From: Dave Akers (
Date: 09/27/2000 11:51:16
Hi Kiani,
Both maximum intensity projection and sum intensity projection are
easily accomplished in Volumizer. You simply need to set the OpenGL blend
functions appropriately. Have a look at the man pages for glBlendFunc and
As for integrating this with MPR, I may not understand what you are
asking for. MIP or SUM would take a number of slices (i.e. more than one!)
and project either the maximum intensity or the summed intensity values.
You could certainly throw in an OpenGL clipping plane and get a MIP or SUM
projection of the non-clipped out region of your volume. Is that what you
are looking for, or something else?
On Fri, 22 Sep 2000, Kourosh Kiani wrote:
> Hi
> Two very simple compositing operations are accomplished by choosing the
> greatest scalar value along the
> ray and the sum of scalar value along the ray. This compositing scheme are
> known as "maximum intensity projection"
> and "Sum intensity projection".Though they are very simple and intuitive,
> they are very effective for viewing in medical angio-graphic data sets.
> I like to know, How can I implement "maximum intensity projection" and
> "Sum intensity projection" along an arbitrary oblique section (MPR), with
> the OpenGL Volumizer?.
> Thanks
> Best regards
> Kiani
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