Robert van Liere (
Mon, 23 Nov 1998 13:16:19 +0100
To be a succesfull VR environment, want to run at least
10 frames / sec minimum (in stereo). Frame rates are quite acceptable
for sets with res 128x128x32. Frame rates are to low for sets of
resolution of 256x256x64.
Question: whenever we zoom into the volume, the frame rate slows
down substantially. Why is this? (Perhaps because the triangles get
very large (i.e. rasterizition bottlenecks) ?) Can we do something to
improve the rendering speeds for these cases ?
Any info will help,
-- Robert van Liere
; uname -a
IRIX64 perseus 6.5 05190003 IP27
; /usr/gfx/gfxinfo
Graphics board 0 is "KONAL" graphics.
Managed (":0.0") 2560x1024
Display has 2 channels
4 GEs (of 4), occmask = 0x0f
4MB external BEF ram, 32bit path
1 RM7 board (of 1) 1/0/0/0
Texture Memory: 64MB/-/-/-
Small pixel depth
32K cmap
Channel 0:
Origin = (0,0)
Video Output: 1280 pixels, 1024 lines, 72.00Hz (1280x1024_72.vfo)
Channel 1:
Origin = (1280,0)
Video Output: 1280 pixels, 1024 lines, 72.00Hz (1280x1024_72.vfo)
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