Vis '99 BOF

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Joe Quinlan (jquinlan@qstick)
Mon, 25 Oct 1999 18:28:27 -0700

Hello Volumizers,

In our September 3, 1999 email to you ("OpenGL Volumizer Update") we
mentioned that our Business Team was working hard to develop a roadmap
for Volumizer. We will be presenting the roadmap this week during
Visualization '99 at the Volumizer Birds of a Feather (BOF) meeting:

Volumizer Birds of a Feather
Wednesday, October 27, 6:00-7:00pm
Grand Peninsula Ballroom F
San Francisco Airport Hyatt

For those of you who won't be able to make it to the conference, we will

be posting a report on the BOF to the info-volumizer mailing list so
that you will also be aware of our Volumizer roadmap.

Best Regards,

Joe Quinlan
OpenGL Volumizer Product Manager

Joe Quinlan, Product Marketing Manager
Advanced Graphics Division, Silicon Graphics
Tel:  (650) 933-6670  Fax:  (650) 932-6670
Pager:  800-745-5748

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