Re: 'Volumizer_data' installation file not found on download page.

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Robert Grzeszczuk (rg)
Tue, 3 Nov 1998 11:24:46 -0800

Dear Tarun,

Sample data is on the page 3 of the installation site:

Unfortunately, I don't believe that using ftp will make things any faster. It
is more closely related to the speed of the link that you are using.

While you're waiting for the data to copy over, try using
/usr/share/Volumizer/src/util/mkcubes to create some simple test patterns. For

        % mkcubes 64 64 64 16 output.tif

Will make a volume filed with small cubes of varying intensity.


On Nov 3, 4:01pm, Tarun Kumar wrote:
> Subject: 'Volumizer_data' installation file not found on download page.
> Dear Volumizer Team,
> I have just downloaded and installed the Open GL Volumizer 1.0 from the
> site "" .
> However, I could not locate the data-installation file
> ('Volumizer_data') on this page or anywhere else, as specified on page
> ".../6.x_volumizer_1.0/" . Could you tell me where to get this
> sample-data from ?
> As it's a very large data-file, it will be faster and convenient for me,
> if I could download it from an ftp-site (like,
> ./pub/viAPI) instead of the usual http site, as http connection is
> pretty slow. Is it possible to do that ?
> If yes, then pl. let me know the ftp-site name.
> Do let me know about it.
> Regards
> Tarun Kumar
> IIS XOX Asia Pacific Ltd.,
> New Delhi. India.
>-- End of excerpt from Tarun Kumar

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