Re: surface data

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Dave Akers (dla)
Fri, 4 Feb 2000 15:45:46 -0800

Hi Lawrence,

  There's currently no facility in Volumizer for extracting isosurfaces
from volumetric data.. but this is one of the things we're considering for
the future. (This of course doesn't preclude you from writing/borrowing
your own isosurface extraction code and integrating it with your
Volumizer-based application in the meantime..)


On Fri, 4 Feb 2000, Lawrence Bertoldi wrote:

> I have built a version of Volumizer that uses a cubic grid of evenly
> spaced points
> to generate images! I was wondering if anyone knows how I can build
> surfaces that correspond to specific values (Isosurfaces ) in
> Volumizer!
> I have done this before with marching cube algorithm but wanted to see
> if the facility exists in Volumizer!
> By the way, Is anybody still out there, I have seen any entries since
> jan 21 2000;
> --
> See Ya,
> Lawrence Eugene Bertoldi Technical Consultant
> vnet 238-8949 Silicon Graphics
> phone 301-572-8949 Silver Spring MD.
> email
> ~;-}>

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