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From: Aaron Jones (aaron@arlut.utexas.edu)
Date: 12/13/2000 14:46:56


I have an application written on an Onyx2 Reality (only finite reality!). One
thing we would like to do is be able to take this type of application as a demo "on
the road", and lugging the Onyx2 is almost never an option due to size and power

Long story short, I am looking into smaller machines by SGI that we could take
around that would be able to sufficiently show the volumized graphics.

I have seen a lot of people having trouble with the capailities of the Octane. Has
anyone tried one of the new Octane2 systems? Could one of the engineers (or anyone
else that has tried it!) comment on what I would lose by running the application on
the Octane2 instead of a Dual 200 Mhz Onyx2?

I also need to know if anyone knows of any trouble getting the Crystal Eyes stereo
method to work on this machine, or if there is no trouble.

I appreciate very much any insight into this issue.


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