From: (Mark Kilgard)
Subject: Achieving Quality PostScript output for OpenGL
Date: Fri, 18 Apr 97 03:08:43 1997
Organization: Silicon Graphics, Inc.

OpenGL programmers,

This posting discusses how to use OpenGL's feedback mechanism to generate resolution independent versions of scenes rendered by OpenGL programs. As an example application for feedback, you can feedback to generate PostScript descriptions of a 3D scene that are actually geometric, not simply dumps of an OpenGL rendered image. At the end of this posting, a complete working GLUT-based OpenGL program is provided that can generate Encapsulated PostScript for a useful class of OpenGL scenes. I also discuss other applications for OpenGL's feedback mechanism, many specifically targeted at 3D games.

For those interested in PostScript out for OpenGL, also check out GLP, a free OpenGL to PostScript C++ class library by Michael R. Sweet.

Before the full explanation of OpenGL's feedback mode, let's see what the example code can do. First, here's a simple torus rendered on-screen with OpenGL by rendereps:

Now, here's what ghostview (a GNU PostScript previewer) shows when we write out the rendering as a resolution-independent Encapsulated PostScript file:

You can verify for yourself that the PostScript generated really is resolution independent by printing the same render.eps Encapsulated PostScript file to a high-resolution PostScript printer. Download (GNU zipped). (Note that a PostScript showpage directive has been added to the end of the file generated by rendereps so that the file can be printed.)

First, a bit of high-level theory about OpenGL's rendering process. The OpenGL rendering process actually has two main steps: First, OpenGL "transforms" your 3D primitives into screen space. The transformation step includes 3D modeling, culling, and per-vertex lighting. The second step is rasterization. OpenGL "rasterizes" the transformed primitives so that they properly update pixels in the frame buffer.

The rasterization step is where your 3D scene becomes "pixelized". Pixel-level operations such as blending and depth testing (for hidden service removal) all get done as part of rasterization.

Rasterization is where your 3D scene gets mapped to some fixed pixelized resolution. All the points, lines, and polygons in your scene get mapped to onto the finite set of pixels to form your final rendered image. An unfortunate, unsightly, but largely inevitable part of rasterization is that lines and edges of polygons end up with jagged edges (when ideally the edges should be exactly straight). Yes, rasterization gives you a nice display-able image, but you also give up the resolution independence of your abstract 3D scene.

The difficulties that comes from mapping idealized geometry onto a discrete grid of pixels are commonly called "rasterization aliasing artifacts".

Consider what happens when you try to "screen capture" an OpenGL-rendered image on your computer's screen and print it out on a high-resolution laser printer. You'll generally find that the printed version looks "blocky" or "blurry" if the image gets printed large on a piece of paper. This is because the spatial resolution of a piece of paper is substantially higher than resolution of your computer monitor.

Wouldn't it be great if there was some way to take your resolution independent abstract 3D scene and render it with OpenGL into some format that could be printed out to a laser printer so that it would be at the resolution of the laser printer instead of your lower-resolution computer screen?

A naive solution is to simply render the image with OpenGL at the higher resolution of the laser printer. In general, rasterizing at a higher resolution is often too memory intensive and not really practical. The space required to store the resulting image is directly proportional to its pixel area. Such high resolution images can take up huge amounts of space. Plus, even a higher-resolution image still has a finite resolution so you would still get a blocky look on an even higher resolution laser printer.

A better solution would be to render your scene with OpenGL but instead of both transforming and rasterizing your scene, stop after transformation step and return the results of the transformed primitives back to the application. OpenGL provides exactly this capability with its feedback mechanism. Essentially, you can ask OpenGL to "feedback" the results of OpenGL's transformation step back to your application. Then, you can do what you like with the results.

One thing you could do is write out the transformed scene in some resolution independent format such as PostScript that most laser printers understand. The complete program below shows exactly how to do just that.

In feedback mode, OpenGL does all its standard modeling, culling, and lighting calculations just like it was going to render the scene into a framebuffer except OpenGL skips the rasterization step that would actually update the framebuffer. Be warned that operations such as depth testing (for hidden surface removal) and texturing and blending are therefore not available in feedback mode. This shouldn't be too surprising since these OpenGL steps inherently manipulate pixels, the very thing we are trying to avoid with feedback mode.

The lack of depth buffering for hidden surface removal sounds quite limiting, but in fact since OpenGL feedback gives you back all the polygons in the scene projected into window space including depth values, you can sort the polygons back to front. Then you can use the "painter's" algorithm for hidden surface removal. After sorting the primitives, render them back to front.

Here's the way to use OpenGL feedback:

  GLfloat buffer[1024]; 
  glFeedbackBuffer(1024, GL_3DCOLOR, buffer);


  used = glRenderMode(GL_RENDER); /* Switch back to render mode. */ 

After these calls (assuming the feedback buffer didn't overflow), you'll have in the array buffer all unculled primitives. Each vertex will have both a 3D coordinate and a color value. See the glFeedbackBuffer and glRenderMode function descriptions for more details.

Now, you can post-process the feedback buffer and translate it's contents into PostScript or do whatever else you want to do with the results. The format of the feedback buffer is a bit involved. The best explanation of the feedback buffer format is in the OpenGL specification. See:

The rendereps.c program below shows how to decode the feedback buffer and translate it into Encapsulated PostScript. You can then embed the Encapsulated PostScript in some other document and not lose any unnecessary resolution in your scene when you go to print it.

The included demonstration program can either sort the primitives back to front or leave them in the order rendered. Sorting adds a bit of overhead, but is almost certainly required for any scene that uses depth testing for hidden surface removal. The unsorted option is useful when generating wire frame drawings.

I want to make sure that you appreciate that OpenGL feedback is amazingly useful for a whole range of tasks, not just generating PostScript for OpenGL rendered scenes. Here are some other uses:

The best part of OpenGL's feedback mechanism is that OpenGL implementations can actually use the same dedicated transformation engine used for rendering to do feedback calculations. A well-designed piece of OpenGL hardware can off-load all the OpenGL transformation operations onto specialized floating point engines for maximum performance. SGI's RealityEngine and InfiniteReality graphics subsystems are both examples demonstrating hardware acceleration of feedback.

Also note that OpenGL's feedback mechanism is a fairly novel 3D rendering API feature. Other 3D APIs such as Direct3D Immediate Mode completely lack any equivalent to OpenGL's feedback mode.

Here's the code for rendereps.c (or download it from previous link).

- Mark

/* Copyright (c) Mark J. Kilgard, 1997. */

/* This program is freely distributable without licensing fees 
   and is provided without guarantee or warrantee expressed or 
   implied. This program is -not- in the public domain. */

/* Example showing how to use OpenGL's feedback mode to capture
   transformed vertices and output them as Encapsulated PostScript.
   Handles limited hidden surface removal by sorting and does
   smooth shading (albeit limited due to PostScript). */

/* Compile: cc -o rendereps rendereps.c -lglut -lGLU -lGL -lXmu -lXext -lX11 -lm */

#include <assert.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <GL/glut.h>

/* OpenGL's GL_3D_COLOR feedback vertex format. */
typedef struct _Feedback3Dcolor {
  GLfloat x;
  GLfloat y;
  GLfloat z;
  GLfloat red;
  GLfloat green;
  GLfloat blue;
  GLfloat alpha;
} Feedback3Dcolor;

int blackBackground = 0;  /* Initially use a white background. */
int lighting = 0;       /* Initially disable lighting. */
int polygonMode = 1;    /* Initially show wireframe. */
int object = 1;         /* Initially show the torus. */

GLfloat angle = 0.0;    /* Angle of rotation for object. */
int moving, begin;      /* For interactive object rotation. */
int size = 1;           /* Size of lines and points. */

/* How many feedback buffer GLfloats each of the three objects need. */
int objectComplexity[3] =
{6000, 14000, 380000};  /* Teapot requires ~1.5 megabytes for
                           its feedback results! */

/* render gets called both by "display" (in OpenGL render mode)
   and by "outputEPS" (in OpenGL feedback mode). */
  glRotatef(angle, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
  switch (object) {
  case 0:
    glutSolidSphere(1.0, 10, 10);
  case 1:
    glutSolidTorus(0.5, 1.0, 15, 15);
  case 2:


  if (blackBackground) {
    /* Clear to black. */
    glClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
  } else {
    /* Clear to white. */
    glClearColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);

  if (lighting) {
  } else {

  switch (polygonMode) {
  case 0:
    glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_POINT);
  case 1:
    glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_LINE);
  case 2:
    glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL);

/* Write contents of one vertex to stdout. */
print3DcolorVertex(GLint size, GLint * count,
  GLfloat * buffer)
  int i;

  printf("  ");
  for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
    printf("%4.2f ", buffer[size - (*count)]);
    *count = *count - 1;

printBuffer(GLint size, GLfloat * buffer)
  GLint count;
  int token, nvertices;

  count = size;
  while (count) {
    token = buffer[size - count];
    switch (token) {
      printf("  %4.2f\n", buffer[size - count]);
    case GL_POINT_TOKEN:
      print3DcolorVertex(size, &count, buffer);
    case GL_LINE_TOKEN:
      print3DcolorVertex(size, &count, buffer);
      print3DcolorVertex(size, &count, buffer);
      print3DcolorVertex(size, &count, buffer);
      print3DcolorVertex(size, &count, buffer);
      nvertices = buffer[size - count];
      for (; nvertices > 0; nvertices--) {
        print3DcolorVertex(size, &count, buffer);

GLfloat pointSize;

static char *gouraudtriangleEPS[] =
  "/bd{bind def}bind def /triangle { aload pop   setrgbcolor  aload pop 5 3",
  "roll 4 2 roll 3 2 roll exch moveto lineto lineto closepath fill } bd",
  "/computediff1 { 2 copy sub abs threshold ge {pop pop pop true} { exch 2",
  "index sub abs threshold ge { pop pop true} { sub abs threshold ge } ifelse",
  "} ifelse } bd /computediff3 { 3 copy 0 get 3 1 roll 0 get 3 1 roll 0 get",
  "computediff1 {true} { 3 copy 1 get 3 1 roll 1 get 3 1 roll 1 get",
  "computediff1 {true} { 3 copy 2 get 3 1 roll  2 get 3 1 roll 2 get",
  "computediff1 } ifelse } ifelse } bd /middlecolor { aload pop 4 -1 roll",
  "aload pop 4 -1 roll add 2 div 5 1 roll 3 -1 roll add 2 div 3 1 roll add 2",
  "div 3 1 roll exch 3 array astore } bd /gouraudtriangle { computediff3 { 4",
  "-1 roll aload 7 1 roll 6 -1 roll pop 3 -1 roll pop add 2 div 3 1 roll add",
  "2 div exch 3 -1 roll aload 7 1 roll exch pop 4 -1 roll pop add 2 div 3 1",
  "roll add 2 div exch 3 -1 roll aload 7 1 roll pop 3 -1 roll pop add 2 div 3",
  "1 roll add 2 div exch 7 3 roll 10 -3 roll dup 3 index middlecolor 4 1 roll",
  "2 copy middlecolor 4 1 roll 3 copy pop middlecolor 4 1 roll 13 -1 roll",
  "aload pop 17 index 6 index 15 index 19 index 6 index 17 index 6 array",
  "astore 10 index 10 index 14 index gouraudtriangle 17 index 5 index 17",
  "index 19 index 5 index 19 index 6 array astore 10 index 9 index 13 index",
  "gouraudtriangle 13 index 16 index 5 index 15 index 18 index 5 index 6",
  "array astore 12 index 12 index 9 index gouraudtriangle 17 index 16 index",
  "15 index 19 index 18 index 17 index 6 array astore 10 index 12 index 14",
  "index gouraudtriangle 18 {pop} repeat } { aload pop 5 3 roll aload pop 7 3",
  "roll aload pop 9 3 roll 4 index 6 index 4 index add add 3 div 10 1 roll 7",
  "index 5 index 3 index add add 3 div 10 1 roll 6 index 4 index 2 index add",
  "add 3 div 10 1 roll 9 {pop} repeat 3 array astore triangle } ifelse } bd",

GLfloat *
spewPrimitiveEPS(FILE * file, GLfloat * loc)
  int token;
  int nvertices, i;
  GLfloat red, green, blue;
  int smooth;
  GLfloat dx, dy, dr, dg, db, absR, absG, absB, colormax;
  int steps;
  Feedback3Dcolor *vertex;
  GLfloat xstep, ystep, rstep, gstep, bstep;
  GLfloat xnext, ynext, rnext, gnext, bnext, distance;

  token = *loc;
  switch (token) {
    vertex = (Feedback3Dcolor *) loc;

    dr = vertex[1].red - vertex[0].red;
    dg = vertex[1].green - vertex[0].green;
    db = vertex[1].blue - vertex[0].blue;

    if (dr != 0 || dg != 0 || db != 0) {
      /* Smooth shaded line. */
      dx = vertex[1].x - vertex[0].x;
      dy = vertex[1].y - vertex[0].y;
      distance = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);

      absR = fabs(dr);
      absG = fabs(dg);
      absB = fabs(db);

#define Max(a,b) (((a)>(b))?(a):(b))

#define EPS_SMOOTH_LINE_FACTOR 0.06  /* Lower for better smooth 

                                        lines. */

      colormax = Max(absR, Max(absG, absB));
      steps = Max(1.0, colormax * distance * EPS_SMOOTH_LINE_FACTOR);

      xstep = dx / steps;
      ystep = dy / steps;

      rstep = dr / steps;
      gstep = dg / steps;
      bstep = db / steps;

      xnext = vertex[0].x;
      ynext = vertex[0].y;
      rnext = vertex[0].red;
      gnext = vertex[0].green;
      bnext = vertex[0].blue;

      /* Back up half a step; we want the end points to be
         exactly the their endpoint colors. */
      xnext -= xstep / 2.0;
      ynext -= ystep / 2.0;
      rnext -= rstep / 2.0;
      gnext -= gstep / 2.0;
      bnext -= bstep / 2.0;
    } else {
      /* Single color line. */
      steps = 0;

    fprintf(file, "%g %g %g setrgbcolor\n",
      vertex[0].red, vertex[0].green, vertex[0].blue);
    fprintf(file, "%g %g moveto\n", vertex[0].x, vertex[0].y);

    for (i = 0; i < steps; i++) {
      xnext += xstep;
      ynext += ystep;
      rnext += rstep;
      gnext += gstep;
      bnext += bstep;
      fprintf(file, "%g %g lineto stroke\n", xnext, ynext);
      fprintf(file, "%g %g %g setrgbcolor\n", rnext, gnext, bnext);
      fprintf(file, "%g %g moveto\n", xnext, ynext);
    fprintf(file, "%g %g lineto stroke\n", vertex[1].x, vertex[1].y);

    loc += 14;          /* Each vertex element in the feedback
                           buffer is 7 GLfloats. */

    nvertices = *loc;

    vertex = (Feedback3Dcolor *) loc;

    if (nvertices > 0) {
      red = vertex[0].red;
      green = vertex[0].green;
      blue = vertex[0].blue;
      smooth = 0;
      for (i = 1; i < nvertices; i++) {
        if (red != vertex[i].red || green != vertex[i].green || blue != vertex[i].blue) {
          smooth = 1;
      if (smooth) {
        /* Smooth shaded polygon; varying colors at vetices. */
        int triOffset;

        /* Break polygon into "nvertices-2" triangle fans. */
        for (i = 0; i < nvertices - 2; i++) {
          triOffset = i * 7;
          fprintf(file, "[%g %g %g %g %g %g]",
            vertex[0].x, vertex[i + 1].x, vertex[i + 2].x,
            vertex[0].y, vertex[i + 1].y, vertex[i + 2].y);
          fprintf(file, " [%g %g %g] [%g %g %g] [%g %g %g] gouraudtriangle\n",
            vertex[0].red, vertex[0].green, vertex[0].blue,
            vertex[i + 1].red, vertex[i + 1].green, vertex[i + 1].blue,
            vertex[i + 2].red, vertex[i + 2].green, vertex[i + 2].blue);
      } else {
        /* Flat shaded polygon; all vertex colors the same. */
        fprintf(file, "newpath\n");
        fprintf(file, "%g %g %g setrgbcolor\n", red, green, blue);

        /* Draw a filled triangle. */
        fprintf(file, "%g %g moveto\n", vertex[0].x, vertex[0].y);
        for (i = 1; i < nvertices; i++) {
          fprintf(file, "%g %g lineto\n", vertex[i].x, vertex[i].y);
        fprintf(file, "closepath fill\n\n");
    loc += nvertices * 7;  /* Each vertex element in the
                              feedback buffer is 7 GLfloats. */
    vertex = (Feedback3Dcolor *) loc;
    fprintf(file, "%g %g %g setrgbcolor\n", vertex[0].red, vertex[0].green, vertex[0].blue);
    fprintf(file, "%g %g %g 0 360 arc fill\n\n", vertex[0].x, vertex[0].y, pointSize / 2.0);
    loc += 7;           /* Each vertex element in the feedback
                           buffer is 7 GLfloats. */
    /* XXX Left as an excersie to the reader. */
    printf("Incomplete implementation.  Unexpected token (%d).\n", token);
  return loc;

spewUnsortedFeedback(FILE * file, GLint size, GLfloat * buffer)
  GLfloat *loc, *end;

  loc = buffer;
  end = buffer + size;
  while (loc < end) {
    loc = spewPrimitiveEPS(file, loc);

typedef struct _DepthIndex {
  GLfloat *ptr;
  GLfloat depth;
} DepthIndex;

static int
compare(const void *a, const void *b)
  DepthIndex *p1 = (DepthIndex *) a;
  DepthIndex *p2 = (DepthIndex *) b;
  GLfloat diff = p2->depth - p1->depth;

  if (diff > 0.0) {
    return 1;
  } else if (diff < 0.0) {
    return -1;
  } else {
    return 0;

spewSortedFeedback(FILE * file, GLint size, GLfloat * buffer)
  int token;
  GLfloat *loc, *end;
  Feedback3Dcolor *vertex;
  GLfloat depthSum;
  int nprimitives, item;
  DepthIndex *prims;
  int nvertices, i;

  end = buffer + size;

  /* Count how many primitives there are. */
  nprimitives = 0;
  loc = buffer;
  while (loc < end) {
    token = *loc;
    switch (token) {
    case GL_LINE_TOKEN:
      loc += 14;
      nvertices = *loc;
      loc += (7 * nvertices);
    case GL_POINT_TOKEN:
      loc += 7;
      /* XXX Left as an excersie to the reader. */
      printf("Incomplete implementation.  Unexpected token (%d).\n",

  /* Allocate an array of pointers that will point back at
     primitives in the feedback buffer.  There will be one
     entry per primitive.  This array is also where we keep the
     primitive's average depth.  There is one entry per
     primitive  in the feedback buffer. */
  prims = (DepthIndex *) malloc(sizeof(DepthIndex) * nprimitives);

  item = 0;
  loc = buffer;
  while (loc < end) {
    prims[item].ptr = loc;  /* Save this primitive's location. */
    token = *loc;
    switch (token) {
    case GL_LINE_TOKEN:
      vertex = (Feedback3Dcolor *) loc;
      depthSum = vertex[0].z + vertex[1].z;
      prims[item].depth = depthSum / 2.0;
      loc += 14;
      nvertices = *loc;
      vertex = (Feedback3Dcolor *) loc;
      depthSum = vertex[0].z;
      for (i = 1; i < nvertices; i++) {
        depthSum += vertex[i].z;
      prims[item].depth = depthSum / nvertices;
      loc += (7 * nvertices);
    case GL_POINT_TOKEN:
      vertex = (Feedback3Dcolor *) loc;
      prims[item].depth = vertex[0].z;
      loc += 7;
      /* XXX Left as an excersie to the reader. */
  assert(item == nprimitives);

  /* Sort the primitives back to front. */
  qsort(prims, nprimitives, sizeof(DepthIndex), compare);

  /* Understand that sorting by a primitives average depth
     doesn't allow us to disambiguate some cases like self
     intersecting polygons.  Handling these cases would require
     breaking up the primitives.  That's too involved for this
     example.  Sorting by depth is good enough for lots of
     applications. */

  /* Emit the Encapsulated PostScript for the primitives in
     back to front order. */
  for (item = 0; item < nprimitives; item++) {
    (void) spewPrimitiveEPS(file, prims[item].ptr);


#define EPS_GOURAUD_THRESHOLD 0.1  /* Lower for better (slower) 

                                      smooth shading. */

spewWireFrameEPS(FILE * file, int doSort, GLint size, GLfloat * buffer, char *creator)
  GLfloat clearColor[4], viewport[4];
  GLfloat lineWidth;
  int i;

  /* Read back a bunch of OpenGL state to help make the EPS
     consistent with the OpenGL clear color, line width, point
     size, and viewport. */
  glGetFloatv(GL_VIEWPORT, viewport);
  glGetFloatv(GL_COLOR_CLEAR_VALUE, clearColor);
  glGetFloatv(GL_LINE_WIDTH, &lineWidth);
  glGetFloatv(GL_POINT_SIZE, &pointSize);

  /* Emit EPS header. */
  fputs("%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0\n", file);
  /* Notice %% for a single % in the fprintf calls. */
  fprintf(file, "%%%%Creator: %s (using OpenGL feedback)\n", file, creator);
  fprintf(file, "%%%%BoundingBox: %g %g %g %g\n",
    viewport[0], viewport[1], viewport[2], viewport[3]);
  fputs("%%EndComments\n", file);
  fputs("\n", file);
  fputs("gsave\n", file);
  fputs("\n", file);

  /* Output Frederic Delhoume's "gouraudtriangle" PostScript
     fragment. */
  fputs("% the gouraudtriangle PostScript fragement below is free\n", file);
  fputs("% written by Frederic Delhoume (\n", file);
  fprintf(file, "/threshold %g def\n", EPS_GOURAUD_THRESHOLD);
  for (i = 0; gouraudtriangleEPS[i]; i++) {
    fprintf(file, "%s\n", gouraudtriangleEPS[i]);

  fprintf(file, "\n%g setlinewidth\n", lineWidth);

  /* Clear the background like OpenGL had it. */
  fprintf(file, "%g %g %g setrgbcolor\n",
    clearColor[0], clearColor[1], clearColor[2]);
  fprintf(file, "%g %g %g %g rectfill\n\n",
    viewport[0], viewport[1], viewport[2], viewport[3]);

  if (doSort) {
    spewSortedFeedback(file, size, buffer);
  } else {
    spewUnsortedFeedback(file, size, buffer);

  /* Emit EPS trailer. */
  fputs("grestore\n\n", file);
  fputs("%Add `showpage' to the end of this file to be able to print to a printer.\n",


outputEPS(int size, int doSort, char *filename)
  GLfloat *feedbackBuffer;
  GLint returned;
  FILE *file;

  feedbackBuffer = calloc(size, sizeof(GLfloat));
  glFeedbackBuffer(size, GL_3D_COLOR, feedbackBuffer);
  (void) glRenderMode(GL_FEEDBACK);
  returned = glRenderMode(GL_RENDER);
  if (filename) {
    file = fopen(filename, "w");
    if (file) {
      spewWireFrameEPS(file, doSort, returned, feedbackBuffer, "rendereps");
    } else {
      printf("Could not open %s\n", filename);
  } else {
    /* Helps debugging to be able to see the decode feedback
       buffer as text. */
    printBuffer(returned, feedbackBuffer);

choice(int value)
  switch (value) {
  case 0:
    outputEPS(objectComplexity[object], 1, "render.eps");
  case 1:
    outputEPS(objectComplexity[object], 0, "render.eps");
  case 2:
    /* Try to start GNU "ghostview" to preview the EPS. */
    system("ghostview render.eps &");
  case 3:
    outputEPS(objectComplexity[object], 0, NULL);
  case 4:
    blackBackground = 1 - blackBackground;
  case 5:
    lighting = 1 - lighting;
  case 6:
    polygonMode = (polygonMode + 1) % 3;
  case 7:
    size = (size % 5) + 1;
  case 8:
    object = (object + 1) % 3;
  case 666:

mouse(int button, int state, int x, int y)
  if (button == GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON && state == GLUT_DOWN) {
    moving = 1;
    begin = x;
  if (button == GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON && state == GLUT_UP) {
    moving = 0;

motion(int x, int y)
  if (moving) {
    angle = angle + (x - begin);
    begin = x;

GLfloat light_diffuse[] =
{0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0};   /* Green light. */
GLfloat light_position[] =
{1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0};

main(int argc, char **argv)
  glutInit(&argc, argv);
  glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_DEPTH | GLUT_DOUBLE | GLUT_RGB);

  glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_DIFFUSE, light_diffuse);
  glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_POSITION, light_position);

  gluPerspective( /* field of view in degree */ 22.0,
  /* aspect ratio */ 1.0,
    /* Z near */ 5.0, /* Z far */ 10.0);
  gluLookAt(0.0, 0.0, 5.0,  /* eye is at (0,0,5) */
    0.0, 0.0, 0.0,      /* center is at (0,0,0) */
    0.0, 1.0, 0.);      /* up is in postivie Y direction */
  glTranslatef(0.0, 0.0, -3.0);

  /* Give the object an "interesting" orientation. */
  glRotatef(25, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0);

  glutAddMenuEntry("Write out Encapsulated PS (sorted)", 0);
  glutAddMenuEntry("Write out Encapsulated PS (UNsorted)", 1);
  glutAddMenuEntry("Spawn ghostview to view EPS", 2);
  glutAddMenuEntry("Display feedback buffer", 3);
  glutAddMenuEntry("Toggle black/white background", 4);
  glutAddMenuEntry("Toggle lighting", 5);
  glutAddMenuEntry("Switch fill mode (line, poly, point)", 6);
  glutAddMenuEntry("Switch line/point size", 7);
  glutAddMenuEntry("Switch object", 8);
  glutAddMenuEntry("Quit", 666);


  glColor3f(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);  /* Geometry should appear red. */

  return 0;             /* ANSI C requires main to return int. */