Kimberly Nucifora (
Wed, 30 Jun 1999 10:11:25 -0400
"Error: the length of the file list does not match zVolumeSize"
I've stated the size of the dataset as being 68 68 68 and set the path
variable to the folder containing the data files. The preceding code to
this error statement is
if (argc - 6 != zVolumeSize) so it seems that the program is expecting
an input argument for each file. To run the demo, I was able to set the
DATAPATH and type $DATAPATH/lung*ima for the filesnames. Is there a reason
why this wouldn't work with my files?
I've also been trying to track down a spec for a 3D Tiff, unsuccessfully.
Is this format described in any Volumizer documentation? I've read the spec
for Tiff V.6 but haven't found any references to 3D.
I can either convert my data to Raw 2D files or to 3D Tiffs (if I can find
out what the format is) but if there are any other readers that have been
written for structured datasets, I'd love to get my hands on them.
Kim Nucifora
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