Problems with planes

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Riccardo Grassi - Gandolfo Luca (
Fri, 21 May 1999 12:09:34 -0700

Hello Robert,
        excuse us but we have some problems to implement your algorithm.
        we understood what we should do but not how to do it.

        Questions are:
                1)Have we to polygonize ?
                2)How can we pass data of the selected brick to
the parameter myFaceSet in the function "draw" ?
        we aren't able to solve this problem because in the examples
        that we have seen, the draw function need the indexedFaceSet
pointer that go out from polygonize function .
        Excuse but as you see we are beginners in the use of Volumizer.

                                                        Thanks for all
                                                        Luca Gandolfo
                                                        Grassi Riccardo

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