From: Anton Koning (
Date: 07/21/2000 00:35:53
Hi Kat and others,
> Sean Spicer of Stanford University (currently contracting for us here at
> SGI) has worked with Volumizer in the CAVE environment before. His e-mail
> is I'd suggest that you get in contact with him for
> any details about Volumizer & CAVE... He will be out of town for a while,
> but should be able to get back to you soon. :)
> Dave
> > Has anyone out there successfully used Volumizer in a CAVE app? I had
> > thought that I could use the Performer/Volumizer node, but its written in
> > C++ and won't work with our cave libs. I had previously gone through the
> > arduous process of writing a drawing routine which uses OpenGL to do the
> > projection (back in the first version of Volumizer). I was thinking of
> > porting the Performer/volumizer node to C, but I don't know if that would
> > really work.
> >
> > Any suggestions?
> >
> > -kat
Sean did his work in SARA's CAVE, while visiting the University of Amsterdam
last year. Robert Belleman of the UVA and I were also involved in this
project. What we did was, take Volumizer, Sean's svr library of Volumizer
convenience classes and the 'gui' I developed for my own (not Volumizer based)
volume rendering CAVE app, and from this build a Volumizer CAVE app.
What kind of problems do you have with C++? The VRCO CAVE-library may be
written in C, but is works fine with C++ programs (both OpenGL and Performer
based). As you can gather from the previous paragraph, Sean's implementation
is also completely written in C++ and works fine in our CAVE.
| Anton H.J. Koning, Ph.D. |
| Senior Consultant High Performance Computing, Visualization and VR |
| SARA (Academic Computing Services Amsterdam) |
| e-mail:, phone: +31 20 5923000, fax: +31 20 6683167 |
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