OpenGL Volumizer BOF at Vis 2000

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From: Joe Quinlan (
Date: 10/11/2000 08:53:30

Hello Volumizers,

You are cordially invited to an OpenGL Volumizer Birds of a Feather (BOF)
meeting to take place at Vis 2000 this evening, Wednesday, October 11, from
5:30 - 6:30pm in the Hilton Salt Lake City Center Hotel, Salon I Meeting

Especially for those of you who couldn't make it to our meeting at SIGGRAPH,
we will present an update of the OpenGL Volumizer direction. We'll also
have an informal Q&A and discussion.

Hope to see you there!

Joe Quinlan
OpenGL Volumizer Product Manager

Joe Quinlan, Product Manager
Advanced Systems Marketing, SGI
Tel: (650) 933-6670 Fax: (650) 932-6670
Pager: 800-745-5748

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