Dave Akers (dla@sgi.com)
Wed, 06 Oct 1999 14:30:34 -0700
If subdivideMode is 1:
This is the default behavior (divides the z dimension by 2 until the brick fits
in texture memory.)
If subdivideMode is 2:
This goes through a loop, dividing the largest dimension by 2 until a single
brick fits in texture memory.
If subdivideMode is 3:
This alternates between dividing X,Y, and Z sizes by 2 until a single brick fits
in texture memory.
I promise that this will all be better documented in the next version. A word of
caution: be careful to use the default subdivideMode of 1 when you're in 2D mode --
otherwise, strange results will follow. ;)
Chikai Ohazama wrote:
> > I'm wondering whether the "getBestParameters" methods really choose the "best"
> > possible parameters. E.g. I tried to visualize a 128 ^ 3 volume on an Indigo2
> > with IMPACT graphics. When I call voAppeareanceActions::getBestParameters with
> > bricktype TRUNCATE I get:
> >
> > voInterpolationType 3D
> > voDataType UNSIGNED_BYTE
> > diskDataFormat LUMINANCE
> > externalFormat LUMINANCE_ALPHA
> > internalFormat LUMINANCE8_ALPHA8_EXT
> > brick sizes 128 128 64
> >
> > Just look at this little calculation.
> >
> > 128 x 128 x 128 x 1 Byte = 2 MB
> >
> > As the volume only defines luminance values it should totaly fit into the
> > available TRAM (4 MB).
> You would think this is true, but it's not. The way IMPACT graphics is
> setup you can only have 1 Mtexels in texture memory. So you
> can have a RGBA 128x128x64 volume in memory (which takes up 4 MB) or a
> 128x128x64 LUMINANCE_ALPHA in texture memory (which takes up 2 MB), but
> you cannot have a 128x128x128 LUMINANCE volume since it takes up 2
> Mtexels.
> > Another example:
> > When bricking is required the volume seems to be divided only in z direction.
> > This leads to crude differences in the number of polygons within the transient
> > geometry depending on the view direction.
> > When you look along the z-axis each slice is fully contained in a single brick
> > -
> > clipping against brick boundaries doesn't divide this slice.
> > When you look along the x- or y-axis every slice spreads over all of the bricks
> > - you get n pieces of this slice when clipping against the boundaries of n
> > bricks. This effect leads to different time for polygonization and rendering
> > and therefor variing framerates during rotation of the volume.
> I can't disagree with you here. I think Dave or Robert G could comment on
> this, discussing the actual algorithm for bricking. If it's really
> affecting performance I would just pick you're own brick size explicitly.
> Also realize that the some of the variations in framerate may also stem
> the from the texture mapping hardware.
> Hope this helps.
> ________________________________________________________________________
> Chikai J. Ohazama, Ph.D. SGI
> Scientific Visualization 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy., ms 525
> AGD Applied Engineering Mountain View, CA 94043.1351
> Telephone: (650) 933-6533
> FAX: (650) 932-6533
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