
These images show some applications which use rjs some or all of the user interaction.  Unless otherwise noted, all applications run on linux and IRIX.  When running on Linux the applications use the local joystick device.  When running on IRIX they interface with the joystick device via a low-latency network connection (repeatd).

GLUT and OpenGL

This code shows a cube which is maniplated with with the joystick.  Two two-axis controllers control the orientation and the zoom of the cube.  The resulting modelview matrix is displayed.  The two dots on the display represent the relative location of the manipulator for the quaterion calcuations.  The white dot represents the left axis controller of the joystick (for orientation).  The yellow dot represents the right axis controller (for zoom).  This code can be recompiled to work with mouse-only interaction or the joystick.

This is a modified version of a reflection demo.  The left controller changes the viewpoint and the right controller will move the cone around the scene.  This code allows both the mouse and joystick devices to operate simultaneously (the right mouse button will move the sphere around).

OpenGL Volumizer(SGI only)

My main desire for writing this code was to manipulate clipping planes inside OpenGLVolumizer applications.  Here's an example which has some more intricate manipulations.  Volumizer is an API for volumetric rendering and is available at no charge from the  website. There are some other interesting volume datasets at Christof Rezk-Salama's site (although I haven't tried them yet).

OpenGL Performer

Coming soon!