Fri, 23 Apr 1999 19:41:17 +0200
Thanks for the reply.
> Did it not work for you?
We are using Volumizer with pthreads, and this definitly does not work
for us:
a) If we do all calls to Volumizer in one thread, then all is well.
b) If we do Volumizer API calls from different threads (with only one
render thread), then there is no effect or a crash occurs...
c) If we do Volumizer API calls (with multple render threads) then all
sorts of crashes occur ....
Is there simple pthread programs that shows how to do cases b) and c)
the right way?
-- Robert van Liere
$ uname -a
IRIX64 perseus 6.5 01221643 IP27
$ versions | grep Volumizer_dev
I Volumizer_dev 11/20/1998 OpenGL Volumizer 1.0 Development
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