Re: Multiple Windows Texture Problem -> white instead of textured volumes

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From: Dave Akers (
Date: 07/07/2000 15:23:15

Hi Cristoph,

  Am I correct in assuming that you are rendering the same volume into
each of the windows? If so you should be able to share bricks and their
associated texture objects across multiple contexts. When you call
glXCreateContext for extra contexts, make sure that you set the
"shareList" parameter to the context in which you first create the texture
object. (The first call to voAppearanceActions::textureBind() will result
in a download of the texture for a given brick.) I'm not sure why your
code would be working on O2 but not Octane. If you can isolate the problem
you're having, send me a code snippet and I'll be happy to take a look at


On Tue, 4 Jul 2000, Christoph Ramseyer wrote:

> Hi,
> I am rendering a volume into multiple windows (Motif/X Widgets), each
> with it's own gl context attached (glXCreateContext). Single
> Process/Thread. Works fine on SGI 02 but NOT ON SGI OCTANE.
> One out of all windows (4) displays the correctly textured volume, but
> all others display a white solid box.
> I am using
> OpenGL Volumizer 1.2 (Date: Dec 10 1999 16:17)
> IRIX 6.5
> Thanx a lot for solutions & suggestions
> Chris
> P.S.
> Someone once had a similar problem, but with Vol. 1.1 & Performer..

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