Chikai Ohazama (chikai@talula)
Fri, 12 Feb 1999 10:48:20 -0800 (PST)
Chikai J. Ohazama, Ph.D. Silicon Graphics Computer Systems
Member of Technical Staff 2011 N. Shoreline Blvd. ms 525
Advanced Graphics Division Mountain View, CA 94043.1389
Telephone: (650) 933-6533
FAX: (650) 964-8671
On Fri, 12 Feb 1999, Oliver Burgert wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> first I'd like to introduce myself: My name is Oliver Burgert, I'm scientist at
> the university of Karlsruhe, Germany and I'm working in the field of medical
> computer science. To be more precise, my main topics are the simulation of
> muscle contraction, and soft tissue simulation after bone deformations.
> Are there any people on the list with similiar work areas?
> Now to the Question:
> Iht insight manulas for Volumizer are mentioning sample data which should be
> stored in "Volumizer/data/volumes/". I haven't found these files in my
> distribution (from the SGI web pages). Is there a ftp-site or anything else
> where I can get these files?
> Oli
> --
> Dipl.-Inform. Oliver Burgert Tel.: ++49 / 721 / 608-4261
> IPR (Geb. 40.28) Fax.: ++49 / 721 / 608-7141
> University of Karlsruhe Mail:
> Kaiserstr. 12
> D-76128 Karlsruhe, Germany
> ---- Der Computer ist die Loesung bei der Suche nach Problemen ----
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