Volumizer 1.2 is Available!

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Joe Quinlan (jquinlan@qstick)
Wed, 22 Dec 1999 16:12:27 -0800

Hello Volumizers!
We're proud to announce that OpenGL Volumizer 1.2 is now available for
download on the OpenGL Volumizer website at:


OpenGL Volumizer 1.2 features the following enhancements:
- Voxel Modification
- Sample code for a Volumizer node in Performer
- Stereo Example Code
- Bug Fixes

For a full listing of bug fixes and feature enhancements, please see the
release notes (available online from the website). OpenGL Volumizer 1.2
is binary compatible with the 1.1 version.

Joe Quinlan
OpenGL Volumizer Product Manager

Joe Quinlan, Product Marketing Manager
Visual Solutions Business Unit, SGI
Tel:  (650) 933-6670  Fax:  (650) 932-6670  
Pager:  800-745-5748  

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