color table lookup

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Clara Chan (
Thu, 1 Jul 1999 16:48:23 -0700

I've been trying to modify the myLutIO.cxx and mvInitGfx to read our color
tables. But I haven't been able to succeed. Here's what happened:

If my data range is 0 to 200, has a table arranged in RGBA RGBA....
in unsigned byte format.
Is it true that for a data value of 0, it should map to the first
entry of the lookup table? Somehow from the image, it looks like
the mapping is reversed (mapped to the last entry of color table)

I used the following in MonsterVolumizer.cxx:

      voAppearanceActions::dataScaleRange(brick, 0, 200);

      aLookupTable = new voLookupTablePost(internalFormat,

        where internalFormat is RGBA8_EXT
              externalFormat is RGBA
              dataType is UNSIGNED_BYTE
              lookupLength is 256

Do you have any suggestions?

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