Re: Reload the data

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From: Dave Akers (
Date: 07/05/2000 14:32:41

Hi guys,

  The voglMultiVolume example does assume that all datasets have the same
resolution. The example establishes brick sizes based on the first file
specified on the command line. If more than one volume is loaded
simultaneously, the extra volumes are assumed to conform to the structure
of the original.

  Chingyao, are we correct in assuming that you are trying to load and
visualize multiple volumes at the same time, or no? It sounded from your
original e-mail that you might not be visualizing the two volumes at the
same time?


On Fri, 30 Jun 2000, Lawrence Bertoldi wrote:

> I tried the same thing a few weeks ago with the same results! if you look at
> the preamble in the
> voglMultiVolume.c++ example it intimates exactly what you are seeing!
> Chingyao Lin wrote:
> > Hi, all:
> >
> > I was trying to load different sets of data with different size.
> > For example, I load the 256x128x256 data set in the begining, I clean it
> > up, load the second dataset of size 256x256x128(It is in one program).
> > Then it is not displaying the bottom half of the Y dimension.(y dimension
> > is 128 instead of 256).
> >
> > If I load second data set(256x256x128) first then reload the 1st
> > data set, half of the z direction will be cut off(z is still 128 instead
> > of 256).
> >
> > We solved the problem by loading a 256x256x256 dataset first..:).
> > I am wondering if there were the other solutions to this problem or it is
> > just some bugs in our program.
> >
> > Thanks for your help.
> >
> > Regards
> > Ching-yao Lin
> >
> > --------------------------------------------------------------
> > Ching-Yao Lin
> > Research Assistant
> > Virtual Environment Research Institute
> > Univ. Of Houston
> --
> See Ya,
> Lawrence Eugene Bertoldi Technical Consultant
> vnet 238-8949 Silicon Graphics
> phone 301-572-8949 Silver Spring MD.
> email
> ~;-}>

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