Dave Akers (dla)
Mon, 3 Jan 2000 11:54:04 -0800
As you point out, using non voxel-based coordinate systems with
Volumizer is a little tricky. The samplingPeriod argument to polygonize()
will have to be adjusted to take into account any scaling of the geometry
that you may have done.. In the general case, you may have morphed your
volume geometry into some strange shape.. so you can see why coming up
with an automatic sampling rate can be tricky.
As for drawing brick outlines in voGeometryActions::draw(), this is
indeed done in voxel-coordinates rather than world coordinates. The brick
outlines that it shows do not reflect any morphing that you may have done,
as you pointed out.
We'll be revisiting the issue of coordinate systems in our design for
Volumizer 2.0.. feel free to send any suggestions for how you think
things could be made easier... :)
On Mon, 13 Dec 1999, John Clyne wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm having some trouble using non-voxel coordinate spaces when
> specifying tet vertices and I wonder if someone can tell me if there is
> a better way to do what I'm trying to do. Basically the problem is
> this: world coordinate spaces are defined arbitrarily high up in the
> application and i'm stuck using whatever this coordinate system is
> defined to be. By using the texture coordinate field of the indexed tet
> array I can map voxels into my tet tesselation and volume render.
> However, I have to explicitly define the number of samples I want in
> the call to voGeometryActions::polygonize(), i.e. I have to set the
> samplingPeriod argument to NULL, and when drawing brick outlines with
> voGeometryActions::draw() the outlines appear to be drawn in voxel
> coordinates, not world coordinates. These aren't real show stoppers,
> but if there is a better way to do what I'm doing I'd like to know.
> Thanks in advance!
> John Clyne (clyne@ncar.ucar.edu)
> National Center for Atmospheric Research
> P.O. Box 3000, Boulder, Colorado 80307
> (303) 497-1236 FAX (303) 497-1298
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