-set-key "\e[075q" 'copy-region-as-kill) ;ESC-w (global-set-key "\e[102q" 'execute-extended-command) ;ESC-x (global-set-key "\e[079q" 'yank-pop) ;ESC-y (global-set-key "\e[101q" 'zap-to-char) ;ESC-z (global-set-key "\e[097q" 'indent-for-comment) ;ESC-; (global-set-key "\e[111q" 'find-tag) ;ESC-. (global-set-key "\e[109q" 'tags-loop-continue) ;ESC-, (global-set-key "\e[111q" 'end-of-buffer) ;ESC-> (global-set-key "\e[109q" 'beginning-of-buffer) ;ESC-< (global-set-key "\e[070q" 'count-lines-region) ;ESC-= (global-set-key "\e[068q" 'negative-argument) ;ESC-- (global-set-key "\e[M" 'backward-kill-word) ;ESC- (global-set-key "\e[086q" 'delete-horizontal-space) ;ESC-\ (global-set-key "\e[085q" 'forward-paragraph) ;ESC-] (global-set-key "\e[113q" 'dabbrev-expand) ;ESC-/ ========================== cut here =================================== dan haug-- Internet: UUCP: ut-emx!lad-shrike!aihaug   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa10721; 9 Jun 89 17:38 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa09268; 9 Jun 89 15:53 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa09208; 9 Jun 89 15:40 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa01137; 9 Jun 89 15:32 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.36) id AA05809; Fri, 9 Jun 89 12:15:58 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 9 Jun 89 12:43:25 GMT From: sun-barr!texsun!texbell!uhnix1!uhnix2!crcc! Organization: CRCC, The University of Houston Subject: tcsh for the Iris 4D? Message-Id: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In a recent article in this newsgroup I saw mention of the tcsh shell. I am interested in getting this shell on our Iris 4D's. I have the source from a VAX running BSD 4.3 and it needs some work to be ported to the Iris. I would appreciate any information about obtaining a Iris version, or if none exists any suggestions about getting the BSD 4.3 code running. Malcolm Davis davis@uhrcc2.bitnet Dept. of Chem; Univ. of Houston; Houston, TX 77204-5641   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa11517; 9 Jun 89 18:27 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa10948; 9 Jun 89 17:55 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab10719; 9 Jun 89 17:39 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa03871; 9 Jun 89 17:33 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.36) id AA11625; Fri, 9 Jun 89 13:53:56 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 9 Jun 89 19:03:51 GMT From: Christopher Young Organization: Carnegie-Mellon University, CS/RI Subject: Documentation Errors Message-Id: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Is there an e-mail address where I can send documentation errors/problems for the PI? Or do I have to fill out the little cards in the back of the manuals? -- Chris. -- -- Chris. ( "People make me pro-nuclear." -- Margarette Smith --   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa12101; 9 Jun 89 19:19 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa11906; 9 Jun 89 19:09 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab11875; 9 Jun 89 18:56 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa04819; 9 Jun 89 18:47 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.36) id AA16482; Fri, 9 Jun 89 15:18:44 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 9 Jun 89 19:56:42 GMT From: "Calvin H. Vu" Organization: Silicon Graphics, Inc., Mountain View, CA Subject: Re: FORTRAN Question Message-Id: <35067@sgi.SGI.COM> References: <8906081116.aa29217@SMOKE.BRL.MIL> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <8906081116.aa29217@SMOKE.BRL.MIL>, XBR2D96D@DDATHD21.BITNET (Knobi der Rechnerschrat) writes: > Hallo everybody, > > my friend has the following Fortran code > > PROGRAM TEST > WRITE(*,*) 'Test Test' > END > > When compiling this code with several debug/optimize switches you get the > following sizes for the executable image files: > > cc -xxx t.f -o t f77 -xxx t.f -o t > xxx=g 220472 byte 292984 byte > xxx=O1 220388 byte 292900 byte > xxx=O2 same as O1 > xxx=O3 same as O1 > >The same program compiled on a VAX (I'm definitely not a great VAX friend) with >the most unfavourable switches (/DEBUG=ALL/NOOPT on compile and /DEBUG/NOSYSSHR > on link) gives a maximum size of 25000 byte (4000 byte using the shared libs). The large size of the executabes is due partly to the way libI77 is written (generic UNIX system problem ?) and partly to the addition of the ISAM library to the Fortran package. Roughly, the 290K bytes produced by the compiler/linker are picked up from: - 130K from libmpc.a (60K if you use libc.a. This accounts for the difference in size between using cc and f77) - 140K from libisam.a - 19K from other libraries - 1K from the program itself That's why it doesn't matter much whether you use -g or -O3 to optimize your program since the problem is in the packaging of the runtime I/O libraries and not in the code generated from the user source (the .o files is less than 1K for the test above). > > I know that RISC code is larger than CISC code, but I didn't know that the > difference is that large. The difference would be small if the same runtime I/O libraries were used. > What I also don't understand is the difference >between cc and f77. I thought if cc detects a fortran file it would just do the > same as f77. When you use f77 the multiprocessing libc (libmpc.a) is used instead of libc.a. > As a last question, is SGI (or MIPS if thats the right target for > this problem) thinking about shareable libraries beside libgl_s.a ? I think > that would greatly reduce link time and disk usage. > I plan to rewrite the runtime I/O libraries so that the ISAM routines will only be linked into the executable with a compilation flag. That will reduce the size by at least 100K. libc_s.a can also be used as an option to reduce the size by a further 50K. That would make the size of the executable for the test above about 80K. Of course, if libI77.a is also changed upside down so that only routines which are actually used will be linked then the size could be even less, maybe <40K, but ... :-(. And of course, the initial runtime I/O overhead of ~200K would become less of an annoyance if your program is large. > Regards > Martin Knoblach > Calvin Vu   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa00869; 10 Jun 89 0:51 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.brl.MIL id aa00698; 10 Jun 89 0:30 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ae00645; 10 Jun 89 0:18 EDT Received: from by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa00480; 10 Jun 89 0:03 EDT Received: Fri, 9 Jun 89 18:53:59 PDT by (5.51/1.2) Date: Fri, 9 Jun 89 18:53:59 PDT From: Glenn Meyer (Code SL) Message-Id: <> To: info-iris@BRL.MIL, sun-barr!texsun!texbell!uhnix1!uhnix2!crcc! Subject: Re: tcsh for the Iris 4D? > Date: 9 Jun 89 12:43:25 GMT > From: sun-barr!texsun!texbell!uhnix1!uhnix2!crcc! > Organization: CRCC, The University of Houston > Subject: tcsh for the Iris 4D? > Message-Id: <> > Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL > To: info-iris@BRL.MIL > Status: R > > > In a recent article in this newsgroup I saw mention of the tcsh > shell. I am interested in getting this shell on our Iris 4D's. I have > the source from a VAX running BSD 4.3 and it needs some work to be ported > to the Iris. I would appreciate any information about obtaining a Iris > version, or if none exists any suggestions about getting the BSD 4.3 code > running. > > Malcolm Davis > > davis@uhrcc2.bitnet > Dept. of Chem; Univ. of Houston; Houston, TX 77204-5641 > As indicated by the following README file, which came with one distribution of tcsh from Ohio State University, Paul Placeway, wherever he is now, should have a lot of experience with tcsh. When I talked to him a year or so ago, he said that he was working on a port of tcsh to system V, although not specifically to the IRIS. You might want to try contacting him at the address at the end of the README file, which follows. If you get tcsh running on an IRIS, or find that someone's already done that, I'd definitely like a copy. ---------------begin README-------------------- Here (at long last) is the latest version of tcsh. Tcsh is a version of the Berkeley C-Shell, with the addition of: a command line editor, command and file name completion, listing, etc. and a bunch of small additions to the shell. Tcsh runs on BSD 4.2 and 4.3 Unix, Sun Unix (tested on 3.0 and 3.2), Pyramid OS/X (in the bsd universe) (tested on 4.0), Encore UMAX 4.2, Apple A/UX (Oreo) and is probably portable to anything else that has Berkeley job control and signals. It does not yet run on vanilla System V (that will take more effort). Feel free to use it. These changes to csh may only be included in a commercial product if the inclusion or exclusion does not change the purchase price, level of support, etc. Please respect the individual authors by giving credit where credit is due (in other words, don't claim that you wrote portions that you haven't, and don't delete the names of the authors from the source code or documentation). Remember also that these changes may be redistributed, but the csh source code still falls under the Berkeley source code license (that's why I am distributing diffs). To install tcsh: 0) you will need a copy of the sources to 4.2 BSD csh, and Larry Wall's "patch" program. Sources to the 4.3 csh should be good enough, although some diffs may have to be applied by hand. 1) Make a directory and COPY the sources to 4.2 BSD csh into it. Make sure that you have write permission to all of the files in the directory. 2) Delete the csh "Makefile". 3) Copy all of the tcsh sources, documentation, diffs, "", etc. into the directory with the 4.2 csh sources. 4) Rename "" to "Makefile". 5) Say "patch < DIFFS.1", then "patch < DIFFS.2". Watch the output very carefully for any failed patches. If any hunks fail, you will have to apply them by hand. 6) If you are compiling this for a Macintosh II (running Apple Unix), then you will have to adjust the compilation flags in Makefile. 7) If you are running something other than a Vax, Sun 2, Sun 3, Pyramid 90 or 98 series, or a Macintosh II, you will want to adjust the code in sh.c that determines the value of the "HOSTTYPE" environment variable for your machine. Look in sh.c for the string "HOSTTYPE". 8) you may want to adjust the DESTDIR and DESTMAN entries in the Makefile. These are the directories that tcsh, and the tcsh.1 man entry will be placed in when you do a "make install". If you decide to install tcsh somewhere other than in /bin/tcsh, add "-DSHELLPATH=/your/installation/directory" to the CFLAGS in Makefile. 9) make 10) Read the documentation while you are waiting. The file tcsh.1 is in standard [nt]roff -man format. 11) Test tcsh to see that it has compiled correctly. The history command should give a time stamp on every entry. Typing normal characters should echo each exactly once. Control-A should put the cursor at the beginning of the input line, but after the prompt. 12) Enjoy. 13) PLEASE send any bug reports (and fixes), code for new features, comments, questions, etc. (even flames) to: -- Paul Placeway Department of Computer and Information Science SNail: The Ohio State University 2036 Neil Ave. Columbus OH USA 43210-1277 ARPA: paul@ohio-state.{arpa,csnet} (soon): UUCP: ...!cbosgd!osu-eddie!paul (soon): ...!cbosgd!osu-cis!paul -----------------end README-------------------- Glenn Meyer Office phone: 415-694-4804 U.S. Mail: CARMA, Sterling Software, NASA-Ames, M.S. 233-14 Moffett Field, Ca. 94035 {,!!glenn}   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa10959; 11 Jun 89 22:42 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa10839; 11 Jun 89 22:11 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa10782; 11 Jun 89 22:03 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa13712; 11 Jun 89 21:41 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.36) id AA27023; Sun, 11 Jun 89 05:55:06 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 11 Jun 89 02:48:09 GMT From: Shirley Sloper Organization: Calma - A Division of Prime Subject: X server for Silicon Graphics Workstations Message-Id: <347@calmasd.Prime.COM> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Does anyone know of any plans to implement an X server for any of the Silicon Graphics workstations? Thanks.   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa10641; 11 Jun 89 21:35 EDT Received: by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab10570; 11 Jun 89 21:26 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab10312; 11 Jun 89 20:22 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab10302; 11 Jun 89 20:04 EDT Received: from by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa13132; 11 Jun 89 19:53 EDT Received: Sun, 11 Jun 89 12:51:43 PDT by (5.51/1.2) Date: Sun, 11 Jun 89 12:51:43 PDT From: Glenn Meyer (Code SL) Message-Id: <> To: info-iris@BRL.MIL, Subject: Re: tcsh for the Iris 4D Bevis, Thanks for the information on tcsh. Because I didn't see your message on the IRIS mailing list, I'm putting it there: From Sat Jun 10 10:56:28 1989 Received: Sat, 10 Jun 89 10:55:49 PDT by (5.51/1.2) Received: by id 18746; Sat, 10 Jun 89 13:53:59 EDT From: Bevis Ip To: Subject: Re: tcsh for the Iris 4D? Newsgroups: In-Reply-To: <> Organization: University of Toronto Mechanical Engineering Message-Id: <> Date: Sat, 10 Jun 89 13:53:49 EDT Hi there, to keep you up to date. tcsh does work on SystemV and Iris4Ds now. I did the Iris4d port, and I sent my diffs to Paul quite a while ago; he still haven't release a new version yet. Ruth Milner in UofT here posted a note said he's willing to take up the redistributing of my version. I believe Paul will put out a new release some time, but he is busy; so be patient :-) bevis Glenn Office phone: 415-694-4804 U.S. Mail: CARMA, Sterling Software, NASA-Ames, M.S. 233-14 Moffett Field, Ca. 94035 {,!!glenn}   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa10731; 11 Jun 89 21:56 EDT Received: by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa10570; 11 Jun 89 21:26 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa10312; 11 Jun 89 20:22 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa10302; 11 Jun 89 20:04 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa13108; 11 Jun 89 19:49 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.36) id AA14795; Sun, 11 Jun 89 13:39:49 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 11 Jun 89 19:42:33 GMT From: Jim Helman Organization: Stanford University Subject: Re: X server for Silicon Graphics Workstations Message-Id: References: <347@calmasd.Prime.COM> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL The X server and some applications (X11R3, binaries and source) for the 4D machines are available on request from SGI. The server runs in conjunction with 4Sight, so GL, X and NeWS applications can share the screen. The version we have still has some bugs in it but is pretty usable. Unfortunately, the server only supports two display classes: STATIC-COLOR and monochrome, which means no RGB or modifiable colormaps. Perhaps these will be added in a future release. Does anyone from SGI know? Jim Helman Department of Applied Physics P.O. Box 10494 Stanford University Stanford, CA 94309 ( (415) 723-4940   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa22442; 12 Jun 89 14:20 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa20688; 12 Jun 89 12:56 EDT Date: Mon, 12 Jun 89 12:38:53 EDT From: Paul Stay To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Subject: SGI Open Forum at SigGraph Message-ID: <8906121238.aa20445@VMB.BRL.MIL> Does anyone know if SGI plans to have an Open Forum Session at SigGraph in Boston this year? If so, what is the schedule, so those of us can send in our conference registration and determine which night to attend the Film and Video show? -Paul Stay   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa26364; 12 Jun 89 17:02 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa26170; 12 Jun 89 16:51 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa26081; 12 Jun 89 16:38 EDT Received: from AERO4.LARC.NASA.GOV by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa03420; 12 Jun 89 15:52 EDT Received: Mon, 12 Jun 89 15:53:32 EDT by (5.52/5.6) Date: Mon, 12 Jun 89 15:53:32 EDT From: "Brent L. Bates TAD/TAB ms294 x42854" Message-Id: <> To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Subject: 380Mb drives on 3130's Has anyone put TWO 380Mb drives on a 3130? SGI says you can, however this weekend someone told me it doesn't work (or didn't). They bought 2 380Mb from SGI and had SGI install them, they have full maintenance, and the machine keep crashing with the two 380Mb drives. SGI would come out to check things out, leave, and the machine would crash. After coming out several time, SGI said they were going to start charging for the visits, even though they had full maintenance. Finally, a SGI engineer said that it was SGI's fault, that there was a problem with the controller. Has anyone else heard about this? We are planning on getting two 380Mb drives too. If there is a problem with the controller, SGI should fix it free of charge. Is this still a problem? Any comments from any SGI engineers? -- Brent   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa28262; 12 Jun 89 22:40 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa28161; 12 Jun 89 22:19 EDT Date: Mon, 12 Jun 89 22:06:55 EDT From: Chuck Kennedy To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Subject: pax on Message-ID: <8906122206.aa28087@VMB.BRL.MIL> I have picked up a copy of pax from via ftp and it is now available on ( for anonymous ftp. Also the boxview program from Kelvin Thompson ( is also available on -Chuck   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa00359; 13 Jun 89 5:23 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa00264; 13 Jun 89 4:41 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa00235; 13 Jun 89 4:26 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa11765; 13 Jun 89 4:16 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.36) id AA26504; Tue, 13 Jun 89 01:08:06 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 13 Jun 89 06:31:26 GMT From: chiba Organization: Sun Microsystems, Mountain View Subject: Re: FORTRAN Question Message-Id: <109690@sun.Eng.Sun.COM> References: <8906081116.aa29217@SMOKE.BRL.MIL> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <8906081116.aa29217@SMOKE.BRL.MIL> XBR2D96D@DDATHD21.BITNET (Knobi der Rechnerschrat) writes: >Hallo everybody, > > a friend of mine without a network connection (poor guy) reported the >following observation to me. When I was able to reproduce it, I didn't feel >really happy about it. Here it comes: my friend has the following Fortran code > > PROGRAM TEST > WRITE(*,*) 'Test Test' > END > > When compiling this code with several debug/optimize switches you get the >following sizes for the executable image files: > > cc -xxx t.f -o t f77 -xxx t.f -o t >xxx=g 220472 byte 292984 byte >xxx=O1 220388 byte 292900 byte >xxx=O2 same as O1 >xxx=O3 same as O1 > >The same program compiled on a VAX (I'm definitely not a great VAX friend) with >the most unfavourable switches (/DEBUG=ALL/NOOPT on compile and /DEBUG/NOSYSSHR >on link) gives a maximum size of 25000 byte (4000 byte using the shared libs). > >I know that RISC code is larger than CISC code, but I didn't know that the >difference is that large. What I also don't understand is the difference >between cc and f77. I thought if cc detects a fortran file it would just do the >same as f77. As a last question, is SGI (or MIPS if thats the right target for >this problem) thinking about shareable libraries beside libgl_s.a ? I think >that would greatly reduce link time and disk usage. > I must confess to finding these results strange. I don't have an SGI handy, and the local MIPSbox is busy so I tried a sun 4/330 Compiled f77 file.f chiba:/home/tipatina/khb>size a.out text data bss dec hex 40960 8192 7720 56872 de28 chiba:/home/tipatina/khb>ls -l a.out -rwxr-xr-x 1 khb 57344 Jun 12 23:26 a.out* So shared libraries are a big win ???? chiba:/home/tipatina/khb>f77 amy.f -Bstatic chiba:/home/tipatina/khb>r ls ls -l a.out -rwxr-xr-x 1 khb 98304 Jun 12 23:29 a.out* Yeah, somewhat 220472 byte or 292984 byte seems somewhat largeish... someone must be asleep in the library crafting group or some such.... btw: cc *.f probably gets you some slighly different library support. Try -v and other options to see what the compiler actually does. Keith H. Bierman |*My thoughts are my own. Only my work belongs to Sun* It's Not My Fault | Marketing Technical Specialist ! I Voted for Bill & | Languages and Performance Tools. Opus (* strange as it may seem, I do more engineering now *)   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa04292; 13 Jun 89 16:14 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa03141; 13 Jun 89 15:12 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa03059; 13 Jun 89 14:57 EDT Received: from SGI.COM by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa28934; 13 Jun 89 14:40 EDT Received: by (5.52/890609.SGI) (for id AA19840; Tue, 13 Jun 89 11:21:43 PDT Date: Tue, 13 Jun 89 11:21:43 PDT From: Andrew Cherenson Message-Id: <> To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Subject: Re: ftpd(1M) bug report and fix Tom Haapanen writes: >I have been having a lot of trouble getting the 'ls' command working with >ftpd on our machine: [...] (we're using 3.1C). This bug in anonymous ftp has been fixed in release 3.1D. For releases 3.1A-C only, it is necessary to create ~ftp/lib and copy /lib/libc_s into it. Customer Support has known about this workaround since the bug was discovered. If you support anonymous ftp on your IRIS-4D, please update it to 3.1D. An important ftpd bug has been fixed in that release.   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa18295; 15 Jun 89 1:10 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab18138; 15 Jun 89 0:33 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab18117; 15 Jun 89 0:19 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa02466; 15 Jun 89 0:05 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.36) id AA08137; Wed, 14 Jun 89 20:25:23 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 13 Jun 89 16:15:55 GMT From: Mike York Organization: Voodoo Graphics Project Subject: Re: Polygon Fonts Message-Id: <545@voodoo.UUCP> References: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <> jh34607@suntc.UUCP (john howell) writes: > >Kevin Martin writes: > >>Could anyone inform me of the location of, or could share or sell polygonal >>fonts? . . . >Another source of fonts would be to use outline fonts from bitstream or >a myriad other sources. These are marketed for PostScript Laser >printers. Of course you would probably have to rasterize them or >polygonalize them yourself. Are there any plans to support outline postscript fonts? In section D.1.1 in section 2 of the 4Sight User's Guide it says: "At present the IRIS Font Manager does not implement the full PostScript font mechanism. It supports only bitmap fonts..." Do the words "at present" imply some hope that outline fonts may be supported in the future? We've got the OCRB and Swiss outline fonts from Bitstream that we would love to include in our application. -- Mike York Boeing Computer Services, Renton, Washington (206) 234-7724 uw-beaver!ssc-vax!voodoo!zombie   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa17070; 16 Jun 89 18:04 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa16935; 16 Jun 89 17:43 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa16891; 16 Jun 89 17:33 EDT Received: from uunet.UU.NET by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa18669; 16 Jun 89 16:24 EDT Received: from suntc.UUCP by (5.61/1.14) with UUCP id AA00790; Wed, 14 Jun 89 13:24:32 -0400 Received: by (3.2/SMI-3.2) id AA20750; Tue, 13 Jun 89 07:44:08 CDT Date: Tue, 13 Jun 89 07:44:08 CDT From: john howell Message-Id: <> To: uunet!BRL.MIL! Subject: Shinko Printer Support? Has anyone written an image filter to translate a SGI 4D image file into an image file for a Shinko thermal transfer printer? Thanks. John John Howell uucp: uunet!suntc!jh34607 Deere & Company MCImail: John R. Howell, 360-4047 Technical Center CompuServe: john howell [76666,2505] _ _ / // // o __ /_ ____, , , _ // // / o / ( o / /_(_) (_(_/_ Organization: University of Va. Subject: 8mm tapes Message-Id: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Now that SGI is marketing an 8mm Exabyte type tape drive I was wonder where to get the tapes. Do these drives really need "data cartridges" or can they use the 8mm VHS tapes from K-mart? Is there a good supplier of 8mm data cartridges at a reasonable price? (804)-924-8607 Michael L. Johnson mlj8e@virginia.EDU Pharmacology Dept. uunet!virginia!mlj8e Box 448; Univ. of Va. mlj8e@virginia.BITNET Charlottesville, Va. 22908   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa12544; 14 Jun 89 11:46 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.brl.MIL id aa12403; 14 Jun 89 11:35 EDT Received: from AAMRL.AF.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa12363; 14 Jun 89 11:27 EDT Received: from FALCON by AAMRL.AF.MIL; Wed, 14 Jun 89 11:23 EDT Date: Wed, 14 Jun 89 11:25 EST From: Ted Nieland - SRL <@AAMRL.AF.MIL:TNIELAND@FALCON> Subject: RE: 8mm Tapes To: info-iris@vmb.brl.MIL X-VMS-To: IN%"" Message-ID: <8906141127.aa12363@VMB.BRL.MIL> The Exabyte units use the 8mm VHS tape from any vendor. I would recomend going with the high quality tape (costs about $10 a tape). We have been using an 8mm tape drive on a different vendors computer for over a year now and are extremely pleased with it. We can backup 2 gigs on one tape and don't have to have an operator changing tapes constantly. Ted Nieland TNIELAND@AAMRL.AF.MIL   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa15369; 14 Jun 89 15:54 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa14815; 14 Jun 89 15:01 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa14708; 14 Jun 89 14:51 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa23267; 14 Jun 89 14:32 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.36) id AA09080; Wed, 14 Jun 89 11:16:49 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 14 Jun 89 16:54:49 GMT From: Mark Bradley Organization: Silicon Graphics, Inc., Mountain View, CA Subject: Re: 8mm tapes Message-Id: <35374@sgi.SGI.COM> References: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <>, mlj8e@dale.acc.Virginia.EDU (Michael L. Johnson) writes: > Now that SGI is marketing an 8mm Exabyte type tape drive I > was wonder where to get the tapes. Do these drives really > need "data cartridges" or can they use the 8mm VHS tapes from > K-mart? Is there a good supplier of 8mm data cartridges at > a reasonable price? > (804)-924-8607 Michael L. Johnson > mlj8e@virginia.EDU Pharmacology Dept. > uunet!virginia!mlj8e Box 448; Univ. of Va. > mlj8e@virginia.BITNET Charlottesville, Va. 22908 Although any decent 8mm tape should work, the vendor suggests that one purchase Exabyte supplied tapes or the Sony tapes for best reliability. SGI endorses only the Sony tapes that Exabyte themselves have qualified and do resell under their own name. You could buy these tapes from SGI, too. I don't know what the lead time is. Minimum order quantity is a box of 10. SGI part number for this is X4-VC20; price is $500/box(10). Priced to keep us out of the media supply business, I suppose. :{) Actually, we probably lose money on these, due to the fact that processing the order, generating paperwork, doing the buying, planning, material control, etc. cost more than the price of the tapes. Either the Sony or Exabyte/Sony tapes are your most price/reliability competitive product in 8mm media. We have not qualified any other media for this drive, and hence do not suggest/endorse use of any other tapes. Personally, I do not intend to use other media for my backups due to lack of process control that leads to media defects, coercivity variations and the like. The drive and driver are quite forgiving of media flaws, generally speaking, but I feel safer using media that has been thoroughly tested in tough environments with positive results. markb -- Mark Bradley "Faster, faster, until the thrill of IO Subsystems speed overcomes the fear of death." Silicon Graphics Computer Systems Mountain View, CA ---Hunter S. Thompson   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa17199; 14 Jun 89 21:07 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa16731; 14 Jun 89 19:08 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa16698; 14 Jun 89 18:51 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa29613; 14 Jun 89 18:35 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.36) id AA21948; Wed, 14 Jun 89 15:16:21 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 14 Jun 89 18:15:50 GMT From: Dave Ciemiewicz Organization: Silicon Graphics, Inc., Mountain View, CA Subject: Re: 8mm Tapes Message-Id: <35379@sgi.SGI.COM> References: <8906141127.aa12363@VMB.BRL.MIL> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <8906141127.aa12363@VMB.BRL.MIL>, TNIELAND@FALCON.BERKELEY.EDU (Ted Nieland - SRL) writes: > The Exabyte units use the 8mm VHS tape from any vendor. Just to clear up some confusion, there is no such thing as an 8mm VHS tape. There are 8mm video tapes. There are 1/2 inch (12.7mm) VHS, VHS-C (compact format), and Beta tapes. None of these tapes is physically compatible with the other with the exception of VHS-C which can be used in a VHS deck by means of a special adapter. Also, the signal characteristics and recording formats used by 8mm, VHS, and Beta are different, so even if they all used the same physical media, 8mm, VHS, and Beta would be incompatible. Don't go looking for blank 8mm VHS at your local record/video store as the pimple faced kid behind the counter will just stare blankly at you. (That is more so than usual.) -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dave Ciemiewicz - Silicon Graphics Computer Systems "We're working on the pipeline ... taking from the 2D giving to the 3D" (Apologies to Depeche Mode) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa14633; 14 Jun 89 14:47 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa14351; 14 Jun 89 14:36 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa14312; 14 Jun 89 14:30 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa21835; 14 Jun 89 14:02 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.36) id AA07539; Wed, 14 Jun 89 10:50:22 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 14 Jun 89 17:11:14 GMT From: Kyle Jones Subject: Re: Alt key to Meta key bindings (for Gnu) Message-Id: <551@talos.UUCP> References: <290@shrike.AUSTIN.LOCKHEED.COM> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Daniel A Haug writes: > Okay, following is my .emacs file (for Gnu) with key bindings that map > the Alt-key to the Meta-key. Note that on the SG, this only works > currently for the right Alt key, not the left Alt key. > [...] > (global-set-key "\e[111q" 'find-tag) ;ESC-. > (global-set-key "\e[109q" 'tags-loop-continue) ;ESC-, > (global-set-key "\e[111q" 'end-of-buffer) ;ESC-> > (global-set-key "\e[109q" 'beginning-of-buffer) ;ESC-< Something's amiss here. The bindings suggest that there's no way to distinguish ALT-. and ALT-, from ALT-> and ALT-<. Also, we could get rid of all the (global-set-key ...) calls if someone would post a translation table listing what each ALT key sequence translates to. With that, a single function could be written to do the translation and this could be put into a file in the lisp/term directory of the Emacs distribution. The whole process could then be transparent to the user. Dan, if you don't hack Lisp, I'll write the function given the aforementioned table. In any event I'm curious about what kind of mapping the ALT key on the SG terminal does. I looked at the list of bindings posted and could see no pattern, logical or otherwise.   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa17374; 14 Jun 89 21:49 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa17076; 14 Jun 89 20:36 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa17058; 14 Jun 89 20:25 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa00812; 14 Jun 89 20:18 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.36) id AA27951; Wed, 14 Jun 89 17:04:28 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 14 Jun 89 23:47:24 GMT From: "Eric A. Pearce" Organization: Boston University Info Tech Subject: Finding load average on Iris 4D Message-Id: <33027@bu-cs.BU.EDU> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Is there a way to get a load average on the Iris? The BSD way would be to nlist the kernel and find "_avenrun", but I did not see anything similar on the Iris. What I am after is an "/usr/ucb/uptime" clone, i.e. 7:41pm up 14 days, 1:48, 7 users, load average: 1.05, 0.90, 0.61 It looks like everthing other than the load average can be obtained from /etc/utmp. (as a side effort, it would be nice to get "loadst" to work in GNU emacs) This is on 4D GTX running IRIX 3.1G. Thanks -e -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eric Pearce Boston University Information Technology 111 Cummington Street Boston MA 02215 617-353-2780 voice 617-353-6260 fax   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa17717; 14 Jun 89 23:01 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa17638; 14 Jun 89 22:50 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa17621; 14 Jun 89 22:38 EDT Received: from SNOW-WHITE.MERIT-TECH.COM by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa01556; 14 Jun 89 22:23 EDT Received: by (4.1/SMI-DDN) id AA17347; Wed, 14 Jun 89 21:23:44 CDT Date: Wed, 14 Jun 89 21:23:44 CDT From: Mike Goss Message-Id: <> To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Subject: Finding load average on Iris 4D Regarding message from Eric A. Pearce "Finding load average on Iris 4D": > Is there a way to get a load average on the Iris? The BSD way > would be to nlist the kernel and find "_avenrun", but I did not see > anything similar on the Iris. > > What I am after is an "/usr/ucb/uptime" clone, i.e. > > 7:41pm up 14 days, 1:48, 7 users, load average: 1.05, 0.90, 0.61 > > It looks like everthing other than the load average can be obtained > from /etc/utmp. > > (as a side effort, it would be nice to get "loadst" to work in GNU emacs) > > This is on 4D GTX running IRIX 3.1G. > > Thanks Have you tried osview(1) and gr_osview(1) utilities which come with IRIX? Mike Goss Merit Technology Inc.   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa18224; 15 Jun 89 1:00 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa18138; 15 Jun 89 0:33 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa18117; 15 Jun 89 0:19 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa02458; 15 Jun 89 0:03 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.36) id AA08084; Wed, 14 Jun 89 20:24:35 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 15 Jun 89 03:05:47 GMT From: Eric Pearce Organization: BD&HR (Beer Drinkers & Hell Raisers) Subject: Re: tcsh for the Iris 4D? Message-Id: <33039@bu-cs.BU.EDU> References: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL For those with internet access, I have put a binary of tcsh for the Iris 4D in ~ftp/binary/tcsh on (use anonymous ftp) -e -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eric Pearce Boston University Information Technology 111 Cummington Street Boston MA 02215 617-353-2780 voice 617-353-6260 fax   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab18295; 15 Jun 89 1:10 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa18185; 15 Jun 89 0:49 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa18160; 15 Jun 89 0:34 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa02356; 14 Jun 89 23:50 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.36) id AA08099; Wed, 14 Jun 89 20:24:57 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 15 Jun 89 03:15:24 GMT From: Eric Pearce Organization: BD&HR (Beer Drinkers & Hell Raisers) Subject: Re: X server for Silicon Graphics Workstations Message-Id: <33042@bu-cs.BU.EDU> References: <347@calmasd.Prime.COM> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <347@calmasd.Prime.COM> sas@calmasd.UUCP (Shirley Sloper) says: >Does anyone know of any plans to implement an X server >for any of the Silicon Graphics workstations? >Thanks. I just installed the Alpha release of X11R3 from SGI on an Iris4D GTX. It looks like it has the same problems as the one I compiled from MIT source, mainly very poor interaction between 4sight and the X clients. I doubt if it's all SGI's fault, but I did find it rather crufty to use. -e -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eric Pearce Boston University Information Technology 111 Cummington Street Boston MA 02215 617-353-2780 voice 617-353-6260 fax   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa18751; 15 Jun 89 2:50 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa18702; 15 Jun 89 2:39 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa18682; 15 Jun 89 2:28 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa03430; 15 Jun 89 2:17 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.36) id AA16139; Wed, 14 Jun 89 23:13:58 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 14 Jun 89 20:55:09 GMT From: Operator Organization: University of Toronto Physics/Astronomy/CITA Subject: Re: tcsh for the Iris 4D Message-Id: <> References: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <> glenn@CARMA.ARC.NASA.GOV (Glenn Meyer, Code SL) writes: > From: Bevis Ip > > ... Ruth Milner in UofT here > posted a note said he's willing to take up the redistributing of my ^^ she :-) > version. For the record, yes I am, but the only thing I can distribute at the moment are the diffs to apply to vanilla 4.3 BSD csh. If you don't have that, there isn't much I can do (except send a binary, if you're willing to trust me). Bevis' message did not appear on the list originally, but I did post one myself to this effect a few weeks ago (? - time flies, I can never trust my memory of how long ago something happened). I do not have anonymous ftp running. Anyone who can make use of the diffs is welcome to send me a message and ask. Note: the compressed, uuencoded tar file (which was created on a Sun so is probably byte-swapped relative to Irises) is about 100K. I can split this up into pieces if necessary. -- Ruth Milner UUCP - {uunet,pyramid}!utai!helios.physics!sysruth Systems Manager BITNET - sysruth@utorphys U. of Toronto INTERNET - Physics/Astronomy/CITA Computing Consortium   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa23256; 15 Jun 89 10:25 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa20795; 15 Jun 89 7:58 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa20492; 15 Jun 89 7:43 EDT Received: from AERO4.LARC.NASA.GOV by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa05599; 15 Jun 89 7:28 EDT Received: Thu, 15 Jun 89 07:28:41 EDT by (5.52/5.6) Date: Thu, 15 Jun 89 07:28:41 EDT From: "Brent L. Bates TAD/TAB ms294 x42854" Message-Id: <> To: dabay@BRL.MIL Subject: Re: 380Mb drives on 3130's Cc: info-iris@BRL.MIL Thanks! That is the type of information I was looking for. I already knew about needing to have the 3.6 OS and thought that was all I needed, that is until I talked to someone who tried it and found out that wasn't enough. One reply I got from a SGI engineer said that if you buy non-SGI hardware and don't have SGI install it you can't expect it to work. He obviously DIDN'T READ my mail, because I had said ALL the hardware WAS SGI, SGI installed it and WAS to maintain it. Tried to pass the buck. Thanks again for the info and we do have a storager board. -- Brent L. Bates NASA-Langley Research Center M.S. 294 Hampton, Virginia 23665-5225 (804) 864-2854 E-mail: or   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa01342; 15 Jun 89 17:03 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa00841; 15 Jun 89 16:42 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa00653; 15 Jun 89 16:21 EDT Received: from CORNELLC.CIT.CORNELL.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa23314; 15 Jun 89 15:48 EDT Received: from VM.UoGuelph.CA by (IBM VM SMTP R1.2.1MX) with BSMTP id 6620; Thu, 15 Jun 89 15:45:12 EDT Received: by UOGUELPH (Mailer R2.02A) id 9535; Thu, 15 Jun 89 15:47:32 EDT Date: Thu, 15 Jun 89 15:42:22 EDT From: "Len Zaifman UoGuelph (519)824-4120 xt 6566" Subject: 3270 emulators for 4D series To: info-iris Message-ID: <8906151549.aa23314@SMOKE.BRL.MIL> Help ! I have an ethernet connection to a VM/CMS machine running telnet. It apparently will only accept 3270 emulation terminal types. Does such a thing exist in SGI land ?? Also, I would like a copy of Emacs for the IRIS. I am told one is available on the net via FTP, but I don't know where. Finally, does anyone have an up to date copy of Kermit on the IRIS. The 4Dgifts version is three years old. Many thanks for the help offered. Regards, Len Zaifman   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa02180; 15 Jun 89 18:37 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.brl.MIL id aa01897; 15 Jun 89 17:34 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa01780; 15 Jun 89 17:14 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa24689; 15 Jun 89 16:33 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.36) id AA29426; Thu, 15 Jun 89 13:28:00 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 15 Jun 89 20:04:26 GMT From: Nicholas Tarnoff Organization: National Institute of Standards and Technology Subject: New SGI machines on the horizon? Message-Id: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL I am trying to formulate a best guess as to when SGI will be ready introduce new SGI machines such as the introduction of the 4D series following the 3000. This may be very premature and any guess may only be accurate to within one year at best but that is okay. I would appreciate input from anyone with usefull info. (users, manufacturers, SGI, etc.). Answers to questions such as the following would be helpful. How many years elapsed between the introduction of the 3000 and the 4D? How well do past time frames apply and for what reasons? I think that future time frames will be shorter than the previous. Anyway, please email and/or post depending on how useful you think your information may be to all comp.sys.sgi newsgroup readers. I would like to use this information for possible INFORMAL long term planning of our graphics goals. Thank you very much in advance. -Nicholas -------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Nicholas Tarnoff (Robot Systems Division) USMAIL:National Institute of Standards and Technology (formerly NBS) Bldg. 220 / Rm B127 Gaithersburg, MD 20899 TELE: (301) 975-3464 ARPA: FAX: (301) 975-4091 UUCP: uunet!cme-durer!tarnoff --------------------------------------------------------------------   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa16819; 16 Jun 89 17:26 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.brl.MIL id aa16583; 16 Jun 89 17:05 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa16340; 16 Jun 89 16:45 EDT Received: from [] by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa17565; 16 Jun 89 15:43 EDT Received: Fri, 16 Jun 89 12:43:06 pdt by (5.51/1.2) Received: Fri, 16 Jun 89 15:56:46 EDT by (5.52/LeRC(1.0)) Date: Fri, 16 Jun 89 15:56:46 EDT From: Tony Facca Message-Id: <> To: Subject: Re: Stripper Cc: Jeff, I will mail you the program "trunc" which strips trailing blanks. If anyone else wants this stuff, please let me know and I'll post it. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tony Facca | phone: 216-433-8318 NASA Lewis Research Center | Cleveland, Ohio 44135 | email: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa17916; 16 Jun 89 18:32 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.brl.MIL id ab16583; 16 Jun 89 17:05 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa16441; 16 Jun 89 16:46 EDT Received: from [] by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa18114; 16 Jun 89 15:57 EDT Received: Fri, 16 Jun 89 12:57:22 pdt by (5.51/1.2) Received: Fri, 16 Jun 89 16:11:03 EDT by (5.52/LeRC(1.0)) Date: Fri, 16 Jun 89 16:11:03 EDT From: Tony Facca Message-Id: <> To: Subject: Re: Stripper I mailed Jeff the Striper he asked for. If anyone else is interesed, its a FORTRAN program which truncates trailing blanks from ASCII files. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tony Facca | phone: 216-433-8318 NASA Lewis Research Center | Cleveland, Ohio 44135 | email: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab17916; 16 Jun 89 18:32 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.brl.MIL id aa17534; 16 Jun 89 18:21 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa17448; 16 Jun 89 18:13 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa19714; 16 Jun 89 17:32 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.36) id AA14426; Fri, 16 Jun 89 14:21:56 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 16 Jun 89 20:45:25 GMT From: James Lee Johnson Organization: Schlumberger Lab for CS, Austin, TX Subject: Re: Wsh and pathnames. Message-Id: <300@linus.SLCS.SLB.COM> References: <>, <34885@sgi.SGI.COM> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <34885@sgi.SGI.COM> (Kipp Hickman) writes: > >If you start it from 4sight, then it inherits the environment from >4sight. This is the most common problem, because 4sight is started >before your environment is loaded up. A quick-and-dirty solution >is to add the following (sample) line to your in your >home directory: Is there any way to run 4sight from the .login, rather than have it run automatically and unconditionally? I cannot find any documentation on this "feature" in our 4D manuals, and the SGI hotline was not much help. Thanks in advance, jj -- James Lee Johnson Internet: UUCP:!!jjhnsn!jjhnsn   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa19400; 16 Jun 89 21:05 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.brl.MIL id aa19247; 16 Jun 89 20:54 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa19154; 16 Jun 89 20:38 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa21649; 16 Jun 89 19:46 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.36) id AA21675; Fri, 16 Jun 89 16:36:21 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 16 Jun 89 15:11:18 GMT From: Organization: Penn State University - Center for Academic Computing Subject: tn3270 for an SGI/200 series Message-Id: <89167.111118BHB3@PSUVM> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL My research group has an IRIS 4D/220(the one with the R3000 processor). Does anyone know if there is a tn3270 available for this SGI or any system V Unix system in general Thanks   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa09077; 21 Jun 89 15:33 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.brl.MIL id aa05431; 21 Jun 89 14:00 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa05367; 21 Jun 89 13:45 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa06727; 21 Jun 89 13:32 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.37) id AA07642; Wed, 21 Jun 89 10:16:59 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 19 Jun 89 03:24:19 GMT From: John H Merritt Organization: Goddard Space Flight Center Climate and Radiation Branch Subject: 'IBM 3270 emulation' Message-Id: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL For IBM 3270 emulation on unix workstations use 'tn3270'. tn3270 for IRIS workstations is available from my machine via anonymous ftp. The machine name is ''. Although the name of the file implies that it works for 4D series, it should work for most other models. +----------------------------------+-----------------------------+ |John H. Merritt | Yesterday I knew nothing, | |Applied Research Corporation | Today I know that. | | | | +----------------------------------+-----------------------------+   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa21544; 19 Jun 89 17:42 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.brl.MIL id aa20796; 19 Jun 89 17:10 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa20736; 19 Jun 89 16:49 EDT Received: from HAC2ARPA.HAC.COM by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa19683; 19 Jun 89 14:19 EDT Received: from [] by (5.59/SMI-DDN) id AA13376; Mon, 19 Jun 89 09:15:21 PDT Received: by rsgate id <000014F7031@rsgate.RSG.HAC.COM> ; Mon, 19 Jun 89 09:12:00 PDT Date: Mon, 19 Jun 89 09:11:59 PDT From: "Kevin R. Martin" (213)-578-4316 <"SCCR50::DSLKRM"> To: X-Vms-Mail-To: RSGATE::EXOS%"" Message-Id: <890619091159.000014F7031@rsgate.RSG.HAC.COM> All responses to my request for information on polygon fonts to date have been made available to info-iris either directly or via cc:. We appreciate the input and will be investigating several of the alternatives. Kevin R. Martin Internet: Head, Software & Graphics Section Radar Systems Group U.S. Mail: Hughes Aircraft Company Loc: RC, Bldg: R50, M/S: 2723 P.O. Box 92426 Los Angeles, CA 90009   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa00396; 20 Jun 89 2:58 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id ac00082; 20 Jun 89 2:47 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa24933; 20 Jun 89 2:03 EDT Received: from RUTGERS.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa28352; 20 Jun 89 1:30 EDT Received: from cmcl2.UUCP by (5.59/SMI4.0/RU1.1/3.04) with UUCP id AA08736; Tue, 20 Jun 89 01:29:39 EDT Received: by cmcl2.NYU.EDU (5.61/1.34) id AA14944; Tue, 20 Jun 89 01:22:05 -0400 Received: by dasys1.UUCP (anilla/UUCP-Project/rel-1.0/11-05-86) id AA13996; Mon, 19 Jun 89 22:28:07 EDT Date: Mon, 19 Jun 89 22:28:07 EDT From: Rod Paul Message-Id: <8906200228.AA13996@dasys1.UUCP> To: ssc-vax!voodoo!, info-iris@BRL.MIL Subject: Re: Polygon Fonts Here's a trick, 'psh' one of the Hershey in /usr/lib/fmfonts. It's now loaded into the window manager. You can 'findfont' and 'setfont' and write the Hershey fonts from within a postscript shell. If you want to pre-load the font from within a postscript shell, look at the in /usr/people/4Dgifts for an example on loading other .ps files.   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa00569; 20 Jun 89 3:08 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id ad00082; 20 Jun 89 2:47 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab24933; 20 Jun 89 2:03 EDT Received: from RUTGERS.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa28351; 20 Jun 89 1:30 EDT Received: from cmcl2.UUCP by (5.59/SMI4.0/RU1.1/3.04) with UUCP id AA08733; Tue, 20 Jun 89 01:29:37 EDT Received: by cmcl2.NYU.EDU (5.61/1.34) id AA14936; Tue, 20 Jun 89 01:21:55 -0400 Received: by dasys1.UUCP (anilla/UUCP-Project/rel-1.0/11-05-86) id AA13968; Mon, 19 Jun 89 22:19:18 EDT Date: Mon, 19 Jun 89 22:19:18 EDT From: Rod Paul Message-Id: <8906200219.AA13968@dasys1.UUCP> To:, info-iris@BRL.MIL Subject: Re: 8mm tapes Try J & R Music World here in Manhattan, you may get the 'ol NY treatment on the phone initially, but hang in there. Their consumer prices alone are great. They carry SONY 8mm.   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa01036; 20 Jun 89 3:53 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id ae00082; 20 Jun 89 2:47 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ac24933; 20 Jun 89 2:03 EDT Received: from RUTGERS.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa28353; 20 Jun 89 1:30 EDT Received: from cmcl2.UUCP by (5.59/SMI4.0/RU1.1/3.04) with UUCP id AA08731; Tue, 20 Jun 89 01:29:37 EDT Received: by cmcl2.NYU.EDU (5.61/1.34) id AA14926; Tue, 20 Jun 89 01:21:42 -0400 Received: by dasys1.UUCP (anilla/UUCP-Project/rel-1.0/11-05-86) id AA13881; Mon, 19 Jun 89 22:00:18 EDT Date: Mon, 19 Jun 89 22:00:18 EDT From: Rod Paul Message-Id: <8906200200.AA13881@dasys1.UUCP> To:, info-iris@BRL.MIL Subject: Re: viewing matrix and feedback mode In the manuals is an example that shows loading an identity matrix for a feedback() procedure. It works.   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa11728; 21 Jun 89 0:35 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa11061; 20 Jun 89 23:53 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa11059; 20 Jun 89 23:37 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa21066; 20 Jun 89 23:17 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.37) id AA28837; Tue, 20 Jun 89 20:12:19 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 21 Jun 89 02:39:32 GMT From: Dan Christensen Organization: Computer Graphics Lab, University of Waterloo Subject: Object Oriented Programming Languages Message-Id: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Can someone tell me what object oriented programming languages are available for the Iris 4D series computers? I have heard of C++, but no others. In particular, is Objective C available? Please send replies via e-mail. If there is any interested I will post a summary of the responses. ---- Dan Christensen, Computer Graphics Lab, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ont.   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa13915; 21 Jun 89 3:42 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.brl.MIL id aa13558; 21 Jun 89 3:21 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa13547; 21 Jun 89 3:06 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa23007; 21 Jun 89 2:48 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.37) id AA08473; Tue, 20 Jun 89 23:40:33 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 21 Jun 89 05:40:34 GMT From: Rayan Zachariassen Organization: Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto Subject: Re: Finding load average on Iris 4D Message-Id: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <33027@bu-cs.BU.EDU> (Eric A. Pearce) writes: # Is there a way to get a load average on the Iris? The BSD way # would be to nlist the kernel and find "_avenrun", but I did not see # anything similar on the Iris. There are a couple of system calls that return all kinds of poorly documented kernel stats. Unfortunately I don't see anything that returns the load average directly. Here is the closest I've come while fiddling around with this (I wish this was in the kernel...): #include #include #include #include #define INTERVAL 5 #define NSAMPLES (15 /* minutes */ * 60 /* sec/min */ / INTERVAL) int ringload[NSAMPLES]; int ringindex = 0; main() { struct sysinfo sinfo; int flag = 0, now, last1, last5, last15; setvbuf(stdout, (char *)NULL, _IOLBF, 0); for (;;) { now = ringindex; sysmp(MP_SAGET, MPSA_SINFO, &sinfo, sizeof sinfo); ringload[ringindex++] = sinfo.runque; if (!flag) { while (flag < NSAMPLES) ringload[flag++] = sinfo.runque; if (!flag) break; /* shut up the compiler */ } ringindex %= NSAMPLES; last1 = (NSAMPLES + now - 60 / INTERVAL)%NSAMPLES; last5 = (NSAMPLES + now - 5*60 / INTERVAL)%NSAMPLES; last15 = ringindex; printf("%6.2f %6.2f %6.2f\n", (ringload[now] - ringload[last1])/60.0, (ringload[now] - ringload[last5])/(5*60.0), (ringload[now] - ringload[last15])/(15*60.0)); sleep(INTERVAL); } /* NOTREACHED */ exit(0); }   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa08749; 21 Jun 89 15:22 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.brl.MIL id aa07921; 21 Jun 89 15:11 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa07789; 21 Jun 89 14:57 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa09202; 21 Jun 89 14:47 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.37) id AA11897; Wed, 21 Jun 89 11:36:55 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 21 Jun 89 16:47:07 GMT From: Jim Barton Organization: Silicon Graphics, Inc., Mountain View, CA Subject: Re: Finding load average on Iris 4D Message-Id: <36313@sgi.SGI.COM> References: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL The typical BSD load average available by reading the avenrun[] variable out of the kernel will be available with the next software release (3.2). We keep slogging through the mud, and eventually we'll get everybody's little hook - it just takes time. And, although Rayan is correct that all the info hooks into the kernel are poorly documented, I would argue that they are just as well documented as they are in BSD or System V kernels - maybe better. But these things are poorly documented because they change from release to release as the kernel changes - thus documenting the interface can force you to support obsolete ways of doing things. Things that get kernel performance data and read kernel data space are, by definition, "non portable" and not gauranteed to work release-to-release. -- Jim Barton Silicon Graphics Computer Systems "UNIX: Live Free Or Die!", sgi!, ...{decwrl,sun}!sgi!jmb --   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa11749; 21 Jun 89 17:33 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.brl.MIL id aa11036; 21 Jun 89 17:06 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa10952; 21 Jun 89 16:54 EDT Received: from by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa13652; 21 Jun 89 16:39 EDT Received: by (4.0/SMI-4.0) id AA17128; Wed, 21 Jun 89 16:39:50 EDT Date: Wed, 21 Jun 89 16:39:50 EDT From: Joe Garbarino Message-Id: <> To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Subject: BIND nameserver problems Been waiting over a week for an answer from SGI, so I'll try posting. I'm using the BIND nameserver for a 4d we have. It seems to work well with our local authoritative nameservers. It can resolve all outside names just fine. However, when I try to contact a computer within our domain giving just the host name (without it times out. If I give the fully qualified name, it works, and after that just the hostname works! This is a bit mysterious. Also, when I'm booting my machine, it attempts to mount the NFS, but it doesn't recognize the other systems, possibly due to the fact that the nameserver isn't up. What file needs to be changed to get the nameserver to start before the NFS file systems are mounted? Sorry if these questions are trivial, I RTFM but am just a rookie when it comes to SYS V administration. Joe Garbarino ERIM P.O. Box 8618 Ann Arbor, Mi. 48107 (313)994-1200 x2508   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab11749; 21 Jun 89 17:33 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.brl.MIL id aa11469; 21 Jun 89 17:22 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa11426; 21 Jun 89 17:12 EDT Received: from by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa13849; 21 Jun 89 16:45 EDT Received: Wed, 21 Jun 89 13:46:27 pdt by (5.51/1.2) Received: Wed, 21 Jun 89 17:02:22 EDT by (5.52/LeRC(1.0)) Date: Wed, 21 Jun 89 17:02:22 EDT From: Tony Facca Message-Id: <> To: Subject: Encapsulated PostScript Cc: Can anyone shed some light on "encapsulated PostScript" for me? I have programs which create PostScript files that display nicely with "psview", while others need to use the entire canvas with "psh". Some print nicely on the LaserWriter and others do not. And also, a file which displays well on the Iris does not work with the DOS program WordPerfect 5.0 I have read the "red book" and the "blue book" from Adobe, and I suppose Appendix C in the red book us attempting to explain this, but I think I have a mental block. Are there conversion programs available to encapsulate and un-encapsulate (???) PostScript files? Thanks in advance for any info. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tony Facca | phone: 216-433-8318 NASA Lewis Research Center | Cleveland, Ohio 44135 | email: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa04990; 22 Jun 89 9:42 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.brl.MIL id aa03878; 22 Jun 89 9:32 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa03725; 22 Jun 89 9:20 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa10754; 22 Jun 89 8:48 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.37) id AA20686; Thu, 22 Jun 89 00:10:06 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 21 Jun 89 18:10:56 GMT From: "Thomas P. Mitchell" Organization: Silicon Graphics Computer Systems, Mountain View CA. Subject: Re: Object Oriented Programming Languages Message-Id: <158@odin.SGI.COM> References: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <> (Dan Christensen) writes: >Can someone tell me what object oriented programming languages are I am curious what the need for object oriented language is. If it is for teaching. Have you looked at Tim Budd's "Little Small Talk". It is an environment written in 'C' for teaching Objective programming. I have compiled the package on other machines (Not SGI) and have had no problems. Since the "University of" is in your signature I though I should point you to: *A Little Smalltalk, by Timothy A. Budd Addison Wesley, 1987 in better bookshops everywhere. Tim Budd is at Oregon State University Department of Computer Science Corvallis, Oregon 97331 USA (503) 754-3273 {tektronix, hp-pcd} !orstcs!budd Thomas P. Mitchell (, UUCP: {decwrl,ucbvax}!sgi!mitch ) Rainbows -- The best (well second best) reason for windows.   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa08394; 23 Jun 89 21:27 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa08348; 23 Jun 89 21:06 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa08336; 23 Jun 89 20:49 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa08591; 23 Jun 89 20:35 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.37) id AA04073; Fri, 23 Jun 89 17:20:59 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 22 Jun 89 01:56:41 GMT From: Organization: Penn State University - Center for Academic Computing Subject: Kermit on IRIS Message-Id: <89172.215641SML108@PSUVM> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Hi, does anyone out there know where to get a kermit for an IRIS 4d ? I have one, but it needs some include files that do not appear present on the IRIS directory....   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa05161; 22 Jun 89 9:53 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.brl.MIL id aa02699; 22 Jun 89 8:21 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa02684; 22 Jun 89 8:12 EDT Received: from [] by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa07913; 22 Jun 89 7:45 EDT Received: Thu, 22 Jun 89 04:45:41 pdt by (5.51/1.2) Received: Thu, 22 Jun 89 08:01:54 EDT by (5.52/LeRC(1.0)) Date: Thu, 22 Jun 89 08:01:54 EDT From: Tony Facca Message-Id: <> To: Subject: Re: Nameserver problems With the nameserver we are using, we are able to specify the hostname of any machine in the same domain just by using the hostname. This is version 3.1D of the OS. However, I believe that hostname. (<--- that's a period) is the way you are supposed to specify that the machine is in your domain. As for NFS, I was getting mount failures as well, until I specified the entire domain name of each host in the /etc/exports file. Then, everything worked f fine. It never had a problem with hosts inside the domain. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tony Facca | phone: 216-433-8318 NASA Lewis Research Center | Cleveland, Ohio 44135 | email: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa17394; 22 Jun 89 17:42 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.brl.MIL id aa16544; 22 Jun 89 16:35 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa16442; 22 Jun 89 16:21 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa28192; 22 Jun 89 16:08 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.37) id AA11807; Thu, 22 Jun 89 13:02:24 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 22 Jun 89 19:07:41 GMT From: Andrew Cherenson Organization: Silicon Graphics, Inc., Mountain View, CA Subject: Re: BIND nameserver problems [resolv(ed)] Message-Id: <36438@sgi.SGI.COM> References: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <> jgarb@CSD360B.ERIM.ORG (Joe Garbarino) writes: > >I'm using the BIND nameserver for a 4d we have. when I try to contact a >computer within our domain giving just the host name (without >it times out. If I give the fully qualified name, it works, and after that >just the hostname works! This is a bit mysterious. The local domain is specified in the resolv.conf file. In IRIX, the file belongs in /usr/etc. Other BSD-derived systems usually place it in /etc. Joe had it in /etc. >Also, when I'm booting my machine, it attempts to mount the NFS, >but it doesn't recognize the other systems, possibly due to the fact >that the nameserver isn't up. What file needs to be changed to get the >nameserver to start before the NFS file systems are mounted? Edit /etc/init.d/network script and move the named startup before the NFS startup. (This change will be made for the next major release after IRIX 3.2.) When installing a new release or update, your modified network script will be renamed to network.O. You'll have to merge your changes with the new version.   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa17445; 22 Jun 89 17:53 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.brl.MIL id aa16947; 22 Jun 89 17:01 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa16769; 22 Jun 89 16:49 EDT Received: from by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa28858; 22 Jun 89 16:37 EDT Received: by (4.0/SMI-4.0) id AA02405; Thu, 22 Jun 89 15:59:33 EDT Date: Thu, 22 Jun 89 15:59:33 EDT From: Joe Garbarino Message-Id: <> To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Subject: named problems resolved Thanks to all the netters and SGI staff for the answers to my named problems. I had the resolv.conf file in /etc instead of /usr/etc. The file contains the line domain When I move it to /usr/etc I could resolve local host names without appending the Also, to start up the name server before the NFS filesystems are mounted, I moved the named startup code above the NFS mount code in the file /etc/init.d/network. Thanks again! Joe Garbarino ERIM P.O. Box 8618 Ann Arbor, Mi. 48107 (313)994-1200 x2508   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa18568; 22 Jun 89 21:15 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.brl.MIL id aa17947; 22 Jun 89 20:02 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa17882; 22 Jun 89 19:54 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa01511; 22 Jun 89 19:49 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.37) id AA23462; Thu, 22 Jun 89 16:41:51 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 22 Jun 89 22:59:44 GMT From: "Scott R. Presnell" Organization: UC San Francisco, Pharmaceutical Chemistry Subject: Window destruction delay Message-Id: <11655@cgl.ucsf.EDU> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Hi, Occasionally I see the following events and I'm wondering if there is a bug, or if there is something wrong with my own setup or what... After executing a graphics application, the windows that belonged to that application start to be erased... but sometimes the erasing stops in mid "process" and nothing happens until I move the mouse. This also happens during logout, when the window manager is being destroyed. Anyone else seen something like this? We're running 3.1D on a 4D-20G (Personal Iris). Scott Presnell +1 415 476 5326 Dept. of Pharmaceutical Chemistry Univ. of Calif. at San Francisco (UCSF), San Francisco, CA. 94143 Internet: UUCP: ucbvax!ucsfcgl!srp Bitnet: srp@ucsfcgl.bitnet   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa04974; 23 Jun 89 15:45 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.brl.MIL id aa04444; 23 Jun 89 15:34 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa04304; 23 Jun 89 15:20 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa02386; 23 Jun 89 14:51 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.37) id AA16701; Fri, 23 Jun 89 11:38:30 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 23 Jun 89 16:50:58 GMT From: Jim Barton Organization: Silicon Graphics, Inc., Mountain View, CA Subject: Re: Finding load average on Iris 4D Message-Id: <36541@sgi.SGI.COM> References: <>, <36313@sgi.SGI.COM> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL As a followup to my last message, I checked the actual code and the avenrun[] variable is actually kept as an array of longs, not doubles as in BSD4.3. The longs are kept as "fixed point" values with three decimal points of precision. We have a rule at SGI - NO FLOATING POINT IN THE KERNEL. Doing floating point in the kernel causes more problems that it solves. For instance, if the kernel did floating point, then the FP registers would have to be saved and restored on every trip in and out of the kernel - gag! On every interrupt too - double gag! So while you'll be able to get the same load average answer (I have a program which does it today), BSD code which depends on avenrun being a double will break. This is an incompatibility I don't mind at all. -- Jim Barton Silicon Graphics Computer Systems "UNIX: Live Free Or Die!", sgi!, ...{decwrl,sun}!sgi!jmb --   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa13614; 25 Jun 89 22:10 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.brl.MIL id aa13257; 25 Jun 89 20:57 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa13215; 25 Jun 89 20:43 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa24192; 25 Jun 89 20:11 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.37) id AA25569; Sun, 25 Jun 89 14:34:59 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 23 Jun 89 21:20:59 GMT From: Trevor Paquette Subject: rand on 4d broken Message-Id: <1551@cs-spool.calgary.UUCP> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Just to save some people some headaches.. The docs for 'rand' on the 4d (and I suspect that the 3000 series also have this problem) are WRONG!! They state that rand returns a number between 0 and (2^15)-1. Well rand returns a number between 0 and 32767. (Which I guess is right.. but the numbers do not get above 32767..) This caused me some probs on porting some software from the Sun. Trev ============================================================================== Trevor Paquette/GraphicsLand, Calgary, Alberta ..{ubc-cs,utai,alberta}!calgary!paquette ICBM:51 03 N/114 05 W calgary! Luminous beings we are, not this crude matter   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa10922; 24 Jun 89 21:34 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.brl.MIL id aa10852; 24 Jun 89 20:42 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab10829; 24 Jun 89 20:23 EDT Received: from by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa16354; 24 Jun 89 20:21 EDT Received: from by (5.58/GATECH-8.6) id AA11959 for ; Sat, 24 Jun 89 20:14:14 EDT Received: from prism ( by (4.12/2.5) id AA21205; Sat, 24 Jun 89 20:14:02 edt Received: by (3.2/1.0) id AA04052; Sat, 24 Jun 89 20:11:51 EDT Date: Sat, 24 Jun 89 20:11:51 EDT From: Message-Id: <8906250011.AA04052@prism> To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Subject: subroutines perpec and lookat Cc: Hi, I am using the subroutines "perspective" and "lookat" on IRIS 4D120GTX. I did not think I needed to push or pop matrices in order just change the projection, viewpoint and the point that is looked at. However, I cannot get the routines to work correctly so I am wondering if I did not miss something. I would appreciate any help on this as the user's guide is not very detailed. Olivier Schreiber   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa22760; 26 Jun 89 13:40 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.brl.MIL id aa22533; 26 Jun 89 13:30 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa22417; 26 Jun 89 13:11 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa02284; 26 Jun 89 9:49 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.37) id AA16357; Sun, 25 Jun 89 22:56:50 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 26 Jun 89 02:07:53 GMT From: Andrew Myers Organization: Silicon Graphics, Inc., Mountain View, CA Subject: Re: rand on 4d broken Message-Id: <165@odin.SGI.COM> References: <1551@cs-spool.calgary.UUCP> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <1551@cs-spool.calgary.UUCP> (Trevor Paquette) writes: > > Just to save some people some headaches.. The docs for 'rand' > on the 4d (and I suspect that the 3000 series also have this > problem) are WRONG!! > They state that rand returns a number between 0 and (2^15)-1. > Well rand returns a number between 0 and 32767. (Which > I guess is right.. but the numbers do not get above 32767..) > This caused me some probs on porting some software from the Sun. > > Trev Hmmm. Since 2^15 - 1 = 32767, I'm not sure what your complaint is here. In any case, you should think twice about using rand() for generating random numbers. UNIX rand() is well known to be an extremely poor random number generator. If you are doing any kind of simulation or numerical analysis work, rand() will quite possibly bias your results. Unfortunately, the algorithm, poor as it is, must remain the same for backwards compatibility. A much better random number generator is the rand48() set of functions. I recommend using these instead. drand48() returns a double in [0,1), and lrand48() returns a long in [0,2^31). Use srand48() to seed the random number process. Andrew Myers ( >============================================================================== > Trevor Paquette/GraphicsLand, Calgary, Alberta > ..{ubc-cs,utai,alberta}!calgary!paquette ICBM:51 03 N/114 05 W > calgary! Luminous beings we are, not this crude matter   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa27200; 26 Jun 89 17:19 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.brl.MIL id aa26335; 26 Jun 89 16:16 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa26129; 26 Jun 89 16:00 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa07524; 26 Jun 89 13:10 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.37) id AA14507; Mon, 26 Jun 89 09:29:08 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 26 Jun 89 14:13:00 GMT From: David Wood Organization: New York University Subject: Re: Kermit on IRIS Message-Id: <17280015@acf4.NYU.EDU> References: <89172.215641SML108@PSUVM> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL I found a compilable version of kermit in /usr/people/4Dgifts/kermit There is a make file and documentation (unroffed). If you don't have this on your disk, you should be able to install it using the inst program and I believe the (one of the) development tape. Use manual mode. Unselect everything (no *), then select dev.sw.giftssrc (yes dev.sw.giftssrc). This will also give you the image lib tools (icut,ipaste among them). ------------------------------------------------------------------------- David Wood New York University ...!uunet!cmcl2!wood 212-998-3029 "Brain. Brain. What is brain?" Kara the Eymorg, "Spock's Brain", Stardate 5432.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa27360; 26 Jun 89 17:47 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.brl.MIL id aa27280; 26 Jun 89 17:36 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa27232; 26 Jun 89 17:20 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa13919; 26 Jun 89 17:08 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.37) id AA29679; Mon, 26 Jun 89 14:05:00 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 26 Jun 89 20:50:36 GMT From: Michael Cohen Organization: Boston University Center for Adaptive Systems Subject: 3130 Used Monitor Query Message-Id: Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL We have a 3130 monitor which appears to have a blown power supply. Silicon Graphics has quoted us a figure of $1900.00 to fix the monitor. Does any body know of a third party monitor which would be appropriate for the box, and might sell for less. If not, does anybody have a used monitor which they would be willing to part with. -- Michael Cohen ---- Center for Adaptive Systems Boston University (617-353-7857) Email: Smail: Michael Cohen Center for Adaptive System Department of Mathematics, Boston University 111 Cummington Street Boston, Mass 02215   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa28230; 26 Jun 89 21:23 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.brl.MIL id ab28178; 26 Jun 89 21:12 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa28078; 26 Jun 89 21:01 EDT Received: from SNOW-WHITE.MERIT-TECH.COM by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa16108; 26 Jun 89 20:41 EDT Received: by (4.1/SMI-DDN) id AA04979; Mon, 26 Jun 89 19:40:50 CDT Date: Mon, 26 Jun 89 19:40:50 CDT From: Mike Goss Message-Id: <> To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Subject: Random numbers In regard to the discussion on random numbers, it is normally not wise to trust any random number generator that comes with an operating system or C compiler. These random number generators usually don't generate very good random numbers. If you really need good random numbers (and want to know what constitutes "good" random numbers), I recommend the following sources: Press, Flannery, Teukolsky, and Vetterling, "Numerical Recipes in C." An excellent source of algorithms not only for random numbers, but a wide variety of other computations. C source code is included for all algorithms. The companion volume "Numerical Recipes" has the same algorithms in (yecch) FORTRAN. Knuth, "Seminumerical Algorithms." One of the best discussions of random numbers, and various statistical tests for randomness. Unfortunately, the (rare) source code is given is in MIX, which has the dubious distinction of being an assembly language for a non-existent computer. Mike Goss Merit Technology Inc.   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa28428; 26 Jun 89 22:36 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.brl.MIL id aa28178; 26 Jun 89 21:12 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa28071; 26 Jun 89 21:01 EDT Received: from SNOW-WHITE.MERIT-TECH.COM by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa16041; 26 Jun 89 20:27 EDT Received: by (4.1/SMI-DDN) id AA04954; Mon, 26 Jun 89 19:28:03 CDT Date: Mon, 26 Jun 89 19:28:03 CDT From: Mike Goss Message-Id: <> To: bucasb! Subject: Re: 3130 Used Monitor Query Cc: info-iris@BRL.MIL Regarding the message from Michael Cohen : > We have a 3130 monitor which appears to have a blown power supply. > Silicon Graphics has quoted us a figure of $1900.00 to fix the monitor. > Does any body know of a third party monitor which would be appropriate > for the box, and might sell for less. If not, does anybody have a used > monitor which they would be willing to part with. I don't know for sure if it will work, but in theory you should be able to use one of the new higher resolution (1024x768) multiple scan rate monitors made for PCs (NEC, Mitsubishi, and others make these). I have seen these in in 13 and 19 inch sizes. You can probably find a local computer store that will let you try one and return it if it doesn't work. You might have to make your own cable, since these usually come with an IBM PC "VGA" type 15 pin connector; some also have the "normal" BNC connectors. Mike Goss Merit Technology Inc.   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa29692; 27 Jun 89 5:13 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.brl.MIL id aa29425; 27 Jun 89 3:29 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa29408; 27 Jun 89 3:19 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa18649; 27 Jun 89 3:06 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.37) id AA29618; Mon, 26 Jun 89 23:56:54 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 26 Jun 89 15:09:29 GMT From: Jan Venus Organization: University of Toronto Physics/Astronomy/CITA Computing Consortium Subject: Console messages from Iris 4D/240 Message-Id: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL something like /usr/adm/messages on the Suns, to keep track of what is going on in the middle of the night, on weekends etc. I realize that some error messages get saved in /usr/adm/SYSLOG, but not all console messages get sent there, and it seems to get cleared each time the system reboots. I am a newcomer to SystemV, so please excuse my ignorance if this is an obvious question, and thanks in advance for any help you could give me. Jan Venus System Programmer University of Toronto -- Jan Venus Systems Programmer U. of Toronto Physics Dept.   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa29301; 27 Jun 89 2:23 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.brl.MIL id aa29233; 27 Jun 89 2:13 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa29183; 27 Jun 89 2:00 EDT Date: Tue, 27 Jun 89 1:59:34 EDT From: Phil Dykstra To: Info-Iris@BRL.MIL Subject: Tcsh in info-iris archives Message-ID: <8906270159.aa25000@SPARK.BRL.MIL> Hello, Ruth Milner was kind enough to mail me the tcsh diffs so I could place them in the info-iris archives. I had no difficulty building it on a 4D, and that binary is there if you don't have csh sources and trust binaries. The manual page is also included separately if you just want to see what tcsh is all about. So, if you can ftp, and are interested, look on: VGR.BRL.MIL (, ~ftp/info-iris/tcsh A README file there has details. User anonymous, password guest. - Phil uunet!brl!phil   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa10137; 27 Jun 89 14:39 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.brl.MIL id aa09323; 27 Jun 89 14:28 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa09179; 27 Jun 89 14:10 EDT Received: from by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa01901; 27 Jun 89 13:10 EDT Received: from kailand.UUCP by with UUCP (5.61+/IDA-1.2.8) id AA06083; Tue, 27 Jun 89 11:22:49 -0500 Received: by (4.12/kai2.5c/09-20-88) id AA05528; Tue, 27 Jun 89 11:19:23 cdt Date: Tue, 27 Jun 89 11:19:23 cdt From: Patrick Wolfe Message-Id: <> Organization: KAI, 1906 Fox Drive, Champaign IL 61820 (217-356-2288) X-Mailer: Mail User's Shell (6.4 1/3/89) To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Subject: using tty as console I would like to use a plain old character terminal as the UNIX system console (/dev/console) on our lone IRIS 4D70G, while continuing to let people login and use the graphics display and keyboard. The terminal works fine as just another dumb tty when I enable getty on ttyd1. When I enter the PROM monitor, "setenv console d" and reboot, ttyd1 comes up as the "UNIX console" okay, but the graphics terminal stops working completely. What can I do to get a window with a "login:" prompt on our graphics terminal when it's not the "console"? Simply enabling getty on "grcons" doesn't do it, nor does running "/etc/gl/restartgl". Also, can someone tell me what the undocumented "-s" switch on /etc/getty does (it's used on the t1 line in /etc/inittab)? BTW, the "IRIS 4D Owners Guide" should contain this message in table 5-6: WARNING! Do not "setenv console d" unless you have a terminal that works correctly connected to tty port 1. Failure to heed this warning could result in an unusable workstation. -- Patrick Wolfe (, kailand!pat) System Manager, Kuck & Associates, Inc. "Optimizing software for supercomputers"   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa15397; 27 Jun 89 22:46 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.brl.MIL id aa15191; 27 Jun 89 22:04 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab15157; 27 Jun 89 21:47 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa09765; 27 Jun 89 21:22 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.37) id AA26916; Tue, 27 Jun 89 18:19:50 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 27 Jun 89 22:40:23 GMT From: Henry Spencer Organization: U of Toronto Zoology Subject: Re: rand on 4d broken Message-Id: <1989Jun27.224023.335@utzoo.uucp> References: <1551@cs-spool.calgary.UUCP>, <165@odin.SGI.COM> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <165@odin.SGI.COM> (Andrew Myers) writes: > ... UNIX rand() is well known to > be an extremely poor random number generator... In fairness, the *original* Version 7 rand() wasn't too bad. Not great, but not bad. It was a 32-bit generator that returned the *upper* 16 bits to avoid the rather non-random behavior of the low-order bits. Alas, many of the people who messed with it later didn't appreciate this subtlety. -- NASA is to spaceflight as the | Henry Spencer at U of Toronto Zoology US government is to freedom. | uunet!attcan!utzoo!henry   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa05572; 28 Jun 89 11:17 EDT Received: by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa02458; 28 Jun 89 9:31 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa00084; 27 Jun 89 19:01 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa16179; 28 Jun 89 1:33 EDT Received: from [] by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa12452; 28 Jun 89 1:22 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.37) id AA09049; Tue, 27 Jun 89 22:11:23 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 27 Jun 89 21:54:56 GMT From: Gary Tarolli Organization: Silicon Graphics, Inc., Mountain View, CA Subject: Re: subroutines perpec and lookat Message-Id: <37007@sgi.SGI.COM> References: <8906250011.AA04052@prism> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <8906250011.AA04052@prism>, ccsupos%prism@GATECH.EDU writes: > Hi, I am using the subroutines "perspective" and "lookat" on > IRIS 4D120GTX. I did not think I needed to push or pop matrices > in order just change the projection, viewpoint and the point that is > looked at. However, I cannot get the routines to work correctly > so I am wondering if I did not miss something. I would appreciate > any help on this as the user's guide is not very detailed. > Olivier Schreiber I cannot guess why your program does not work, I can only help clarify what perspective and lookat do. Perspective loads a matrix onto the matrix stack, destroying what was previously on top of the stack. Lookat multiplies a "lookat" matrix by the top of the stack and replaces the top of the stack with the result. Check the GL User's Guide to see the exact matrices that perspective and lookat generate. In general, you probably want to use perspective and lookat together, doing a perspective without a lookat or a lookat without a perspective is probably a bug. However, it is quite normal to load a perspective matrix, push it, and then apply a lookat. To apply a new lookat, do a popmatrix (gets back to the perspetive) do a pushmatrix (copies it on the stack) and then do another lookat. Hope this clears things up. To aid in debugging, write a routine to print a matrix out to the terminal, then call getmatrix and print the matrix out when things go awry.   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa03550; 28 Jun 89 9:54 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa02876; 28 Jun 89 9:23 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa02859; 28 Jun 89 9:10 EDT Received: from by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa02053; 28 Jun 89 8:57 EDT Received: from DDATHD21.BITNET by CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU (IBM VM SMTP R1.1) with BSMTP id 9752; Wed, 28 Jun 89 04:40:32 EDT Received: from BR2.THD.DA.D.EUROPE by DDATHD21.BITNET via GNET with RJE ; 28 Jun 89 08:20:36 Date: Wed, 28 Jun 89 07:02:12 +0200 (Central European Summer Time) From: Knobi der Rechnerschrat Subject: Kermit for 4D and 3100 (was request for Kermit 4D) To: info-iris@BRL.MIL X-VMS-To: X%"" Message-ID: <8906280857.aa02053@SMOKE.BRL.MIL> Hallo, David Wood ( pointed to the Kermit that is distributed with the IRIS-4D in /usr/people/4Dgifts/kermit. I have a few comments on this gift: a) great to have (but it should be easier to find) b) its a rather old version of unix kermit c) it does not work with NFS mounted file-system when used as a server and the client tries to do a wildcard get (e.g. "get *.c") d) it gives warnings for the calls to 'signal'. The cure for b) is to get the actual version from the next KERMSRV or LISTSERV (I'm talkin BITNET terms). For those who believe in version numbers (like me) this will be a great improvement (I'm shure there are many new bugs (beside some new features like "long packets" and "sliding windows")). The cure for c) is a bit more complicated. The proper make command for the 4D is: make sys5r3 ('make sys3nid' for the 3100 series). To have kermit working with NFS directories, you must compile the module 'ckufio' BSD like. Unfortunatelly it is not enough to say 'make bsd'. This gives yous a lot of error messages from 'ckutio', even if you route the include directory to '/usr/include/bsd'. You have to compile ONLY 'ckufio' in BSD style. To do this you must change 'ckufio.c' and the makefile. In 'ckufio.c': a) #undef UXIII b) #define BSD4 c) change #include to #include d) change #include to #include In the makefile you must add the link switches '-lsun -lbsd' to the LIBS symbol for the sys5r3 (or sys3nid) entry. Then just 'make sys5r3' (or 'make sys3nid' for the 3100) and have a Kermit, which is happy to serve on NFS directories. WARNING for 3100 users: comment out all occurences of 'geteuid', 'getegid', 'seteuid' and 'setegid'. They are nonexistent on that machines, but they are not neccessary anyway. Regards Martin Knoblauch TH-Darmstadt Physical Chemistry 1 Petersenstrasse 20 D-6100 Darmstadt, FRG BITNET:   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa12326; 28 Jun 89 18:09 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa12050; 28 Jun 89 17:38 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa12024; 28 Jun 89 17:27 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa16885; 28 Jun 89 16:59 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.37) id AA11169; Wed, 28 Jun 89 09:46:42 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 28 Jun 89 16:32:31 GMT From: Tom Russo Organization: University of Texas at Austin, Center for Nonlinear Dynamics Subject: GNUS on an IRIS4D Message-Id: <14604@ut-emx.UUCP> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Hi. I've been trying to get the new GNUS newsreader going on our 4 Server 8 and I've been encountering this annoying problem: there's this little program TCP.C which opens a socket to the nntp server, and it barphs in setsockopt. Here's the program tcp.c and if any of you knows the TCP/IP implementation well enough to see something obviously wrong with it, please tell me! I've marked the point at which it dies. /* * TCP/IP stream emulation for GNU Emacs. * Copyright (C) 1988, 1989 Fujitsu Laboratories LTD. * Copyright (C) 1988, 1989 Masanobu UMEDA * $Header: tcp.c,v 1.3 89/06/19 13:39:12 umerin Exp $ * This file is part of GNU Emacs. * GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor * accepts responsibility to anyone for the consequences of using it * or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all, * unless he says so in writing. Refer to the GNU Emacs General Public * License for full details. * Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute * GNU Emacs, but only under the conditions described in the * GNU Emacs General Public License. A copy of this license is * supposed to have been given to you along with GNU Emacs so you * can know your rights and responsibilities. It should be in a * file named COPYING. Among other things, the copyright notice * and this notice must be preserved on all copies. * If you modify the source for your system, please send me the diffs. * I'll includes some of them in the future releases. * * Yasunari,Itoh at PFU limited contributed for Fujitsu UTS and SX/A. * * Thu Apr 6 13:47:37 JST 1989 * USG fixes by Sakaeda * * For Fujitsu UTS compile with: * cc -O -o tcp tcp.c -DFUJITSU_UTS -lu -lsocket */ #ifndef lint static char *rcsId = "$Header: tcp.c,v 1.3 89/06/19 13:39:12 umerin Exp $"; #endif #include #include #include #include #ifdef FUJITSU_UTS #define USG #include #include #include #include #else #include #include #include #endif #ifdef USG #include #include #endif #ifdef FUJITSU_UTS #define bcopy(f,t,n) memcpy(t,f,n) #define bcmp(b1,b2,n) (memcmp(b1,b2,n)!=0) #define bzero(b,n) memset(b,0,n) #endif #ifdef USG int selectable = 1; sigout() { fcntl(fileno(stdin),F_SETFL,0); exit(-1); } #endif main(argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { struct hostent *host; struct sockaddr_in sockin, sockme; struct servent *serv; char *hostname; char *service = "nntp"; int port; int readfds; int writefds; int server; /* NNTP Server */ int emacsIn = fileno(stdin); /* Emacs intput */ int emacsOut = fileno(stdout); /* Emacs output */ char buffer[1024]; int nbuffer; /* Number of bytes in buffer */ int wret; char *retry; /* retry bufferp */ while(--argc > 0){ switch(**(++argv)){ case '-': { char *p = &argv[0][1]; if(strcmp(p,"s")==0){ /* Service name */ service = *(++argv); --argc; } else if(strcmp(p,"h")==0){ /* Host name */ hostname = *(++argv); --argc; } else { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: tcp -h HOST -s SERVICE\n"); exit(1); } } break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Usage: tcp -h HOST [-s SERVICE]\n"); exit(1); break; } } if((host = gethostbyname(hostname)) == NULL){ perror("gethostbyname"); exit(1); } if(isdigit(service[0])) port = atoi(service); else { serv = getservbyname(service, "tcp"); if(serv == NULL){ perror("getservbyname"); exit(1); } port = serv->s_port; } bzero(&sockin, sizeof(sockin)); sockin.sin_family = host->h_addrtype; bcopy(host->h_addr, &sockin.sin_addr, host->h_length); sockin.sin_port = htons(port); if((server = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) { perror("socket"); exit(1); } /******************************************************************** * HERE'S WHERE IT BARPHS -- gives an "invalid argument" error. ********************************************************************/ if(setsockopt(server, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, 0, 0)) { perror("setsockopt"); exit(1); } bzero(&sockme, sizeof(sockme)); sockme.sin_family = sockin.sin_family; sockme.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; if(bind(server, &sockme, sizeof(sockme)) < 0){ perror("bind"); exit(1); } if(connect(server, &sockin, sizeof (sockin)) < 0){ perror("connect"); close(server); exit(1); } #ifdef O_NDELAY fcntl(server, F_SETFL, O_NDELAY); #ifdef USG /* USG pipe cannot not select emacsIn */ { struct stat statbuf; fstat (emacsIn,&statbuf); if (statbuf.st_mode & 010000) selectable = 0; if (!selectable){ signal(SIGINT,sigout); fcntl(emacsIn, F_SETFL, O_NDELAY); } } #endif #endif /* Connection established. */ while(1){ readfds = (1 << server) | (1 << emacsIn); if(select(32, &readfds, NULL, NULL, (struct timeval *)NULL) == -1){ perror("select"); exit(1); } if(readfds & (1 << emacsIn)){ /* From Emacs */ nbuffer = read(emacsIn, buffer, sizeof buffer -1); #ifdef USG if (selectable && nbuffer == 0){ goto finish; } else if (!(readfds & (1 << server)) && nbuffer == 0){ sleep (1); } else #else if(nbuffer == 0) goto finish; #endif for(retry = buffer; nbuffer > 0; nbuffer -= wret, retry += wret){ writefds = 1 << server; if(select(server+1,NULL,&writefds,NULL,(struct timeval*)NULL) == -1){ perror("select"); exit(1); } wret = write(server, retry, nbuffer); if(wret < 0) goto finish; } } if(readfds & (1 << server)){ /* From NNTP server */ nbuffer = read(server, buffer, sizeof buffer -1); if(nbuffer == 0) goto finish; for(retry = buffer; nbuffer > 0; nbuffer -= wret, retry += wret){ writefds = 1 << emacsOut; #ifdef USG if(selectable) #endif if(select(emacsOut+1,NULL,&writefds,NULL,(struct timeval*)NULL) == -1){ perror("select"); exit(1); } wret = write(emacsOut, retry, nbuffer); if(wret < 0) goto finish; } } } /* End of communication. */ finish: close(server); #ifdef USG if (!selectable) fcntl(emacsIn, F_SETFL,0); #endif close(emacsIn); close(emacsOut); exit(0); } +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Thomas Russo | | |Center for Nonlinear Dynamics, University of Texas at Austin | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa12477; 28 Jun 89 18:27 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.brl.MIL id ab12326; 28 Jun 89 18:16 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa12316; 28 Jun 89 18:08 EDT Received: from by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa16938; 28 Jun 89 17:07 EDT Received: from OHSTPHRM.PHARMACY.OHIO-STATE.EDU by CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU (IBM VM SMTP R1.1) with BSMTP id 6490; Wed, 28 Jun 89 16:59:33 EDT Received: by OHSTPHRM (Mailer R2.03B) id 6399; Wed, 28 Jun 89 17:00:49 EST Date: Wed, 28 Jun 1989 14:36:46 EST From: Jack Fowble Organization: Ohio State University College of Pharmacy Subject: mail revisited To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Message-ID: <8906281707.aa16938@SMOKE.BRL.MIL> ... I am beginning to appreciate the annotations in's about xyz-madness, vomiting, etc.... Some time ago I gave up trying to get the mail functions on our 4D70GT to perform properly -- always ended up with uucp-style destination addresses and error "can't even parse postmaster!" Recently discovered a new master for this campus (anonymous ftp from as /pub/sendmail/ that gave new hope, and so launched into it once more. I now have a sort-of working mail function, with the bad behavior noted below. Messages created with /bin/mail always arrive at destination hosts with header line "Apparently-To: " u@h.d. This is also true when mail is invoked with the -t option, and when sendmail is started with -t switch. (Pretty impressive to see all those redundant "To: " lines!!!) Messages created with /usr/sbin/Mail arrive with proper "To: " header. Second, messages created on other systems and delivered via SMTP to the IRIS are apparently negotiated correctly (sendmail confirms delivery to the destination u@h.d, but a few seconds later the mail is bounced back as undeliverable with error msgs "mail: Options MUST PRECEDE persons" "554 <"u@h.d">... unknown mailer error 5" Looks like the sendmail and SMTP components are OK, but the local delivery by System V mail is cracked. I tried using the bsd Mail as the designated local mailer, but all messages got stuffed into /usr/spool/mqueue as 'deferred', either due to unresolved host.domain or no reason given. When I remade to use /bin/mail, then killed and restarted sendmail, all these deferred msgs were immediately shot back to the sender with the undeliverable conditions above. I've checked and implemented the caveats posted in this list before. Steve Dempsey's caution about avoiding the 'n' flag was a big help. Others have asked for assists getting this stuff working, but not much comment ensued on the list. Questions!!! (sigh...) Does anyone have this stuff really working well? I telnet'd into (port 25) and saw there a very recently updated version indicated in the startup message. Might it be possible to ftp a more "robust" version of from sgi or other repository? (Actually, I think the config I'm based on now is pretty solid -- the problem seems to be in persuading the local mailer to behave itself.) Where do I learn the significance of options used in the Argv of the mailer definitions? For instance, every local definition has something like A=mail -d $u, but -d isn't a documented option for mail! Similarly, the SGI config has A=mail -s -d $u ; what is -s ? Has anyone successfully used Mail (/usr/sbin that is... not /usr/bsd) to support all the local mail functions? If so, what are the magic thumbscrews to turn? My sys_id is presently a simple host name, and is set to supply the domain field. Is it possible that /bin/mail wants something different/doesn't like this? In previous discussions here about messed-up implied host aliases in /etc/hosts, it was suggested that an entry like host.domain host was proper. I wouldn't like to believe it, but could an entry like host host.domain (that is, positional reordering of names) cause a problem? Any assistance would be most appreciated! I'd really like to get this monkey off my back (with a happy resolution). Based on other queries in the archives (eg. Jim Diamond's ca 8/88), I think others could benefit as well.   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa12570; 28 Jun 89 19:09 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.brl.MIL id aa11659; 28 Jun 89 17:19 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa11583; 28 Jun 89 17:03 EDT Received: from by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa16406; 28 Jun 89 16:27 EDT Received: from fsu.mfenet by ccc.mfenet with Tell via MfeNet ; Wed, 28 Jun 89 08:07:04 PDT Date: Wed, 28 Jun 89 08:07:04 PDT From: Message-Id: <890628080704.3040012e@CCC.MFECC.LLNL.GOV> Subject: random number generator To: INFO-IRIS@BRL.MIL Comment: From MINUIT@FSU.MFENET on 28-JUN-1989 11:01:24.23 EDT Here is a random number generator from an expert. It has passed more stringent tests than those found in Knuth's book. There are also versions of the generator in C, Pascal, Modula-2, Ada, and Basic. - David LaSalle SCRI Florida State University Tallahassee, FL 32306-4052 (904)644-8532 arpanet: ( or =========================================================================== C This random number generator originally appeared in "Toward a Universal C Random Number Generator" by George Marsaglia and Arif Zaman. C Florida State University Report: FSU-SCRI-87-50 (1987) C C It was later modified by F. James and published in "A Review of Pseudo- C random Number Generators" C C THIS IS THE BEST KNOWN RANDOM NUMBER GENERATOR AVAILABLE. C (However, a newly discovered technique can yield C a period of 10^600. But that is still in the development stage.) C C It passes ALL of the tests for random number generators and has a period C of 2^144, is completely portable (gives bit identical results on all C machines with at least 24-bit mantissas in the floating point C representation). C C The algorithm is a combination of a Fibonacci sequence (with lags of 97 C and 33, and operation "subtraction plus one, modulo one") and an C "arithmetic sequence" (using subtraction). C C On a Vax 11/780, this random number generator can produce a number in C 13 microseconds. C======================================================================== PROGRAM TstRAN INTEGER IJ, KL, I C These are the seeds needed to produce the test case results IJ = 1802 KL = 9373 C Do the initialization call rmarin(ij,kl) C Generate 20000 random numbers do 10 I = 1, 20000 x = RANMAR() 10 continue C If the random number generator is working properly, the next six random C numbers should be: C 6533892.0 14220222.0 7275067.0 C 6172232.0 8354498.0 10633180.0 write(6,20) (4096.0*4096.0*RANMAR(), I=1,6) 20 format (3f12.1) end subroutine RMARIN(IJ,KL) C This is the initialization routine for the random number generator RANMAR() C NOTE: The seed variables can have values between: 0 <= IJ <= 31328 C 0 <= KL <= 30081 C The random number sequences created by these two seeds are of sufficient C length to complete an entire calculation with. For example, if sveral C different groups are working on different parts of the same calculation, C each group could be assigned its own IJ seed. This would leave each group C with 30000 choices for the second seed. That is to say, this random C number generator can create 900 million different subsequences -- with C each subsequence having a length of approximately 10^30. C C Use IJ = 1802 & KL = 9373 to test the random number generator. The C subroutine RANMAR should be used to generate 20000 random numbers. C Then display the next six random numbers generated multiplied by 4096*4096 C If the random number generator is working properly, the random numbers C should be: C 6533892.0 14220222.0 7275067.0 C 6172232.0 8354498.0 10633180.0 real U(97), C, CD, CM integer I97, J97 logical TEST data TEST /.FALSE./ common /raset1/ U, C, CD, CM, I97, J97, TEST if( IJ .lt. 0 .or. IJ .gt. 31328 .or. * KL .lt. 0 .or. KL .gt. 30081 ) then print '(A)', ' The first random number seed must have a value *between 0 and 31328' print '(A)',' The second seed must have a value between 0 and *30081' stop endif i = mod(IJ/177, 177) + 2 j = mod(IJ , 177) + 2 k = mod(KL/169, 178) + 1 l = mod(KL, 169) do 2 ii = 1, 97 s = 0.0 t = 0.5 do 3 jj = 1, 24 m = mod(mod(i*j, 179)*k, 179) i = j j = k k = m l = mod(53*l+1, 169) if (mod(l*m, 64) .ge. 32) then s = s + t endif t = 0.5 * t 3 continue U(ii) = s 2 continue C = 362436.0 / 16777216.0 CD = 7654321.0 / 16777216.0 CM = 16777213.0 /16777216.0 I97 = 97 J97 = 33 TEST = .TRUE. return end function ranmar() C This is the random number generator proposed by George Marsaglia in C Florida State University Report: FSU-SCRI-87-50 C It was slightly modified by F. James to produce an array of pseudorandom C numbers. real U(97), C, CD, CM integer I97, J97 logical TEST common /raset1/ U, C, CD, CM, I97, J97, TEST integer ivec if( .NOT. TEST ) then print '(A)',' Call the init routine (RMARIN) before calling RAN *MAR' stop endif uni = U(I97) - U(J97) if( uni .lt. 0.0 ) uni = uni + 1.0 U(I97) = uni I97 = I97 - 1 if(I97 .eq. 0) I97 = 97 J97 = J97 - 1 if(J97 .eq. 0) J97 = 97 C = C - CD if( C .lt. 0.0 ) C = C + CM uni = uni - C if( uni .lt. 0.0 ) uni = uni + 1.0 RANMAR = uni return end   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa13641; 29 Jun 89 0:48 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.brl.MIL id aa13469; 29 Jun 89 0:27 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa13436; 29 Jun 89 0:17 EDT Received: from ENUXHA.EAS.ASU.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa21837; 28 Jun 89 23:53 EDT Received: by (5.60/1.28) id AA23641; Wed, 28 Jun 89 20:30:33 MST Date: Wed, 28 Jun 89 20:30:33 MST From: "Stephen H. Watson" Message-Id: <> To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Hi, My name is Steve Watson, and I'm a member of the Computer-Aided Geometric Design Research Group at Arizona State uUniversity. We have an Iris 3130 and an Iris 4D/70GT, as well as a perPersonal Iris. In addition, these are networked via Ethernet to a VAX 11/750, an Ardent Titan and a variety of Suns and other machines on campus,in our labs as well as around campus. We are currently conducting research into the design and analysis of free-form curves and surfaces, as well as higher-dimensinonal problems such as volume visualization, trivariate interpolation, etc. Much of our work is directed towards the problems of triangulations in 3 - and 4- dimensions, multivariate interpolation and approximation, surfaces defined on surfaces, adnd so on. Although a good deal of this work is purely academic, quite a lot of it is directly related to industrial (aircraft, automotive) problems. In addition, we have developed a variety of interfaces and graphics "demo"- type software. I'd be interested in hearing from others out there who are condutcting research into the same types of problems. Fairways and Greens! Steve Watson 3909Department of Computer Siccience Arizona State University Tempe, Arizona 85287 (602) 965-6385   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa17979; 29 Jun 89 9:04 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.brl.MIL id aa17607; 29 Jun 89 8:54 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa17569; 29 Jun 89 8:46 EDT Received: from AERO4.LARC.NASA.GOV by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa28426; 29 Jun 89 8:22 EDT Received: Thu, 29 Jun 89 08:22:10 EDT by (5.52/5.6) Date: Thu, 29 Jun 89 08:22:10 EDT From: "Brent L. Bates TAD/TAB ms294 x42854" Message-Id: <> To: Subject: Re: random number generator Cc: info-iris@BRL.MIL Thank you for the FORTRAN version of the random number generator. Would you please send me a C version too? Also, am I correct in assuming that the number returned is between 0 and 1? Thanks again. -- Brent L. Bates NASA-Langley Research Center M.S. 294 Hampton, Virginia 23665-5225 (804) 864-2854 E-mail: or   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa00890; 29 Jun 89 20:05 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.brl.MIL id aa00800; 29 Jun 89 19:54 EDT Received: by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab00711; 29 Jun 89 19:32 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa20597; 29 Jun 89 10:52 EDT Received: from AERO4.LARC.NASA.GOV by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa29015; 29 Jun 89 8:30 EDT Received: Thu, 29 Jun 89 08:30:52 EDT by (5.52/5.6) Date: Thu, 29 Jun 89 08:30:52 EDT From: "Brent L. Bates TAD/TAB ms294 x42854" Message-Id: <> To: Subject: Demo software Cc: info-iris@BRL.MIL What type of interfaces and graphics "demo" software do you have? We have a 3130. I would be interested in what you have. -- Brent L. Bates NASA-Langley Research Center M.S. 294 Hampton, Virginia 23665-5225 (804) 864-2854 E-mail: or   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa00186; 29 Jun 89 21:26 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa00683; 29 Jun 89 19:33 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ad00527; 29 Jun 89 19:16 EDT Received: from by ADM.BRL.MIL id aa25544; 29 Jun 89 13:16 EDT Received: from fsu.mfenet by ccc.mfenet with Tell via MfeNet ; Thu, 29 Jun 89 10:21:41 PDT Date: Thu, 29 Jun 89 10:21:41 PDT From: Message-Id: <890629102141.3040012e@CCC.MFECC.LLNL.GOV> Subject: C version of Marsaglia's ran() To: INFO-IRIS@BRL.MIL Comment: From MINUIT@FSU.MFENET on 29-JUN-1989 13:15:58.24 EDT Mail message for (my mailer couldn't find him) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is the C version of Marsaglia's random number generator. If you'll send me your US mail address, I will send you some papers on the generator and the tests that were used to verify it. - David LaSalle SCRI Florida State University Tallahassee, FL 32306-4052 (904)644-8532 arpanet: ( or ---------------------------- cut here ------------------------------------- /* This Random Number Generator is based on the algorithm in a FORTRAN version published by George Marsaglia and Arif Zaman, Florida State University; ref.: see original comments below. At the fhw (Fachhochschule Wiesbaden, W.Germany), Dept. of Computer Science, we have written sources in further languages (C, Modula-2 Turbo-Pascal(3.0, 5.0), Basic and Ada) to get exactly the same test results compared with the original FORTRAN version. April 1989 Karl-L. Noell and Helmut Weber */ #define FALSE 0 #define TRUE 1 /* C This random number generator originally appeared in "Toward a Universal C Random Number Generator" by George Marsaglia and Arif Zaman. C Florida State University Report: FSU-SCRI-87-50 (1987) C C It was later modified by F. James and published in "A Review of Pseudo- C random Number Generators" C C THIS IS THE BEST KNOWN RANDOM NUMBER GENERATOR AVAILABLE. C (However, a newly discovered technique can yield C a period of 10^600. But that is still in the development stage.) C C It passes ALL of the tests for random number generators and has a period C of 2^144, is completely portable (gives bit identical results on all C machines with at least 24-bit mantissas in the floating point C representation). C C The algorithm is a combination of a Fibonacci sequence (with lags of 97 C and 33, and operation "subtraction plus one, modulo one") and an C "arithmetic sequence" (using subtraction). C C======================================================================== */ main() { float temp[100]; int ij, kl, len, i; void rmarin(),ranmar(); /* These are the seeds needed to produce the test case results */ ij = 1802; kl = 9373; /* Do the initialization */ rmarin(ij,kl); /* Generate 20000 random numbers */ len = 100; for ( i = 1; i<=200; i++) ranmar (temp, len); /* If the random number generator is working properly, the next six random numbers should be: 6533892.0 14220222.0 7275067.0 6172232.0 8354498.0 10633180.0 */ len = 6; ranmar(temp, len); for (i=1; i<=6; i++) printf ("%12.1f\n", 4096.0*4096.0*temp[i-1]); } /* ***************************** End of main ************************** */ /* C This is the initialization routine for the random number generator RANMAR() C NOTE: The seed variables can have values between: 0 <= IJ <= 31328 C 0 <= KL <= 30081 C The random number sequences created by these two seeds are of sufficient C length to complete an entire calculation with. For example, if sveral C different groups are working on different parts of the same calculation, C each group could be assigned its own IJ seed. This would leave each group C with 30000 choices for the second seed. That is to say, this random C number generator can create 900 million different subsequences -- with C each subsequence having a length of approximately 10^30. C C Use IJ = 1802 & KL = 9373 to test the random number generator. The C subroutine RANMAR should be used to generate 20000 random numbers. C Then display the next six random numbers generated multiplied by 4096*4096 C If the random number generator is working properly, the random numbers C should be: C 6533892.0 14220222.0 7275067.0 C 6172232.0 8354498.0 10633180.0 */ /* Globals (accessible from rmarin() and ranmar() : */ float u[97],c,cd,cm; int i97,j97; int test=FALSE; void rmarin(ij,kl) int ij,kl; { float s, t ; int ii, i, j, k, l, jj, m ; if((ij < 0) || (ij > 31328) || (kl < 0) || (kl > 30081)) printf (" The first random number seed must have a value between ", " 0 and 31328\n", " The second seed must have a value between 0 and 30081\n"); i = (ij/177)%177 + 2 ; j = (ij%177) + 2 ; k = (kl/169)%178 + 1 ; l = (kl%169) ; for ( ii = 1; ii <= 97; ii++) { s = 0.0 ; t = 0.5 ; for ( jj = 1; jj <= 24; jj++) { m = (((i*j)%179)*k)%179 ; i = j ; j = k ; k = m ; l = (53*l+1)%169 ; if (((l*m%64)) >= 32) s = s + t ; t = 0.5 * t ; } u[ii-1] = s ; } c = 362436.0 / 16777216.0 ; cd = 7654321.0 / 16777216.0 ; cm = 16777213.0 /16777216.0 ; i97 = 97 ; j97 = 33 ; test = TRUE ; } /* *************************** End of rmarin *************************** */ /* subroutine ranmar(RVEC, LEN) C This is the random number generator proposed by George Marsaglia in C Florida State University Report: FSU-SCRI-87-50 C It was slightly modified by F. James to produce an array of pseudorandom C numbers. */ void ranmar (rvec,len) float rvec []; int len ; { /* common /raset1/ U, C, CD, CM, I97, J97, TEST */ int ivec; float uni; if(!test) { printf (" Call the init routine (RMARIN) before calling ranmar\n"); /* here you may insert an appropriate break, exit, abort etc. */ } for (ivec = 1; ivec <= len; ivec++) { uni = u[i97-1] - u[j97-1]; if( uni <= 0.0 ) uni = uni + 1.0 ; u[i97-1] = uni ; i97 = i97 - 1 ; if(i97 == 0) i97 = 97 ; j97 = j97 - 1 ; if(j97 == 0) j97 = 97 ; c = c - cd ; if( c < 0.0 ) c = c + cm ; uni = uni - c ; if( uni < 0.0 ) uni = uni + 1.0 ; rvec[ivec-1] = uni ; } } /* *************************** End of ranmar *************************** */   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa12780; 30 Jun 89 14:44 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa10123; 30 Jun 89 13:10 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa10065; 30 Jun 89 13:04 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa10334; 30 Jun 89 12:22 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.37) id AA02725; Fri, 30 Jun 89 09:10:31 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 30 Jun 89 15:51:31 GMT From: Tom Russo Organization: Center for Nonlinear Dynamics, University of Texas at Austin Subject: Environment and the Newsserver Message-Id: Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL I have a command in my file which make a wsh with emacs in it every time I log in to my workstation, but there's a problem: seems to be run before the shell environment is set, so all of the emacs variables which are set equal to shell variables are wrong. Is there anything that can be done to get the shell variables set before the is executed? thanks. -- +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Thomas Russo | | |Center for Nonlinear Dynamics, University of Texas at Austin | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa14167; 30 Jun 89 16:38 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa13651; 30 Jun 89 15:46 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa13468; 30 Jun 89 15:27 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa14816; 30 Jun 89 14:40 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.37) id AA08855; Fri, 30 Jun 89 11:17:31 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 30 Jun 89 17:59:45 GMT From: Craig Westveer Organization: CDI Technologies Inc., Grand Rapids, MI Subject: Korn Shell Message-Id: <391@cditi.UUCP> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Does anyone out there know if the Korn Shell is available for the 4D series machines? C. Westveer   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa15009; 30 Jun 89 19:20 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa14871; 30 Jun 89 18:59 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa14868; 30 Jun 89 18:51 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa20758; 30 Jun 89 18:37 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.37) id AA21794; Fri, 30 Jun 89 15:28:43 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 30 Jun 89 22:03:59 GMT From: todd bernard Organization: University of Maryland Baltimore County Subject: lpd for personal iris Message-Id: <2160@umbc3.UMBC.EDU> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Hi, does anybody have a lpd for the personal iris, if you could send me the ftp site or mail the source it would be great thanks Todd (301)455-3631 Todd Bernard Disclaimer: Anthing said here is not my employer's opinion.   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa15970; 1 Jul 89 1:04 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.brl.MIL id aa15702; 30 Jun 89 23:41 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa15696; 30 Jun 89 23:26 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa23188; 30 Jun 89 23:07 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.37) id AA04356; Fri, 30 Jun 89 19:58:34 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 30 Jun 89 20:48:50 GMT From: Vernon Schryver Organization: Silicon Graphics, Inc., Mountain View, CA Subject: Re: mail revisited Message-Id: <37341@sgi.SGI.COM> References: <8906281707.aa16938@SMOKE.BRL.MIL> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL The /usr/lib/ in all currently shipping IRIS releases is based on a snapshot of what was running on some time ago. At that time, we were sending more mail using UUCP over XNS than SMTP. That will still work provided canonical names of hosts do not include dots (.). The trouble with dots is that sometimes you want to treat them as letters as in the hostname and sometimes as sendmail "tokens" as in the separater between the hostname and domain name in <.>. In 3.2, we will be shipping a new but temporary It is based on a more recent snapshot of what is on It is temporary because our sendmail still does not handle MX records. RealSoonNow I'll merge 5.61 and other stuff. Impatent hackers who do not care about pathalias routing, YP aliases, and other minor hassles could get 5.61 from one of the public places. It ports easily, provided one remembers -I/usr/include/bsd and -lbsd. The delivery program of choice is /bin/mail. A long time ago we added a minor taste of BSD /bin/mail to SVR3 /bin/mail. The arguments for the local mailer are correct in my opinion. You are of course welcome to change them to something else. You've noticed that answers on port 25. That is because we use sendmail internally. We currently have multiple YP domains hooked together with DNS. Mail is transported with SMTP and UUCP. The version number on's changes when I remember to change it, about once every 100 changes to the rest of, or equivalently about once a week. Someday, either it will be perfect or I'll be dead and gone--bet on the latter. As a special, introductory offer to the first 17 callers, a genuine simulated gold-plated copy of the 3.2 can be found in the public ftp directory on in pub/src/ The hotline may not be familiar with it yet, so be gentle with any bug reports. Unfortunately, I cannot offer any individual help. The hotline has the franchise on that part of the business. Vernon Schryver Silicon Graphics   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa16209; 1 Jul 89 1:54 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab15970; 1 Jul 89 1:12 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa15917; 1 Jul 89 0:55 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa25029; 1 Jul 89 0:37 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.37) id AA08199; Fri, 30 Jun 89 21:27:05 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 30 Jun 89 15:24:41 GMT From: Jody Winston Organization: Shell Development Company, Bellaire Research Center, Houston, TX Subject: gcc-1.35 Message-Id: Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Does anyone have the config files for a 4D/70GT that works for gcc version 1.35? The config files that are included with the gcc distribution are for gcc 1.32. -- Jody Winston jody@shell.uucp ...!{sun,psuvax1,bcm,rice,decwrl,}!shell!jody Shell Development Company, Bellaire Research Center P.O. Box 481, Room 2202, Houston, TX 77001 (Voice: 713 663-2050)   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa17936; 1 Jul 89 13:16 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa17878; 1 Jul 89 13:05 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ac17837; 1 Jul 89 12:54 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa02623; 1 Jul 89 12:38 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.37) id AA06972; Sat, 1 Jul 89 09:24:23 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 1 Jul 89 16:09:36 GMT From: John H Merritt Organization: Goddard Space Flight Center Climate and Radiation Branch Subject: IRIS4D version of GNUplot Message-Id: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Here are the additions to GNUplot so it runs on an IRIS4D series computer. Don't forget to compile with -DIRIS4D and include -Zg as one of the libraries. The window that the plot goes to can be reshaped and moved, but you will have to replot the data. +----------------------------------+-----------------------------+ |John H. Merritt | Yesterday I knew nothing, | |Applied Research Corporation | Today I know that. | | | | +----------------------------------+-----------------------------+ ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------ place following in struct termentry --------- ------------ daffynition near bottom of term.c --------- ---------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef IRIS4D ,{"iris4d", IRIS4D_XMAX, IRIS4D_YMAX, IRIS4D_VCHAR, IRIS4D_HCHAR, IRIS4D_VTIC, IRIS4D_HTIC, IRIS4D_init, IRIS4D_reset, IRIS4D_text, IRIS4D_graphics, IRIS4D_move, IRIS4D_vector, IRIS4D_linetype, IRIS4D_lrput_text, IRIS4D_ulput_text, do_point} #endif ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------ place following anywhere in term.c, but ------- ------------ not in some other #ifdef :-) ------- ------------------------------------------------------------ #ifdef IRIS4D /* Provided by John H. Merritt (Applied Research Corporation) 7/1/89 */ /* INTERNET: */ #include #define IRIS4D_XMAX 1024 #define IRIS4D_YMAX 1024 #define IRIS4D_XLAST (IRIS4D_XMAX - 1) #define IRIS4D_YLAST (IRIS4D_YMAX - 1) #define IRIS4D_VCHAR (IRIS4D_YMAX/30) #define IRIS4D_HCHAR (IRIS4D_XMAX/72) #define IRIS4D_VTIC (IRIS4D_YMAX/80) #define IRIS4D_HTIC (IRIS4D_XMAX/80) IRIS4D_init() { foreground(); winopen("Gnuplot"); deflinestyle(1, 0x3FFF); /* Long dash */ deflinestyle(2, 0x5555); /* dotted */ deflinestyle(3, 0x3333); /* short dash */ deflinestyle(4, 0xB5AD); /* dotdashed */ return; } IRIS4D_graphics() { reshapeviewport(); ortho2((Coord)0, (Coord)IRIS4D_XMAX, (Coord)0, (Coord)IRIS4D_YMAX); color(WHITE); clear(); return; } IRIS4D_text() { return; /* enter text from another window!!! */ } IRIS4D_linetype(linetype) int linetype; { static int pen_color[5] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; linetype = linetype % 5; color((Colorindex) pen_color[linetype]); setlinestyle(linetype); return; } IRIS4D_move(x, y) unsigned int x, y; { move2i(x, y); return; } IRIS4D_cmove(x, y) unsigned int x, y; { cmov2i(x, y); return; } IRIS4D_vector(x, y) unsigned x, y; { draw2i(x, y); return; } IRIS4D_lrput_text(row, str) unsigned int row; char *str; { IRIS4D_cmove(IRIS4D_XMAX - IRIS4D_HTIC - IRIS4D_HCHAR*(strlen(str)+1), IRIS4D_VTIC + IRIS4D_VCHAR*(row+1)) ; charstr(str); return; } IRIS4D_ulput_text(row,str) unsigned int row ; char *str ; { IRIS4D_cmove(IRIS4D_HTIC, IRIS4D_YMAX - IRIS4D_VTIC - IRIS4D_VCHAR*(row+1)) ; charstr(str); return; } IRIS4D_reset() { return; } #endif /* IRIS4D */   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa00986; 3 Jul 89 16:50 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.brl.MIL id aa00401; 3 Jul 89 15:48 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa00155; 3 Jul 89 15:33 EDT Received: from uunet.UU.NET by ADM.BRL.MIL id aa14481; 3 Jul 89 9:20 EDT Received: from munnari.UUCP by (5.61/1.14) with UUCP id AA00538; Mon, 3 Jul 89 09:10:30 -0400 Received: from (munnari.oz) by (5.5) id AA14363; Mon, 3 Jul 89 21:26:12 EST (from ianh@merlin.bhpmrl.oz for uunet!info-iris@BRL.MIL) Received: from merlin.bhpmrl.oz (via bruce) by with SunIII (5.61+IDA+MU) id AA21959; Mon, 3 Jul 89 21:26:01 +1000 (from ianh@merlin.bhpmrl.oz for From: Ian Hoyle Message-Id: <8907030725.AA01576@merlin.bhpmrl.oz> Received: by merlin.bhpmrl.oz (5.51.2) id AA01576; Mon, 3 Jul 89 17:25:03 EST Subject: RS432 VME card for 4D/70GT To: info-IRIS mailing list Date: Mon, 3 Jul 89 17:25:01 EST X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.2 PL10] Does anyone know of a VME card with two (minimum) RS432 ports on it for a 4D/70GT ?? thanx, ian -- Ian Hoyle /\/\ Computer Systems Superintendent / / /\ BHP Melbourne Research Laboratories / / / \ 245 Wellington Rd, Mulgrave, 3170 / / / /\ \ AUSTRALIA \ \/ / / / \ / / / Phone : +61-3-560-7066 \/\/\/ ACSnet : Internet:   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa00281; 3 Jul 89 21:15 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa00233; 3 Jul 89 20:33 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa00216; 3 Jul 89 20:20 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by ADM.BRL.MIL id aa21224; 3 Jul 89 20:08 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.37) id AA25112; Mon, 3 Jul 89 16:52:35 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 3 Jul 89 22:03:16 GMT From: Mark Galassi Organization: Institute for Theoretical Physics, SUNY at Stony Brook, New York. Subject: Re: Korn Shell (and bash) for IRIS Message-Id: <246@noether.UUCP> References: <391@cditi.UUCP> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <391@cditi.UUCP> caw@cditi.UUCP (Craig Westveer) writes: >Does anyone out there know if the Korn Shell is available for the 4D >series machines? I have ported bash (that is, the Born Again SHell, the GNU project shell). The port is not really a serious one, in that I have not checked many things out. It will work fine if you invoke "bash" from the existing shell or C shell, but I have not yet got it to work as a default shell. Basically, I did the minimum to get it to compile and recognize the correct set of signals from . Note also that bash is right now a beta release. If anyone wants, I can send them the diffs for bash to run on the personal IRIS, and any other IRIS. I should point out that bash has the Korn shell history substitution together with the C shell '!' mechanism, and thus in my opinion leaves no need for the Korn shell. More over it is FREE software from the Free Software Foundation, so you don't have silly licensing stuff and you don't pay thousands of dollars for it. -- {These opinions are mine, and should be everybody else's :-)} Mark Galassi rosalia@mozart.UUCP rosalia@sunysbnp.BITNET rosalia@noether.UUCP   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa11402; 6 Jul 89 13:51 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.brl.MIL id aa09927; 6 Jul 89 12:58 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa09463; 6 Jul 89 12:28 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa23947; 6 Jul 89 12:09 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.37) id AA22521; Thu, 6 Jul 89 09:05:25 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 6 Jul 89 15:46:59 GMT From: Jim Disbrow Organization: NASA Ames-Dryden FRF, Edwards, CA Subject: BITBLT for 3030? Message-Id: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Does anyone know if bitblt is possible for the 3030? I need to do some block transfers as quickley as possible. On other machines I'm familiar with, the command is always some form of bitblt, But I can't seem to find a similar command in the IRIS documentation. If someone knows how to do this on the 3030, I'd really appreciate a response. Thanx in advance Jim   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa12127; 6 Jul 89 14:32 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa07195; 6 Jul 89 10:44 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa07024; 6 Jul 89 10:22 EDT Received: from by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa18395; 6 Jul 89 9:48 EDT Received: Thu, 6 Jul 89 06:47:52 pdt by (5.51/1.2) Received: Thu, 6 Jul 89 10:13:41 EDT by (5.52/LeRC(1.0)) Date: Thu, 6 Jul 89 10:13:41 EDT From: Tony Facca Message-Id: <> To: Subject: Resource managers? Does anyone know of a resource allocation manager which runs on the Iris work- stations? How about any other UNIX platform? We are looking for a large disk farm/fileserver UNIX machine and we will need some sort of resource control to keep things from getting out of hand. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tony Facca | phone: 216-433-8318 NASA Lewis Research Center | Cleveland, Ohio 44135 | email: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa14981; 6 Jul 89 19:21 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.brl.MIL id aa14856; 6 Jul 89 19:11 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa14800; 6 Jul 89 18:56 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by ADM.BRL.MIL id aa25646; 6 Jul 89 17:50 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.37) id AA07090; Thu, 6 Jul 89 13:23:05 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 6 Jul 89 20:01:06 GMT From: Paul Connally Organization: University of Colorado, Boulder Subject: Personal IRIS - order delay Message-Id: <9907@boulder.Colorado.EDU> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL What is the general waiting period for a Personal IRIS to arrive after ordering it? Is there alot of them on back order? This question should probably be aimed at SGI but a response from anyone who has ordered(received!) one recently will be appreciated. Paul Connally University of Colorado High Voltage Electron Microscope Lab MCDB - Box 347 "A higher potential for Boulder, CO 80309 better penetration."   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa15685; 6 Jul 89 21:44 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.brl.MIL id aa15619; 6 Jul 89 21:23 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa15573; 6 Jul 89 21:08 EDT Received: from [] by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa01203; 6 Jul 89 20:13 EDT Received: from UKACRL.BITNET by CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU (IBM VM SMTP R1.1) with BSMTP id 2581; Thu, 06 Jul 89 12:04:43 EDT Received: from RL.IB by UKACRL.BITNET (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 6872; Thu, 06 Jul 89 15:02:02 BST Received: from RL.IB by UK.AC.RL.IB (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 8740; Thu, 06 Jul 89 15:02:01 BS Via: UK.AC.OX.VAX; 6 JUL 89 15:01:56 BST Date: Thu, 6 JUL 89 11:07:41 BST From: To: INFO-IRIS@BRL.MIL Subject: Advice needed interfacing a printer Message-ID: <8907062013.aa01203@SMOKE.BRL.MIL> Can anyone offer some advice about interfacing a printer to a 3130? I have a malibu dual mode 200 which I would like to attach to the 3130. It responds to the print spooler, but it prints rubbish. However, the self-test mode of the printer prints correctly. I have made a link between /dev/ttyd3 (the printer is on port 4) and /dev/lp and have then used lpadmin to introduce the printer to LP. However, it makes little difference whether I use the 'dumb' filter in /usr/spool/lp/model, or edit it to make a filter of my own; I just get different amounts of rubbish coming out of the printer. I assume my filter is simply inappropriate for the printer. The printer is set to run at 600 baud (selectable from 110 to 9600), no parity, start/stop o/p control, ASYNCH data format, 1 start bit, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit. Cable Pins connected are 1-1, 2-3, 3-2, 4-5, 5-4, 6-6, 7-7, 8-20, 20-8. I know I have to place a suitable stty line somewhere in the dumb filter to customise it to my printer, but all reasonable (to me!) stty lines I put in seem to give me rubbish. Also, it is not clear to me just where the stty line must go in the filter (so I have put it at the start). Can some knowledgable person offer a few words of help, please? Am I missing a step somewhere? Any comments welcome! Many thanks. Hugh Cartwright, Physical Chemistry Lab, Oxford University, UK Fax: Oxford (0865)-275410 JANET: BITNET: or HCART%VAX.OXFORD.AC.UK@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU or   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa24342; 7 Jul 89 11:09 EDT Received: by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa23424; 7 Jul 89 10:49 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.brl.MIL id aa16179; 6 Jul 89 23:31 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab16095; 6 Jul 89 23:18 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa02719; 6 Jul 89 22:53 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.37) id AA28712; Thu, 6 Jul 89 19:48:51 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 7 Jul 89 01:27:06 GMT From: Jack Weldon Organization: Silicon Graphics, Inc., Mountain View, CA Subject: pseudo lpr for IRIS Message-Id: <37519@sgi.SGI.COM> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL I have been sent a copy of a pseudo lpr/lpq for the IRIS that will allow a user to spool files to a BSD-based machine. Now it doesn't promise the functionality of a true lpd, it does offer lpr and lpq, which is really all that is needed anyway. OK...lprm would be nice, but I didn't port it... I will send this to any interested parties in shar form (a Makefile and lpr.c) if you send me a good email address. If the volume is high, I will put it somewhere ftp'able. Since this is customer-provided, the std HOTLINE disclaimer goes with it: ie, unsupported. Jack Weldon -- Communications Engineer SGI Hotline -- Cheers, Jack "Elvis is alive and well and living in a trailer park in Muncie, Indiana" [National Enquirer]   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.brl.MIL id ab24979; 7 Jul 89 11:45 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.brl.MIL id aa24643; 7 Jul 89 11:27 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa24514; 7 Jul 89 11:15 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa11363; 7 Jul 89 9:39 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.37) id AA00309; Fri, 7 Jul 89 06:35:16 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 6 Jul 89 20:45:00 GMT From: Robert Filer Organization: Air Force Institute of Technology; WPAFB, OH Subject: C++/G++ for SGI IRIS 3130 Message-Id: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Has anyone successfully installed either AT&T C++ of GNU G++ on a Silicon Graphics IRIS 3130? If so, I'd really like to hear from you. ----- Bob Filer Air Force Institute of Technology or   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa15855; 10 Jul 89 17:30 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.brl.MIL id aa15445; 10 Jul 89 17:19 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa15352; 10 Jul 89 17:07 EDT Received: from by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa01093; 8 Jul 89 3:44 EDT Received: by (5.61+/IDA-1.2.8) id AA04506; Thu, 6 Jul 89 14:19:14 -0500 Date: Thu, 6 Jul 89 14:19:14 -0500 From: Homayoon Akhiani Message-Id: <> To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Subject: IRIS 3000 Cc: Does anyone has any documentation for gsh ? (opens a shell in mex) Can anyone describe how and when to use blankscreen() to speed up the graphics ?   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.brl.MIL id ac23779; 7 Jul 89 10:59 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.brl.MIL id aa23111; 7 Jul 89 10:40 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab22994; 7 Jul 89 10:27 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id ab04406; 7 Jul 89 1:23 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.37) id AA05811; Thu, 6 Jul 89 22:10:29 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 7 Jul 89 05:05:27 GMT From: Timothy H Smith Organization: U of Akron, Ohio Subject: problems with telnet on Powerseries 4D/240 Message-Id: <180@VAX1.CC.UAKRON.EDU> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Hello all, I am having a problem with telnet on a SGI 4D/240. The OS Im running is 3.1F, the problem is that if you telnet into the machine from say a sun and you do a ^c the telnet session locks up. I looked at my stty setting, and ^c is mapped to intr .. the way it should be... Does any one else have this problem? thanks for any help... Timothy Smith   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab24342; 7 Jul 89 11:09 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.brl.MIL id aa23779; 7 Jul 89 10:58 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab23285; 7 Jul 89 10:34 EDT Received: from [] by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa08017; 7 Jul 89 8:01 EDT Received: Fri, 7 Jul 89 05:01:27 pdt by (5.51/1.2) Received: Fri, 7 Jul 89 08:27:48 EDT by (5.52/LeRC(1.0)) Date: Fri, 7 Jul 89 08:27:48 EDT From: Tony Facca Message-Id: <> To: Subject: Re: Advice for printer interface (SIC) Cc: printer interface problems.. the worst! Just a couple of ideas that may or may not help.. 1) Have you set the port in the /etc/inittab file? You didn't mention if you had, but thats one thing which is important. This is a way to set the speed of the line as well. For the Apple LaserWriter, the entry looks like this: d3:x:respawn:/etc/getty ttyd3 dx_9600 none LDISC1 2) In addition, do you have an /etc/rc.local file? In it, you can do something to keep the line from hanging up between prints, and avoid the need to reset it each time. nohup sleep 10000000 < /dev/ttyd3 & # hold line open for a long time sleep 3 # wait a few seconds stty 9600 ixon -parity < /dev/ttyd3 # send the configuration stuff These lines combined with the /etc/inittab stuff seem to do the trick. 3) Another suggestion, try sending information directly to the printer w- out using the spooler. If this works, and the spooler screws up, you can narrow the problem. echo "hello" > /dev/ttyd3 echo "^L" > /dev/ttyd3 Good luck (you'll need it)! -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tony Facca | phone: 216-433-8318 NASA Lewis Research Center | Cleveland, Ohio 44135 | email: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id ac24342; 7 Jul 89 11:10 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.brl.MIL id ab23779; 7 Jul 89 10:59 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa23332; 7 Jul 89 10:36 EDT Received: from AERO4.LARC.NASA.GOV by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa09790; 7 Jul 89 8:51 EDT Received: Fri, 7 Jul 89 08:51:29 EDT by (5.52/5.6) Date: Fri, 7 Jul 89 08:51:29 EDT From: "Brent L. Bates TAD/TAB ms294 x42854" Message-Id: <> To: Subject: Re: Advice needed interfacing a printer Cc: info-iris@BRL.MIL I have used several printers on our 3130 with out too much problem. (That is after I got everything working.) I have conneted a HP ThinkJet, a Seiko CH-5201 color hardcopy unit, a Tandy 24-pin dot matrix printer, and a Tektronix 4693D printer to our 3130 through the serial ports /dev/ttyf2 and /dev/ttyf3. I had to use a serial to parallel converter for the last three and some extra hardware to get the Seiko to work. Follow the directions in section 7.9, pages 7-21 through 7-24 in the IRIS Series 3000 Owner's Guide V3.0 or Appendix C, pages C-21 through C-23 in the V2.0 Owner's Guide. However, before doing so put the appropriate filter into /usr/spool/lp/model. Right now I use a Tektronix 4693D connected to the parallel port and two remote printers. It has been long time since I used the serial ports for printers, I think the interfaces still work. I think one of the key things in getting the interfaces to work was to use the timing functions of stty instead of null character padding. I am enclosing the interfaces I used on these devices, I used the same interface for the Thinkjet and Tandy printers: -----------------------------Cut Here-------------------------------------- # lp interface for thinkjet printer # # SCCS @(#)thinkjet 1.1 # @(#)$Header: /ws/2.0/2.0src/usr/src/usr.bin/lp/model/RCS/dumb,v 1.2 85/03/15 15:19:59 bob Exp $ # $Log: thinkjet,v $ # Revision 1.2 85/03/15 15:19:59 bob # Revisized 8801.27 Brent L. Bates # Added initial blank line (for csh) and what # log=/usr/spool/lp/etc/log/thinkjet-log seqid=$1 echo "Start $seqid - `date`" >> $log stty 9600 ixon ixany ixoff -ofill cr0 nl0 tab0 bs0 ff1 vt0 0<&1 copies=$4 shift; shift; shift; shift; shift files="$*" i=1 while [ $i -le $copies ] do for file in $files do cat "$file" 2>&1 echo "\014" done i=`expr $i + 1` done echo "End $seqid - `date`" >> $log exit 0 -----------------------------Cut Here-------------------------------------- # serial lp interface for seiko & Tektronix 4693D printers # # SCCS @(#)thinkjet 1.1 # @(#)$Header: /ws/2.0/2.0src/usr/src/usr.bin/lp/model/RCS/dumb,v 1.2 85/03/15 15:19:59 bob Exp $ # $Log: thinkjet,v $ # Revision 1.2 85/03/15 15:19:59 bob # Revisized 8807.01 Brent L. Bates # Added initial blank line (for csh) and what # log=/usr/spool/lp/etc/log/thinkjet-log seqid=$1 echo "Start $seqid - `date`" >> $log stty raw cs8 19200 -cstopb cread -clocal ixon ixany ixoff -ofill cr3 nl1 tab2 bs1 ff1 vt1 0<&1 copies=$4 shift; shift; shift; shift; shift files="$*" i=1 while [ $i -le $copies ] do for file in $files do cat "$file" 2>&1 echo "\0" done i=`expr $i + 1` done echo "End $seqid - `date`" >> $log exit 0 -----------------------------Cut Here-------------------------------------- I hope this helpful. -- Brent L. Bates NASA-Langley Research Center M.S. 294 Hampton, Virginia 23665-5225 (804) 864-2854 E-mail: or   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id ad24342; 7 Jul 89 11:10 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.brl.MIL id ad23779; 7 Jul 89 10:59 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa23621; 7 Jul 89 10:47 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa11952; 7 Jul 89 9:54 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.37) id AA00678; Fri, 7 Jul 89 06:40:39 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 7 Jul 89 13:51:52 GMT From: "John D. McCalpin" Organization: Supercomputer Computations Research Institute Subject: Remote Mathematica Message-Id: Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Mathematica has been much touted for its separate front-end and kernel sections. I am looking to purchase some equipment in the near future and would like to know if this really works between different vendors equipment. Specifically, can I start up the Mathematica front-end on a NeXT machine and run the kernel remotely via TCP/IP ethernet on a SGI IRIS 4D? The 4D machines should be MANY times faster than the NeXT at running the kernel, especially for the operations that use hardware floating-point. Thanks for any info.... -- John D. McCalpin - -   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa25619; 7 Jul 89 11:56 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.brl.MIL id aa24979; 7 Jul 89 11:45 EDT Date: Fri, 7 Jul 89 11:21:00 EDT From: Gary S. Moss (VLD/VMB) To: Jim Disbrow cc: info-iris@BRL.MIL Subject: Re: BITBLT for 3030? Message-ID: <8907071121.aa24621@VMB.BRL.MIL> [Jim Disbrow writes] < Does anyone know if bitblt is possible for the 3030? < I need to do some block transfers as quickley as possible. Well, I was doing postage-stamp animation a few years ago, and convinced myself that there was no bitblt-like operation for the IRIS and resigned myself to using rectcopy(). I did notice something that might help you however: If the destination rectangle of the rectcopy() had an X coordinate which was a multiple of 16 (i.e., rectopy's 5th argument), than the copy was *very* fast, but anything else was blindingly slow. I don't recall if the source rectangle's position was a factor or not (either it wasn't or my source rectangle happened to be aligned). What I used to do was allow the user to position the animation-viewing window, and then would nudge its position to be in alignment as below: /* Get origin of frame buffer window (source). */ getorigin( &xwin, &ywin ); /* Create destination window for movie, with user positioning. */ prefsize( framesz, framesz ); if( (movie_gid = winopen( "movie" )) == -1 ) { fb_log( "No more graphics ports available.\n" ); return; } /* Adjust window position optimally for fast "rectcopy()". */ getorigin( &movie_xwin, &movie_ywin ); if( ((xwin - movie_xwin) % 16) != 0 ) movie_xwin += (xwin - movie_xwin) % 16; while( movie_xwin > XMAXSCREEN - framesz ) movie_xwin -= 16; winmove( movie_xwin, movie_ywin ); I called this in to the SGI Hotline and went back and forth with them for a while to figure out if it was a bug, and I think they eventually decided that it was just a hardware design limitation. -moss   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa05600; 7 Jul 89 18:28 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.brl.MIL id ab05519; 7 Jul 89 18:18 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab05315; 7 Jul 89 18:01 EDT Received: from AERO4.LARC.NASA.GOV by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa25708; 7 Jul 89 17:22 EDT Received: Fri, 7 Jul 89 17:22:38 EDT by (5.52/5.6) Date: Fri, 7 Jul 89 17:22:38 EDT From: "Brent L. Bates TAD/TAB ms294 x42854" Message-Id: <> To: sgi! Subject: Re: pseudo lpr for IRIS Cc: info-iris@BRL.MIL It sounds interesting, but I am not sure what it will buy me. We have a 3130 and I have been using lp to spool files to a BSD-based machine, without too much problem. I only problem I usually have is if the other machine is down and I try to send a file to it. That printer spooler is automatically shut down and I have to reset it when the other machine comes up. But I would think I would have to do that anyways. So, like I said what does a pseudo lpr/lpq do? -- Brent L. Bates NASA-Langley Research Center M.S. 294 Hampton, Virginia 23665-5225 (804) 864-2854 E-mail: or   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa05709; 7 Jul 89 18:39 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.brl.MIL id aa05519; 7 Jul 89 18:18 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa05315; 7 Jul 89 18:01 EDT Received: from AERO4.LARC.NASA.GOV by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa25689; 7 Jul 89 17:17 EDT Received: Fri, 7 Jul 89 17:16:58 EDT by (5.52/5.6) Date: Fri, 7 Jul 89 17:16:58 EDT From: "Brent L. Bates TAD/TAB ms294 x42854" Message-Id: <> To: Subject: Re: Thanks - but more questions! Cc: info-iris@BRL.MIL 1. I don't know what the differences are between lpr and lp. I couldn't find anything to discribe how to use lpr, so I haven't used it. I only use lp. I would suggest you use lp only too. It gives you more options and more printers. 2. I don't think lpr uses the interface files. Like I said above, I think you should forget about lpr and just use lp. 3. Is the times off by hours or minutes? If it is hours it could be that the sh shell environment variable TZ is not set correctly. This sets the time zone. If it is minutes, it could be the difference between when you send it and when it finally gets printed. Those are the only things I can think of. It seems to me that when I changed the interface files, I had to also shut the scheduler off and on. Maybe even change the model file instead, and redo lpadmin again to set the interface. It seemed to behave as if there are two copies of the interface files one in /usr/spool/lp/interface and another someplace else that I couldn't find. It has been a while since I messed with all that stuff, so I am not sure. I wished SGI had used BSD lpr instead of System V. The best OS is BSD with some System V extensions. System V is such a pain. Well I hope that is some help. Sorry I haven't been any more helpfull. -- Brent L. Bates NASA-Langley Research Center M.S. 294 Hampton, Virginia 23665-5225 (804) 864-2854 E-mail: or   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa07072; 7 Jul 89 22:24 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.brl.MIL id aa07043; 7 Jul 89 22:14 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa07027; 7 Jul 89 22:02 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa28136; 7 Jul 89 21:21 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.37) id AA23450; Fri, 7 Jul 89 18:20:10 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 7 Jul 89 17:46:54 GMT From: "Louis M. McDonald" Organization: The Aerospace Corporation, El Segundo, CA Subject: ICON EDITOR Message-Id: <54104@aerospace.AERO.ORG> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Does anyone know of an icon editor that is available for the iris? The idea would be to take in MacPaint files and manipulate them to be used as icons. Even reading in a hexidecimal description would be okay. Louis McDonald   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa09230; 10 Jul 89 11:41 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa07886; 10 Jul 89 10:48 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa07860; 10 Jul 89 10:31 EDT Received: from RUTGERS.EDU by ADM.BRL.MIL id aa05487; 9 Jul 89 19:14 EDT Received: from cmcl2.UUCP by (5.59/SMI4.0/RU1.1/3.04) with UUCP id AA01055; Sat, 8 Jul 89 18:16:51 EDT Received: by cmcl2.NYU.EDU (5.61/1.34) id AA08499; Sat, 8 Jul 89 18:14:06 -0400 Received: by dasys1.UUCP (anilla/UUCP-Project/rel-1.0/11-05-86) id AA27519; Sat, 8 Jul 89 11:46:49 EDT Date: Sat, 8 Jul 89 11:46:49 EDT From: Rod Paul Message-Id: <8907081546.AA27519@dasys1.UUCP> To: bucasb!, info-iris@BRL.MIL Subject: Re: 3130 Used Monitor Query Get in touch with Hitachi in New Jersey, they (at least used to be) the guys that ultimately fix the monitors. You can save a bundle by dealing direct.   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa15981; 10 Jul 89 17:50 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.brl.MIL id ab15855; 10 Jul 89 17:40 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa15789; 10 Jul 89 17:27 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa27551; 10 Jul 89 16:48 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.37) id AA01400; Mon, 10 Jul 89 13:35:10 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 10 Jul 89 20:28:01 GMT From: Pablo Fernicola Organization: UF Machine Intelligence Laboratory Subject: X windows -> graphic library Message-Id: <20577@bikini.cis.ufl.EDU> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL We have a Personal Iris and we still have not received the X Windows package, but some people in the lab have a few questions: 1) Can you use the graphics library from a X window program? 2) Is it feasible to do animation from a X Window program? If anybody has done any of the above, could you let me know? We wouldn't like to wait for the X Window package to find out that we can't do what we want. -- Pablo Fernicola - Machine Intelligence Laboratory - UF "That has nothing to do with computers; it is software."   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa16593; 10 Jul 89 19:09 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.brl.MIL id aa16501; 10 Jul 89 18:59 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa16416; 10 Jul 89 18:48 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa28758; 10 Jul 89 18:05 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.37) id AA04409; Mon, 10 Jul 89 14:26:33 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 10 Jul 89 17:33:54 GMT From: "Paul E. Leclerc" Organization: University of New Hampsha Subject: NeWS <-> C interface Message-Id: Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL We recently received a Personal Iris workstation and I am interested in getting NeWS and C hooked together to provide a nice user interface. I typed in one of the examples in the 4Sight User's Guide (pages N8-10/11) and after fixing the few typos (in the manual!!) I got it compiled. When I run it, ie a.out, nothing happens. Am I doing something wrong? On a related note... Does anybody have a WORKING version of a demo that interfaces C and NeWS (using CPS) that would have things like buttons,cycles,prompts, etc. I am trying to port/rehack Sunview code that we have written. All I really need is one tiny working example of each so that I can play with it a little.... (I cannot ftp for any goodies, sorry). Paul Leclerc -- =========================================================================== Paul Leclerc, Computer Specialist III |Bitnet: P_LECLERC@UNHH.BITNET University of NH |UUCP: ...uunet!unh!pel ===========================================================================   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa17354; 10 Jul 89 21:10 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.brl.MIL id aa16990; 10 Jul 89 20:07 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa16416; 10 Jul 89 18:47 EDT Received: from CORNELLC.CIT.CORNELL.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa28643; 10 Jul 89 17:58 EDT Received: from ALCANKTN.BITNET by (IBM VM SMTP R1.2.1MX) with BSMTP id 4505; Mon, 10 Jul 89 10:22:42 EDT Date: Mon, 10 Jul 89 10:20 EST From: MMDF-Warning: Parse error in original version of preceding line at BRL.MIL Subject: Utilities for SGI Workstations To: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL X-Original-To:,finn,access, FRASER Message-ID: <8907101758.aa28643@SMOKE.BRL.MIL> Resent-Date: Mon, 10 Jul 89 19:54:01 EDT Resent-From: Chuck Kennedy Resent-To: info-iris@BRL Hi, Am looking for a couple of utilities for SGI systems: 1) an up-to-date version of KERMIT; 2) a facility which allows queue-ing of Batch jobs (CRON, AT and background jobs will not do the trick). Preferably a supported product. Cheers Cliff   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa18772; 11 Jul 89 3:05 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa18680; 11 Jul 89 2:54 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa18664; 11 Jul 89 2:38 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa04950; 11 Jul 89 1:32 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.37) id AA29487; Mon, 10 Jul 89 22:19:16 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 11 Jul 89 02:43:21 GMT From: Jack Weldon Organization: Silicon Graphics, Inc., Mountain View, CA Subject: Re: Thanks - but more questions! Message-Id: <37732@sgi.SGI.COM> References: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <>, blbates@AERO4.LARC.NASA.GOV ("Brent L. Bates TAD/TAB ms294 x42854") writes: > 1. I don't know what the differences are between lpr and lp. > > 2. I don't think lpr uses the interface files. Like I said above, > I think you should forget about lpr and just use lp. > > 3. Is the times off by hours or minutes? If it is hours it could > > I wished SGI had used BSD lpr instead of System V. The best OS is BSD with > some System V extensions. System V is such a pain. The IRIS is SYS V with BSD enhancements...enough said. Many of our customers LIKE the SYS V lp system--It has much more flexibility than the BSD system as far as multiple printers on a single queue point, but alas, BSD users want their printcaps. The lpr source code I sent out to people who asked me for it was to allow SYS V users (this was originally written for AIX) to print to BSD-based printservers. Since I cannot distribute any of OUR source code, this seemed like an opportune time to send the lpr.src to others who might not know such a solution was available. This would allow a simple request to be generated for the lpd listening on the other end. Another way to do it is to setup a printer using mknetpr, and then hack around and make the script do a "rsh <> lpr" instead of rsh <> lp". A trivial issue. I could say the same about BSD being a pain to implement...Please tell me how you can get a Sun to print to a printer on a SYS V machine...? (Other than using "cat <> | rsh IRIS lp") Again, the issues here is not which is better--we will see what happens in ATT 4.0. In answer to your questions: 1) lpr really shouldn't be on the 3000's as far as I'm concerned--it's not on the 4D's, unless the owner actually ported the real BSD-lp*. 2) BSD-lpr uses /etc/printcap, whereas the lp on the 3000 and 4D machines use the interface files. 3) Since you posted a response to a question that we didn't have the pleasure of seeing, I can't touch this one. Why don't you try including a quick blurb about the question so the rest of us without the original posting can see what you're talking about. 4) "The best OS is BSD with SYS V enhancements". I'm not too sure about this. 5) In response to your other posting, "what does a psuedo lpr/lpq do? Well, I guess you already modified your printer scripts to do it for you. This is an actual port of a portion of the BSD-lpr code. I guess you don't need it. Doesn't sound like you want it either. Hope this explains the issues at hand for you and other users--sure has been popular--I have gotten at least 20 requests so far. I'm sure the printer tool folks within SGI are looking at new ways to make things like this available in the future--not for me to decide, though. Jack Weldon Communications Engineer SGI Geometry Hotline -- Cheers, Jack "Elvis is alive and well and living in a trailer park in Muncie, Indiana" [National Enquirer]   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa19185; 11 Jul 89 4:29 EDT Received: by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab19035; 11 Jul 89 4:24 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa18847; 11 Jul 89 3:16 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa18804; 11 Jul 89 3:06 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa05349; 11 Jul 89 2:47 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.37) id AA03093; Mon, 10 Jul 89 23:32:32 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 11 Jul 89 03:38:37 GMT From: Dan Christensen Organization: Computer Graphics Lab, University of Waterloo Subject: Re: NeWS <-> C interface Message-Id: <> References: Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article pel@unhd.UUCP (Paul E. Leclerc) writes: > >We recently received a Personal Iris workstation and I am interested >in getting NeWS and C hooked together to provide a nice >user interface. I typed in one of the examples in the 4Sight User's >Guide (pages N8-10/11) and after fixing the few typos (in the manual!!) >I got it compiled. When I run it, ie a.out, nothing happens. Am >I doing something wrong? > >On a related note... Does anybody have a WORKING version of >a demo that interfaces C and NeWS (using CPS) that would have >things like buttons,cycles,prompts, etc. I am trying to >port/rehack Sunview code that we have written. All I really >need is one tiny working example of each so that I can play >with it a little.... (I cannot ftp for any goodies, sorry). I was able to get this working. The trick was to put -lbsd at the end of the compile line. I don't think that this is mentioned in the manual but it seems to be necessary. A problem I have been having is that I can't use -lgl and -lcps at the same time -- I get several pages of error messages if I try. I just called the hotline today so I may get an answer soon. Hope this helps! ---- Dan Christensen, Computer Graphics Lab, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ont.   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab18772; 11 Jul 89 3:05 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab18680; 11 Jul 89 2:55 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab18664; 11 Jul 89 2:38 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa05052; 11 Jul 89 1:47 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.37) id AA00514; Mon, 10 Jul 89 22:38:34 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 11 Jul 89 05:34:34 GMT From: Chris Franz Organization: Arizona State Univ, Tempe Subject: Screen Saver for 4D/70 Message-Id: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL I am looking for a screen saver program akin to screenblank on SUNs. I believe I was told once that this can only be done through a firmware fix. Does anyone have a clever shortcut? HW: IRIS 4D/70 SW: 4D1-3.1 Thanks, Chris Franz Engineering Computer Services Arizona State University Tempe, AZ 85287-5206   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa23105; 11 Jul 89 8:58 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.brl.MIL id ab22783; 11 Jul 89 8:48 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab22767; 11 Jul 89 8:37 EDT Received: from by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa08616; 11 Jul 89 7:46 EDT Received: Tue, 11 Jul 89 04:45:29 pdt by (5.51/1.2) Received: Tue, 11 Jul 89 07:46:01 EDT by (5.52/LeRC(1.0)) Date: Tue, 11 Jul 89 07:46:01 EDT From: Tony Facca Message-Id: <> To: Subject: questions about tn3270 on the Iris 4D's Cc: John, I picked up the tn3270 stuff from your system and with only a minimal amount of effort, was able to get it running on all of the Iris 4D's (including the Personal Iris). I have a couple of questions about it. 1) When I call the tn3270 program from a "toolchest" type window, using "wsh -blah -blah -c /usr/local/bin/tn3270 hostname" Everything works just fine except that when I press the "delete" key on the middle section of keys, the window is aborted due to a bad key mapping (or unexpected interrupt). However, if I just do "tn3270 hostname" from the command line, this problem does not exist. Any ideas on where to look?? 2) What exactly is the deal with the PF9-PF12 keys? I don't understand what is meant by "alternate keyboard mapping" as referenced in the wsh(1) man page. I guess you must have had to deal with this when you ported the stuff to the Iris's and decided that it was too much of a pain to try to get PF9-PF12 working.. do you remember why you didn't map the functions directly? 3) I have a tar(1) format file which includes an Iris 4D-specific Makefile along with the source which we use to compile "tn3270", if you or anyone else would like a copy of it. 4) Great job with the port. The program works beautifully. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tony Facca | phone: 216-433-8318 NASA Lewis Research Center | Cleveland, Ohio 44135 | email: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab23487; 11 Jul 89 9:37 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.brl.MIL id aa23288; 11 Jul 89 9:26 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa23215; 11 Jul 89 9:11 EDT Received: from AERO4.LARC.NASA.GOV by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa09454; 11 Jul 89 8:19 EDT Received: Tue, 11 Jul 89 08:18:57 EDT by (5.52/5.6) Date: Tue, 11 Jul 89 08:18:57 EDT From: "Brent L. Bates TAD/TAB ms294 x42854" Message-Id: <> To: sgi! Subject: Re: Thanks - but more questions! Cc: info-iris@BRL.MIL Like I said I prefer it the other way, BSD with SYS V enhancements. I really don't see the SYS V lp as being more flexible than the BSD. I haven't seen anything on the SYS V lp that can't be done with BSD. We have a Gould that is BSD with SYS V extensions and it has several printing devices contected to it directly and we can send output to other computers printing devices without any problem. I find the BSD printcap easier to use than the SYS V interfaces. I used mknetpr and then changed it so I could print files on our Gould. It took a little while, but I finally got it to work. I would have been easier of the 3130 had been BSD. "how can you get a Sun to print to a printer on a SYS V machine...?" Well the problem lies in the SYS V machine, not the BSD machine. I guess I though he had sent a copy to info-iris. On point 3, "3. Files printed using lpr have a date and time on them - but the time is not the same as the system time! .... " It seems that TZ wasn't set correctly for the filter and the times were off by 3 hours. Thanks for the info. -- Brent L. Bates NASA-Langley Research Center M.S. 294 Hampton, Virginia 23665-5225 (804) 864-2854 E-mail: or   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa24327; 11 Jul 89 10:04 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.brl.MIL id aa23771; 11 Jul 89 9:54 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa23731; 11 Jul 89 9:45 EDT Received: from AERO4.LARC.NASA.GOV by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa09782; 11 Jul 89 8:30 EDT Received: Tue, 11 Jul 89 08:29:57 EDT by (5.52/5.6) Date: Tue, 11 Jul 89 08:29:57 EDT From: "Brent L. Bates TAD/TAB ms294 x42854" Message-Id: <> To: asuvax! Subject: Re: Screen Saver for 4D/70 Cc: info-iris@BRL.MIL What about blanktime? I know it doesn't give you a floating "SUN", but it blanks out the screen after a set amount of time. This is on the 3000's, I don't know about the 4D's, but I would think it would be there too. -- Brent L. Bates NASA-Langley Research Center M.S. 294 Hampton, Virginia 23665-5225 (804) 864-2854 E-mail: or   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa25235; 11 Jul 89 10:55 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.brl.MIL id aa24914; 11 Jul 89 10:44 EDT Received: by VMB.BRL.MIL id ac24875; 11 Jul 89 10:33 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa24485; 11 Jul 89 10:16 EDT Received: from [] by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa10820; 11 Jul 89 9:00 EDT Received: by aviary.Stars.Reston.Unisys.COM (4.0/Domain/jpb/2.9) id AA16181; Tue, 11 Jul 89 08:55:12 EDT Date: Tue, 11 Jul 89 08:55:12 EDT From: Fred Loewenstein Message-Id: <8907111255.AA16181@aviary.Stars.Reston.Unisys.COM> To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Subject: Polygon fill algorithm Does anybody have a fast and reliable complex polygon fill algorithm for the IRIS 3030? I saw one a long time ago somewhere, but I don't remeber where! I guess I'm getting old!!! Any information would be appreciated. Fred Loewenstein UNISYS Corporation   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa29583; 11 Jul 89 12:27 EDT Received: by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa28194; 11 Jul 89 12:23 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.brl.MIL id aa27684; 11 Jul 89 12:05 EDT Received: by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa27530; 11 Jul 89 11:55 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa26108; 11 Jul 89 11:19 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa13982; 11 Jul 89 10:50 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.37) id AA25760; Tue, 11 Jul 89 07:42:23 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 11 Jul 89 14:40:22 GMT From: "Scott R. Presnell%Langridge" Organization: UC San Francisco, Pharmaceutical Chemistry Subject: A port of lpd (Was: re: pseudo lpr for IRIS) Message-Id: <11678@cgl.ucsf.EDU> References: <37519@sgi.SGI.COM> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <37519@sgi.SGI.COM> (Jack Weldon) writes: > >I will send this to any interested parties in shar form (a Makefile and lpr.c) > >Jack Weldon -- >Communications Engineer >SGI Hotline I have made a reasonably complete port of the BSD line printer stuff to IRIX (3.1B and up). Lpd, lpr, lpq, and lprm work as they should, though I have not tried to use an Iris machine for a "server" to a printer. (I'll be working on that soon). I would be willing to send (or post, should that be appropriate) **diffs** to the 4.3 BSD source, but I cannot post the source code in it's entirety (legal issues, you know). The diffs are about 25K. The port was done on a 4D/20G. The major difficulties in the port include a lack of support for Unix domain sockets and some missing/different system calls (like fchown). Things that have not been ported correctly (yet) include checking the file system for enough space when spooling a job (I'll get to it if SGI does not). Later. Scott Presnell +1 415 476 9890 Dept. of Pharmaceutical Chemistry Univ. of Calif. at San Francisco (UCSF), San Francisco, CA. 94143 Internet: UUCP: ucbvax!ucsfcgl!srp Bitnet: srp@ucsfcgl.bitnet   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa01171; 11 Jul 89 13:17 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.brl.MIL id aa00724; 11 Jul 89 13:06 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa00706; 11 Jul 89 12:57 EDT Received: from [] by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa16475; 11 Jul 89 12:18 EDT Received: Tue, 11 Jul 89 13:17:52 ADT by (5.52/5.6) Date: Tue, 11 Jul 89 13:17:52 ADT From: Jim Diamond Message-Id: <> To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Subject: Gnu emacs I would like to bring up Gnu Emacs on our 4D/50 running Release 4D1-3.14711181642 WITHOUT becoming an gnu emacs guru. Is there anyone out there who (a) has it running on a compatible system, and (b) either (i) is willing to send me (or let me ftp) the sources (with whatever mods are necessary), or (ii) can point me to sources which I can get to run without becoming the afore-mentioned gnu-guru. Thanks. Jim Diamond   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa04537; 11 Jul 89 14:46 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.brl.MIL id aa04040; 11 Jul 89 14:36 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa04034; 11 Jul 89 14:27 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa18812; 11 Jul 89 13:34 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.37) id AA04974; Tue, 11 Jul 89 10:30:29 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 11 Jul 89 15:20:45 GMT From: Mark Meuer Organization: Minnesota Supercomputer Institute Subject: Re: Screen Saver for 4D/70 Message-Id: <14352@umn-cs.CS.UMN.EDU> References: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <> (Chris Franz) writes: > > I am looking for a screen saver program akin to >screenblank on SUNs. > >Chris Franz Try the command "blanktime". It specifies how long the delay should be before the screen goes blank. We are running a 4D/120 and the software version is the same as yours, so I would assume that this would work. (Of course, you know what happens when you assume things...) -Mark Meuer   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa00524; 11 Jul 89 17:48 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa00374; 11 Jul 89 17:38 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa00332; 11 Jul 89 17:13 EDT Received: from AERO4.LARC.NASA.GOV by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa24352; 11 Jul 89 16:01 EDT Received: Tue, 11 Jul 89 16:01:12 EDT by (5.52/5.6) Date: Tue, 11 Jul 89 16:01:12 EDT From: "Brent L. Bates TAD/TAB ms294 x42854" Message-Id: <> To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Subject: .deskconfig I have used .deskconfig to position the clock on the screen and one other program, but that is about it. I tried to use it with ical and gsh, but it doesn't seem to work. Does anyone know why only some programs work with .deskconfig? Have I missed anything in the so-so documetation? -- Brent   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa01182; 11 Jul 89 19:28 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa00880; 11 Jul 89 19:07 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa00837; 11 Jul 89 18:45 EDT Received: from NRTC.NORTHROP.COM by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa25894; 11 Jul 89 17:47 EDT Received: by id ab14741; 11 Jul 89 14:46 PDT Received: from by id ab14107; 11 Jul 89 13:43 PDT Date: Tue, 11 Jul 89 13:40:38 PDT From: Fletcher Robinson To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Subject: RAM Message-ID: <8907111747.aa25894@SMOKE.BRL.MIL> Does anyone know if CPU main memory(RAM) in a 4D70GT is dual-ported ? i.e. is it accessible from the VMEBUS ?   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa02127; 11 Jul 89 22:47 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.brl.MIL id aa01956; 11 Jul 89 22:37 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa01923; 11 Jul 89 22:17 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa28180; 11 Jul 89 21:03 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.37) id AA28035; Tue, 11 Jul 89 17:16:57 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 11 Jul 89 22:39:33 GMT From: Dave Ciemiewicz Organization: Silicon Graphics, Inc., Mountain View, CA Subject: Re: questions about tn3270 on the Iris 4D's Message-Id: <37783@sgi.SGI.COM> References: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <>, fsfacca@LERC08.LERC.NASA.GOV (Tony Facca) writes: > John, > > I picked up the tn3270 stuff from your system and with only a minimal amount of > effort, was able to get it running on all of the Iris 4D's (including the > Personal Iris). I have a couple of questions about it. > > 1) When I call the tn3270 program from a "toolchest" type window, using > "wsh -blah -blah -c /usr/local/bin/tn3270 hostname" > > Everything works just fine except that when I press the "delete" key on > the middle section of keys, the window is aborted due to a bad key mapping > (or unexpected interrupt). However, if I just do "tn3270 hostname" from > the command line, this problem does not exist. Any ideas on where to look?? > ... > -- > ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Tony Facca | phone: 216-433-8318 > NASA Lewis Research Center | > Cleveland, Ohio 44135 | email: > ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The problem "delete" key problems occurs because the tty modes are set incorrectly for the wsh. When you launch the tn3270 wsh from the shell command line, the wsh clones off the tty settings from the shell's controlling pty. When you launch the tn3270 wsh from a 4Sight toolchest, there are no tty settings to clone since 4Sight does not have a controlling tty. Since, there are no tty settings, you get default settings for the wsh pty. In this case, the default setting probably has the interrupt character set to DEL. A solution to this differing behaviour between shell and 4Sight launching behaviors should be available in the forthcoming 3.2 release. Until that time, you might try a shell script called "tn3270.stty" containing the following: #! /bin/sh stty intr ^C #... other favourite tty settings /usr/local/bin/tn3270 Have your toolchest launch the wsh with tn3270.stty instead of /usr/local/bin/tn3270. Hope this helps. -- =============================================================================== Form: 27B-6 Submitted by: Central Services Operative, DC-473 Task: Duct repair Status: Emergency ===============================================================================   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa09678; 12 Jul 89 10:20 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa09236; 12 Jul 89 10:10 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa08943; 12 Jul 89 9:47 EDT Received: from [] by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa27121; 11 Jul 89 19:18 EDT Received: by (5.61+/IDA-1.2.8) id AA22556; Tue, 11 Jul 89 17:03:28 -0500 Date: Tue, 11 Jul 89 17:03:28 -0500 From: Homayoon Akhiani Message-Id: <> To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Subject: gl2 library routines for faster graphics We are doing real-time simulation using iris 3000 series. In the gl2 library I found routines which are not documented in the manuals, but are very fast: gl_sincos() calculates sin and cos of a angle in about 10 times faster than the math and floating point library. gl_identifymatrix() whichpush and loads an identity matrix. Does anyone has any information about the routines that are in the gl library which is not documented ? ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Homayoon Akhiani University of Illinois at Urbana/Champaign Aviation Research Lab -------------------------------------------------------------------------   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa07284; 12 Jul 89 21:56 EDT Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa07133; 12 Jul 89 21:46 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa07102; 12 Jul 89 21:28 EDT Received: from HAC2ARPA.HAC.COM by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa07275; 12 Jul 89 20:53 EDT Received: from [] by (5.59/SMI-DDN) id AA08442; Tue, 11 Jul 89 11:48:30 PDT Received: by rsgate id <00000160031@rsgate.RSG.HAC.COM> ; Tue, 11 Jul 89 11:41:32 PDT Date: Tue, 11 Jul 89 11:24:27 PDT From: "Kevin R. Martin" (213)-578-4316 <"SCCR50::DSLKRM"> Subject: NCGA's GPC committee. To: X-Vms-Mail-To: RSGATE::EXOS%"" Message-Id: <890711112427.00000160031@rsgate.RSG.HAC.COM> Has anyone heard any news on the National Computer Graphics Associations (NCGA) Graphics Performance Characterization (GPC) committee? Is Silicon Graphics Inc. one of the several graphics hardware vendors supporting the effort? The GPC is supposedly putting together some standard benchmarking suites to help make typical vendor performance characteristics like vectors/sec, polys/sec, and image rotation, more well defined by including size, attributes, orientation, etc. A GPC 'Picture-Level Benchmark' for measuring the speed at which a 3-d picture is being displayed (shaded, rotated, transformed, etc.) is scheduled to be released this August. Of course nothing will completely replace the "plug in your application and give it a spin" benchmarking, but this sounds promising. Kevin R. Martin Internet: Radar Systems Group U.S. Mail: Hughes Aircraft Company Loc: RC, Bldg: R50, M/S: 2723 GM Hughes Electronics Corp. P.O. Box 92426 General Motors Corp. Los Angeles, CA 90009