Re: Volumizer Appearance Problem

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Chikai Ohazama (
Wed, 24 Mar 1999 13:38:33 -0800 (PST)

I think I've had this problem before. Try taking out the voError "if"
the statement after the new voBrickSetCollection call. Also print out the
brick size dimensions. They should multiply out to be no larger than 4
MB, this is because there are two banks of 8 MB on the Onyx RE2 plus each
voxel takes up 16-bits at minimum and to my knowledge dual textures were
never implemented in OpenGL for the RE2. One thing good about the RE2 is
that it manages texture memory really well If it is not 4 MB, then
explicitly set the brick dimensions. All this is a workaround, and should
be fixed. There are bugs with Volumizer on the RE2, which Robert G is
working on.

Hope this helps!

Chikai J. Ohazama, Ph.D. Silicon Graphics Computer Systems
Member of Technical Staff 2011 N. Shoreline Blvd. ms 525
Advanced Graphics Division Mountain View, CA 94043.1389
Telephone: (650) 933-6533
FAX: (650) 964-8671

On Wed, 24 Mar 1999, Florian Schroecker wrote:

> A adapted version of the Volumizer Inventor example class
> voivAppearance generates the following error on creating a
> voBrickSetCollection:
> Error: Bad value in textureLoad(); possibly too large of a brick
> requested.
> This happens when a new Volume is loaded by changing the fileNameField,
> it works fine the first time. The Volume we use is 256*256*128 and
> should
> use the whole 16MB Texture memory of our ONYX.
> The voivAppeance class had no cleanup code, we added the following to
> clean up
> before loading another Volume:
> voAppearanceActions::volumeUnoptimize(_aVolume);
> voBrickSetCollectionIterator collectionIter(_aVolume);
> for (voBrickSet * brickSet; brickSet = collectionIter();)
> {
> voBrickSetIterator brickSetIter(brickSet);
> for(voBrick * brick; brick=brickSetIter();)
> voAppearanceActions::dataFree(brick);
> }
> delete _aVolume;
> Maybe there is a problem in the destructor of voBrickSetCollection or in
> voAppearanceActions::unOptimize ?
> The problem does not appear if voAppearanceActions::volumeOptimize
> is not used, but this results in really slow rendering.
> Maybe somebody knows about the problem or has any suggestions?
> thanks, Florian
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