Volumizer and Inventor

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From: Frank B. Sachse (Frank.Sachse@ibt.etec.uni-karlsruhe.de)
Date: 05/01/2000 10:28:33


we are using Volumizer with the Inventor classes and have found problems
with the memory clean up.
Each time a voivGeometry and voivAppearance is deleted ~ 4 MB of memory
isn't cleaned up.

The destructor of voivGeometry and of voivAppearance miss code for
deleting the tetras, volumes, and bricks as well the voDrawActionCache
(primary problem!!!). I wrote a work around, which is sufficient for our
purposes and stable on O2, Indigo, Octane and Onyx, but perhaps some of
the experts can create a more professional patch similar to the clean up
routine provided for OpenGL Volumizer.

Thanks in advance


Frank B. Sachse
Institut fuer Biomedizinische Technik
Universitaet Karlsruhe
D 76128 Karlsruhe
tel 0721 608 3851
fax 0721 608 2789
email fs@ibt.etec.uni-karlsruhe.de
www http://www-ibt.etec.uni-karlsruhe.de/~fs

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