trying to compile the OI example ...

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Werner Wohlfahrter (
Fri, 22 Oct 1999 14:26:58 -0400

I recently start working with Volumizer and I am very interested to
merge Volumizer with OpenInventor. You can imagine I was very happy to
see an example which deals exactly on that topic :)
After installing Volumizer, the demo went fine. Now I copied the sources
(also the opengl sources ~/opengl) to my homedirectory (~/inventor),
slightly modified the Makefile (only the relative path to find
myBrickIO.cxx) and run it. no problems occured :)
after starting the testprogram using ./voivViewer I got an terrible Bus
error (core dump) :(

I recompiled it with -g option and started it with dbx -r voivViewer to
find out where it happens and got the following errormessage:
Region at vaddr0 ignored: PIOCMAP possible returned bad data.region 0
addr 0x0 size 0x40000 Prozess 47143 (voivViewer) stopped on signal
SIGBUS: Bus error (default) at [<unknown>: 0, 0x100068e4}

This error occured on line 80:
if (voivAppearanceElement::getClassTypeId() == SoType::badType())

Does anybody know how I can solve this problem???
Thanks for your help
    ww :)

                                                         @ @
      Werner Wohlfahrter
      Fraunhofer CRCG, Inc.
      321 South Main St.
      Providence, RI 02903, USA

phone : (+1) 401 453-6363 x110 email :, icq : 9611406 =====================================================================

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