Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa01836; 17 Mar 90 4:05 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.brl.MIL id aa01766; 17 Mar 90 3:55 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa01749; 17 Mar 90 3:41 EST Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa11466; 17 Mar 90 2:19 EST Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA07396; Fri, 16 Mar 90 23:18:45 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 17 Mar 90 07:10:42 GMT From: John Chee Wah Organization: University of Toronto Physics/Astronomy/CITA Subject: Fortran bug? Message-Id: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Here is a piece of code (isn't mines) that I think should work. Loops and goto ends with a single continue statement. The program will work if the two loops have separate statement labels. System is 4D/240 with 3.2.1. ----- write(6,'(''Enter integer 0 or less and program will loop: '',$)') read(5,*)iup c do 1 i=-1,1 if( 1 do 1 j=-1,1 write(6,'(''j='',i4)')j 1 continue c stop end   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa03729; 17 Mar 90 16:56 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.brl.MIL id aa03610; 17 Mar 90 15:50 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa03599; 17 Mar 90 15:43 EST Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa15062; 17 Mar 90 15:34 EST Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA16666; Sat, 17 Mar 90 12:28:30 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 17 Mar 90 15:38:04 GMT From: Bill Lasher Organization: Penn State University Subject: Re: Fortran bug? Message-Id: <> References: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL I believe you are violating the rule that says you can't go to a statement within a DO loop except from the top. I tried the program on our mainframe (IBM) using two different compilers. The IBM FORTRAN 77 compiler accepted the statements, but the WATFIV compiler did not. I'm not sure what the standard reads, but I recommend separating the loops. That way there is no question.   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa03778; 17 Mar 90 17:07 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.brl.MIL id aa03640; 17 Mar 90 16:15 EST Received: by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa03621; 17 Mar 90 15:48 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa03581; 17 Mar 90 15:28 EST Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa15004; 17 Mar 90 15:20 EST Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA14448; Sat, 17 Mar 90 11:42:20 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 17 Mar 90 18:54:15 GMT From: "Scott R. Presnell" Organization: University of California, San Francisco Subject: Bogus syslog errors -> Disk full Message-Id: <13415@cgl.ucsf.EDU> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Hello all, We had a disk full situation about a week ago. We cleaned up a little and now we're down to about 91% full and the inode usage is about 28% (according to df), but ever since then, the syslog has continued to log this error... Mar 16 20:49:22 grcond[3864]: CIO: no space on dev 1626 Mar 16 20:49:22 last message repeated 17 times Why? Should I be doing something about this? We haven't had any problems writing the disk in the usual manner. The system is a 4D/20G with a stock 380Mb disk, the disk is mounted from /dev/usr on /usr and is exported via NFS. The NFS traffic for the disk is heavy because it contains our homes - that's why all this makes me a little nervous... While I may have the attention of some of you, what does this message mean? (you can see whatever it is, grcond is pretty adamant about it) Mar 16 19:48:20 grcond[29547]: CIO: SGI_set_rects: state not initialized Mar 16 20:48:30 last message repeated 12 times And Another Thing :-) #ifdef HAVE_GRIPE What exactly does grcond do? I can't find any documentation on it. It'd be really helpful to have more documentation on how the console processes are handled and the /etc/gl directory in general. More than once, we've had bizzare little problems, like the window server not starting with a nondescript error message, that might be solved by us if we had more documentation. In one particular case, the hot line people started mentioning "board swap" - we said "no way, jack." A ./MAKEDEV and re-boot fixed the problem - but I'd like to know why. Grepping strings output for the source of error messages doesn't cut it. #endif These are *really* great machines. It's been a blast having one almost completely to myself. I'm looking forward to the day I can have one at home. Thanks for your help on any of the above problems. - Scott -- Scott Presnell +1 (415) 476-9890 Pharm. Chem., S-926 Internet: University of California UUCP: ...ucbvax!ucsfcgl!srp San Francisco, CA. 94143-0446 Bitnet: srp@ucsfcgl.bitnet   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa09629; 18 Mar 90 19:44 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.brl.MIL id ab09571; 18 Mar 90 19:02 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab09569; 18 Mar 90 18:46 EST Received: from by ADM.BRL.MIL id aa19253; 18 Mar 90 18:35 EST Received: from MCCLB0.MED.NYU.EDU by CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU (IBM VM SMTP R1.2.2MX) with BSMTP id 4202; Sun, 18 Mar 90 18:31:16 EST Received: from by MCCLB0.MED.NYU.EDU; Sat, 17 Mar 90 09:44 EST Received: by (5.52/890607.SGI) (for!!sdrc!crscott) id AA00261; Sat, 17 Mar 90 09:57:08 EST Date: Sat, 17 Mar 90 09:57:08 EST From: Subject: Re: Hot Line To: sdrc! Cc: info-iris@BRL.MIL Message-id: <> X-Envelope-to:, sdrc! Hotline accounting software and screening procedures: They could use a little management consulting. fax and e-mail hooks are important. Having your own consultant assigned to you , and being able to call him back if you need to make a momentary disconnect is also needed. I get around this bug by asking the call coordinator to put me through to the person immediately by asking not for call id, but for the person. They will want the call id, and I give it, but i indicate that we were in the middle of somthing, and if the operator is experienced, she/he will put you through right away, even interrupt the support person to do so. dan. -- +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Dan Karron | | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New York University Medical Center | | 560 First Avenue \ \ Pager <1> (212) 397 9330 | | New York, New York 10016 \**\ <2> 10896 <3> | | (212) 340 5210 \**\__________________________________________ | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa09678; 18 Mar 90 20:05 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.brl.MIL id aa09571; 18 Mar 90 19:02 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa09569; 18 Mar 90 18:46 EST Received: from by ADM.BRL.MIL id aa19252; 18 Mar 90 18:34 EST Received: from MCCLB0.MED.NYU.EDU by CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU (IBM VM SMTP R1.2.2MX) with BSMTP id 4200; Sun, 18 Mar 90 18:30:58 EST Received: from by MCCLB0.MED.NYU.EDU; Sat, 17 Mar 90 09:41 EST Received: by (5.52/890607.SGI) (for id AA00255; Sat, 17 Mar 90 09:53:36 EST Date: Sat, 17 Mar 90 09:53:36 EST From: Subject: Re: Random window death To: orc!!cs! Cc: info-iris@BRL.MIL Message-id: <> X-Envelope-to:, orc!!cs! Console window do die in abrupt and unexpected ways on our 70G machine, and many times they do not appear at all . This is bad in that you loose console messages (tape jamed, disk full, etc) that you never get on normal wsh windows. I have noticed it too. Sgi... Are you listenting -- +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Dan Karron | | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New York University Medical Center | | 560 First Avenue \ \ Pager <1> (212) 397 9330 | | New York, New York 10016 \**\ <2> 10896 <3> | | (212) 340 5210 \**\__________________________________________ | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa00871; 21 Mar 90 23:19 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa00812; 21 Mar 90 23:08 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa00792; 21 Mar 90 22:50 EST Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa09866; 21 Mar 90 22:31 EST Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA17892; Wed, 21 Mar 90 18:34:05 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 17 Mar 90 21:46:59 GMT From: Bron Campbell Nelson Organization: Silicon Graphics, Inc., Mountain View, CA Subject: Re: Fortran bug? Message-Id: <> References: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <>, (John Chee Wah) writes: > > Here is a piece of code (isn't mines) that I think should work. Loops and > goto ends with a single continue statement. The program will work if the > two loops have separate statement labels. > System is 4D/240 with 3.2.1. > ----- > write(6,'(''Enter integer 0 or less and program will loop: '',$)') > read(5,*)iup > c > do 1 i=-1,1 > if( 1 > do 1 j=-1,1 > write(6,'(''j='',i4)')j > 1 continue > c > stop > end This question comes up over and over in different ways. This is not really a bug in the Fortran compiler; the code as written is not standard conforming, and its exact meaning is ambiguous. I admit that I think the compiler ought to give an error message, but it does not (and neither do most other Fortran compilers). The problem is that statement 1 is considered to be a statement in the inner loop. When you branch to it, you have branched from an outer block into an inner block, which is not allowed (just as branching directly to the "write" statement is not allowed). The Fortran compiler gets confused about whether it should "continue" back at the j loop, or the i loop. In fact it goes to the inner (j) loop which has not been properly initialized, picks up garbage off the stack, and goes. This topic gets hashed out in comp.lang.fortran every year or so. Many other Fortran compilers have similar behavior, some do it differently, some give a compile error. Using separate labels for the loops is the right thing to do. -- Bron Campbell Nelson or possibly ..!ames!sgi!bron These statements are my own, not those of Silicon Graphics.   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id ac01071; 21 Mar 90 23:39 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id ac00871; 21 Mar 90 23:28 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa00848; 21 Mar 90 23:10 EST Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa10025; 21 Mar 90 22:51 EST Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA22687; Wed, 21 Mar 90 19:33:46 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 18 Mar 90 06:26:50 GMT From: John Chee Wah Organization: University of Toronto Physics/Astronomy/CITA Subject: Re: Fortran bug? Message-Id: <> References: <>, <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <> (Bron Campbell Nelson) writes: >In article <>, (John Chee Wah) writes: >> >> Here is a piece of code (isn't mines) that I think should work. Loops and >> goto ends with a single continue statement. The program will work if the >> two loops have separate statement labels. >> System is 4D/240 with 3.2.1. >> ----- >> write(6,'(''Enter integer 0 or less and program will loop: '',$)') >> read(5,*)iup >> c >> do 1 i=-1,1 >> if( 1 >> do 1 j=-1,1 >> write(6,'(''j='',i4)')j >> 1 continue >> c >> stop >> end > >This question comes up over and over in different ways. This is not >really a bug in the Fortran compiler; the code as written is not standard >conforming, and its exact meaning is ambiguous. I admit that I think the >compiler ought to give an error message, but it does not (and neither >do most other Fortran compilers). > >The problem is that statement 1 is considered to be a statement in the >inner loop. When you branch to it, you have branched from an outer >block into an inner block, which is not allowed (just as branching directly >to the "write" statement is not allowed). The Fortran compiler >gets confused about whether it should "continue" back at the j loop, or >the i loop. In fact it goes to the inner (j) loop which has not been >properly initialized, picks up garbage off the stack, and goes. > >This topic gets hashed out in comp.lang.fortran every year or so. Many >other Fortran compilers have similar behavior, some do it differently, >some give a compile error. Using separate labels for the loops is the >right thing to do. Definitely placing other statement labels should things clear to others and compiler. The problem is that the code is similar to part of a large program that ran on VAX/VMS and on SUN (I think) and it is just that when users (who just wants to run the programs) tries to compile and run the program on the iris, don't understand why it does not work. You get answers like "but it works on the VAX!" Maybe ambiguous things like this, could be documented in the Fortran manual. > > >-- >Bron Campbell Nelson > or possibly ..!ames!sgi!bron >These statements are my own, not those of Silicon Graphics.   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa01284; 20 Mar 90 4:44 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa26246; 20 Mar 90 3:41 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab26211; 20 Mar 90 3:32 EST Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa22090; 20 Mar 90 3:27 EST Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA29103; Tue, 20 Mar 90 00:26:11 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 19 Mar 90 00:15:56 GMT From: Tom Wolf Organization: University of Utah CS Dept Subject: Batch Files Message-Id: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Recently, there has been talk of different techniques to use to make batch files unobtrusive to users, in general a great thing for a graphics machine. But I support a Personal IRIS which is primarily funded for the purpose of running large simulations that take 48-72 hours to run. As we get our funding for these simulations, it is very important to us to have the batch run simulations have top priority. The nice function does not seem to provide this benefit, after the first day, or so, the system seems to put the batch program farther and farther down the priority list. Does anyone out there know how to solve the problem? Thanks, Tom   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa15525; 19 Mar 90 10:51 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa14310; 19 Mar 90 9:49 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa14234; 19 Mar 90 9:34 EST Received: from by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa01786; 19 Mar 90 9:16 EST Received: Mon, 19 Mar 90 09:17:34 EST by (5.52/5.6) Date: Mon, 19 Mar 90 09:17:34 EST From: "Brent L. Bates AAD/TAB MS294 x42854" Message-Id: <> To: Subject: Re: simultaneous selection of items from popup menus Cc: info-iris@BRL.MIL What I have done is after I have made a menu selection I call the menu again (dopup) and keep doing this until an exit menu selection has been made. That is the only way I have figured out how to do it. I would be interested in any other ways. I use "setval" on "mousex" & "mousey" just before calling "dopup", if I want the menu to appear in a specific place. -- Brent L. Bates NASA-Langley Research Center M.S. 361 Hampton, Virginia 23665-5225 (804) 864-2854 E-mail: or   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa19166; 19 Mar 90 14:34 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa18458; 19 Mar 90 14:13 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa18284; 19 Mar 90 13:52 EST Date: Mon, 19 Mar 90 13:51:15 EST From: "John R. Anderson" (VLD/ASB) To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Subject: Setmonitor Message-ID: <9003191351.aa07487@VAT.BRL.MIL> I am trying to use the "setmonitor" routine to switch our 4D to 30 Hz, sync on green mode while I grab the video with another device. I wrote a very simple program to attempt this: #include #include main() { short mtype; int ch; mtype = HZ30_SG; setmonitor( mtype ); /* switch to 30 Hz */ while( (ch=getchar()) != '\n' ); /* wait for a CR */ mtype = HZ60; setmonitor( mtype ); /* switch back to normal */ } It compiles nicely, but upon execution I get an "invalid argument" error message from both "setmonitor" calls. Anyone run into this before?? Any ideas on why this desn't work?? Thanks, -John   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa20110; 19 Mar 90 15:19 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa17607; 19 Mar 90 13:08 EST Date: Mon, 19 Mar 90 12:49:09 EST From: Gary S. Moss (VLD/VMB) To: Eric A. Pearce cc: info-iris@BRL.MIL Subject: Re: Random window death Message-ID: <9003191249.aa17241@VMB.BRL.MIL> I don't know if this is a related problem or not, but executing the postScript procedure RestartMostThings from /usr/NeWS/lib/NeWS/, available as a "restart" selection on my root menu, will cause the console window to go away, but leave the wsh process running. This unmapped "wsh" causes the console window to fail to come up, though no error message is evident, on subsequent attempts to start up a console. Killing the "wsh" process explicitly (i.e. by exiting the shell or killing the window via the window manager's frame controls), will fix/avoid this problem. Also, logging out of the console kills the process. For your reference, below is the procedure in question: /RestartMostThings { % kill all windows then start up RestartActions { /destroy self send } AllWin { /destroy self send } AllChest StartMostThings } def It appears that the console-specific option to wsh ignores whatever signal is used to kill the processes running in the windows. Can anyone at SGI shed light on this problem?   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa22711; 19 Mar 90 17:37 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa22627; 19 Mar 90 17:26 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa22499; 19 Mar 90 17:02 EST Received: from by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa17509; 19 Mar 90 16:27 EST Received: Mon, 19 Mar 90 13:27:35 -0800 from by (5.61/1.2) Received: Mon, 19 Mar 90 16:29:12 EST by (5.51/LeRC(1.0)) Received: Mon, 19 Mar 90 16:48:03 EST by (5.52/LeRC(1.0)) Date: Mon, 19 Mar 90 16:48:03 EST From: Tony Facca Message-Id: <> To: jra@BRL.MIL Subject: Re: Setmonitor Cc: "John R. Anderson" (VLD/ASB) writes: > > I am trying to use the "setmonitor" routine to switch our 4D to >30 Hz, sync on green mode while I grab the video with another device. >I wrote a very simple program to attempt this: > > #include > #include > > main() > { > short mtype; > int ch; > > mtype = HZ30_SG; > setmonitor( mtype ); /* switch to 30 Hz */ > > while( (ch=getchar()) != '\n' ); /* wait for a CR */ > > mtype = HZ60; > setmonitor( mtype ); /* switch back to normal */ > } > >It compiles nicely, but upon execution I get an "invalid argument" error >message from both "setmonitor" calls. Anyone run into this before?? Any >ideas on why this desn't work?? A quick check of my program to do the same thing reveals two possible things to try: o I have a call to ginit() prior to the setmonitor calls. o I included the headers. These are the only significant differences other than that I called setmonitor directly from the define constant., setmonitor ( HZ30_SG ); (its probably the ginit(), though) -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tony Facca | phone: 216-433-8318 NASA Lewis Research Center | Cleveland, Ohio 44135 | email: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa22754; 19 Mar 90 17:59 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab22711; 19 Mar 90 17:48 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa22694; 19 Mar 90 17:30 EST Received: from by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa17820; 19 Mar 90 16:42 EST Received: Mon, 19 Mar 90 13:43:36 PST by (5.57/1.2) Received: Mon, 19 Mar 90 13:43:20 PST by (5.57/1.2) From: "RICHARD P. SIMONIAN" Date: Mon, 19 Mar 90 13:21 PST Message-Id: To: INFO-IRIS@BRL.MIL Subject: Trackballs X-Lines: 12 Can someone tell me about the availability of trackballs for 4D/20s? Also: any rumors on the release date of Motif for Personal Iris machines? What about X11R4? Rick Simonian Harris Space Systems Corp.   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa23101; 19 Mar 90 19:02 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa23061; 19 Mar 90 18:52 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa23056; 19 Mar 90 18:33 EST Received: from by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa18615; 19 Mar 90 17:37 EST Received: from ( by (5.61/utah-2.7x-cs) id AA01309; Mon, 19 Mar 90 15:37:13 -0700 Date: Mon, 19 Mar 90 11:54:44 MST From: "Darrell R. Davis" Posted-Date: Mon, 19 Mar 90 11:54:44 MST Message-Id: <> Received: by (5.52/5.51) id AA20775; Mon, 19 Mar 90 11:54:44 MST To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Subject: Sparc tapes My thanks to several people who made suggestions for reading Sparc tapes, none of them worked, but I did a work-around and will post what I think the problem was/is. First the solution was to make a new Sparc tape using tar cvf /dev/rst8. The default tape device is /dev/rst0 which must be QIC-150 format, supposedly the same as the PI tape drive, but not compatible???? After making the /dev/rst8 tape which is supposedly QIC-24 I used dd if=/dev/tape conv=swab | tar xvf- to read the Sparc tape on my 4D/20, no problem. It would still be interesting to find out how to make the QIC-150's talk to each other. -----Darrell R. Davis "Faster, faster, until the Assistant Professor thrill of speed overcomes Medicinal Chemistry the fear of death." University of Utah --H.S. Thompson -----   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa01598; 20 Mar 90 5:01 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab01284; 20 Mar 90 4:51 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa01245; 20 Mar 90 4:42 EST Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa22388; 20 Mar 90 4:14 EST Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA01759; Tue, 20 Mar 90 01:00:32 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 20 Mar 90 01:01:35 GMT From: John Buchanan Organization: Imager, DCS, UBC, Vancouver, B.C., Canada Subject: Setting up a personal iris as a gateway. Message-Id: <7239@ubc-cs.UUCP> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Has anyone done this? Is it wise. We are currently benchmarking a second ethernet board on a PI. Unfortunately we do not have any docs. Could anyone who has done this please drop me a note and tell me what to do. The first problem seems to be what exact cable to hook onto the second ethernet board. We tried male to male but that had very unpleasant effects on our local multiport transceiver. ========================================================================= | |===============================| | John Buchanan (juancho) | | | Imager Manager |===============================| | Imager | (604) 228-2218 | | Department of Computer Science |===============================| | University of British Columbia | Standard disclaimer | | Vancouver, BC, Canada | included in this | | | box, right here. | =========================================================================   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa02271; 20 Mar 90 6:44 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab02169; 20 Mar 90 6:33 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ac02123; 20 Mar 90 6:19 EST Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa22875; 20 Mar 90 5:43 EST Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA09123; Tue, 20 Mar 90 02:24:22 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 19 Mar 90 10:39:21 GMT From: swrinde!!!!!! Subject: Re: Make problems Message-Id: <> References: <5353@odin.SGI.COM> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <>, bobf@BLUMIRIS.CHEM.UMR.EDU ("Robert B. Funchess") writes: > I finally figured out what was causing the Make problems ... > Unless of course I need the BSD-flavor install. > < Bob | bobf | Funchess > I wrote a Perl script to have the BSD flavor install on our System V machines. We have a mixture of machines, and I didn't want to have two different Makefiles or targets to install every program. Enjoy! Patrick Wolfe (, kailand!pwolfe) System Programmer/Operations Manager, Kuck and Associates, Champaign IL ---- cut here ---- cut here ---- cut here ---- cut here ---- #! /bin/sh # This is a shell archive. Remove anything before this line, then unpack # it by saving it into a file and typing "sh file". To overwrite existing # files, type "sh file -c". You can also feed this as standard input via # unshar, or by typing "sh 'Readme' <<'END_OF_FILE' XThis "install" program is a perl script. You need Larry Wall's perl v3 to run Xit. You can get the latest version of perl via anonymous FTP from ( I highly recommend it. X XI wrote "install" because even though our System V hosts have an "install" Xcommand, it has completely different options. I wanted just one version of XMakefiles for all of our machines and since I was familiar with the bsd version Xof "install", I wrote a script to emulate it. It also works equally as well on Xour System V and BSD 4.[23] machines, and supports every option BSD does. X XI've also added a couple of options and features. X XThe two additional command line options are "-r" to remove the target before Xinstalling the new one, and "-l" to do an "ll" after the installation is Xcomplete. These are two changes to Makefiles I found myself making Xconstantly. X XThe "-l" option of install requires that you have a "ll" command on every Xsystem. On BSD systems that didn't come with an "ll" command, I installed the Xenclosed two line "ll" Bourne shell script in "/bin". On our System V hosts, I Xinstalled the same script, but edited out the -g option (so the output looks Xthe same). X XI also added the ability to install files on multiple hosts with one command. XYou do this by specifying the target as "hostlist:target", where the "hostlist" Xis a list of hosts, separated with a plus sign. "rsh" and "rcp" commands are Xused to perform the remote operations, but since rsh doesn't return the remote Xcommand's status, you can't really be sure each remote command is working Xokay. X XIn my Makefiles, I define the variable "HOST" to be a list of hosts or their Xnicknames that I want the files installed. This works well because I can Xoverride the default hostlist by specifying an overriding "HOST=someotherhost" Xon the "make" command line when I want to. See the "Makefile" in this Xdirectory for an example. X X Patrick Wolfe (, kailand!pat) X System Programmer/Operations Manager, Kuck & Associates, Inc. X END_OF_FILE if test 2047 -ne `wc -c <'Readme'`; then echo shar: \"'Readme'\" unpacked with wrong size! fi # end of 'Readme' fi if test -f 'install.1' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'install.1'\" else echo shar: Extracting \"'install.1'\" \(2849 characters\) sed "s/^X//" >'install.1' <<'END_OF_FILE' X... X.TH INSTALL 1 "1.1" "KAI" "KAI local software" X X.SH NAME Xinstall \- install a program or file X X.SH SYNOPSIS X.B install X[\-c] [\-g group] [\-l[ls-options]] X[\-m mode] [\-o owner] [\-r] [\-s] Xsource-file [host[+host...]:]target [target ...] X X.SH DESCRIPTION X.I Install Xperforms operations that are commonly done when installing a program Xor other file in some system directory. X XYou must specify one source file, and at least one target file or Xdirectory name. If the target specified is a directory, a file Xby the same name as the source file will be installed inside in that Xdirectory. X XYou may optionally specify as targets, multiple files, remote files (in the Xformat host:file), multiple remote files (in the format host+host:file), or a Xmixture of any of these. This finally makes installing a file on multiple Xsystems very easy. X XThe options you specify control what is done to the source and target files. XWith no options, the source file is simply moved to the target file. X X.I Install Xwill stop if any errors occur, Xbut when executing commands using the remote shell command (rsh), Xno status code is returned from the remote command, so install Xcannot tell if the remote command was successful, and will always Xcontinue as if it was. X X.SH OPTIONS X\-c indicates that the source file is to be copied, not moved, to the Xtarget file. In other words, the source file should not be deleted after Xthe installation is completed. X X\-g specifies the group name or number that should be assigned to the target file(s). XYou must be the superuser, or the owner of the file and a member of the Xgroup to change the group assigned to a file. X X\-l indicates that an "ls" should be performed on the target file Xafter the installation is done. This is useful for verifying that the Xinstallation worked correctly. You may optionally specify the options to Xpass to the "ls" command. The default options used are "\-Fgl". X X\-m specifies the mode that should be assigned to the target file(s). XYou must be the superuser, or the owner of the file Xto change the mode assigned to a file. X X\-o specifies the login name or number that should own the target file(s). XOn BSD systems, only the superuser can change the owner of a file. On XSystem V systems, only the superuser or the owner of a file can change Xit's owner. X X\-r indicates that any old target file should be removed before the new Xfile is installed. This is useful for preventing problems caused by Xownership, group, or permissions of an old version of the target file. X X\-s indicates that the target file should be stripped of symbols. Only Xuse this option on executable images. X X\-v indicates that the install program should be verbose, and display every Xcommand before it is executed. X X.SH ORIGIN XInstall is a Perl script, written by Patrick Wolfe, XSystem Manager at Kuck & Associates, Inc. END_OF_FILE if test 2849 -ne `wc -c <'install.1'`; then echo shar: \"'install.1'\" unpacked with wrong size! fi # end of 'install.1' fi if test -f '' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"''\" else echo shar: Extracting \"''\" \(5122 characters\) sed "s/^X//" >'' <<'END_OF_FILE' X#!/usr/local/bin/perl X# enhanced version of BSD "install" command X X$ENV{'PATH'} = '/usr/local/bin:/usr/ucb:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/bsd:/usr/local/etc:/usr/etc:/etc'; X$ENV{'SHELL'} = '/bin/sh'; X$ENV{'IFS'} = ''; X$TRUE = 1; X$FALSE = 0; X$thispgm = $0; X$thispgm =~ s/.*\///g; X$my_hostname = `hostname`; Xchop ($my_hostname); X$do_remove = $do_copy = $do_strip = $do_chown = $do_chgrp = $do_chmod = $do_ls = $be_verbose = $FALSE; X X# parse command line Xwhile ($#ARGV >= 0) { X if ($ARGV[0] !~ /^-/) { X last; X } X elsif ($ARGV[0] eq "-c") { X $do_copy = $TRUE; X } X elsif ($ARGV[0] eq "-g") { X if ($#ARGV == 0) { X $errors++; X printf stderr "%s: group id missing\n", $thispgm; X } X else { X shift; X $new_group = $ARGV[0]; X $do_chgrp = $TRUE; X } X } X elsif ($ARGV[0] eq "-l") { X $do_ls = $TRUE; X } X elsif ($ARGV[0] eq "-m") { X if ($#ARGV == 0) { X $errors++; X printf stderr "%s: file mode missing\n", $thispgm; X } X else { X shift; X $new_mode = $ARGV[0]; X $do_chmod = $TRUE; X } X } X elsif ($ARGV[0] eq "-o") { X if ($#ARGV == 0) { X $errors++; X printf stderr "%s: owner id missing\n", $thispgm; X } X else { X shift; X $new_owner = $ARGV[0]; X $do_chown = $TRUE; X } X } X elsif ($ARGV[0] eq "-r") { X $do_remove = $TRUE; X } X elsif ($ARGV[0] eq "-s") { X $do_strip = $TRUE; X } X elsif ($ARGV[0] eq "-v") { X $be_verbose = $TRUE; X } X else { X $errors++; X printf stderr "%s: unrecognized command line option \"%s\"\n", $thispgm, $ARGV[0]; X } X shift; X } X X# parse source file Xif ($#ARGV >= 0) { X $source = $ARGV[0]; X if (! -e $source) { X $errors++; X printf stderr "%s: source file %s doesn't exist\n", $thispgm, $source; X } X elsif (! -f $source) { X $errors++; X printf stderr "%s: source file %s is not a regular file\n", $thispgm, $source; X } X shift; X } Xelse { X $errors++; X printf stderr "%s: missing source file name\n", $thispgm; X } X X@target = (); Xwhile ($#ARGV >= 0) { X $target = $ARGV[0]; X @t = split (/:/, $ARGV[0]); X if ($#t == 0) { X $target = $t[0]; X if (-d $target) { X $target =~ s/\/$//g; X $target .= "/" . $source; X } X push (@target, $target); X } X else { X @h = split (/\+/, $t[0]); X for ($ctr = 0; $ctr <= $#h; $ctr++) { X if ($h[$ctr] eq $my_hostname) { X $target = $t[1]; X } X else { X $target = $h[$ctr] . ":" . $t[1]; X } X if (-d $target) { X $target =~ s/\/$//g; X $target .= "/" . $source; X } X push (@target, $target); X } X } X shift; X } Xif ($#target == -1) { X $errors++; X printf stderr "%s: missing target file/directory name(s)\n", $thispgm; X } X Xif ($errors > 0) { X printf stderr "\nusage: %s [-c] [-g group] [-l[ls-opts]] [-m mode] [-o owner] [-r] [-s]\n", $thispgm; X printf stderr " [-v] source [host[+host]:]target [target ...]\n\n"; X printf stderr "\t-c = specifies source is to be copied to target, not moved (don't delete source)\n"; X printf stderr "\t-g = change target to specified group\n"; X printf stderr "\t-l = do an \"ll\" on the target after installation,\n"; X printf stderr "\t-m = change target to specified mode\n"; X printf stderr "\t-o = change target to specified owner\n"; X printf stderr "\t-r = remove old target, if any\n"; X printf stderr "\t-s = strip symbols from target (executables only!)\n"; X printf stderr "\t-v = be verbose and print all commands before you do them\n"; X exit (1); X } X X# process each target Xfor ($ctr = 0; $ctr <= $#target; $ctr++ ) { X @t = split (/:/, $target[$ctr]); X if ($#t == 1) { X do remote_install ($t[0], $t[1]); X } X else { X do local_install ($t[0]); X } X } X Xif (! $do_copy) { X do local_command ("rm", "-f", $source); X } X Xexit (0); X Xsub local_install { X $target = $_[0]; X X if ($do_remove) { X do local_command ("rm", "-f", $target); X } X X do local_command ("cp", $source, $target); X X if ($do_strip) { X do local_command ("strip", $target); X } X X if ($do_chown) { X do local_command ("chown", $new_owner, $target); X } X X if ($do_chgrp) { X do local_command ("chgrp", $new_group, $target); X } X X if ($do_chmod) { X do local_command ("chmod", $new_mode, $target); X } X X if ($do_ls) { X do local_command ("ll", $target); X } X } X Xsub remote_install { X $host = $_[0]; X $target = $_[1]; X X if ($do_remove) { X do remote_command ($host, "rm", "-f", $target); X } X X do local_command ("rcp", $source, $host . ":" . $target); X X if ($do_strip) { X do remote_command ($host, "strip", $target); X } X X if ($do_chown) { X do remote_command ($host, "chown", $new_owner, $target); X } X X if ($do_chgrp) { X do remote_command ($host, "chgrp", $new_group, $target); X } X X if ($do_chmod) { X do remote_command ($host, "chmod", $new_mode, $target); X } X X if ($do_ls) { X do remote_command ($host, "ll", $target); X } X } X Xsub local_command { X $cmd = join (" ", @_); X if ($be_verbose) { X printf stderr "\t%s\n", $cmd; X } X $tstat = (system $cmd) >> 8; X if ($tstat != 0) { X printf stderr "%s: command \"%s\" failed (returned status %d)\n", $thispgm, $cmd, $tstat; X exit (1); X } X } X Xsub remote_command { X $rmthost = shift (@_); X $rmtcmd = join (" ", @_); X if ($be_verbose) { X printf stderr "\trsh %s -n %s\n", $rmthost, $rmtcmd; X } X system "rsh", $rmthost, "-n", $rmtcmd; X } END_OF_FILE if test 5122 -ne `wc -c <''`; then echo shar: \"''\" unpacked with wrong size! fi chmod +x '' # end of '' fi if test -f 'Makefile' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'Makefile'\" else echo shar: Extracting \"'Makefile'\" \(538 characters\) sed "s/^X//" >'Makefile' <<'END_OF_FILE' XBIN = /usr/local/bin XMS = l XHOST = k+h+i+z+g+b XFILES = Readme install.1 Makefile ll X Xall: X @echo "make install to install install in $(BIN)" X @echo "make manpage to install the manpage in section $(MS), assuming you have BSD style man page directories" X Xinstall: X ./ -r -c -m 755 -l $(HOST):$(BIN)/install X X# for machines with BSD style manpages Xmanpage: install.1 X ./ -r -c -m 644 -l install.1 $(HOST):/usr/man/man$(MS)/install.$(MS) X Xshar: $(FILES) X shar $(FILES) > install.shar X END_OF_FILE if test 538 -ne `wc -c <'Makefile'`; then echo shar: \"'Makefile'\" unpacked with wrong size! fi # end of 'Makefile' fi if test -f 'll' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'ll'\" else echo shar: Extracting \"'ll'\" \(18 characters\) sed "s/^X//" >'ll' <<'END_OF_FILE' X X/bin/ls -aFgl $@ END_OF_FILE if test 18 -ne `wc -c <'ll'`; then echo shar: \"'ll'\" unpacked with wrong size! fi chmod +x 'll' # end of 'll' fi echo shar: End of shell archive. exit 0   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa02726; 20 Mar 90 7:11 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa02356; 20 Mar 90 7:01 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa02317; 20 Mar 90 6:47 EST Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa23167; 20 Mar 90 6:33 EST Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA14257; Tue, 20 Mar 90 03:21:49 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 19 Mar 90 15:59:12 GMT From: Jim Barton Organization: Silicon Graphics Inc. Subject: Re: File Server for SGI's Message-Id: <5411@odin.SGI.COM> References: <719@cditi.UUCP> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <719@cditi.UUCP>, caw@cditi.UUCP (Craig Westveer) writes: > > We are looking for a fast file server to host 15 - 20 4D machines. > If anyone is using such a server or knows of a good server > please mail me the information. > > Thanks caw Well, you know SGI makes file servers that are fast, and they tend to work quite well with SGI workstations. Of course if 160 MIPS, 20Gb, lots of fast networking and very cheap isn't good enough for you, I suppose you could spend a million dollars on something else. -- Jim Barton Silicon Graphics Computer Systems   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa02811; 20 Mar 90 7:29 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab02726; 20 Mar 90 7:18 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa02684; 20 Mar 90 7:06 EST Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa23428; 20 Mar 90 6:59 EST Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA17353; Tue, 20 Mar 90 03:56:44 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 19 Mar 90 09:32:17 GMT From: Michael Portuesi Organization: Silicon Graphics, Inc., Mtn. View, CA Subject: Re: E-mail HotLine Message-Id: References: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL >>>>> On 16 Mar 90 23:34:19 GMT, khb@chiba.Eng.Sun.COM (Keith Bierman - SPD Advanced Languages) said: > In article <> tohanson@gonzo (Jeff Hanson) writes: > ... I suggest a variation, HotFax. SGI sets up several fax machines connected > to an 800 number to which users can fax problems/questions/etc. This has > two distinct advantages over e-mail. > How is this easier than setting up a BBS and using modems ? Several PC > companies provide such services. I can think of three advantages of fax over a BBS: 1) A fax machine requires much less administrative overhead than a BBS, and can be managed without any special training. 2) Diagrams and pictures can be sent using fax quickly and easily. Currently, there is no standard for the transmission of multimedia documents over phone lines. 3) A fax transmission takes less time than the typical BBS session, which is of benefit to all parties concerned. disclaimer: personally, I think a fax line is a good idea, but my opinions are not necessarily those of my employer. -- __ \/ Michael Portuesi Silicon Graphics, Inc.   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab02811; 20 Mar 90 7:29 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id ac02726; 20 Mar 90 7:19 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa02690; 20 Mar 90 7:06 EST Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa23491; 20 Mar 90 7:01 EST Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA17273; Tue, 20 Mar 90 03:56:03 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 19 Mar 90 17:50:11 GMT From: Paul Haeberli Organization: Silicon Graphics, Inc., Mountain View, CA Subject: Re: Trouble with Iris IMG library Message-Id: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL The reason you had problems converting a file from Alias QuickPaint is that QuickPaint saves its images as colo(u)r index pixels. To use a QuickPaint image with the image processing tools or the image library it is best to convert it into an RGB image. The following script does just that by first saving the current colo(u)r-map, and then mapping the color indexed pixels into rgb space. The programs "savemap" and "mapimg" can be found in /usr/people/4Dgifts/iristools/imgtools if they aren't found in /usr/sbin. This is fromqp: #! /bin/sh if [ $# != 2 ] then echo "usage: fromqp in.qp out.rgb" exit 1 fi savemap /tmp/ mapimg $1 $2 /tmp/ rm /tmp/ To write out an rgb IRIS image from a renderer use a sequence of image library calls like this: #include "gl/image.h" /* * writeiris - * This function takes three arrays of unsigned characters and * writes these as pixel data to an IRIS image file that can be ipasted * to the screen. * */ writeiris(rbuf,gbuf,bbuf,xsize,ysize) unsigned char *rbuf, *gbuf, *bbuf; int xsize, ysize; { IMAGE *oimage; unsigned short *rs, *gs, *bs; int x, y; rs = (unsigned short *)malloc(xsize*sizeof(unsigned short)); gs = (unsigned short *)malloc(xsize*sizeof(unsigned short)); bs = (unsigned short *)malloc(xsize*sizeof(unsigned short)); oimage = iopen("render.rgb","w",RLE(1),3,xsize,ysize,3); for(y=0; y Subject: Trouble with Iris IMG library Message-Id: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Several months ago I added Iris 'IMG' file output capabilities to my 3d renderer, but everytime I outputed an image and 'ipaste'd it to the screen, the image was always displayed black. After spending too much time trying to narrow the problem down (including examining the file directly), I gave up and placed it at the bottom of my list of things to eventually fix. Well, here we are several months later, but now I must convert an Iris IMG file created with Alias's Quickpaint program to our native RLE file format. To make a long story short, the converter did its job but the resulting colour image was displayed in grey-scale. To see who was at fault, I converted the 'max5.rgb' image and it displayed just fine. I then tried the 'toalias' converter in 4Dgifts/iristools/imgtools on the Quickpaint output, then used a (known-to-be-working) Alias image display program to paste the Alias pic to the Iris display - same 'greyscale' effect. So, the question is: why does both my renderer and the converter programs have problems with the Image file library? I made sure I recompiled the libraries in 4Dgifts/iristools before I made the toalias program and before I linked libimage.a into my renderer. Also, does the "image->zsize" variable really reflect the depth of the IMG file? From what I recall, most of the IMG related files in 4Dgifts don't bother looking at the image depth. --> Rob Lansdale   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa03307; 20 Mar 90 8:11 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab03080; 20 Mar 90 8:00 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa02949; 20 Mar 90 7:40 EST Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa23647; 20 Mar 90 7:19 EST Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA18634; Tue, 20 Mar 90 04:10:27 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 19 Mar 90 19:24:29 GMT From: Gretchen Helms Organization: Silicon Graphics, Inc., Mountain View, CA Subject: Re: Hot Line Message-Id: <5424@odin.SGI.COM> References: <9003131856.aa03408@CAD.USNA.MIL>, <1200@sdrc.UUCP> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Scott_Klosterman writes: > After I receive a call back at my office phone (usually the next > morning as described previously for us East Coast persons) I try > the little tidbit which the Support person wants me to try which > will verify the problem. This usually involves shutdown of the > machine so I tell Support I will call him/her back right away, hang > up the phone, walk to the machine, and call the Hotline back within > thirty seconds. Now instead of getting an operator, During busy periods > (afternoon our time) I get about five minutes of music, by the time > some-one picks up and forwards my call, the Support Engineer has given > up on me, and called another person or had another call come in. So I > leave a message and write down the results of the previous test and walk > back to my office and wait for his call. This may happen again if the SE > has found something else to try. Unfortunately, due to the quantity of calls coming in to the support line, *each* support engineer is dealing with an average of 50 to 60 calls, and is constantly taking new ones. If the engineer has the time and few enough customers, they will wait that minute or so to see what will happen. However, when an engineer is dealing with 60 calls or more, they will take the opportunity to give someone else a quick call to see if the solution they have provided has worked. Many times customers who have solutions forget to call back in to let us know that a fix worked and require no further assistance, and we have to call them instead to confirm that the solution worked and the call can be closed. Support engineers are also called back with "critical calls" demanding immediate assistance, and this may sometimes require that we place our primary customer on hold while we deal with our "hot" second line. We ask for your understanding and patience if we should suddenly interrupt you and ask if you would mind being put on hold...this usually means our second line demands attention. > A lot of my time could be saved if I was given the direct call > number of the SE to call him back. Instead all the SE are given > instructions that all calls should go through the hotline even if > a call has already been logged. The reason this is done is that the support engineers are *continually* on their phone dealing with customers and other engineers alike. If our direct lines are given out, a number of things happen. 1) The call is no longer a 1-800 toll free number. 2) The possibility that you will get through unassisted on the direct line is very low. 3) The engineer may not be there, and then there is no record of your call. However, if you call in on the 1-800 line, there are *always* call coordinators there to handle your call. If the engineer is sick and your call is critical, they can handle the problem in an appropriate fashion. If the engineer is on the phone, they log the time of your call and flag the calls in our queues so we can see that someone has called while we were working on another call. If the engineer is not there, they will also flag the call so we can get back to you when we return. G. "Murdock" Helms As free as the wind, Silicon Graphics And hopefully learning Product Support Engineer Why the sea on the tide Has no way of turning.   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa05047; 20 Mar 90 9:27 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa04407; 20 Mar 90 9:16 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa04350; 20 Mar 90 9:00 EST Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa26796; 20 Mar 90 8:46 EST Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA26201; Tue, 20 Mar 90 05:30:19 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 20 Mar 90 01:02:42 GMT From: "Eric A. Pearce" Organization: Boston University Info Tech Subject: 3.2.2 maint tape Message-Id: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Is it like the 3.2.1 one in that I need a specific bug fix to get it? Can someone tell me what is on it? Thanks -e ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eric Pearce Boston University Information Technology 111 Cummington Street Boston MA 02215 617-353-2780 voice 617-353-6260 fax   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa09475; 22 Mar 90 11:22 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa09100; 22 Mar 90 11:11 EST Received: by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa08886; 22 Mar 90 10:51 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa08179; 22 Mar 90 10:10 EST Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa14114; 22 Mar 90 8:14 EST Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA20409; Thu, 22 Mar 90 05:01:42 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 19 Mar 90 15:57:59 GMT From: Mike York Organization: Voodoo Graphics Project Subject: Re: user-group-meeting Message-Id: <720@voodoo.UUCP> References: <408@texhrc.UUCP> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <408@texhrc.UUCP> mjz@texhrc.UUCP (Michael Zeitlin) writes: > > Does anybody know of an SGI annual user's group meeting? > > If none exists, how about trying to organize one so we > can meet each other and interact with SGI on a more > "personal" basis... > On page 15 of the winter 1989 Iris Universe there was a side bar calling for volunteers to help start an SGI User Group. Having taken a fair amount of abuse as part of DECUS leadership in varying capacities over the years, I thought "What the heck, let's do it again!" I called up and volunteered. I was invited to an organizational meeting at last year's NCGA in Philadelphia. I can't find my notes from the meeting, but I recall there being 8 people present, including Mark Compton and Neil Harrington (this name may be wrong, it's from memory) from SGI. Here is an exerpt from my trip report: IRIS User Group In the Winter, 1989, issue of the "IRIS Universe" Silicon Graphics announced that an official IRIS User Group was being formed with an organizational meeting to be held at NCGA. Mike York was invited to participate in this meeting which included individuals from Silicon Graphics, Wavefront, CDC, the U.S. Government, and educational institutions. Most of the people attending had prior experience with other user groups. Oddly enough, there was almost immediate agreement on the long term goals for an IRIS User Group: Establish an annual conference for IRIS users, independent of existing conferences. Continue Birds-of-a-feather (BOF) sessions at existing conferences for SGI users. Provide a place for "naive" new users (those with little computer experience that are acquiring Personal IRIS's) to go for help. Be sure the IRIS User Group provides a home for both graphics and non-graphics users for SGI equipment. It is recognized that with the introduction of SGI file servers there will be more users who are not directly interested in graphics. Provide input to SGI for new product development. Publish a bug list on a regular basis. Publish a newsletter. It was recognized that a "critical mass" of users are needed to get a user group started. In order to start collecting interested users, SGI will investigate setting up a bulletin board system. The BBS will allow users to dial in and get bug reports, down load source code, and communicate with SGI engineers and other users. It is hoped that the BBS will be online by early fall, with the user group established sometime in the summer of 1990. I have not heard anything since then. I sent mail to Mark Compton a few weeks ago, but have not yet received a reply. Anybody at SGI know anything about this? -- Mike York | "I want to embrace you, but Boeing Computer Services | first, I have to satisfy (206) 234-7724 | my sense of moral outrage" uw-beaver!ssc-vax!voodoo!zombie | -Roger Rabbit   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa07526; 20 Mar 90 11:46 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa06933; 20 Mar 90 11:16 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa06843; 20 Mar 90 10:59 EST Received: from [] by ADM.BRL.MIL id aa01700; 20 Mar 90 10:48 EST Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA08035; Tue, 20 Mar 90 07:33:13 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 20 Mar 90 13:45:43 GMT From: Tom Haapanen Organization: University of Waterloo, WATMIMS Research Group Subject: Re: Hot Line Message-Id: <> References: <9003131856.aa03408@CAD.USNA.MIL>, <1200@sdrc.UUCP>, <5424@odin.SGI.COM> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL >Scott_Klosterman writes: >> After I receive a call back at my office phone (usually the next >> morning as described previously for us East Coast persons) I try >> the little tidbit which the Support person wants me to try which >> will verify the problem. This usually involves shutdown of the >> machine so I tell Support I will call him/her back right away, hang >> up the phone, walk to the machine, and call the Hotline back within >> thirty seconds. Now instead of getting an operator, During busy periods >> (afternoon our time) I get about five minutes of music, by the time >> some-one picks up and forwards my call, the Support Engineer has given >> up on me, and called another person or had another call come in. Gretchen Helms writes: > Unfortunately, due to the quantity of calls coming in to the support > line, *each* support engineer is dealing with an average of 50 to 60 > calls, and is constantly taking new ones. If the engineer has the time > and few enough customers, they will wait that minute or so to see what > will happen. This doesn't address the problem pointed out by Scott: even if you call right back, YOU CAN'T GET THROUGH TO THE OPERATOR, but have to listen to elevator music for five minutes first, after which it's too late. However, let me point out a couple of things in SGI's favour: First, most support engineers are willing to wait a couple of minutes on the phone while I go try what they suggested. Second, most of them are also willing to get back to you by email, if you just tell them you're on the East Coast and are hard to reach. Third, the support lines open EARLY; you can call at 9 am EST and get hold of a support engineer (but not necessarily thhe one you were talking to before). But I *still* like the idea of an Email hotline where I wouldn't have to hang on the phone listening to music... [ \tom haapanen -- university of waterloo -- ] [ "i say what i say, but i say it for myself and myself only" -- me ] [ "i don't even know what street canada is on" -- al capone ]   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa07631; 20 Mar 90 11:57 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa07341; 20 Mar 90 11:36 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa06983; 20 Mar 90 11:02 EST Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa00189; 20 Mar 90 10:13 EST Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA05367; Tue, 20 Mar 90 07:03:57 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 20 Mar 90 09:03:10 GMT From: Bruno Pape Organization: Silicon Graphics S.A., Zuerich, Switzerland Subject: Setmonitor Message-Id: <1990Mar20.090310.4802@sgzh.uucp> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL #include #include main() { short mtype; int ch; ginit(); mtype = HZ30_SG; setmonitor( mtype ); /* switch to 30 Hz */ sleep(5); mtype = HZ60; setmonitor( mtype ); /* switch back to normal */ } It compiles nicely, but upon execution I get an "invalid argument" error message from both "setmonitor" calls. Anyone run into this before?? Any ideas on why this desn't work?? Thanks, -John The ginit() should help it work better. Bruno   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa10287; 20 Mar 90 13:45 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa09231; 20 Mar 90 13:24 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa09133; 20 Mar 90 13:09 EST Received: from SNOW-WHITE.MERIT-TECH.COM by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa05037; 20 Mar 90 12:46 EST Received: by (4.1/SMI-DDN) id AA13587; Tue, 20 Mar 90 11:48:14 CST Date: Tue, 20 Mar 90 11:48:14 CST From: Mike Goss Message-Id: <> To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Subject: HP disk on SGI Power Series or PI Anyone out there tried to hook up a Hewlett-Packard SCSI disk (in particular, model # HP 97548-S) to an SGI machine (especially a Power Series or PI)? This HP disk doesn't appear to be in the table of supported disks in "fx", so it looks risky unless someone has already been able to get it to work. I'd appreciate any reports of success (or failure). Thanks. ------------------------------ Mike Goss Merit Technology Inc. (214)733-7018   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab11625; 20 Mar 90 14:51 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa11149; 20 Mar 90 14:22 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa10638; 20 Mar 90 13:55 EST Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa06145; 20 Mar 90 13:28 EST Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA20119; Tue, 20 Mar 90 10:24:28 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 20 Mar 90 13:04:32 GMT From: " Lloyd Slonaker;ASD/ENFZ;" Subject: Parallel printing from 4D/70G ? Message-Id: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Help!? I'm trying to get a Tektronix 4692 to work with our Iris 4D/70G. We purchased the parallel interface but we didn't get the cable, so I'm trying to make one. I called the Hotline and recieved the following: IBM Pin (DB25) Signal Printer Pin (Centronics) 1 Strobe 1 2 Data0 2 3 Data1 3 4 Data2 4 5 Data3 5 6 Data4 6 7 Data5 7 8 Data6 8 9 Data7 9 10 /Acknowledge 10 11 Busy 11 12 Paper End 12 13 Select 13 15 /Fault 32 16 Initiate 31 18 Ground 34 19 Ground 19 20 Ground 21 21 Ground 23 22 Ground 25 23 Ground 27 24 Ground 29 25 Ground 30 After one day they fax-ed us the above. We informed them that we had a DB37 connector on the back of our IRIS labeled Parallel I/F and what they gave use was for a DB25 connector. After 3 more days we received the same information again only with the following headers: 4D20/IBM(DB25) Signal Name Printer Pin(Cent36) We informed them that we had a 4D70g with a DB37 (again). The nice lady at the other end said that the DB37 had the same connections. I tried it, it didn't work! Has anyone done this, if you have let me know. I can be reached at or   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa12277; 20 Mar 90 15:02 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id ad11625; 20 Mar 90 14:52 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa11621; 20 Mar 90 14:32 EST Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa07734; 20 Mar 90 14:13 EST Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA22492; Tue, 20 Mar 90 10:59:36 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 20 Mar 90 18:39:25 GMT From: Eric Hoffman Organization: Georgia Institute of Technology Subject: fighter aircraft coordinate data Message-Id: <7292@hydra.gatech.EDU> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL I am looking for coordinate data for a fighter aircraft (preferably F/A-18) to use in a trajectory simulation program on an IRIS (I have the trajectories, I need the aircraft icon). I would like it described as polygonals patches but anything would do. If anyone has such data or knows of an internet site which does, please send me email at Thanks, Eric -- Eric Hoffman, Office of Computing Services, High Performance Computing Group Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta Georgia, 30332 Phone: (404) 894-6147 uucp: ...!{decvax,hplabs,ncar,purdue,rutgers}!gatech!prism!ccsupeh Internet:   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa12645; 20 Mar 90 15:23 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa11625; 20 Mar 90 14:51 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa11309; 20 Mar 90 14:14 EST Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa07193; 20 Mar 90 13:58 EST Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA22047; Tue, 20 Mar 90 10:53:11 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 20 Mar 90 14:59:35 GMT From: dave "who can do? ratmandu!" ratcliffe Organization: Silicon Graphics, Inc., Mountain View, CA Subject: Re: Setmonitor Message-Id: <5472@odin.SGI.COM> References: <1990Mar20.090310.4802@sgzh.uucp> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <1990Mar20.090310.4802@sgzh.uucp> root@sgzh.UUCP (Bruno Pape) writes: >> In article <....> John ______________ writes: >> #include >> #include >> >> main() { >> short mtype; >> int ch; >> >> ginit(); >> mtype = HZ30_SG; >> setmonitor( mtype ); /* switch to 30 Hz */ >> sleep(5); >> mtype = HZ60; >> setmonitor( mtype ); /* switch back to normal */ >> } >> >>It compiles nicely, but upon execution I get an "invalid argument" error >>message from both "setmonitor" calls. Anyone run into this before?? Any >>ideas on why this desn't work?? >> Thanks, -John > >The ginit() should help it work better. > > Bruno however, since all you are indicating you wish to do here is set yer monitor to a different mode than 60Hz, ginit(), is NOT an optimal/"state of the art" choice. ginit() was the original "o.k. it's time to initialize grafix, ms. grafix pipe" signal to prepare the geometry pipe for incoming grafix commands and data back in GL1 days on the 1000 terminals and workstations BEFORE the primitive "mex" window manager was implemented. GINIT(3G) was implemented to take over the whole grafix console screen and NOT be a moveable/resizeable GL window. Then when "mex" came along, first GETPORT(3G), and then WINOPEN(3G) (we'll skip GBEGIN(3G) in this discussion.) became the standard way of opening multiple GL windows that were capable of "co-existing" with each other. (getport() was the first such attempt at this, as it is indeed a movable/resizeable window, but you can only open one per GL program. contrasted to this was the fully evolved winopen which lets you open more than one window per GL prog and switch back and forth as you need to drawing first into window A, then into window E, and then window ___..., etc.). so much for the history lesson. all of that is a preamble to what i wud recommend you *really* want to do in the above prog. which is replace "ginit();" w/the sequence: noport(); winopen("set monitor to 30Hz"); this use of noport *prior* to winopen is a rather swank trick which enables one to initialize grafix (the necessary pre-requisite to successful invocation of 98.5% of all GL calls) *without* having to open a window if one does not explicitly need to do so. the above sequence is the standard approach when needing to modify [a piece of] the colormap, changing monitor mode(s), etc.. -- daveus rattus yer friendly neighborhood ratman KOYAANISQATSI ko.yan.nis.qatsi (from the Hopi Language) n. 1. crazy life. 2. life in turmoil. 3. life out of balance. 4. life disintegrating. 5. a state of life that calls for another way of living.   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa15278; 20 Mar 90 18:26 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa14948; 20 Mar 90 18:15 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa14932; 20 Mar 90 17:56 EST Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa12425; 20 Mar 90 17:14 EST Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA03672; Tue, 20 Mar 90 13:53:01 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 20 Mar 90 20:21:02 GMT From: Larry Hunter Organization: National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, MD Subject: Displaying mac postscript stuff Message-Id: Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL I'd like to be able to take files (images and formated text) from my Mac to the SGI. I thought the easiest way to do this would be to create postscript files on the Mac (printing to a file with command-F during print), ftp 'em to the SGI and then do "psh ." Everything looks fine, but nothing happens. I tried "say -p " also with no luck. I would appreciate any help anyone could offer before I spend a lot more time on this. I looked at the postscript files, and have a couple of ideas: there are font downloading commands that look like %%BeginFont: Helvetica-Bold %!PS-AdobeFont-1.0: Helvetica-Bold 001.004 %%CreationDate: Wed Sep 27 22:11:11 1989 %%BeginFont: Helvetica-Bold %!PS-AdobeFont-1.0: Helvetica-Bold 001.004 %%CreationDate: Wed Sep 27 22:11:11 1989 ... eventually followed by lots of binary (?) data. Could that be the problem? There's also a document setup section right after the prolog that may be printer specific: %%EndProlog %%BeginDocumentSetup md begin T T 0 0 730 552 -31 -30 761 582 100 72 72 1 F F F F T T T F psu (Larry Hunter; document: Paper)jn 0 mf od %%EndDocumentSetup %%Page: ? 1 I'm fairly new to postscript (and unconvinced that humans should ever have to look at the stuff), and I sure could use some help... Thanks! Larry Hunter National Library of Medicine (301) 496-9300 (301) 496-0673 (fax)   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa16260; 20 Mar 90 23:45 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa16183; 20 Mar 90 23:34 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa16160; 20 Mar 90 23:09 EST Received: from [] by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa14337; 20 Mar 90 21:25 EST Received: from VM.UoGuelph.CA by (IBM VM SMTP R1.2.2MX) with BSMTP id 4723; Tue, 20 Mar 90 19:55:47 EST Received: by UOGUELPH (Mailer R2.05) id 7867; Tue, 20 Mar 90 19:55:46 EST Date: Tue, 20 Mar 90 19:42:46 EST From: Len Zaifman Subject: Apple Laser printer support To: info-iris Message-ID: <9003202126.aa14337@SMOKE.BRL.MIL> I am trying to hook up an apple laser writer to my Personal IRIS. I have a cable made up and I can cp postscript_file /dev/ttyd2 and get the printout. However, I initially want to set up the printer as my default printer so I just need lp to print. The long range plan is to try to make the spool/print service work from a PC running FTP software's version of PCnfs. Does anyone have the proper filters for doing this ?? How can I set it up to install properly from the system visual administration tools ?? ( I love 'em, but its annoying when they are incomplete ). The main thing I want from the script, apart from allowing me to use lp , is that it autodetects postscript and ascii files and prints both correctly. If replies are mailed to me directly, I will post the results once I have a working configuration. Thanks for your help. Regards, Len Zaifman Len Zaifman Information Technology Coordinator,College of Physical and Engineering Science Department of Computing Services University of Guelph Guelph,Ontario. N1G 2W1 (519)821-4120 xt 6566 email : LeonardZ@VM.UOGUELPH.CA   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa16691; 21 Mar 90 0:45 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.brl.MIL id aa16645; 21 Mar 90 0:35 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa16637; 21 Mar 90 0:11 EST Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa13393; 20 Mar 90 18:13 EST Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA08290; Tue, 20 Mar 90 15:03:06 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 20 Mar 90 21:31:33 GMT From: "Michael L. Johnson" Organization: University of Virginia Subject: 4D25S memory Message-Id: <1990Mar20.213133.1617@murdoch.acc.Virginia.EDU> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Could someone please E-mail me the names and phone numbers for some companies who can sell me extra memory for my 4D-25S. Thanks. -- (804)-924-8607 Michael L. Johnson mlj8e@mljsg.pharm.Virginia.EDU Pharmacology Dept. mlj8e@Virginia.BITNET Box 448; Univ. of Va. Charlottesville, Va. 22908   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa17095; 21 Mar 90 2:19 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa16974; 21 Mar 90 2:08 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa16922; 21 Mar 90 1:49 EST Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa15385; 21 Mar 90 0:15 EST Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA26657; Tue, 20 Mar 90 20:01:58 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 21 Mar 90 02:01:44 GMT From: Tom Mitchell Organization: Silicon Graphics Computer Systems, Mountain View CA. 94039 Subject: Re: load instruction on MIPS R2000 and R3000 Message-Id: <5515@odin.SGI.COM> References: <>, <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <> (Gary Tarolli) writes: * In article <>, (Tim Moore) writes: * > On the MIPS R2000 and R3000 processors, does the following instruction Good stuff in previous notes. * -- * Gary Tarolli Thanks Gary, Let me ADD to this note. Since it took me too long to find this reference. I'll share: "mips RISC Architecture" by Gerry Kane (Integrated Device Technology) (c) 1988 Mips Computer Systems Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J. ISBN 0-13-584293-x I picked up my copy from a local 'computer' literate bookstore. While it is rare to use assembler with MIPS/SGI compilers.... There are those times. Thomas P. Mitchell -- "All things in moderation; including Grammarians."   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id ag29548; 21 Mar 90 19:57 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id ae29456; 21 Mar 90 19:40 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa29414; 21 Mar 90 19:21 EST Received: from [] by ADM.BRL.MIL id aa15979; 21 Mar 90 19:17 EST Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA08965; Wed, 21 Mar 90 16:10:14 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 20 Mar 90 14:27:07 GMT From: Paul Breslin Organization: Alias Research Inc., Toronto Canada Subject: Re: Trouble with Iris IMG library Message-Id: <806@alias.UUCP> References: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL >... > Well, here we are several months later, but now I must convert >an Iris IMG file created with Alias's Quickpaint program to our native >RLE file format. ... The Iris image library is capable of storing four "types" of image files. These are (from image.h): CM_NORMAL, CM_DITHERED, CM_SCREEN, CM_COLORMAP. Some of the image tools in 4Dgifts prefer and/or assume CM_NORMAL type, which is the most common type (pixel values are channel intensities). Since QuickPaint operates in colormap mode, it stores images using type CM_SCREEN. Since QuickPaint also allows you to modify the colormap, it saves a secondary file (.M) containing the colormap used to create the image. This .M file is of type CM_COLORMAP. If one of these doesn't exist you usually assume the default NeWS colormap should be used. So, say you wanted to convert a QuickPaint image to RGB format. You should first read in the colormap file. It should be 4 by 256. The X dimension contains the colormap index, R, G, and B. Then to read the image itself, you read in the CM_SCREEN type image whose pixel values represent colormap indices and map them to RGB values using the colormap from above. Here's a program I just created to read in a quickpaint file, convert it to RGB and blast it into a window using lrectwrite. It was created with 4 space tabs and compiled with the command: cc -O qp.c -lgutil -limage -lgl_s -lm -lc_s It's rather sparse on diagnostics. If you turn this into a real tool then please add more of these. It was also whipped together somewhat quickly so I apologize in advance for any errors. I've only tested it on the images in /usr/demos/quickpaint. Also note that the SGI image library has a nasty habit of calling exit. A hack was added to it to trap errors by calling "i_seterror" with an error handling function pointer. I would suggest using this. Locally we've modified the library to be slightly improved in this area. cheers, Paul Breslin Alias Research Inc. -------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #include #include typedef struct { unsigned char a, b, g, r; } RGBA; static RGBA *ColorMap; static RGBA *Image; static int Xres, Yres; static char ErrorMsg[256]; extern unsigned char red_map[256]; extern unsigned char green_map[256]; extern unsigned char blue_map[256]; static int LoadColorMap(char *filename) { register IMAGE *cmap; register RGBA *rgbp; register int y; register int index; short rowbuf[4]; char cmapname[512]; sprintf(cmapname, "%s.M", filename); if( !(cmap = iopen(cmapname, "r")) ) return 0; if( cmap->xsize != 4 ) { iclose(cmap); return 0; } rgbp = ColorMap = (RGBA *)malloc(cmap->ysize * sizeof(RGBA)); for( y = 0; y < cmap->ysize; y++ ) if( getrow(cmap, rowbuf, y, 0) >= 0 ) { index = rowbuf[0]; rgbp->r = rowbuf[1]; rgbp->g = rowbuf[2]; rgbp->b = rowbuf[3]; ++rgbp; } iclose(cmap); return 1; } static int LoadImage(char *filename) { register Colorindex *scanline; register RGBA *rgbp; register IMAGE *image; register int y; register int x; register int index; register int file_zsize; if( !(image = iopen(filename,"r")) ) return 0; file_zsize = image->zsize; Xres = image->xsize; Yres = image->ysize; if( file_zsize != 1 ) { sprintf(ErrorMsg, "\"%s\" is not a normal QP file", filename); iclose(image); return 0; } scanline = (Colorindex *)malloc(Xres * sizeof(Colorindex)); rgbp = Image = (RGBA *)malloc(Xres * Yres * sizeof(RGBA)); for( y = 0; y < Yres; ++y ) { if( getrow(image, scanline, y, 0) < 0 ) break; for( x = 0; x < Xres; ++x, ++rgbp ) { index = scanline[x]; if( !ColorMap ) { if( index < 256 ) { rgbp->r = red_map[index]; rgbp->g = green_map[index]; rgbp->b = blue_map[index]; } else { rgbp->r = 0; rgbp->g = 0; rgbp->b = 0; } } else *rgbp = ColorMap[index]; } } iclose(image); free((char *)scanline); return y == Yres; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { Device event; short value; long window; if( argc != 2 ) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s \n", argv[0]); return 1; } LoadColorMap(argv[1]); if( LoadImage(argv[1]) ) { prefposition(0, Xres - 1, 0, Yres - 1); noborder(); foreground(); if( (window = winopen("Hi")) <= 0 ) return 1; RGBmode(); gconfig(); qdevice(WINQUIT); qdevice(WINSHUT); qenter(REDRAW, window); while( event = qread(&value) ) { switch( event ) { case WINQUIT: case WINSHUT: break; case REDRAW: lrectwrite(0, 0, Xres - 1, Yres - 1, Image); continue; default: continue; } break; } } return 0; }   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa22209; 21 Mar 90 10:33 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab22025; 21 Mar 90 10:23 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa21975; 21 Mar 90 10:04 EST Received: from by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa20195; 21 Mar 90 8:44 EST Received: Wed, 21 Mar 90 08:45:12 EST by (5.52/5.6) Date: Wed, 21 Mar 90 08:45:12 EST From: "Brent L. Bates AAD/TAB MS294 x42854" Message-Id: <> To: Subject: Re: Apple Laser printer support Cc: info-iris@BRL.MIL I would use the visual administration tools to get started. Then go to /usr/spool/lp/interface and edit the filter file that is there to match your needs. It seems to me that the Apple Laserwriters will print a file as ASCII if it can't find a "%!" on the first line first two columns. If those two characters are there then it treats the file as PostScript. -- Brent L. Bates NASA-Langley Research Center M.S. 361 Hampton, Virginia 23665-5225 (804) 864-2854 E-mail: or   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa22835; 21 Mar 90 11:25 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa20211; 21 Mar 90 9:13 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa20129; 21 Mar 90 9:01 EST Received: from by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa18252; 21 Mar 90 7:44 EST Received: Wed, 21 Mar 90 07:45:55 EST by (5.52/5.6) Date: Wed, 21 Mar 90 07:45:55 EST From: "Brent L. Bates AAD/TAB MS294 x42854" Message-Id: <> To:!!ark1!nap1!asdcds! Subject: Re: Parallel printing from 4D/70G ? Cc: info-iris@BRL.MIL I don't know if this will help, but, we have a 4693D printer and there is a menu option on the printer to specify that you are using a Centronics interface instead of a Tektronics interface. There are also some dip switches that might need to be adjusted too. As I said this is for a 4693D, I don't know if your 4692 has the same adjustments or not. Hope this is of some help. -- Brent L. Bates NASA-Langley Research Center M.S. 361 Hampton, Virginia 23665-5225 (804) 864-2854 E-mail: or   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab22835; 21 Mar 90 11:25 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa22025; 21 Mar 90 10:23 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa21767; 21 Mar 90 9:57 EST Received: from by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa19128; 21 Mar 90 8:15 EST Received: Wed, 21 Mar 90 08:16:15 EST by (5.52/5.6) Date: Wed, 21 Mar 90 08:16:15 EST From: "Brent L. Bates AAD/TAB MS294 x42854" Message-Id: <> To: haven!ncifcrf!nlm-mcs!mcs! Subject: Re: Displaying mac postscript stuff Cc: info-iris@BRL.MIL I have come to the conclution that the SGI (and for that matter SUN's too) psview is brain dead. psview seems to work on only EXTREMELY simple PostScript files. I have taken TeX files, TeX'ed them, then dvi2ps'ed them and nothing happens with psview. I have taken some PostScript files that I created from scratch and nothing happens. VERY simple files have worked or almost worked. The PostScript "image" command doesn't work correctly. psview ignores the "image" transformation matrix completly. All of the files I have tried print out fine on our Apple laser printer and our NEC 890 laser printer. I would say give up on trying to use psview, at least until someone makes one that works. -- Brent L. Bates NASA-Langley Research Center M.S. 361 Hampton, Virginia 23665-5225 (804) 864-2854 E-mail: or   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab23378; 21 Mar 90 12:29 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa23149; 21 Mar 90 12:10 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa23110; 21 Mar 90 11:50 EST Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa22545; 21 Mar 90 9:58 EST Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA02223; Wed, 21 Mar 90 06:56:07 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 21 Mar 90 13:50:54 GMT From: John D Mccalpin Organization: College of Marine Studies, Univ. of Delaware Subject: info-iris archives on Message-Id: <5901@udccvax1.acs.udel.EDU> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Where (physically) is I have been trying to ftp TeX out of the info-iris directory for a week now, and the network connection invariably drops within the first 5-10 minutes. When I did get a connection to stay up for a few minutes, the transfer rate only averaged 1 kB/s. I am very surprised by the terrible network response, since U.Del. is very well connected to most of the world.... Is there anyplace else (preferably on the east coast) where this software might reside? I really don't want to pay $100 for the sgi software release tape just to get TeX.... -- John D. McCalpin Assistant Professor College of Marine Studies, U. Del.   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa25400; 21 Mar 90 14:44 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa24855; 21 Mar 90 14:06 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa24805; 21 Mar 90 13:49 EST Received: from by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa29617; 21 Mar 90 13:14 EST X400-Received: by /PRMD=inria/ADMD=atlas/C=FR/; Relayed; 21 Mar 90 19:16:04+0100 X400-Received: by /PRMD=ch/ADMD=/C=/; Relayed; 21 Mar 90 19:13:21+0100 Date: 21 Mar 90 19:13:21+0100 From: Reinhard Doelz To: info-iris@BRL.MIL MMDF-Warning: Parse error in original version of preceding line at BRL.MIL Subject: psview Message-ID: <242*> > Iwould say give up on trying to use psview, at least unitil someone > makes one that works. ... I totally agree. psview(1) is *not* a 4Dgifts. So if it is not supported by SGI, why doesn't SGI move it to 4Dgifts, in order to join non-supported programs ... :-) BTW: It's amazing that one of the benefits of NeWS is that POSTSCRIPT can be used but isn't supported. psh(1) is useless to view multi-page documents. Reinhard   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab25400; 21 Mar 90 14:44 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab25051; 21 Mar 90 14:33 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa25041; 21 Mar 90 14:15 EST Received: from by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa20800; 21 Mar 90 9:00 EST Received: Wed, 21 Mar 90 09:02:04 EST by (5.52/5.6) Date: Wed, 21 Mar 90 09:02:04 EST From: "Brent L. Bates AAD/TAB MS294 x42854" Message-Id: <> To: uvaarpa!murdoch!kronos! Subject: Re: 4D25S memory Cc: info-iris@BRL.MIL Here is a list I have compiled from info-iris mail. I don't know how good or bad any of them are we haven't ordered anything yet. Sophistecated Circuits, Seattle (206) 547-4779 Memory for 4D 20's, $310/Mb (in late April '89) Impediment, Inc., 333 Duxbury, MA 02332, (617) 837-8877 Memory for 4D 20's, 1Mb simms, $90/Mb (early January '90) Memory for 4D 20's, 4Mb simms, $187.5/Mb (early January '90) Memory for 4D 200's $225/Mb (early January '90) (Have heard good things about this company, including 5 year replacement guarantee, not 90 days like some companies) ClearPoint, 35 Parkwood Drive, Hopkington,MA 07148, (800) 253-2778 (508) 435-2000 Memory for 4D 20's, $76/Mb (GSA pricing) (late February '90) 1Mb sims, $100/Meg (80Ns); 4Mb sims, $200/Meg (Life time warranty.) If anyone has any more names to add to the list please let me know. Also, please include an address or at least a phone number for the company. From Thu Feb 15 15:11:39 1990 Received: Thu, 15 Feb 90 15:11:39 EST from by (5.52/5.6) Received: by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab09380; 9 Feb 90 11:17 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa02524; 6 Feb 90 20:20 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab02486; 6 Feb 90 20:06 EST Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa02340; 6 Feb 90 19:59 EST Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA14266; Tue, 6 Feb 90 16:08:15 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 6 Feb 90 22:38:03 GMT From: James Helman Organization: Stanford University Subject: Re: IRIS 4D/20 memory upgrade Message-Id: References: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Status: R I prefer to buy memory that the third-party manufacturer claims works on a machine, rather than taking chances with stuff off the shelf at the local electronics shop. That way you can always send it back if it doesn't work as promised. Also, lifetime warranties are valuable, especially on board level products. Clearpoint sells memory for the 4D/20 through 4D/80. Helios sells memory for the 4D/2x0 series. Clearpoint's number is 1-800-CLEARPT. I don't have Helios' number. Or contact any reasonable size memory/ peripheral distributor. Among the ones in Northern California, we've found CITA in Sacremento (916) 344-5558 to have good prices and service. Jim Helman Department of Applied Physics P.O. Box 10494 Stanford University Stanford, CA 94309 ( (415) 723-4940 From WJP@VM.NRC.CA Mon Mar 5 09:11:13 1990 Received: Mon, 5 Mar 90 09:11:13 EST from [] by (5.52/5.6) Message-Id: <> Received: from VM.NRC.CA by VM.NRC.CA (IBM VM SMTP R1.2.2MX) with BSMTP id 6875; Mon, 05 Mar 90 09:09:26 EST Received: by NRCVM01 (Mailer R2.05) id 6874; Mon, 05 Mar 90 09:09:25 EST Date: Mon, 05 Mar 90 08:53:43 EST From: Wayne Podaima Organization: National Research Council, Computing Services, Ottawa CAN Subject: Re: Memory prices To: "Brent L. Bates AAD/TAB MS294 x42854" In-Reply-To: Your message of Fri, 2 Mar 90 07:59:50 EST Status: R We use the same 1MB 80ns SIMMS from Parity in Sun 3/x0's and SGI 4D/25's. No problems, fast ship, life-time warranty. Last time we ordered (early Jan/90) they were $85US. Parity Systems Inc. 504-B Vandell Way Campbell, CA 95008-9737 John Miller (408) 378-1000 FAX: (408) 378-1022 In fact, any of the 10 or so Sun memory suppliers will probably do. Thats where the market is (PI's & Mac's just happen to use the same memory). /Wayne From Mon Mar 5 16:05:20 1990 Received: Mon, 5 Mar 90 16:05:20 EST from by (5.52/5.6) Received: from ( by (5.61/utah-2.6-cs) id AA16064; Mon, 5 Mar 90 14:02:57 -0700 Date: Mon, 5 Mar 90 14:08:06 MST From: (Darrell R. Davis) Posted-Date: Mon, 5 Mar 90 14:08:06 MST Message-Id: <> Received: by (5.52/5.51) id AA03734; Mon, 5 Mar 90 14:08:06 MST To: Cc:!swrinde!!wuarchive!! In-Reply-To: "Brent L. Bates AAD/TAB MS294 x42854"'s message of Mon, 5 Mar 90 11:45:32 EST <> Subject: Iris memory sources, update. Status: R I recently, Jan 1990, bought memory for 4D 20, 1Mb simms, from Sophisticated Circuits. Address: 19017 120th Ave N.E., Bothel WA 98011, (206) 485-7172. Price at that time was $125/meg. They also had 4MB chips but I forgot the price. About 3day delivery. This is about the 4th time I have bought memory from them (originally at $310 per meg). Last year I got a batch of bad chips and they promptly replaced them with no hassle. The original memory I bought is still working fine, just about 2 years. -----Darrell R. Davis Department of Medicinal Chemistry, University of Utah "Faster, faster -- until the thrill of speed overcomes the fear of death." --H.S. Thompson ----- -- Brent L. Bates NASA-Langley Research Center M.S. 361 Hampton, Virginia 23665-5225 (804) 864-2854 E-mail: or   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa29047; 21 Mar 90 18:31 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab28811; 21 Mar 90 18:20 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab28532; 21 Mar 90 18:05 EST Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa07429; 21 Mar 90 17:47 EST Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA24663; Wed, 21 Mar 90 12:42:14 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 21 Mar 90 17:54:33 GMT From: Jack Weldon Organization: Silicon Graphics, Inc., Mountain View, CA Subject: Re: Parallel printing from 4D/70G ? Message-Id: <5536@odin.SGI.COM> References: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <> ( Lloyd Slonaker;ASD/ENFZ;) writes: >Help!? > >I'm trying to get a Tektronix 4692 to work with our Iris 4D/70G. >We purchased the parallel interface but we didn't get the cable, so >I'm trying to make one. I called the Hotline and recieved the following: > The pinout that you were given is for the PI, which has a DB25 pin parallel connector. As you found out, the IKON Centronics board requires a 37pin Sub-D to Centronics male 34pin (screw-on). I just took a look at my Price Book at the Parallel Controller Option P4-PCI1, which comes with the internal (board to i/o panel) cable. It also requires the purchase of the P4-PX01 cable as described above. Apparently you didn't order this cable. I'll look around to see if I can find a schematic on that cable (*if* it's built internally). If not, you might have to order one. :-( I'll see what I can do. Cheers, Jack P. Weldon ( Fish and guests grow stale after 3 days SGI Product Support M.F.K. Fisher   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab29047; 21 Mar 90 18:31 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id ac28811; 21 Mar 90 18:21 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ac28532; 21 Mar 90 18:05 EST Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa07452; 21 Mar 90 17:48 EST Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA24677; Wed, 21 Mar 90 12:42:26 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 21 Mar 90 18:13:40 GMT From: Jack Weldon Organization: Silicon Graphics, Inc., Mountain View, CA Subject: Re: Apple Laser printer support Message-Id: <5537@odin.SGI.COM> References: <9003202126.aa14337@SMOKE.BRL.MIL> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <9003202126.aa14337@SMOKE.BRL.MIL> LEONARDZ@VM.UOGUELPH.CA (Len Zaifman) writes: > > I am trying to hook up an apple laser writer to my Personal IRIS. I have >a cable made up and I can cp postscript_file /dev/ttyd2 and get the printout. >However, I initially want to set up the printer as my default printer so I just >need lp to print. The long range plan is to try to make the spool/print service >work from a PC running FTP software's version of PCnfs. Does anyone have the >proper filters for doing this ?? How can I set it up to install properly from >the system visual administration tools ?? ( I love 'em, but its annoying when >they are incomplete ). > The main thing I want from the script, apart from allowing me to use lp >, is that it autodetects postscript and ascii files and prints both correctly. >If replies are mailed to me directly, I will post the results once I have a >working configuration. You may run into a snag here. If you have your printer setup in PostScript mode, all documents sent to it must also be PostScript. Since your application outputs PS, all you'll need to do is convert the ascii to PS, and print it. There are a a few public domain packages that do that, or you can buy the Trans/Laser pkg from SGI. What you'll get is the interface files that will detect whether the file is ascii, IRIS image format, or PS, and "do the right thing". The system manager uses the interface that comes with Trans, so you can use it to setup the Laser. Or, if you use you own ascii -> PS converter, use the Dumb/Generic script from the System Manager, which just sends what you give it to the port. >How can I set it up to install properly from >the system visual administration tools ?? ( I love 'em, but its annoying when >they are incomplete ). Sorry you think they are incomplete, but Adobe charges us for Trans, so we can't include it in the system for free (same goes for Sun, et al.) As for the interface between PCnfs and printing, there are a couple of things you can do. I haven't seen FTPs version, but Sun's uses BSD-style lpd to spool print jobs, not SysV lpsched. Maybe FTPs version does both, or you get the source and can modify it. Or you can wait until "a future release" (nice ambiguous term there, Jack) when you will be able to use lpd on your IRIS. Cheers, Jack P. Weldon ( Fish and guests grow stale after 3 days SGI Product Support M.F.K. Fisher   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id ac29047; 21 Mar 90 18:31 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id ad28811; 21 Mar 90 18:21 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa28765; 21 Mar 90 18:07 EST Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa07659; 21 Mar 90 17:56 EST Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA01272; Wed, 21 Mar 90 14:15:38 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 21 Mar 90 22:02:06 GMT From: Walter Rowe Organization: National Institute of Standards and Technology Subject: Re: Apple Laser printer support Message-Id: References: <9003202126.aa14337@SMOKE.BRL.MIL>, <5537@odin.SGI.COM> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL OK here's another question for you: I have a primarily-Sun network with several printers on it. I would like my printer-less SGI 4D/20 (on the same network - its successfully using YP also) to be able to print to my sun printers. Since there's no concept of a printcap file in SGI's UNIX, I have no idea how to do this. Please reply via direct e-mail. I will summarize shortly. Thanks, -wpr --- Walter P. Rowe, System Administrator, Robot Systems Division National Institute of Standards and Technology   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa29228; 21 Mar 90 18:52 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa28811; 21 Mar 90 18:20 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa28532; 21 Mar 90 18:05 EST Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa07426; 21 Mar 90 17:47 EST Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA24619; Wed, 21 Mar 90 12:41:49 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 21 Mar 90 17:52:28 GMT From: Tom Mitchell Organization: Silicon Graphics Computer Systems, Mountain View CA. 94039 Subject: Re: Hot Line and e-mail Message-Id: <5535@odin.SGI.COM> References: <9003151126.aa29366@SMOKE.BRL.MIL> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL A lot or people have made some very constructive comments on this topic. I have saved the last 18 and printed copies for Customer Support management here at SGI. Thanks, mitch Thomas P. Mitchell -- "All things in moderation; including Grammarians."   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa29548; 21 Mar 90 19:50 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa29302; 21 Mar 90 19:16 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa29247; 21 Mar 90 18:53 EST Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa08101; 21 Mar 90 18:45 EST Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA06952; Wed, 21 Mar 90 15:38:09 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 21 Mar 90 21:17:22 GMT From: Tod Fontana Organization: McDonnell Douglas Electronic Systems, McLean, VA Subject: Porting from Sun to SGI Message-Id: <7938@inco.UUCP> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL I am interested in the pleasures and pitfalls of porting C code from a Sun station with three Verdix (?) enhancement boards to an SGI station. The code I am interested in has Sun Phigs and Sun windowing packages to handle stick map and imagery presentation. How portable are any of these packages to a more standard Phigs (or Phigs to GL library) and X-windows type packages that run on an SGI system? Will it be better to start over from scratch? I don't seem to be getting every response posting on the net, so either email me a response or double post it to the net. Thank you for any input.   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id ac29548; 21 Mar 90 19:56 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa29456; 21 Mar 90 19:40 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa29346; 21 Mar 90 19:11 EST Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa08290; 21 Mar 90 18:58 EST Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA07743; Wed, 21 Mar 90 15:50:43 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 21 Mar 90 21:16:52 GMT From: Kenneth Josiah Harris Organization: Silicon Graphics, Inc., Mountain View, CA Subject: Re: Parallel printing from 4D/70G ? Message-Id: <5560@odin.SGI.COM> References: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL The previous two articles give info on the IRIS parallel interfaces. If you want more info, feel free to call me at (415) 960-1940. I can also FAX the cable/FIB information. Ken J. Harris -- or {decwrl,pyramid,ucbvax}!sgi!kj   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id ad29548; 21 Mar 90 19:57 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab29456; 21 Mar 90 19:40 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab29346; 21 Mar 90 19:11 EST Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa08300; 21 Mar 90 19:00 EST Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA07717; Wed, 21 Mar 90 15:50:11 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 21 Mar 90 21:14:22 GMT From: Kenneth Josiah Harris Organization: Silicon Graphics, Inc., Mountain View, CA Subject: Re: Parallel printing from 4D/70G ? Message-Id: <5558@odin.SGI.COM> References: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL here are some sketchy notes i put together for the parallel printing on the 3000, 4d70 and PI: to make a color printer work, you must have these things working: 1. lp, the line printer spooling/scheduling software. (see ~lp/etc/util/mkcentpr). 2. {tvs}print, the "filter". lives in /usr/lib/print. this program converts "haeberli image format" to the format that the printer can understand. simple check on 4d70: "/usr/lib/print/tprint file > /dev/cent". simple check on 4d20: "/usr/lib/print/tprint file > /dev/plp". 3. /dev/cent on 4d70, /dev/plp on 4d20, the device driver. should work. has problems on early versions (4d3.1 alpha 39) of personal iris release (see EFIB 11). 4. the centronics/parallel controller board. must have correct termination resistor. see FIB 17. for versatec, must have correct differential/TTL voltage levels. 5. the cable. see PI owner's guide for cable number (db25 to centronics). (INMAC # 740-0). the INMAC part number for the IBM PC cable is 740-0 and 740-1 INMAC 2465 Augustine Drive Santa Clara, CA 95052 cable is different on 4d70. SGI part numbers: 018-0098-001 parallel IF to IO internal 4d (berg/3m 34 to db37) 6000-322-02 parallel external IO to printer (db37 to centronics 36) 6. the printer: tektronics, versatek, sieko. run self test. Ken J. Harris -- or {decwrl,pyramid,ucbvax}!sgi!kj   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id ae29548; 21 Mar 90 19:57 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id ac29456; 21 Mar 90 19:40 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ac29346; 21 Mar 90 19:11 EST Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa08305; 21 Mar 90 19:00 EST Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA07994; Wed, 21 Mar 90 15:54:29 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 21 Mar 90 23:02:25 GMT From: Jim Bennett Organization: Silicon Graphics, Inc., Mountain View, CA Subject: Re: Batch Files Message-Id: <> References: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <>, (Tom Wolf) writes: > Recently, there has been talk of different techniques to use to make batch > files unobtrusive to users, in general a great thing for a graphics machine. > > But I support a Personal IRIS which is primarily funded for the purpose > of running large simulations that take 48-72 hours to run. As we get our > funding for these simulations, it is very important to us to have the > batch run simulations have top priority. > > The nice function does not seem to provide this benefit, after the first day, > or so, the system seems to put the batch program farther and farther down the > priority list. Does anyone out there know how to solve the problem? > > Thanks, > > Tom What you need are non-degrading priorities, which are provided by the npri(1) command, for example: "npri -h ". You must be a super user to set non-degrading priorities, and be careful not to set it so high (low number) that nothing else gets scheduled. Do a "man npri" for more details. Jim Bennett (   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id af29548; 21 Mar 90 19:57 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id ad29456; 21 Mar 90 19:40 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ad29346; 21 Mar 90 19:11 EST Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa08308; 21 Mar 90 19:01 EST Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA07731; Wed, 21 Mar 90 15:50:23 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 21 Mar 90 21:15:16 GMT From: Kenneth Josiah Harris Organization: Silicon Graphics, Inc., Mountain View, CA Subject: Re: Parallel printing from 4D/70G ? Message-Id: <5559@odin.SGI.COM> References: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL here is an online copy of FIB 17: FIB # 17 TITLE Ikon Parallel Interface Terminator Configuration MODELS AFFECTED 3XXX, 4D SOFTWARE RELEASE All PARTS/DOCUMENTATION AFFECTED PART NUMBER REV DA 3XXX Ikon Board, Model 10085 5000-173-09 M 4D Ikon Board, Model 10088 013-0207-001 C REPORTED BY Don Holcombe DATE REPORTED 09/29/87 ASSIGNED TO Ron Ludwig DATE RESOLVED 09/30/87 EFFECTIVITY Immediate REFERENCE Figures 1, 2, Revision History and Figure 3 DESCRIPTION The Ikon Board comes from the manufacturer not configured for use with the Tektronix 4692 Color Printer. .br The Ikon Board has a TERMINATOR resistor pack which must be installed up-side down to be correctly configured for the Tektronix 4692 Color Printer. ACTION REQUIRED None...For your information only! RESOLUTION/RECOMMENDATION The 3XXX Ikon Board, Model 10085 (figure 1) has a TERMINATOR resistor pack in U4 which must be installed up-side down to be correctly configured for the Tektronix 4692 Color Printer. .sp .5 The 4D Ikon Board, Model 10088, rev A (figure 2) has a TERMINATOR resistor pack in U80 which must be removed and a SPARE TERMINATOR in UX1 must be installed in U80 up-side down to be correctly configured for the Tektronix 4692 Color Printer. .nf U80 should be 100ohm terminator, reverse polarity for Tektronix 4692. U80 should be 220ohm terminator, forward polarity for other printers. .sp .5 The 4D Ikon Board, Model 10088, rev B (figure 3) has a TERMINATOR resistor pack in U84 which must be installed up-side down to be correctly configured for the Tektronix 4692 Color Printer. -- Ken J. Harris -- or {decwrl,pyramid,ucbvax}!sgi!kj Ken J. Harris -- or {decwrl,pyramid,ucbvax}!sgi!kj   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab01071; 21 Mar 90 23:39 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab00871; 21 Mar 90 23:28 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa00845; 21 Mar 90 23:08 EST Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa09861; 21 Mar 90 22:31 EST Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA18843; Wed, 21 Mar 90 18:45:32 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 22 Mar 90 02:42:22 GMT From: Pablo Fernicola Organization: UF CIS Department Subject: Upgrading to 3.2 and Z-buffering Message-Id: <22726@uflorida.cis.ufl.EDU> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL I will be upgrading our 4D/20 to release 3.2 soon. Is there anything I should watch out for? I will also be installing the z-buffer hardware, again, any tips? Also, a while ago there were messages on the security of the workstations. Is there any particular "hole" that I need to be aware of, and patch it? Thanks, Pablo -- - Pablo Fernicola - Machine Intelligence Laboratory - UF IF YOU CARE ENOUGH TO READ SIGNATURES ... I am graduating Spring 1990 and I am looking for a job. (It's going fast!) MS EE, my graduate work incorporates OO-DBMS/Graphics/Robotics/AI   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa03499; 22 Mar 90 6:13 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa03049; 22 Mar 90 5:52 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa03044; 22 Mar 90 5:39 EST Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa12062; 22 Mar 90 5:14 EST Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA12730; Thu, 22 Mar 90 02:08:21 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 22 Mar 90 03:42:39 GMT From: Dave Olson Subject: Re: HP disk on SGI Power Series or PI Message-Id: <> References: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <> goss@SNOW-WHITE.MERIT-TECH.COM (Mike Goss) writes: | Anyone out there tried to hook up a Hewlett-Packard SCSI disk (in | particular, model # HP 97548-S) to an SGI machine (especially a Power | Series or PI)? This HP disk doesn't appear to be in the table of | supported disks in "fx", so it looks risky unless someone has already | been able to get it to work. I'd appreciate any reports of success (or | failure). Thanks. There is no internal table of scsi disks in fx (there is for the other drive types SGI supports). fx uses the mode sense command to determine the required drive information. If the HP drive follows the 'de facto' mode sense pages and layout reasonably closely, then it may work. I've never worked with this drive, so I can't guess. As time goes on, we try to make the scsi portion of fx less dependant on embedded info about the page sizes, but we are pretty much stuck with the info layout, and will be to some extent even when scsi 2 is implemented by more drives. If fx is able to determine the info it thinks it needs, then it will automatically create (in memory) a volume header for the drive. If you do a /label/show/all at this point, and the values look 'reasonable', then write out the volume header and try exercising the disk. If that works, you are probably in pretty good shape for using the disk, although I'd recommend running 20-30 sequential wr-cmp exercise passes under unix (not the standalone version), followed by a fair number of random and butterfly tests, followed by a few more sequential, before I tried making a filesystem on it. Dave Olson Life would be so much easier if we could just look at the source code.   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa19189; 22 Mar 90 22:23 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa19108; 22 Mar 90 22:13 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa19101; 22 Mar 90 21:58 EST Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa03961; 22 Mar 90 21:29 EST Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA08271; Thu, 22 Mar 90 18:25:38 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 22 Mar 90 03:30:31 GMT From: Gary Klaassen Organization: York U. Subject: Re: LAPACK anyone? Message-Id: <9208@yunexus.UUCP> References: <5904@udccvax1.acs.udel.EDU> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <5904@udccvax1.acs.udel.EDU> mccalpin@vax1.acs.udel.EDU (John D Mccalpin) writes: >Has anyone done a reasonably optimized port of LAPACK to a generic >scalar machine (specifically the mips or sgi machines)? Please post a summary. DOes anyone know where the source can be obtained?   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa02360; 22 Mar 90 2:57 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.brl.MIL id aa02299; 22 Mar 90 2:47 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa02282; 22 Mar 90 2:28 EST Received: from by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa11101; 22 Mar 90 2:10 EST X400-Received: by /PRMD=inria/ADMD=atlas/C=FR/; Relayed; 22 Mar 90 08:11:12+0100 X400-Received: by /PRMD=ch/ADMD=/C=/; Relayed; 22 Mar 90 08:08:32+0100 Date: 22 Mar 90 08:08:32+0100 From: Reinhard Doelz To: info-iris@BRL.MIL MMDF-Warning: Parse error in original version of preceding line at BRL.MIL Subject: Re: Apple Laser printer support - for DEC ? Message-ID: <243*> > Organization: Silicon Graphics, Inc., Mountain View, CA > > >In article <9003202126.aa14337@SMOKE.BRL.MIL> LEONARDZ@VM.UOGUELPH.CA ( > >Len Zaifman) writes: > > >How can I set it up to install properly from > >the system visual administration tools ?? ( I love 'em, but its annoying when > >they are incomplete ). > Sorry you think they are incomplete, but Adobe charges us for Trans, so we > can't include it in the system for free (same goes for Sun, et al.) > Jack P. Weldon ( > SGI Product Support We have a LPS Print server of DEC on the DECnet. Is there any possibility known to redirect lp on the decnet in order to spool for the printserver? We have 4DDN installed. It does *not* work smoothly even though I set up a printer utility running task to task communication with a symbiont on the VAX side because the 'copy' using decnet is a mess. - Reinhard   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa07773; 22 Mar 90 9:56 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa07244; 22 Mar 90 9:46 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa06879; 22 Mar 90 9:24 EST Received: from by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa14112; 22 Mar 90 8:14 EST Received: Thu, 22 Mar 90 08:15:07 EST by (5.52/5.6) Date: Thu, 22 Mar 90 08:15:07 EST From: "Brent L. Bates AAD/TAB MS294 x42854" Message-Id: <> To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Subject: Re: Apple Laser Printer support On the 3000's there is a script call mknetpr, I couldn't find it on the 4D we have on loan. Esentially what does is makes an interface file and puts it into /usr/spool/lp/interface. This file takes printer requests rcp's them to the specified machine and then does an rsh using the print spooler command of the remote machine. So you have to have the user name "lp" on the remote machine and a .rhosts file there so that the rcp's and rsh's work. (Isn't Sys V printing fun, :-( ) -- Brent   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa08103; 22 Mar 90 10:07 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa05425; 22 Mar 90 8:53 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa05373; 22 Mar 90 8:36 EST Received: from by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa13206; 22 Mar 90 7:43 EST Received: Thu, 22 Mar 90 07:44:19 EST by (5.52/5.6) Date: Thu, 22 Mar 90 07:44:19 EST From: "Brent L. Bates AAD/TAB MS294 x42854" Message-Id: <> To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Subject: 3rd Party memory Something happened to my last mail message, I'm not sure what so I am sending it again. Here is a list I have compiled from info-iris mail. All comments are from the original poster. I don't know how good or bad any of them are we haven't ordered anything yet. Sophisticated Circuits 19017 120th Ave N.E. Bothel, WA 98011 (206) 485-7172. Memory for 4D 20's, 1Mb simms, $125/Mb (January '90) 4MB chips also available. About 3day delivery. "...about the 4th time I have bought memory from them. Last year I got a batch of bad chips and they promptly replaced them with no hassle. The original memory I bought is still working fine, just about 2 years." Impediment, Inc. 333 Duxbury, MA 02332 (617) 837-8877 Memory for 4D 20's, 1Mb simms, $90/Mb (early January '90) Memory for 4D 20's, 4Mb simms, $187.5/Mb (early January '90) Memory for 4D 200's $225/Mb (early January '90) (Have heard good things about this company, including 5 year replacement guarantee, not 90 days like some companies) ClearPoint 35 Parkwood Drive Hopkington,MA 07148 (800) 253-2778, (508) 435-2000 Memory for 4D 20's, $76/Mb (GSA pricing) (late February '90) 1Mb sims, $100/Meg (80Ns); 4Mb sims, $200/Meg (Life time warranty.) Parity Systems Inc. 504-B Vandell Way Campbell, CA 95008-9737, John Miller (408) 378-1000, FAX: (408) 378-1022 1MB 80ns SIMMS in Sun 3/x0's and SGI 4D/25's. $85US. (early Jan/90) No problems, fast ship, life-time warranty. If anyone has any more names to add to the list or new prices please let me know. Also, please include an address or at least a phone number for the company. -- Brent   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa10167; 22 Mar 90 12:40 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa09731; 22 Mar 90 12:29 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa09693; 22 Mar 90 12:05 EST Received: from UKACRL.BITNET by CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU (IBM VM SMTP R1.2.2MX) with BSMTP id 5683; Thu, 22 Mar 90 12:03:24 EST Received: from RL.IB by UKACRL.BITNET (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 6833; Thu, 22 Mar 90 17:02:00 GMT Received: from RL.IB by UK.AC.RL.IB (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 6557; Thu, 22 Mar 90 16:58:44 GM Via: UK.AC.OX.VAX; 22 MAR 90 16:18:56 GMT Date: Thu, 22 MAR 90 16:19:53 GMT From: HCART%VAX.OXFORD.AC.UK@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU To: INFO-IRIS@VMB.BRL.MIL Subject: How do I set printer page length? Message-ID: <9003221205.aa09693@VMB.BRL.MIL> I am sorry to ask what must be a simple question, but nowhere in my manuals can I find how to set the page length for the printer on my 3130. Could someone please tell me what I should add to the printer interface to specify the number of lines per page? Thanks. Hugh Cartwright   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa11604; 22 Mar 90 14:52 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa11232; 22 Mar 90 14:42 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab11210; 22 Mar 90 14:23 EST Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa25134; 22 Mar 90 13:47 EST Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA07152; Thu, 22 Mar 90 10:27:54 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 22 Mar 90 14:23:46 GMT From: Bruno Pape Organization: Silicon Graphics S.A., Zuerich, Switzerland Subject: noport() vs. ginit() Message-Id: <1990Mar22.142346.7801@sgzh.uucp> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Wow Dave, I liked the history lesson. It was very good. I kinda knew that ginit would blow away the screen, but I figured John would be able to take care of things once he saw that is was just that the graphics needed to be initialized. Old habits like ginit() never go away, unless they quit working. Bruno -- Good organization is only screwed up by reality. If its published, tell me by whom, otherwise it's mine.   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab17974; 22 Mar 90 18:17 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa17456; 22 Mar 90 17:59 EST Date: Thu, 22 Mar 90 17:38:17 EST From: Chuck Kennedy To: John D Mccalpin cc: info-iris@BRL Subject: Re: info-iris archives on Message-ID: <9003221738.aa17431@VMB.BRL.MIL> VGR is located at the Aberdeen Proving Ground near Aberdeen, Maryland. I'm not sure why you're having problems. You might be interested to know that the TeX distribution was split into smaller segments to make it somewhat easier to transfer. They are called texbin.tar.Z.[1-7]. Good luck! -Chuck Kennedy   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa18701; 22 Mar 90 20:36 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab18596; 22 Mar 90 20:25 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa18586; 22 Mar 90 20:11 EST Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa03324; 22 Mar 90 19:49 EST Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA00367; Thu, 22 Mar 90 16:17:10 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 22 Mar 90 23:09:45 GMT From: Mark Callow Organization: Silicon Graphics Inc., Entry Systems Division Subject: Re: Displaying mac postscript stuff Message-Id: <> References: Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article , (Larry Hunter) writes: > > I'd like to be able to take files (images and formated text) from my > Mac to the SGI. I thought the easiest way to do this would be to > create postscript files on the Mac (printing to a file with command-F > during print), ftp 'em to the SGI and then do "psh ." > Everything looks fine, but nothing happens. I tried "say -p > " also with no luck. I would appreciate any help anyone > could offer before I spend a lot more time on this. > Psh draws on the background so you have to get rid of most of your windows to see anything. Use psview(1) for previewing PostScript like this. There is a much improved psview and news_server (where the PostScript interpreter is) coming in the next release. When bringing files from over from the MAC you need the laserprep file. I think one of the magic command- sequences saves the laserprep file in the file it is making. The most likely source of problems are your PostScript trying to use laserwriter specific operators such as "letter" and "manualfeed" or missing fonts. If the code uses definefont to make fonts it will work. Look in /usr/adm/SYSLOG for the errors from your PostScript file. Adobe posted a prologue file to the net some time ago that can be used to keep laserwriter specific code happy. Yes, even Display PostScript has this problem. I notice that Appendix D has been deleted from recent editions of the red book. This appendix dealt with the laserwriter. Caveats about the PostScript in NeWS: 1. NeWS doesn't support the half-tone screening operators (setscreen, settransfer) 2. NeWS doesn't like very small numbers (e.g. 0.000002). They tend to become zero. 3. NeWS only returns the character bounding box in response to charpath, not a path describing the character shape. (Possibly this is fixed in NeWS 2.0 -- the X11/NeWS merge) 4. Our present release of 4Sight (NeWS) 1.4x has several serious bugs (all fixed in the next release) that affect previewing of PostScript including: the bind operator is broken which affects a lot of Adobe generated PostScript (e.g. from Adobe Illustrator) because Adobe makes heavy use of bind. reencoding fonts with more than 256 glyphs can cause the server to crash. the PostScript sequence typically used to reencode fonts exercises a bug that changes the transformation matrix such that subsequent rendering falls off the page. Caveats about psview: 5. The current version of psview caches the current page in the server which causes Adobe's standard use of the currentfile operator to fail. 6. The current version of psview incorrectly resets StandardEncoding to a weird dictionary. It's supposed to be an array. In short, there is an embarassingly large class of PostScript which you cannot presently preview on our systems. I have made big improvements in the next release. -- From the TARDIS of Mark Callow, ...{ames,decwrl}!sgi!msc "There is much virtue in a window. It is to a human being as a frame is to a painting, as a proscenium to a play. It strongly defines its content."   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa18820; 22 Mar 90 20:55 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa18596; 22 Mar 90 20:25 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab18553; 22 Mar 90 20:08 EST Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa03310; 22 Mar 90 19:47 EST Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA00408; Thu, 22 Mar 90 16:17:44 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 22 Mar 90 23:18:44 GMT From: Mark Callow Organization: Silicon Graphics Inc., Entry Systems Division Subject: Re: psview Message-Id: <> References: <242*> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL > BTW: It's amazing that one of the benefits of NeWS is that POSTSCRIPT > can be used but isn't supported. psh(1) is useless to view multi-page > documents. > psh provides a very simply way to connect to the server and run PostScript programs. Usually these are NeWS programs that make windows for themselves. As I said in my earlier message, if you send ordinary PostScript programs, they draw on the background. psview is also a front end for NeWS. The difference is that it runs your PostScript in a window and it handles showpage. NeWS is still being used to execute the PostScript and draw the output. -- From the TARDIS of Mark Callow, ...{ames,decwrl}!sgi!msc "There is much virtue in a window. It is to a human being as a frame is to a painting, as a proscenium to a play. It strongly defines its content." In article <242*>, (Reinhard Doelz) writes:   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa18900; 22 Mar 90 21:06 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab18701; 22 Mar 90 20:45 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa18630; 22 Mar 90 20:26 EST Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa03145; 22 Mar 90 19:23 EST Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA24198; Thu, 22 Mar 90 14:51:17 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 22 Mar 90 22:36:24 GMT From: Lord of Sith Organization: MCNC; RTP, NC Subject: mkPS script (i.e., setup LaserWriter) Message-Id: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Can anyone let me know how to acquire this file? It is listed in the man pages, but to our knowledge was not included with our installation tapes. Thanks, Scott Kajihara -- Scott Akira Kajihara "Insanity is a prerequisite for physics techie-types" mcnc!kajihara mcnc!{pyvax|pymvjb|pysgjb}!kajihara kajihara@{pyvax|pymvjb|pysgjb} kajihara@ncsuphys.BITNET _et. al._ of which I am not aware.   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa20894; 23 Mar 90 2:47 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa20634; 23 Mar 90 2:16 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa20627; 23 Mar 90 2:01 EST Date: Fri, 23 Mar 90 1:59:38 EST From: Phil Dykstra To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Subject: Two sides to every polygon Message-ID: <9003230159.aa00410@SPARK.BRL.MIL> My thanks to Tim Hall for pointing out a useful, but rather startling "feature" of libgl. You can in fact get diffuse lighting of both sides of a polygon by using diametrically opposed lights. Consider the following strange case: I have a red light at the eye, and a blue light behind the scene exactly opposite of the eye. If I view the front side of a diffusely shaded polygon, it is red. If I am looking at the back side of a polygon it will appear blue! I.e. I end up seeing the blue light which has been cast on the side of the polygon pointing away from the eye! I can pretty easily understand how this came to be: Since the diffuse component depends only on the surface-normal-to-light angle, and not on the viewing direction, then if a light shines on the front face we shade it, even if that face is not visible from (i.e. not pointing toward) the eye. The same logic also explains why the ambient term makes no distinction between front and back (it depends on neither the light nor the view direction), and why the specular term is strictly one sided (it depends on both angles). So the current situation w.r.t. lighting polygon sides is a mixed bag: A polygon is one sided for specular, two sided for ambient, and a "one sided absorber/two sided radiator" for diffuse. Is this behavior by choice, or is this considered a bug? Can we write programs that depend on this or will it change in a future release? Someone told me that the VGX handles two sided polygons. Have the lighting model semantics changed? [glcompat(GLC_OLDLMODEL, FALSE):-] - Phil   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa26619; 23 Mar 90 11:15 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa25805; 23 Mar 90 11:04 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa25664; 23 Mar 90 10:48 EST Received: from by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa13768; 23 Mar 90 9:50 EST Received: from by id aa03669; 23 Mar 90 9:41 EST Received: by (5.51/1.14) id AA05810; Fri, 23 Mar 90 09:41:32 EST Date: Fri, 23 Mar 90 09:41:32 EST From: MCCALPIN Message-Id: <> To: kermit@BRL.MIL, Subject: Re: info-iris archives on Cc: info-iris@BRL.MIL >VGR is located at the Aberdeen Proving Ground near Aberdeen, Maryland. >I'm not sure why you're having problems. You might be interested to >know that the TeX distribution was split into smaller segments to make >it somewhat easier to transfer. They are called texbin.tar.Z.[1-7]. >Good luck! > -Chuck Kennedy It was the smaller pieces that I was trying to get! After about a dozen tries in the course of a week (almost all of them at off hours) I finally managed to get the first two parts. I never succeeded in getting parts 3-7. I did find two groups on campus here who had gotten it earlier, so I have it installed now. -- John D. McCalpin Assistant Professor College of Marine Studies, U. Del.   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab26619; 23 Mar 90 11:15 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab25805; 23 Mar 90 11:05 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa25728; 23 Mar 90 10:48 EST Received: from NYU.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa14456; 23 Mar 90 10:06 EST Received: from XP.PSYCH.NYU.EDU by cmcl2.NYU.EDU (5.61/1.34) id AA26232; Fri, 23 Mar 90 10:06:23 -0500 Message-Id: <9003231506.AA26232@cmcl2.NYU.EDU> Received: by; Fri, 23 Mar 90 09:57:07 EST Date: Fri, 23 Mar 90 09:57:07 EST From: Aries Programmer To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Subject: autologout Does anybody know how to toggle the 'autologout' feature in 3.2 that times the inactivity of a wsh, and eventually kills it? If you can't shut it off, is it possible to lengthen the time that a wsh is allowed to be inactive and remain open? I'm not really concerned with ordinary wsh's, but I would like to be able to keep my console open. Doesn't seem like a big deal, but sometimes it's the little things... Thanks in advance, Steve Azueta   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab00450; 23 Mar 90 12:43 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.brl.MIL id aa00091; 23 Mar 90 12:33 EST Date: Fri, 23 Mar 90 12:04:03 EST From: Gary S. Moss (VLD/VMB) To: Aries Programmer cc: info-iris@BRL.MIL Subject: Re: autologout Message-ID: <9003231204.aa27137@VMB.BRL.MIL> It's probably not wsh, but your shell that is timing out. If you use the Bourne shell (ie /bin/sh), do the following in your .profile: TIMEOUT=0 export TIMEOUT For C shell and derivatives, try the following in your .cshrc: set autologout=0   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa03720; 23 Mar 90 15:25 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.brl.MIL id aa03523; 23 Mar 90 15:15 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa03464; 23 Mar 90 14:59 EST Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa06322; 23 Mar 90 14:35 EST Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA05638; Fri, 23 Mar 90 11:04:28 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 23 Mar 90 17:43:18 GMT From: David Hinds Organization: Stanford University Subject: More batch job problems Message-Id: <10481@portia.Stanford.EDU> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL We have an Iris 4D/240 system (4 processors), used for a combination of interactive graphics and computation-intensive molecular dynamics calculations. We've been trying to find a way of managing processes that will keep the machine fully utilized, but will still give reasonable responsiveness for interactive work. So far we have been unsuccessful. When all four processors are doing work (i.e., four batch jobs are running), it is impossible to even log on to the console. At first, we thought this was a memory problem, but we've upgraded to 32MB now, and this happens even when >4000 pages are free. The console lockup happens when all the batch processes are at maximum niceness (39), and still happens even when they are all set to a non-degrading priority of 128 with npri. As I understand it, at a priority of +128, these jobs should not get even a second of CPU time if there are other demands on the system. Interactive use on text-only terminals, however, seems normal under these load conditions - editing, compiling, etc don't seem any slower. I expect that logging on to the console is a fairly expensive process. But why is it so expensive that the system can't manage it in the presence of background work? It seems as if the console requires a CPU for itself just to run. Will this problem be corrected in the improved batch facilities in the next software release? -David Hinds   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa00870; 23 Mar 90 17:02 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa00593; 23 Mar 90 16:52 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa00579; 23 Mar 90 16:35 EST Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa10515; 23 Mar 90 16:21 EST Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA14015; Fri, 23 Mar 90 13:06:30 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 23 Mar 90 20:30:48 GMT From: Michael C Merrifield Organization: Purdue University Engineering Computer Network Subject: Dog (Flight) Message-Id: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL RE: dog (flight) over NFS QUESTION: Is there any way to isolate the sgi's running dog on the network? In other words, how do I localize the `packet storms' generated by dog so other unsuspecting machines on the network are not affected? email response is fine... ********************************************************** * Michael Merrifield HOME : (317) 497-7876 * * Purdue University WORK : (317) 494-5944 * * C A D L A B MAIL : * **********************************************************   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa02270; 23 Mar 90 20:04 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa02240; 23 Mar 90 19:54 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa02196; 23 Mar 90 19:35 EST Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by ADM.BRL.MIL id aa08669; 23 Mar 90 17:48 EST Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA19196; Fri, 23 Mar 90 14:26:57 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 23 Mar 90 22:16:17 GMT From: Boyd Knosp Organization: U of Iowa, Iowa City, IA Subject: SGI tape reading on a SUN Message-Id: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Has anyone tried to read SGI tapes on a SUN? I have an SG with high density tape drive (QIC-150?) and a friend of mine would like to read tapes from it on a SUN. Is it possible using a combination of 'dd' and 'tar' (I read SUN tapes this way)? Also what hardware is needed on the SUN (ie does the SUN need a special QIC-xxx tape drive)? I would appreciate hearing the hows and whys of this problem. Thanks in advance... Boyd Knosp   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa03742; 24 Mar 90 1:25 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa03633; 24 Mar 90 1:14 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa03603; 24 Mar 90 1:01 EST Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa14960; 24 Mar 90 0:44 EST Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA13079; Fri, 23 Mar 90 21:16:48 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 23 Mar 90 18:00:16 GMT From: Joyce Richards Organization: Silicon Graphics, Inc., Mountain View, CA Subject: mkPS file Message-Id: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL mkPS is on the Laser Printer support option tape in 3.2. this is hinted at in mkPS(1M) which lists ORIGIN as Adobe System Inc. joyce richards PSE Silicon Graphics, Inc.   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab03742; 24 Mar 90 1:25 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab03633; 24 Mar 90 1:14 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab03603; 24 Mar 90 1:01 EST Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa14965; 24 Mar 90 0:45 EST Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA13096; Fri, 23 Mar 90 21:17:03 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 23 Mar 90 18:07:58 GMT From: Robert Skinner Organization: Silicon Graphics Inc., Entry Systems Division Subject: Re: noport() vs. ginit() Message-Id: <> References: <1990Mar22.142346.7801@sgzh.uucp> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <1990Mar22.142346.7801@sgzh.uucp>, root@sgzh.uucp (Bruno Pape) writes: > > Old habits like ginit() never go away, unless they quit working. ^^^^ ^^^^^^^ and you know what many customers say when something stops working: "HEY, YOU BROKE IT!" "But that old ginit() doesn't really apply anymore." "IT DOESN'T WORK ANYMORE!" "But if you use this whizzy new thing it works much better and you get all these new features." "YOU BROKE IT!" ... such is life Robert Skinner "Congress is not the sole suppository of wisdom." Rep. Bill Schuette (R-MI)   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa04202; 24 Mar 90 3:05 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa04178; 24 Mar 90 2:54 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa04154; 24 Mar 90 2:47 EST Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa15468; 24 Mar 90 2:30 EST Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA16040; Fri, 23 Mar 90 22:17:07 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 23 Mar 90 23:37:53 GMT From: Jack Weldon Organization: Silicon Graphics, Inc., Mountain View, CA Subject: Re: Apple Laser Printer support Message-Id: <> References: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <> blbates writes: > > On the 3000's there is a script call mknetpr, I couldn't find it >on the 4D we have on loan. >-- try /usr/sbin/mknetpr Cheers, Jack P. Weldon ( SGI Product Support   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa04564; 24 Mar 90 5:37 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa04532; 24 Mar 90 5:16 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa04474; 24 Mar 90 5:03 EST Received: from by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa16314; 24 Mar 90 4:55 EST Received: from UKACRL.BITNET by CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU (IBM VM SMTP R1.2.2MX) with BSMTP id 6342; Sat, 24 Mar 90 04:53:48 EST Received: from RL.IB by UKACRL.BITNET (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 4818; Sat, 24 Mar 90 09:54:49 GMT Received: from RL.IB by UK.AC.RL.IB (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 9981; Sat, 24 Mar 90 09:40:20 GM Via: UK.AC.OX.VAX; 24 MAR 90 9:40:01 GMT Date: Sat, 24 MAR 90 09:40:56 GMT From: To: INFO-IRIS@BRL.MIL Subject: Will npri run on a 3130? Message-ID: <9003240455.aa16314@SMOKE.BRL.MIL> Following on the recent discussion about batch jobs, which should be mopping up spare cpu cycles, slowing interactive graphics, I have a similar problem running the Quanta package on a 3130. - Will npri run on a 3130? - Will it allow me to run batch jobs at such a low priority that interactive programs run as though nothing else is on the m/c? - And if so, how can I get it? Hugh Cartwright.   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa06917; 24 Mar 90 18:14 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa06570; 24 Mar 90 18:03 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa06532; 24 Mar 90 17:48 EST Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa19984; 24 Mar 90 17:29 EST Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA02696; Sat, 24 Mar 90 14:21:24 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 24 Mar 90 22:18:55 GMT From: "Eric A. Pearce" Organization: Boston University Info Tech Subject: problems with getlogin() ? Message-Id: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL (My apologies if this has been discussed before) My build of Berkeley 5.61 sendmail started core dumping for no apparent reason - it had been running for a month or so with no problem. Upon investigation, it appears that getlogin() is returning "telnet" instead of the real user login name. I've seen this kind of behavior in the past with ftp and su. Is this a known problem? It seems to be intermittent, as it will return different results between login sessions. IRIX 3.2.1 on Iris 4D -e ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eric Pearce Boston University Information Technology 111 Cummington Street Boston MA 02215 617-353-2780 voice 617-353-6260 fax   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa09402; 25 Mar 90 2:10 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa08585; 25 Mar 90 0:36 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa08575; 25 Mar 90 0:28 EST Received: from by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa21326; 24 Mar 90 23:17 EST Received: from by (5.61/1123-1.0) id AA09209; Sat, 24 Mar 90 23:17:26 -0500 Date: Sat, 24 Mar 90 23:16:32 EST From: To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Message-Id: <> Subject: How Many Gray Scales On Laserwriter II NTX? We are using the icut and tops commands to take grayscale images from the screen and send them to an Apple Laserwriter Plus NTX. We are getting very "stair stepped" halftones. That is, where a standard ramp is displayed on the screen varying smoothely from dark to light, the LaserWriter image will show a series of discrete bands. The reason for this evidently is the half-tone process. As half-toning is explained in the "Red" PostScript Reference manual, each pixel you send is represented by "subpixel" dots, more of which are progressively turned on to darken the image pixel. I had assumed that, having taken my eight bit pixel information on good faith, that PostScript would do its level best to give me 256 gray levels. This is not the case, as I proved by sending a finely shaded image to the same IRIS screen which I had taken the 256 level image from using the psh < image.eps command. The Postscript image showed banding instead of smooth gradations. Doing an icut to produce an "rgb" image and doing the hist command on that file, I found that there were "spikes" at every tenth gray level. All of the level 30's were lumped into 30, the 40's to 40, etc. That meant in the 30 - 100 range I was looking at there were only 8 gray levels, and in the whole range there were only 25 real levels (~ 5bit resolution). The PS Reference Manual also indicates that the number of displayable grayscales is determined by the setscreen command, which determines how many subpixels are in each pixel, and hence the scale resolution. The first 2 arguments for the command, (angle? and density?) were doubled and halved by me with no effect on the SCREEN display. There is an alternate "line" mode setscreen command in the tops.c source code which I did not understand and have not tried. Ways to change the resolution were averred to be in the PS Cookbook, but what I saw did not seem to apply. So, help would be APPRECIATED from anyone who understands this, and (I hope) can tell me how to get 256 cool gray levels out of the LaserWriter Plus NTX or PostScript on the IRIS for that matter. I don't mind if it takes longer to display, as long as we don't have to buy a Linotronic to get better pix. Thanks. -Tim Buxton OptiMetrics, Inc.   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa12327; 25 Mar 90 14:02 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa11853; 25 Mar 90 13:10 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa11779; 25 Mar 90 12:46 EST Received: from by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa25094; 25 Mar 90 11:45 EST X400-Received: by /PRMD=inria/ADMD=atlas/C=FR/; Relayed; 25 Mar 90 18:45:26+0100 X400-Received: by /PRMD=ch/ADMD=/C=/; Relayed; 25 Mar 90 18:42:58+0100 Date: 25 Mar 90 18:42:58+0100 From: Reinhard Doelz To: info-iris@BRL.MIL MMDF-Warning: Parse error in original version of preceding line at BRL.MIL In-Reply-To: <> Subject: Re: How Many Gray Scales ... Message-ID: <246*> The problem seems to be that the graphics you print with tops are rgb graphics, thus being converted into a hex dump without having had the chance to be converted to black and white first.We are experiencing the same problem with a printserver from DEC. Even if you get a linotronic I'm afraid things wouldn't be much better. We use tobw in order to get black and white first, and this, then, is tops'd into the final postscript dump. However, using small steps , e.g. a hardcopy of flight simulator's sunset, you will still see steps. Playing around with the pixel pattern doesn't improve the result very much. What we can do on the printserver is that we gonna print A3 format which is photographically reduced afterwards, giving a better resolution per pixel. -Reinhard   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa14518; 25 Mar 90 20:58 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa14448; 25 Mar 90 20:47 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa14441; 25 Mar 90 20:25 EST Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa27682; 25 Mar 90 19:36 EST Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA17201; Sun, 25 Mar 90 16:07:28 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 25 Mar 90 23:47:50 GMT From: Andrew Cherenson Organization: Silicon Graphics, Inc., Mountain View, CA Subject: Re: Dog (Flight) Message-Id: <> References: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <> (Michael C Merrifield) writes: > > RE: dog (flight) over NFS (over ethernet, really) >QUESTION: Is there any way to isolate the sgi's running dog on the > network? In other words, how do I localize the `packet > storms' generated by dog so other unsuspecting machines > on the network are not affected? Fixed in a future release of IRIX. By default, "dog" will use UDP/IP multicasting instead of broadcasting. It'll still generate the same amount of traffic but only those machines playing "dog" will receive the packets.   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa17082; 26 Mar 90 3:01 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.brl.MIL id aa16888; 26 Mar 90 2:30 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa16883; 26 Mar 90 2:14 EST Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa28851; 26 Mar 90 0:59 EST Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA05926; Sun, 25 Mar 90 21:46:06 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 26 Mar 90 05:33:24 GMT From: John H Merritt Organization: Goddard Space Flight Center Climate and Radiation Branch Subject: f77 bug? Message-Id: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Here is a fortran source with compiled and linked ok! The compilier should have caught the error. program test write(6,100) 100 formatf('This is only a test') stop end When running it the messages are: iris613 50> f77 test.f iris613 51> a.out startio: error in format apparent state: unit 6 named last format: f(This is only a test) lately writing sequential formatted external IO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ John H. Merritt # Yesterday I knew nothing, Applied Research Corporation # Today I know that. #   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa19894; 26 Mar 90 8:35 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa18827; 26 Mar 90 7:43 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa18790; 26 Mar 90 7:26 EST Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa00343; 26 Mar 90 6:44 EST Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA22800; Mon, 26 Mar 90 03:33:55 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 26 Mar 90 08:46:36 GMT From: Bruno Pape Organization: Silicon Graphics S.A., Zuerich, Switzerland Subject: Re: noport() vs. ginit() Message-Id: <1990Mar26.084636.12046@sgzh.uucp> References: <1990Mar22.142346.7801@sgzh.uucp>, <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <> writes: > >In article <1990Mar22.142346.7801@sgzh.uucp>, root@sgzh.uucp (Bruno >Pape) writes: >> >> Old habits like ginit() never go away, unless they quit working. > ^^^^ ^^^^^^^ >and you know what many customers say when something stops working: > > "HEY, YOU BROKE IT!" > >"But that old ginit() doesn't really apply anymore." > > "IT DOESN'T WORK ANYMORE!" > >"But if you use this whizzy new thing it works much better and you >get all these new features." > > "YOU BROKE IT!" > I did not mean to imply that you should start breaking things. PLEASE NO, NOT THAT. I enjoy programming my 4D like a 2400 just as much as the next guy. It was just my way of saying that some of the older techniques will be my first choice until they quit working. But lets not rush it along. Thanks, Bruno   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa21467; 26 Mar 90 9:49 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa21182; 26 Mar 90 9:38 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa21135; 26 Mar 90 9:23 EST Received: from ACF4.NYU.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa03055; 26 Mar 90 8:51 EST Received: by acf4.NYU.EDU (5.61/1.34) id AA17016; Mon, 26 Mar 90 08:52:02 -0500 Date: Mon, 26 Mar 90 08:52:02 -0500 From: Dan Karron Message-Id: <9003261352.AA17016@acf4.NYU.EDU> To: info-iris@BRL.MIL,! Subject: Re: Dog (Flight) To keep you dogs from affecting other on your subnet, you will have to make a subnet just for your local machines. You can 1) Put a switch or pull the plug on your main ethernet connection when you have a dogfight, or put in a network bridge that will isolate your local traffic. dan.   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa00088; 26 Mar 90 10:51 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab21182; 26 Mar 90 9:38 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab21135; 26 Mar 90 9:24 EST Received: from by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa03141; 26 Mar 90 8:53 EST X400-Received: by /PRMD=inria/ADMD=atlas/C=FR/; Relayed; 26 Mar 90 15:54:47+0100 X400-Received: by /PRMD=ch/ADMD=/C=/; Relayed; 26 Mar 90 15:52:23+0100 Date: 26 Mar 90 15:52:23+0100 From: Reinhard Doelz To: info-iris@BRL.MIL MMDF-Warning: Parse error in original version of preceding line at BRL.MIL Subject: appletalk on UNIX Message-ID: <253*> Some time ago, this message has been posted: > From: Jim Howard > Subject: Columbia Appletalk Package > Has anyone succesfully installed the Columbia Appletalk Package on > a 4D series Iris? The package allows Mac users to view the Unix system > as a file server and the Iris user the Laserwriters as Unix printers > (via a Kinetics box). Apparently no experience- at least no postings here so far. I'd like to do it myself, but I don't know where to get it from. Any help on ftp servers , mailbox adress etc. appreciated. - Reinhard ************************************************************************ Dr. Reinhard Doelz * EAN Biocomputing * DECNET 48130::doelz Biozentrum der Universitaet * X25 psi%46211142::embnet Klingelbergstrasse 70 * FAX x41 61 256760 CH 4056 Basel * TEL x41 61 253880 ext 888 ************************************************************************   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa00813; 26 Mar 90 11:25 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.brl.MIL id aa00457; 26 Mar 90 11:14 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa00199; 26 Mar 90 10:53 EST Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa06615; 26 Mar 90 10:29 EST Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA05508; Mon, 26 Mar 90 07:27:19 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 26 Mar 90 14:01:46 GMT From: Bruno Pape Organization: Silicon Graphics S.A., Zuerich, Switzerland Subject: Re: How do I set printer page length? Message-Id: <1990Mar26.140146.12409@sgzh.uucp> References: <9003221205.aa09693@VMB.BRL.MIL> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <9003221205.aa09693@VMB.BRL.MIL> HCART@VAX.OXFORD.AC.UK writes: > > I am sorry to ask what must be a simple question, but nowhere >in my manuals can I find how to set the page length for the >printer on my 3130. Could someone please tell me what I should add >to the printer interface to specify the number of lines per page? > The more "correct" way to do file formatting would be to use "pr" and pipe the output to "lp". It hopefully has all the options you want. Bruno   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab00813; 26 Mar 90 11:25 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.brl.MIL id ab00457; 26 Mar 90 11:14 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab00199; 26 Mar 90 10:53 EST Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa06637; 26 Mar 90 10:29 EST Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA05484; Mon, 26 Mar 90 07:26:58 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 26 Mar 90 13:43:30 GMT From: Bruno Pape Organization: Silicon Graphics S.A., Zuerich, Switzerland Subject: Re: How Many Gray Scales On Laserwriter II NTX? Message-Id: <1990Mar26.134330.12298@sgzh.uucp> References: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <> Tim_Buxton@UM.CC.UMICH.EDU writes: > > We are using the icut and tops commands to take grayscale images > from the screen and send > them to an Apple Laserwriter Plus NTX. > We are getting very "stair stepped" halftones. That is, > where a standard ramp is displayed on the screen varying > smoothely from dark to light, the LaserWriter image will > show a series of discrete bands. The reason for this > evidently is the half-tone process. > Yea, I have had the same problems on both a LaserWriter II and a QMS ColorScript 100, and the problem seems to be with the half-toning. I think the problems lies with the default spot function that is provided for the default screen definition, my guess that it is a compromise between speed, memory, and beauty. If one were to fully understand Program 15 / Filling an Area with a Pattern, in the PostScript Language Tutorial and Cookbook one might have a better idea of how to get better half-toning results. I never did understand it well enough though. You might try posting to comp.lang.postscript. Bruno Pape   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa01839; 26 Mar 90 12:57 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.brl.MIL id aa01396; 26 Mar 90 12:47 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa01364; 26 Mar 90 12:35 EST Received: from [] by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa11675; 26 Mar 90 12:29 EST Received: from by (5.52/900301.SGI) for id AA18531; Mon, 26 Mar 90 09:23:33 PST Received: from by (5.52/891101.SGI) for id AA06159; Mon, 26 Mar 90 09:23:22 PST Received: from by (5.52/900301.SGI) for id AA01163; Mon, 26 Mar 90 09:23:20 PST Received: by (5.52/891101.SGI) for id AA04055; Mon, 26 Mar 90 09:21:25 PST Date: Mon, 26 Mar 90 09:21:25 PST From: Ellen Henson Message-Id: <> Apparently-To: this is a general inquiry to all 4D IRIS users ... is anyone still running code under rev 3.1 of the system software? if you are, please mail back company name, contact name, e-mail address and contact phone number thanks ellen 415 335 1148   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa03605; 26 Mar 90 14:28 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa02574; 26 Mar 90 14:01 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa02313; 26 Mar 90 13:32 EST Received: from Icarus2.AE.MsState.Edu by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa13850; 26 Mar 90 13:16 EST Received: by Icarus2.AE.MsState.Edu (4.1/5.0s); id AA00206; Mon, 26 Mar 90 12:21:24 CST Date: Mon, 26 Mar 90 12:21:24 CST From: Larry Thorne Message-Id: <9003261821.AA00206@Icarus2.AE.MsState.Edu> To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Subject: Blessed 3rd party disk drives? Could someone (possibly SGI) supply me with a list of 3rd party disk drives that have been tested/proven with SGI equipment, particularly 4D/25s? We could buy even more of the PIs if we could safely put 3rd party disk drives on them - so it seems to me it would be to SGI's advantage to promote this sort of thing. Thanks in advance! I'll post the results, etc. Larry Thorne   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa02915; 26 Mar 90 19:58 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa02827; 26 Mar 90 19:48 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa02753; 26 Mar 90 19:27 EST Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa19609; 26 Mar 90 16:03 EST Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA26806; Mon, 26 Mar 90 12:53:34 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 26 Mar 90 20:46:53 GMT From: Jim Blue Organization: National Institute of Standards & Technology, Gaithersburg, MD Subject: Keyboard auto-repeat Message-Id: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL According to keyboard(7), "... a pressed key will begin auto-repeating after 0.65 seconds and repeat 28 times per second." The 28 times per second is not bad, just a little slow, but the 0.65 second delay is slooooooow. Is there any way to change it? If not, consider this a plea for the next available software release. Jim Blue NIST   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa04208; 27 Mar 90 0:49 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.brl.MIL id aa04076; 27 Mar 90 0:20 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa03849; 26 Mar 90 23:59 EST Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa25339; 26 Mar 90 23:48 EST Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA01045; Mon, 26 Mar 90 20:38:25 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 27 Mar 90 02:18:59 GMT From: Tom Mitchell Organization: Silicon Graphics Computer Systems, Mountain View CA. 94039 Subject: Re: Sparc tapes Message-Id: <> References: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <> davis@ADENOSINE.PHARM.UTAH.EDU ("Darrell R. Davis") writes: * * My thanks to several people who made suggestions for reading Sparc * tapes, none of them worked, but I did a work-around and will post what * I think the problem was/is. * * First the solution was to make a new Sparc tape using tar cvf * /dev/rst8. The default tape device is /dev/rst0 which must be QIC-150 * format, supposedly the same as the PI tape drive, but not * compatible???? After making the /dev/rst8 tape which is supposedly * QIC-24 I used * * dd if=/dev/tape conv=swab | tar xvf- * * to read the Sparc tape on my 4D/20, no problem. It would still be * interesting to find out how to make the QIC-150's talk to each other. * * ----- Darrell got my attention. Is it possible that the tape drive is a QIC-11/24 drive and not a QIC-150. I wonder if Darrell was writing a QIC-11 tape. From a SUN st(4S) man page: ====== snip---------- FILES For QIC-150 tape devices (Archive Viper): /dev/rst[0-3] QIC-150 Format /dev/rst[8-11] QIC-150 Format /dev/rst[16-20] QIC-150 Format /dev/rst[24-28] QIC-150 Format /dev/nrst[0-3] non-rewinding QIC-150 Format /dev/nrst[8-11] non-rewinding QIC-150 Format /dev/nrst[16-19] non-rewinding QIC-150 Format /dev/nrst[24-27] non-rewinding QIC-150 Format For QIC-24 tape devices (Emulex MT-02 and Sysgen SC4000): /dev/rst[0-3] QIC-11 Format /dev/rst[8-11] QIC-24 Format /dev/rst[16-20] QIC-24 Format /dev/rst[24-28] QIC-24 Format /dev/nrst[0-3] non-rewinding QIC-11 Format /dev/nrst[8-11] non-rewinding QIC-24 Format /dev/nrst[16-19] non-rewinding QIC-24 Format /dev/nrst[24-27] non-rewinding QIC-24 Format Note: The QIC-24 format is preferred over QIC-11 for Sun-3, Sun-3x, Sun-4, and Sun386i systems. ====== end snip ------- Note how the name space overlaps. When READING tapes on an SGI machine (with a SCSI tape drive) there are only two devices one needs to try. They are: /dev/tape and /dev/tapens. Recently the 'ns' flavor of device has been added to not swap bytes. The selection a 'ns' device can avoid the dd conv=swab stuff. These two devices have the complementary no rewind on-open (nr) flavors as well. The SCSI drives we currently use will switch its own internal gears between QIC-24 and QIC-150 transparently on reads, reads, reads, reads. A QIC-150 drive can write only QIC-150 format (write, write, write). Messages about QIC-24 on a QIC-150 drive while attempting to write to QIC-24 tapes translate to: wrong tape media for writing For QIC-150 tape drives, this indicates that the user is trying to write on a DC-300XL (or equivalent) tape. Only DC-6150 (or equivalent) tapes can be used for writing. Note: DC-6150 was formerly known as DC-600XTD. The unlucky may also fall into the unreliable QIC-120 mode where a QIC-150 drive was asked to write to a DC-600A tape. Please avoid this unreliable operation. The DC-600A media was not designed to work with the extra track density heads and is not recommended. Thomas P. Mitchell -- "All things in moderation; including Grammarians."   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa04309; 27 Mar 90 1:10 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.brl.MIL id aa04130; 27 Mar 90 0:39 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa04105; 27 Mar 90 0:11 EST Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa25469; 26 Mar 90 23:58 EST Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA01973; Mon, 26 Mar 90 20:54:53 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 26 Mar 90 15:58:04 GMT From: Michael Zeitlin Organization: Texaco Houston Res. Cntr Hou, Tx Subject: SGI - user group Message-Id: <411@texhrc.UUCP> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL some of you have been trying to send me e-mails with regard to getting an SGI user-group formed outside of SIGGRAPH. I haven't received any e-mails except from you Jody... so I include my e-mail address: uunet!nuchat!texhrc!mjz don't go through convex.... as a reminder.....we're trying to get an idea of how important a bona-fide SGI user-group would be. And if one were to be created would you join and participate. I promise not to encourage a meeting here in Houston in JULY!   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa07744; 27 Mar 90 9:18 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa07428; 27 Mar 90 9:08 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa07118; 27 Mar 90 8:51 EST Received: from [] by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa29208; 27 Mar 90 7:50 EST Received: Tue, 27 Mar 90 07:51:08 EST by (5.52/5.6) Date: Tue, 27 Mar 90 07:51:08 EST From: "Brent L. Bates AAD/TAB MS294 x42854" Message-Id: <> To: Subject: Re: How Many Gray Scales On Laserwriter II NTX? Cc: info-iris@BRL.MIL I have created test image files from scratch, these images were 8bit grayscales. The laser printer gave me about 32 levels of gray. It seemed to me to be a limitation of the printer and not the source file. -- Brent L. Bates NASA-Langley Research Center M.S. 361 Hampton, Virginia 23665-5225 (804) 864-2854 E-mail: or   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab10018; 27 Mar 90 11:23 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa09641; 27 Mar 90 11:13 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa09463; 27 Mar 90 10:51 EST Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa04992; 27 Mar 90 10:32 EST Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA01852; Tue, 27 Mar 90 06:16:01 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 27 Mar 90 12:36:39 GMT From: Lou Harrison Organization: North Carolina State University Subject: PI 4D/20 Genlock Option Message-Id: <> References: <411@texhrc.UUCP> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Fellow Netters; We recently purchased a genlock option for our 4D/20 ws, and are having trouble getting it to do any but the most minimal tasks. I would like to be able to specify a region of the standard screen and display it on the NTSC monitor (Not just one window, but all that overlap the region). Also, I would like this region to be of any resolution, not just 640ish by 480ish. Are either of these things possible? The ultimate goal is to record on a VCR the execution of some aplication or applications running on the iris, without the ability to modify these applications. I would appreciate any advice that you may have. I would REALLY appreciate any code that would do what I'm talking about, and/or any other whiz-bang stuff using the genlock option. I've just begun reading comp.sys.sgi so I should see followups, but I can also be reached by e-mail as "" and by snail mail as Lou Harrison Computer Science Dept. North Carolina State University Box 8206 Raleigh, NC 27695-8206 (919) 737-7479 Thanx in advance for any help provided. Lou Harrison   Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa10552; 27 Mar 90 12:58 EST Received: from VMB.BRL.MIL by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa10352; 27 Mar 90 12:27 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa10311; 27 Mar 90 12:08 EST Received: from by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa06984; 27 Mar 90 11:41 EST Received: from by id aa01638; 27 Mar 90 8:40 PST Received: from by with SMTP (15.11/15.6.b) id AA10397; Tue, 27 Mar 90 08:40:05 pst Received: by (15.11/15.6.c) id AA00894; Tue, 27 Mar 90 08:41:06 pst Date: Tue, 27 Mar 90 08:41:06 pst From: Message-Id: <> To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Subject: third party hard drives ... I have 4d80gt running 3.2 . I bought a Hitatachichi dk515-78. No manual was provided. Using the same cables provided for the original dk512-17 and the same controler, Interphase 3201, I assumed it would be a drop in replacement. It doesn't work. Can anyone provide me with the proper jumper thanx.   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa12380; 27 Mar 90 15:01 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa11897; 27 Mar 90 14:51 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa11804; 27 Mar 90 14:23 EST Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa08572; 27 Mar 90 12:58 EST Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA15571; Tue, 27 Mar 90 09:58:43 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 27 Mar 90 17:47:12 GMT From: "Loren (Buck" MMDF-Warning: Parse error in original version of preceding line at BRL.MIL Organization: Computer Sciences Corporation @ NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Subject: Re: How Many Gray Scales On Laserwriter II NTX? Message-Id: <> References: <>, <1990Mar26.134330.12298@sgzh.uucp> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <1990Mar26.134330.12298@sgzh.uucp> root@sgzh.UUCP (Bruno Pape) writes: >In article <> Tim_Buxton@UM.CC.UMICH.EDU writes: >> [[[about limited number of gray levels when printing]]] The answer is you can change the number of gray levels by using the setscreen command. The trade off is that to get more gray levels you have to increase the spot size. For a 300 dpi printer, I believe the default screen setting gives 37 shades of grey (36 pixels per spot). For more information look at back issues of Computer Shopper and look at the "Ask the Guru" column by Don Lancaster. B Cing U Buck Loren "Buck" Buchanan | internet: | standard disclaimer CSC, 1100 West St. | uucp: ...!ames!dftsrv!drax!buck | "By the horns of a Laurel, MD 20707 | phonenet: (301) 497-2531 or 9898 | sky demon..."   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa01830; 27 Mar 90 17:33 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa01420; 27 Mar 90 17:12 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa01261; 27 Mar 90 16:50 EST Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa14252; 27 Mar 90 16:14 EST Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA27546; Tue, 27 Mar 90 13:06:59 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 27 Mar 90 08:34:03 GMT From: Bruno Pape Organization: Silicon Graphics S.A., Zuerich, Switzerland Subject: Re: appletalk on UNIX Message-Id: <1990Mar27.083403.12991@sgzh.uucp> References: <253*> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <253*> (Reinhard Doelz) writes: >Some time ago, this message has been posted: > >> From: Jim Howard >> Subject: Columbia Appletalk Package > >> Has anyone succesfully installed the Columbia Appletalk Package on >> a 4D series Iris? The package allows Mac users to view the Unix system >> as a file server and the Iris user the Laserwriters as Unix printers >> (via a Kinetics box). > The problem of sharing LaserWriters on AppleTalk networks with UNIX workstations can be solved rather cheaply and effectively by using one of the AppleTalk Expanders available from: Local Supplier: Inventab Products AB WBS W. Buck Aldermansgatan 10 Bahnhofstr. 30, Postfach 253 222 36 Lund 8157 Dielsdorf Sweden Tel. 01/853-33-33 And to quote from the box, "The LaserAccess is a high-speed interface allowing computers with a serial interface to be connected to LaserWriters on LocalTalk. LaserAccess allows any computer with a RS-232 interface and a PostScript driver to use and share LaserWriters on LocalTalk just like a Macintosh." It might cost something like 1000 SFr. I use one connected to a Sun as a network printer, and I'm a happy user. BTW I would not wish a Unix filesystem on any normal Mac user. Bruno -- If I don't have a quote for the day do I have to sit in the back of the class again?   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa03293; 27 Mar 90 20:40 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa03261; 27 Mar 90 20:29 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa03105; 27 Mar 90 20:09 EST Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa17548; 27 Mar 90 19:58 EST Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA12244; Tue, 27 Mar 90 16:46:54 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 28 Mar 90 00:46:39 GMT From: "Michael E. Hohmeyer" Organization: University of California at Berkeley Subject: Writing Low Density Tapes from a Personal Iris Message-Id: <23482@pasteur.Berkeley.EDU> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL I need to be able to transfer files from a personal iris to a GT via tape. Unfortunately the personal iris writes high density that the GT cannot read. A friend tells me that there is a way to write low density tapes. Does anyone know how to do this? Thanks, Mike.   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa04694; 28 Mar 90 3:02 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa04651; 28 Mar 90 2:52 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa04647; 28 Mar 90 2:42 EST Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa19554; 28 Mar 90 2:05 EST Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA04831; Tue, 27 Mar 90 22:45:14 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 28 Mar 90 04:39:16 GMT From: Tim Monks Organization: none Subject: Re: appletalk on UNIX Message-Id: <1469@merlin.bhpmrl.oz> References: <253*> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL From article <253*>, by (Reinhard Doelz): > Some time ago, this message has been posted: > >> From: Jim Howard >> Subject: Columbia Appletalk Package > >> Has anyone succesfully installed the Columbia Appletalk Package on >> a 4D series Iris? The package allows Mac users to view the Unix system >> as a file server and the Iris user the Laserwriters as Unix printers >> (via a Kinetics box). > We have had CAP up and running for about 12 months now, and use it all the time for printing (papif). The following is my summary I regularly mail to other users asking for guidance on building CAP. Note - we haven't bothered building the file server part of CAP (aufs) because we find NCSA telnet and ftp quite adequate. Secondly the configuration I mention is quite specific to our own small LAN, take those parts of the notes for guidance only, and build in your own site addresses and node numbers. Good luck, Tim. ---------------------- NOTES ON BULDING CAP ON SG MACHINES ------------------ Here is some information on our SG + Kbox + KSTAR + CAP setup which may be of help to you in getting papif up and running. THE CONFIGURATION - Class B ethernet with 0xfffff00 subnetting - Various Apollos, VAXen, Silicon Graphics & Ethercard Macs hanging off this network (+ some other junk) together with a Kinetics FastPath 4 with rev 4.1 PROMS. - A FastPath4 running KSTAR rev 4.1 with the following configuration: LocalTalk Side: Zone Name IPADA group Net Number 2 Node Number 220 Ethernet Side: Zone Name BHP-ETH Net number 1 Node Number 166 UDP Side: Zone Name BHP-ETH Net number 3 Node Number 243 IP Info: IP Address of KFP IP Subnet mask Broadcast Address IP address of router IP Address of admin No servers, routers, administrators No option flags set nor option parameters. - atalk.local has the following : # /etc/atalk.local configuration file # host's appletalk network, node and zone (Ethernet side) 3 240 BHP-ETH # bridge's appletalk network, node & IP address (UDP side) 3 243 - cap.printers has the following : # These are all the same printer mozart=IPADA Laserwriter :LaserWriter@IPADA group PostScript=IPADA Laserwriter :LaserWriter@IPADA group ps=IPADA Laserwriter :LaserWriter@IPADA group - /etc/services has the following UDP ports declared : rtmp 769/udp nbp 770/udp echo 772/udp zis 774/udp These are the old style mappings which the current KSTAR version supports. Sometime in the future these may have to be changed to 201, 202, 204 and 206 but I don't know when. WHAT WE DON'T HAVE We have not got the AppleTalk Adminstration Daemon atalkad running on the SG (because we haven't got a copy of this :-(, but I believe that this daemon is only required for KIP and not KSTAR. I believe that atalkad serves two purposes. The first one is to let KIP-equipped Kboxes and all other gateways know where all the AppleTalk nets are - the AT to IP mapping. Secondly (and separately), when you're running IP-in-AT (CAP is AT-in-IP), i.e. running NCSA Telnet to log into the Unix machines from the Mac, every Kbox needs to know which IP addresses the other boxes are using or it stomps (claims) them. This is not a bug, but a result of the protocol. WHAT I'VE DONE TO GET CAP COMPILED... 1. Applied patch0004 in ./bugs as this seemed relevant to papif.c. There was also another patch that came across USENET News on papif.c from Jeff Stearns so I applied this as well. 2. Changed cc def in to include the flags -I=/usr/include/bsd -lbsd 3. Changed cc def in to include the flags -I=/usr/include/bsd -lbsd 4. Changed defs of several things in the Configure script, namely : PNM=/bin/nm ----> PNM=/usr/bin/nm /lib/libc.a ----> /usr/lib/libc.a ETCDEST=/etc ----> ETCDEST=/usr/local/lib/cap lpd="bsd" ----> lpd="lp" [libspecial],[] ----> [libspecial],[-lbsd] [sysvinstall],[] ----> [sysvinstall],[yes] (had to edit all the Makefile.m4 scripts to remove the final $(DESTDIR) from the install line.) [capprinters] now points to /usr/local/lib/cap/cap.printers [pstextlocal] now points to /usr/local/lib/ps/psrev (had to edit appli*/papif/Makefile.m4 to escape the quotes in the defn. of WPSTEXT.) 5. Added the following lines to netat/compat.h #define sigblock sighold #define sigsetmask sigrelse 6. Because the SG is a BIGENDIAN machine had to remove the definition of SWAPBYTES in netat/abnbp.h 7. In file lib/afp/afposlock.c undefined F_OK, X_OK, W_OK & R_OK before including the types.h file because otherwise these were redefined giving a compilation warning. 8. Possibly a few other things I haven't remembered... 9. Ran Configure with standard BSD and WITH output to LaserWriter throttled. THE RESULTS Doing this I successfully compiled the libraries, all the sample programs and papif & lwsrv (aufs crashed with fsync & initgroups undefined on linking aufs...) I have been told the following ... fsync() is the BSD system call for guaranteeing that all in-memory disk buffers associated with a particular file is written out to disk. There is no System V equivalent to it. Generally, this call is not required since Unix takes care of most of the disk/memory synchronization operations. The only cases where programs explicitly calls fsync() is for reliability purposes (e.g. sendmail uses it to make sure mail messages are on disk before acknowledging receipt of it). If you are willing to forego that reliability (it really is only important if the system crashes during the fsync() operation anyway), you can probably just comment it out. If you are willing to pay a fairly high price (performance-wise), you can use the sync() function in System V, which flush *all* disk buffers for *all* files. initgroups() is another BSD-specific feature. In BSD Unix, a user can be in several groups simultaneously. For example, if there are two files A and B, where A is protected to be readable only by group "staff" and B only by group "operator", the user can access both these files if he belongs in both groups. In System V, a user can only be in one group at a time. He can access file A if he is in group "staff", but he must execute the "newgrp" command before he can access file B. initgroups() is the function which adds group identifications to a process when it is activated (for example, at login time or remote shell execution time). Since System V does not support multiple simultaneous group access, you can just comment that out. PRINT SPOOLING If you've got this far now you can get into the hairy bits of SYSV lp spooling. But it will should give you what you want: the ability to spool output to a LaserWriter sitting on a localtalk net from your SGI machine thru a kbox. Here is a sketch of what it takes. - You must have the TRANSCRIPT package by Adobe or something similar (We have the SG laser support utility - however there are PD progs around which do the same thing). papif uses routines from this package to wrap PS prologues around non- PostScript ie. ASCII files. - Use the mkPS script (which came with the SG Laser support util) to make a spooled printer known to the lp spooler. Then hack the interface file so data is shunted out to the papif filter and not to some serial port. If you get stuck here I can give you the scripts I generated which work for us. FINALLY... Good luck - CAP was a cantankerous beast to get going, however its been working for us trouble-free (touchwood) for several months now. If you need any help give me a yell. ------------------END OF NOTES ON BULDING CAP ON SG MACHINES --------------- > Apparently no experience- at least no postings here so far. > I'd like to do it myself, but I don't know where to get it from. > Any help on ftp servers , mailbox adress etc. appreciated. > > - Reinhard > > > ************************************************************************ > Dr. Reinhard Doelz * EAN > Biocomputing * DECNET 48130::doelz > Biozentrum der Universitaet * X25 psi%46211142::embnet > Klingelbergstrasse 70 * FAX x41 61 256760 > CH 4056 Basel * TEL x41 61 253880 ext 888 > ************************************************************************ As a last resort I can mail uuencoded shar files of the original CAP listings, but I'd prefer not to clog up the network any more than I've done already :-) Tim. -- Dr. Tim Monks Image Processing & Data Analysis Group | (direct) (+61-3)566-7448 BHP Melbourne Research Laboratories | (switch) (+61-3)560-7066 245 Wellington Rd, Mulgrave, 3170, | (fax) (+61-3)561-6709 AUSTRALIA | (EMAIL)   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa04421; 28 Mar 90 1:51 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa04369; 28 Mar 90 1:41 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa04271; 28 Mar 90 1:29 EST Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa19207; 28 Mar 90 1:13 EST Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA02271; Tue, 27 Mar 90 22:04:39 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 28 Mar 90 05:50:54 GMT From: "Prof. Steven H. Izen" Organization: NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA Subject: Re: Writing Low Density Tapes from a Personal Iris Message-Id: <> References: <23482@pasteur.Berkeley.EDU> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <23482@pasteur.Berkeley.EDU> hohmeyer@miro.Berkeley.EDU (Michael E. Hohmeyer) writes: > > I need to be able to transfer files from a personal >iris to a GT via tape. Unfortunately the personal iris writes >high density that the GT cannot read. A friend tells me that there >is a way to write low density tapes. Does anyone know how to >do this? Yeah, it's easy. When I bought my personal IRIS, I ordered the 60 meg tape option instead of the 150meg tape option. That gave me two 2 way communications with my 386 unix box. -- Steve Izen: {sun,uunet}!cwjcc!skybridge!izen386!steve / Quote corner: or / or /-------------------------/ My second bike is a car. | Klein bottle for sale - Inquire within.   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa07765; 28 Mar 90 11:24 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa07574; 28 Mar 90 11:03 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa07504; 28 Mar 90 10:42 EST Received: from by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa27705; 28 Mar 90 10:30 EST Received: Wed, 28 Mar 90 10:30:43 EST by (5.52/5.6) Date: Wed, 28 Mar 90 10:30:43 EST From: "Brent L. Bates AAD/TAB MS294 x42854" Message-Id: <> To: Subject: Re: third party hard drives ... Cc: info-iris@BRL.MIL We bought a Hitachi DK514-38, ESDI drive for our 3130 to replace the DK512-17 we already have. (We bought this drive on the recomendation of a SGI technical person.) I got technical information on both drives and almost got it to work. Actually, if I don't want to use the 1/4" cartridge tape drive the new drive worked ok, but the moment I tried to use the tape drive, I got hard disk errors. It turns out that the DK514-38 is too fast a drive for the Storager II board in the 3000's. Interphase (the manufacturer of the Storager II board) said their Storager III board would work with the drive. I owe a great deal to the people at Interphase they helped me out a lot. With out them I wouldn'd have been able to get as far as I did. Our local SGI field technitian did try to help, but couldn't come up with any solutions. I do thank him for trying. The best advice I can give you is to check with who ever you bought the drive from and get a Product Specification and/or Service Manual for both drives, preferably the Product Specifications. This makes life a whole lot easier. I will try to give you some pointers. After you do this a few times things become obvious, that when you started weren't at all obvious. DK512-17: Selecting Sector / Byte Clock / Address Mark Found: Jumper plug JP32A 1 [--] 22 Sector-N 2 [--] 21 (both jumpers in) 1 [--] 22 Byte CLOCK 2 [ ] 21 1 [ ] 22 Address Mark Found-N 2 [--] 21 1 [ ] 22 Diagnostic Mode 2 [ ] 21 (both jumpers out) (Our drive had both jumpers in, Sector-N selected) Selection Bytes/Sector and Sectors/Track: Jumper plugs JP22 & JP32 Jumper Plug # Jumper Plug Key # # of bytes JP22 1-16 1 JP22 2-15 2 JP22 3-14 4 JP22 4-13 8 JP22 5-12 16 JP22 6-11 32 JP22 7-10 64 JP22 8-9 128 JP32 11-12 256 JP32 10-13 512 JP32 9-14 1024 JP32 8-15 2048 JP32 7-16 4096 JP32 6-17 8192 (Our drive was set to 652 bytes/sector, however when you run the formatting program it is 512 bytes/sector and you specify how many sectors/track you want) You need to know how many bytes/track your disk has, then divide that by the number of sectors you want per track this will give you how many bytes/sector you will set on the jumpers. This is a number >= 512 for the SGI machines. This was the hardest part for me to get right. At the end I had 708 bytes/sector and 42 sectors/track on my DK514-38, this drive has 30,240 bytes/track unformatted. So I had the jumpers set to 708 bytes and when I formatted the drive I specified 42 sectors/track. Note: the terms "track" and "cylinder" are used interchangeably in documentation. Drive Selector Jumper: Jumper plugs JP32 & JP32A Drive # 1 Drive # 2 Drive # 3 3 [--] 20 3 [ ] 20 3 [--] 20 4 [ ] 19 4 [--] 19 4 [--] 19 etc.... 5 [ ] 18 5 [ ] 18 5 [ ] 18 (start numbering drives from 1, drive number 0 is not valid) Setting Device Type: Jumper plug JP39 1 [ ] 4 DK512-17 2 [ ] 3 (both jumpers out) 1 [--] 4 DK512-12 2 [ ] 3 1 [ ] 4 DK512-8 2 [--] 3 1 [--] 4 Reserved 2 [--] 3 (both jumpers in) (Ours was set to DK512-17) Setting/Resetting Write Protected: Jumper plug JP172 1 [--] 4 Drive is always read only. 2 [ ] 3 1 [ ] 4 2 [--] 3 or Drive is always read/write. 1 [ ] 4 2 [ ] 3 (Ours was always read/write, jumper 2&3 in) Setting Motor Start/Stop Option: Jumper plug JP33A [ --] Motor start/stop is controlled by command. 321 [-- ] Motor start/stop is controlled by power on/off. 321 (Ours was controlled by power on/off.) Termination Networks: Termination networks terminate the control signals line (J1). Should be labelled MR24, looks like an IC and is near the J1 connector. . In star (radial) systems, leave termination networks in all drives. . In daisy-chain systems, remove the termination networks from all drives except the drive at the end of the chain. Our 3130 is daisy-chain, so drive 1 SHOULD have had the termination network removed and drive 2 should have had it installed. However, the termination networks were in both drives. (Note: star systems have a separate J1 connector for each drive. In daisy-chain systems J1 goes from on drive to the next.) I hope this is of some help. There have been some rumors that SGI puts custom ROMs in their drives. Based on the success I have had I would say that rumor is false. Also, the DK514-38 will not work on a 3130, if you also have a 1/4" cartridge tape. -- Brent L. Bates NASA-Langley Research Center M.S. 361 Hampton, Virginia 23665-5225 (804) 864-2854 E-mail: or   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa08004; 28 Mar 90 11:48 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab07765; 28 Mar 90 11:38 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa07740; 28 Mar 90 11:21 EST Received: from by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa28632; 28 Mar 90 11:04 EST Received: from UKACRL.BITNET by CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU (IBM VM SMTP R1.2.2MX) with BSMTP id 2355; Wed, 28 Mar 90 11:02:31 EST Received: from RL.IB by UKACRL.BITNET (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 6849; Wed, 28 Mar 90 16:29:33 BST Received: from RL.IB by UK.AC.RL.IB (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 0384; Wed, 28 Mar 90 16:09:19 BS Via: UK.AC.OX.VAX; 28 MAR 90 16:08:35 GMT Date: Wed, 28 MAR 90 16:08:59 GMT From: To: INFO-IRIS@BRL.MIL Subject: 3130 tape drive fallen sick Message-ID: <9003281104.aa28632@SMOKE.BRL.MIL> Our 3130 filesystem has been almost unchanged recently, so I've not done a tape backup for a little while. Now a software update has arrived in tar format, but when I try to load it, it reads the tape happily for 30 seconds, then gives a IO error or end of tape message and clams up. Feeding in a new tape, or the old one again does not restart reading. Similarly, when writing tar falls over, and cpio, when writing a short test file responds (after apparently having written something to the tape) --1 K written sq0: can't write tape EOF sq0: can't rewind tape Does this look familiar to anyone out there? Is there any way I can check to see if this is a software or a hardware problem? Could it be a screw-up in /dev somehow? Any and all suggestions appreciated. Thanks a lot. Hugh Cartwright   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa08304; 28 Mar 90 12:43 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa08133; 28 Mar 90 12:32 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa08129; 28 Mar 90 12:18 EST Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa29830; 28 Mar 90 11:43 EST Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA07537; Wed, 28 Mar 90 08:37:36 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 28 Mar 90 16:23:18 GMT From: "James D. Meiss" Organization: University of Colorado, Boulder Subject: Screen to World coordinate mapping Message-Id: <18930@boulder.Colorado.EDU> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL I am just learning how to program using gl on our new personal Iris, and enjoying it for the most part! I am trying to read the position of the mouse to use as input to my program. The problem is that GetValuator(MOUSEX) returns the position in screen coordinates. How do I convert this position to World coordinates? map2w seems to do this but only if I create an object. It seems like there should be some simpler way. I use ortho2(-1.,1.,-1.,1.) to set up my world coordinates. Thanks Jim Meiss   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa08986; 28 Mar 90 14:05 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa08900; 28 Mar 90 13:54 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa08633; 28 Mar 90 13:36 EST Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa01719; 28 Mar 90 13:19 EST Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA13008; Wed, 28 Mar 90 10:02:50 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 28 Mar 90 17:06:43 GMT From: Bruno Pape Organization: Silicon Graphics S.A., Zuerich, Switzerland Subject: Re: How Many Gray Scales On Laserwriter II NTX? Message-Id: <1990Mar28.170643.2251@sgzh.uucp> References: <>, <1990Mar26.134330.12298@sgzh.uucp>, <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <> (Loren (Buck) Buchanan) writes: >In article <1990Mar26.134330.12298@sgzh.uucp> root@sgzh.UUCP (Bruno Pape) writes: >>In article <> Tim_Buxton@UM.CC.UMICH.EDU writes: >>> >[[[about limited number of gray levels when printing]]] > >The answer is you can change the number of gray levels by using the >setscreen command. The trade off is that to get more gray levels you >have to increase the spot size. For a 300 dpi printer, I believe the >default screen setting gives 37 shades of grey (36 pixels per spot). > I was wrong about the spot function. The spot function determines in what order the pixels are changed from black to white when stepping through the shades. The PS Language Refenece Manual, page 85. The problem with using 256 gray shades is the size of the spot required. Using: currentscreen 3 -1 roll pop 18.75 3 1 roll setscreen You can change the frequency to 18.75 which gives 257 gray shades. ( 16 dots x 16 dots = 256 dots = 257 shades, 300 dpi / 16 dots = 18.75 ) Which is almost 1/16 of an inch per cell. It's a big cell. A cell that is 1/18 of an inch will not look good in detail images, like fractals, but it looks ok if you use the whole page to shade from black to white. On a 300 dpi QMS PS 810 the default frequency is 60.0, or a 5x5 spot size for 26 shades of gray. And a couple questions for my friends in Mountain View. Why doesn't the above have any affect in psh? Your not really doing half-toning? If your not doing half-toning, because you can get all the shades you need by varing the intensity of every pixel, then why does psh only give about 10-20 shades of gray? Thanks, Bruno   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa11728; 28 Mar 90 18:26 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa11046; 28 Mar 90 17:44 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa10974; 28 Mar 90 17:24 EST Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa07968; 28 Mar 90 16:59 EST Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA27974; Wed, 28 Mar 90 13:48:04 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 28 Mar 90 21:32:43 GMT From: Mark Bradakis Organization: University of Utah Computer Science Subject: Re: HP disk on SGI Power Series or PI Message-Id: <> References: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <> goss@SNOW-WHITE.MERIT-TECH.COM (Mike Goss) writes: >Anyone out there tried to hook up a Hewlett-Packard SCSI disk (in >particular, model # HP 97548-S) to an SGI machine (especially a Power >Series or PI)? We tried it, it didn't work. It seems there is some disagreement between SGI's implementation of SCSI and what the HP disk assumes. Plus SGI, like many other vendors, will not spend a lot of time trying to get someone else's stuff working on their machines. mjb. "Tell the truth, explain to me how you got this need for speed."   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa11903; 28 Mar 90 19:39 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa11473; 28 Mar 90 18:16 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa11415; 28 Mar 90 17:55 EST Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa08527; 28 Mar 90 17:44 EST Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA00975; Wed, 28 Mar 90 14:32:06 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 28 Mar 90 19:27:24 GMT From: Anil Kaul Organization: Columbia University Subject: qdevice and stuff......... Message-Id: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Hi, I have been trying to queue certain keys on the keyboard, but have come up with a strange error: Whenever I press a key it seems to record two enteries in the event queue. It appears that one entry is for key being depressed and the other for the key while being released. Is it true or am I messing up somewhere else? I would actually like to get only one entry everytime the key is depressed. Is there something I can do to avoid getting two enteries from each key? Thanks, - Anil. email: kaul@yktvmx.bitnet   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa11983; 28 Mar 90 19:59 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab11903; 28 Mar 90 19:48 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa11890; 28 Mar 90 19:32 EST Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa09711; 28 Mar 90 19:17 EST Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA06766; Wed, 28 Mar 90 15:52:36 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 28 Mar 90 23:14:51 GMT From: Kenneth Josiah Harris Organization: Silicon Graphics, Inc., Mountain View, CA Subject: Re: Screen to World coordinate mapping Message-Id: <> References: <18930@boulder.Colorado.EDU> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <18930@boulder.Colorado.EDU> jdm@boulder.Colorado.EDU (James D. Meiss) writes: > > I am just learning how to program using gl on our new >personal Iris, and enjoying it for the most part! > I am trying to read the position of the mouse to use >as input to my program. The problem is that GetValuator(MOUSEX) >returns the position in screen coordinates. How do I convert >this position to World coordinates? > map2w seems to do this but only if I create an object. >It seems like there should be some simpler way. I use >ortho2(-1.,1.,-1.,1.) to set up my world coordinates. > > Thanks > Jim Meiss > Here's a routine I use to do that. void scr2unit(sx,sy,unit) Screencoord sx,sy; float unit[]; /* convert from screen coordinates to unit cube coordinates */ { Screencoord vl, vr, vb, vt; long ox,oy; getorigin(&ox,&oy); /* 4d getviewport isn't screen coords */ sx -= ox; sy -= oy; getviewport (&vl,&vr,&vb,&vt); unit[0] = (2.0*sx - vl - vr)/(vr - vl + 1); unit[1] = (2.0*sy - vb - vt)/(vt - vb + 1); } -- Ken J. Harris -- or {decwrl,pyramid,ucbvax}!sgi!kj   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa12263; 28 Mar 90 21:19 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa12157; 28 Mar 90 20:58 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa12146; 28 Mar 90 20:49 EST Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa10522; 28 Mar 90 20:43 EST Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA13564; Wed, 28 Mar 90 17:31:53 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 28 Mar 90 17:19:57 GMT From: "Loren (Buck" MMDF-Warning: Parse error in original version of preceding line at BRL.MIL Organization: Computer Sciences Corporation @ NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Subject: PI and nine track tape drive Message-Id: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Hi Netlanders, Its been decided that we need to put a 6250bpi nine track tape drive on to our Personal IRIS. The tape drive will either have to be rack mounted or be located some distance away (50' to 150' as the cable snakes). It would be preferable to have an autoloading tape drive. Thanks in advance and email replies will be summarized and posted. B Cing U Buck Loren "Buck" Buchanan | internet: | standard disclaimer CSC, 1100 West St. | uucp: ...!ames!dftsrv!drax!buck | "By the horns of a Laurel, MD 20707 | phonenet: (301) 497-2531 or 9898 | sky demon..."   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa12567; 28 Mar 90 22:50 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa12323; 28 Mar 90 21:47 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa12314; 28 Mar 90 21:34 EST Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa10787; 28 Mar 90 21:28 EST Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA16541; Wed, 28 Mar 90 18:16:49 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 29 Mar 90 01:58:45 GMT From: John H Merritt Organization: Goddard Space Flight Center Climate and Radiation Branch Subject: Re: qdevice and stuff......... Message-Id: <> References: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <> (Anil Kaul) writes: >It appears that one entry is for key being depressed and the other >for the key while being released. Precisely why one codes event = qread(&val) ... if (val) (button went down) if (!val) (button went up) >I would actually like to get only one entry everytime the key is depressed. and one entry when it is released. >Is there something I can do to avoid getting two enteries from each key? ^^^ 0, 1, or more than 2 entries? :-) I've seen no routine which only queues the keyboard keys in only direction. I simply choose to ignore the event. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ John H. Merritt # Yesterday I knew nothing, Applied Research Corporation # Today I know that. #   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa15685; 29 Mar 90 8:26 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa15316; 29 Mar 90 8:15 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa15248; 29 Mar 90 7:56 EST Received: from [] by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa15346; 29 Mar 90 7:46 EST Received: Thu, 29 Mar 90 07:46:31 EST by (5.52/5.6) Date: Thu, 29 Mar 90 07:46:31 EST From: "Brent L. Bates AAD/TAB MS294 x42854" Message-Id: <> To:!! Subject: Re: qdevice and stuff......... Cc: info-iris@BRL.MIL Nothing strange about that, that is the way it works. One entry for the key going down and one when the key is released. Same for mouse clicks. If you have the b key queued and you press the b key down then execute the following: dev=qread(val) dev will equal "bkey" and val will be 1 for key down. When you release the key dev will equal "bkey" and val will be 0 for key up. When I queue keys, I usually ignore the event if val is 0. At the moment the only time I check for a key up event is when it is a mouse button. -- Brent L. Bates NASA-Langley Research Center M.S. 361 Hampton, Virginia 23665-5225 (804) 864-2854 E-mail: or   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa18889; 29 Mar 90 13:06 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa18529; 29 Mar 90 12:24 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa18213; 29 Mar 90 12:05 EST Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa23456; 29 Mar 90 11:15 EST Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA05279; Thu, 29 Mar 90 08:12:38 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 29 Mar 90 16:08:25 GMT From: Tim Hall Organization: Boston University Computer Graphics Lab Subject: More on queues Message-Id: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL (Apologies if I already posted somthing like this - its been a confusing morning ) I wanted to point out that if you do a "qdevice( KEYBD )" instead of queueing the individual keyboard keys you only get an event when a key is pressed down. Then with... event = qread( &val ); when event == KEYBD then val == ascii value of key depressed. -Tim Hall   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa19574; 29 Mar 90 14:09 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa19290; 29 Mar 90 13:58 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa19215; 29 Mar 90 13:42 EST Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa26878; 29 Mar 90 13:16 EST Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA12447; Thu, 29 Mar 90 10:02:54 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 29 Mar 90 13:50:03 GMT From: Urs Meyer Organization: University of Zurich, Department of Computer Science Subject: Bug in /etc/cshrc (setenv TZ) Message-Id: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In Europe daylight-saving time (DST) has taken effect last weekend. I figured out (timezone(4)) how correctly to setup TZ for European users. For my country (+1 hour GMT) TZ should be set to something like: TZ="CET-1CDT-2;83,300" in /etc/TIMEZONE. 83,300 means switch to DST on the 83th day of the year and switch back on the 300th day. Yes, I know, we will switch back earlier, but I don't know the date. (anybody tell me the correct date...) Note: quotes are needed because of the semicolon in the string. /etc/cshrc uses sed to filter out the string in order to setup its own TZ environment variable. But it copies the double quotes as well which leads to an erroneous value. The following fixes the problem: Change the line beginning with setenv TZ in /etc/cshrc to: setenv TZ `sed -n -e '/^TZ=/s/\"//g' -e '/^TZ=/s/TZ=//p' /etc/TIMEZONE` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ this has been inserted --- Urs Meyer ----------, {uunet,...}!mcsun!cernvax!unizh!meyer University of Zurich, Dept of Computer Science, Multimedia Lab, CH-8057 Zurich   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa20216; 29 Mar 90 14:42 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa19819; 29 Mar 90 14:32 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa19753; 29 Mar 90 14:16 EST Received: from [] by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa27574; 29 Mar 90 13:40 EST Received: from VM.UoGuelph.CA by (IBM VM SMTP R1.2.2MX) with BSMTP id 6936; Thu, 29 Mar 90 13:42:12 EST Received: by UOGUELPH (Mailer R2.05) id 3453; Thu, 29 Mar 90 13:42:11 EST Resent-Date: Thu, 29 Mar 90 13:39:35 EST Resent-From: Len Zaifman Resent-To: info-iris Received: by UOGUELPH (Mailer R2.05) id 1000; Mon, 05 Mar 90 14:54:53 EST Date: Mon, 05 Mar 90 14:47:00 EST From: Peter Jaspers-Fayer Subject: VT100 in a MEX screen? To: Len Message-ID: <9003291340.aa27574@SMOKE.BRL.MIL> I was asked to forward this question to the net. Please reply to me (Len Zaifman) at the address below and I will summarise. This seems to be a problem on the 3000 series. Kermit(yech) works fine on my 4D. REgards,Len Zaifman Len Zaifman Information Technology Coordinator,College of Physical and Engineering Science Department of Computing Services University of Guelph Guelph,Ontario. N1G 2W1 (519)821-4120 xt 6566 email : LeonardZ@VM.UOGUELPH.CA ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- Please forward this to your IRIS discussion group: Is there any way to do VT100 emulation in C-Kermit in a MEX screen? We would like to see VT100 emulation from an IRIS which responds to the UNAME -A command with the string: IRIS IRIS m68020 5.0+5.3+ (GL2-W3.5) GL2 GL2.4 3030 (IS there a command on an old IRIS 3120 that would give a more meaningful identification string (version uf Unix, & etc.) than 'uname'?) /PJ SofPJF@VM.UoGuelph.Ca ------------------------------- Computers are not intelligent. They only think they are.   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa22670; 29 Mar 90 17:17 EST Received: by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa22496; 29 Mar 90 17:15 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa22234; 29 Mar 90 16:24 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa22228; 29 Mar 90 16:10 EST Received: from SGI.COM by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa01440; 29 Mar 90 15:34 EST Received: from by via UUCP (5.52/900301.SGI) for id AA16402; Thu, 29 Mar 90 12:33:37 PST Received: from by (5.52/891101.SGI) for sgi!!info-iris id AA22988; Thu, 29 Mar 90 13:24:05 CST Received: by (5.52/890619.SGI) (for!sgi!!dftsrv!iris613!merritt) id AA00366; Thu, 29 Mar 90 13:24:03 CST Date: Thu, 29 Mar 90 13:24:03 CST From: Thomas E Reed Message-Id: <> To:!dftsrv!iris613! Subject: Re: qdevice and stuff......... Cc: info-iris@BRL.MIL >From: John H Merritt >Organization: Goddard Space Flight Center Climate and Radiation Branch >Subject: Re: qdevice and stuff......... >Message-Id: <> >References: <> >Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL >To: info-iris@BRL.MIL > >In article <> (Anil Kaul) writes: > > >>It appears that one entry is for key being depressed and the other >>for the key while being released. > >Precisely why one codes > > event = qread(&val) > ... > if (val) (button went down) > if (!val) (button went up) > >>I would actually like to get only one entry everytime the key is depressed. > >and one entry when it is released. > >>Is there something I can do to avoid getting two enteries from each key? > ^^^ >0, 1, or more than 2 entries? :-) > >I've seen no routine which only queues the keyboard keys in only direction. >I simply choose to ignore the event. You can choose to queue the device KEYBD instead of the individual devices for each key. When a keyboard event occurs a token is placed on the queue corresponding to the KEYBD device. The token's value is a unique Id associated with the specific key being pressed. This token appears only once per key stroke. Hope this helps. -- Tom Reed SGI - Dallas email: vmail: 8705 phone: 214-788-4122   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa23677; 29 Mar 90 19:34 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa23517; 29 Mar 90 19:13 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa23505; 29 Mar 90 18:59 EST Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa01125; 29 Mar 90 15:22 EST Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA20388; Thu, 29 Mar 90 11:58:44 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 29 Mar 90 19:38:44 GMT From: Kerwin D Dobbs Organization: University of Delaware Subject: advanced graphics course Message-Id: <5946@udccvax1.acs.udel.EDU> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL I am thinking about taking the advanced graphics course course offered through SGI educational division. Has anyone out there taken this course? Is it worth the time and money? Will I learn some valuable things that I will not pick up on my own or through the net? Kerwin   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab23923; 29 Mar 90 20:40 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab23818; 29 Mar 90 20:21 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa23782; 29 Mar 90 19:57 EST Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa05593; 29 Mar 90 19:23 EST Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA06877; Thu, 29 Mar 90 15:56:35 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 29 Mar 90 19:13:08 GMT From: Thant Tessman Organization: Silicon Graphics, Entry Systems Division Subject: Re: qdevice and stuff......... Message-Id: <> References: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <>, (Anil Kaul) writes: > Hi, > I have been trying to queue certain keys on the keyboard, but have > come up with a strange error: > Whenever I press a key it seems to record two enteries in the event > queue. It appears that one entry is for key being depressed and the other > for the key while being released. Is it true or am I messing up somewhere else? > I would actually like to get only one entry everytime the key is depressed. > Is there something I can do to avoid getting two enteries from each key? > When you queue a button, and do: dev = qread(&val); 'dev' is set to the button number (as defined in "device.h"), and 'val' is set to 1 if the button went down, and 0 if the button went up. If you only want ascii information from the keyboard, then qdevice(KEYBD); When a keyboard key is pressed, 'qread' will set 'dev' to KEYBD and 'val' to the ascii value of the key. Hope this helps, thant   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa23978; 29 Mar 90 20:51 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa23818; 29 Mar 90 20:21 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa23766; 29 Mar 90 19:57 EST Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa05532; 29 Mar 90 19:04 EST Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA06948; Thu, 29 Mar 90 15:57:45 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 29 Mar 90 20:03:59 GMT From: Kenneth Josiah Harris Organization: Silicon Graphics, Inc., Mountain View, CA Subject: Re: qdevice and stuff......... Message-Id: <> References: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <> (Anil Kaul) writes: >Hi, > I have been trying to queue certain keys on the keyboard, but have >come up with a strange error: > Whenever I press a key it seems to record two enteries in the event >queue. It appears that one entry is for key being depressed and the other >for the key while being released. Is it true or am I messing up somewhere else? >I would actually like to get only one entry everytime the key is depressed. >Is there something I can do to avoid getting two enteries from each key? > >Thanks, > >- Anil. > >email: > kaul@yktvmx.bitnet > > You could queue the KEYBD device: qdevice(KEYBD); And then on "dev=qread(&val);", "dev" will be "KEYBD", and "val" will be the ASCII value of the character. -- Ken J. Harris -- or {decwrl,pyramid,ucbvax}!sgi!kj   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab23978; 29 Mar 90 20:51 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa23923; 29 Mar 90 20:40 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa23864; 29 Mar 90 20:18 EST Received: from SGI.COM by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa04628; 29 Mar 90 17:50 EST Received: from sgiatl by via UUCP (5.52/900301.SGI) for id AA19513; Thu, 29 Mar 90 14:05:37 PST Received: by (5.52/891101.SGI) for sgi!BRL.MIL!info-iris id AA28261; Thu, 29 Mar 90 17:02:56 EST Date: Thu, 29 Mar 90 17:02:56 EST From: George Smith SGI Atlanta Message-Id: <> To: sgiatl!info@BRL.MIL Subject: SPICE Hi: Does anyone have SPICE running on a 4D ? Thanks -- :========================================================================: | George Smith | ph.(404)392-1333 | | Silicon Graphics Inc. | Email: | | 1100 Abernathy Road N.E. | Vmail: x8048 | | Building 500, Suite 1120 | | | Atlanta,Ga. 30328 | | :========================================================================:   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa24167; 29 Mar 90 21:40 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ac23978; 29 Mar 90 21:00 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa23967; 29 Mar 90 20:49 EST Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa04224; 29 Mar 90 17:20 EST Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA27144; Thu, 29 Mar 90 13:31:14 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 29 Mar 90 21:19:44 GMT From: "Eric A. Pearce" Organization: Boston University Info Tech Subject: named now works! Message-Id: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL I now have our 4D's running as caching secondary nameservers. Thanks go to Jesse Rendelman at the SGI Hotline for fixing my resolv.conf file. The problem I had was that nfs mounts and exportfs would fail in the boot process, as named was not running yet and /etc/hosts was being ignored. The current setup will work as long as you have the hosts you want to nfs mount and export to in /etc/hosts. (I'm not running YP) /usr/etc/resolv.conf: # Domain name resolver configuration file # domain # this will look at /etc/hosts nameserver 0 # ourselves nameserver # campus primary nameserver # /usr/etc/named.d/loopback.rev: ; ; @(#) 1.0 loopback.rev BU -- bucrf1 (ONLY) ; @ IN SOA ( 1.1 ; Serial 43200 ; Refresh 3 hours 3600 ; Retry 1 hour 3600000 ; Expire 1000 hours 86400 ) ; Minimum 24 hours IN A IN A IN NS ; 1 IN PTR localhost. /usr/etc/named.d/named.boot: ; ; @(#)named.boot.master 1.1 (Berkeley) 86/01/28 ; ; boot file for BU.EDU name server ; Note that there should be one primary entry for each SOA record. ; directory /usr/etc/named.d ; ; type domain source file or host ; cache . secondary BU.EDU primary 0.0.127.IN-ADDR.ARPA loopback.rev ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eric Pearce Boston University Information Technology 111 Cummington Street Boston MA 02215 617-353-2780 voice 617-353-6260 fax   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab24167; 29 Mar 90 21:40 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab24138; 29 Mar 90 21:29 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa24133; 29 Mar 90 21:19 EST Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa05950; 29 Mar 90 20:44 EST Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA13089; Thu, 29 Mar 90 17:30:26 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 29 Mar 90 14:52:14 GMT From: Andrew Hume Organization: AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill NJ Subject: anomoly in cross controller i/o rates Message-Id: <10639@alice.UUCP> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL we bought a second smd disk controller for our 4D/240 and (of course) tried to measure how much better things were. the times are given below. the question is, why does the i/o speed go DOWN as the buffer size increases for the case of inter-controller i/o? andrew hume ( --------------------------------------------------------- timing tests for i/o through the file system (efs) on a 4D/240 with 2 Xylogics 754 controllers and Sabre disks. these show clock seconds for copying a 40MB file 1) on a single disk, 2) between two disks on the same controller, and 3) between disks on different controllers. c1d1->c1d1 c1d1->c1d3 c1d1->c2d0 cp 100 73 26 dd bs=4k 98 73 26 dd bs=8k 98 74 25 dd bs=16k 97 73 25 dd bs=64k 66 54 28 dd bs=125k 58 51 29 dd bs=500k 51 48 31 dd bs=2000k 47 44 40 times seem accurate to +- 1s. buffer pool flushed between trials. (average of 3 single-user runs.)   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa24911; 29 Mar 90 22:44 EST Received: by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa24774; 29 Mar 90 22:36 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa24324; 29 Mar 90 22:33 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa24289; 29 Mar 90 22:17 EST Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa06577; 29 Mar 90 21:44 EST Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA17019; Thu, 29 Mar 90 18:31:14 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 30 Mar 90 01:42:39 GMT From: Mason Woo Organization: Silicon Graphics, Inc., Mountain View, CA Subject: Re: advanced graphics course Message-Id: <> References: <5946@udccvax1.acs.udel.EDU> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <5946@udccvax1.acs.udel.EDU>, kdobbs@vax1.acs.udel.EDU (Kerwin D Dobbs) writes: > I am thinking about taking the advanced graphics course > course offered through SGI educational division. Has > anyone out there taken this course? Is it worth the time > and money? Will I learn some valuable things that I will > not pick up on my own or through the net? > > Kerwin I'm also interested in any feedback from people who have taken our courses (Graphics, Advanced Graphics, Parallel Programming, System Accelerator, System Admin, and Network Admin). Did you find the courses useful in your work? How should we change those courses? I want to hear good and bad news. Thanks for all responses (even the flames!). P. S. Respond via mail, so the comp.sys.sgi group doesn't get cluttered up. -- Mason ("Bo Knows Salary Arbitration") Woo (415) 962-3314 Silicon Graphics Computer Systems Internet: woo@SGI.COM UUCP: {ames,ucbvax,decwrl,sun}!sgi!woo   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa26142; 30 Mar 90 0:07 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa25656; 29 Mar 90 23:57 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa25649; 29 Mar 90 23:35 EST Received: from by ADM.BRL.MIL id aa23318; 29 Mar 90 23:12 EST Received: from by (5.61/1123-1.0) id AA08433; Thu, 29 Mar 90 23:09:47 -0500 Date: Thu, 29 Mar 90 23:08:38 EST From: To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Message-Id: <> Subject: LaserWriter Graylevels As Mr. Buxton found, the default number of greyscale levels on the Apple LaserWriter series is 25. This corresponds to a 5x5 dot box per pixel of information. To change the number of grey levels, you must adjust the "frequency" of the halftone screen. The frequency specifies the number of these halftone boxes per inch of LaserWriter resolution. That is, the LaserWriter produces 300 b/w dots per inch; for 25 grey levels you have a frequency of: f = 300/5 = 60. If you want 256 grey levels, then you need 16x16 boxes, yielding a freq of f = 300/16 ~ 19... (That's higher math.) Obviously, the general idea is f = (MACHINE_RESOLUTION)/((int)sqrt(num_grey_levels)). There are four additional things (at least) to keep in mind. First, because of the way the boxes are filled, best results are obtained with an odd number of dots spanning a box. Second, the number of pixels of *information* per inch = the number of halftone boxes per inch (roughly; the LW is smart, and I think the image operator does interpolation, etc.) so the information resolution on the page drops RAPIDLY as you go to higher numbers of grey levels. Third, hard-coding the MACHINE_RESOLUTION (300dpi for LW) is not idiomatic PS, since it's machine dependent. I don't know of a way to find the device res at runtime. Any one know? Finally, I've used 49 levels and found it to be very nice. The next odd one is 81, which drops the information resolution too far for me, especially since I've heard from several (reliable) sources that the eye is basically sensitive to only ~ 64 grey levels or so. Haven't tested that, and I also don't know if the pattern inherent in halftoning changes that, but it's something else to consider. Hope this has been some help. It's by no means authoritative or exhaustive. By the way, I think there was a message posted in info-iris the other day stating that the setscreen operator didn't work in NeWS on the IRIS. That would verify what I've found empirically -- 25 greylevels using image, no matter what you do. Robert Sears University of Michigan, Physics.   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa00851; 30 Mar 90 11:21 EST Received: from by VMB.brl.MIL id aa00507; 30 Mar 90 11:10 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa00407; 30 Mar 90 10:44 EST Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa16694; 30 Mar 90 10:14 EST Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA29424; Fri, 30 Mar 90 07:01:51 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 30 Mar 90 13:28:32 GMT From: Bruno Pape Organization: Silicon Graphics S.A., Zuerich, Switzerland Subject: Apple Talk Expander Message-Id: <1990Mar30.132832.4914@sgzh.uucp> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Wow, people really want things like MacAccess and LaserAccess? Well, o.k., they're pretty cute, pretty cheap, and I have had a lot of fun with mine. I found another sheet of paper with a different address, and phone and fax numbers for Inventab. They are: Inventab Dalbyvagen 3 223 60 Lund Sweden Phone: +46-46 13 51 80 Fax: +46-46 13 07 39 I called them and they said that their U.S. distributer was: Peter Truscott, President EuroComm SomeWhereVille, California Phone: 619-471-9362 Fax: 619-471-5054 And another quote from the box, for those who missed the first one: "This means that any computer with an RS-232 interface and a PostScript driver can use and share the LaserWriter just like a Macintosh!" Again I say, Wow! Bruno   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab00851; 30 Mar 90 11:21 EST Received: from by VMB.brl.MIL id ab00507; 30 Mar 90 11:10 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa00434; 30 Mar 90 10:46 EST Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa16749; 30 Mar 90 10:15 EST Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA29870; Fri, 30 Mar 90 07:09:27 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 30 Mar 90 13:33:18 GMT From: Michael Johnson Organization: University of Virginia Subject: X window emulators for PC's Message-Id: <1990Mar30.133318.3583@murdoch.acc.Virginia.EDU> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Can anyone give me a review of using either the Graphics Software Systems or the Hummingbird Communications Ltd. X-window terminal emulators which run on 286, 386 PC's under DOS? I picked those two because they chaim to work as a layered product over Sun PC-NFS which we also use. The Host would be either our 4D-80 or 4D-25S. Thanks for the help. -- (804)-924-8607 Michael L. Johnson mlj8e@mljsg.pharm.Virginia.EDU Pharmacology Dept. mlj8e@Virginia.BITNET Box 448; Univ. of Va. Charlottesville, Va. 22908   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa01786; 30 Mar 90 12:33 EST Received: from by VMB.brl.MIL id aa01402; 30 Mar 90 12:12 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa01316; 30 Mar 90 11:58 EST Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa19502; 30 Mar 90 11:33 EST Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA03320; Fri, 30 Mar 90 08:04:40 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 30 Mar 90 14:25:11 GMT From: Bruno Pape Organization: Silicon Graphics S.A., Zuerich, Switzerland Subject: Re: Bug in /etc/cshrc (setenv TZ) Message-Id: <1990Mar30.142511.5083@sgzh.uucp> References: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <> writes: >In Europe daylight-saving time (DST) has taken effect last weekend. >I figured out (timezone(4)) how correctly to setup TZ for European >users. For my country (+1 hour GMT) TZ should be set to something like: > > TZ="CET-1CDT-2;83,300" > >in /etc/TIMEZONE. 83,300 means switch to DST on the 83th day of the >year and switch back on the 300th day. Yes, I know, we will switch back >earlier, but I don't know the date. (anybody tell me the correct date...) >Note: quotes are needed because of the semicolon in the string. > From my quick calculation and the following info it will be on day 272. Next year is another problem. For those of us not living in the Eastern, Central, Mountain, or Pacific time zones it would nice if SYSV had a way of handling time zones like BSD does. If you don't have a machine running BSD here is an introduction to timezones in Europe. Borrowed from a machine running a popular version of BSD. # Europe, updated from 4.3BSD and various contributors # International country codes are used to identify countries' rules and # zones # # This data is by no means authoritative; if you think you know better, go # ahead and edit the file (and please send any changes to seismo!elsie!tz # for general use in the future). The use of 1986 as starting years below # is conservative. # # One source shows that Bulgaria, Cyprus, Finland, and Greece observe DST from # the last Sunday in March to the last Sunday in September in 1986. # The source shows Romania changing a day later than everybody else. # # According to Bernard Sieloff's source, Poland is in the MET time zone but # uses the WE DST rules. The Western USSR uses EET+1 and ME DST rules. # Bernard Sieloff's source claims Romania switches on the same day, but at # 00:00 standard time (i.e., 01:00 DST). It also claims that Turkey # switches on the same day, but switches on at 01:00 standard time # and off at 00:00 standard time (i.e., 01:00 DST) # Rule NAME FROM TO TYPE IN ON AT SAVE LETTER/S Rule GB-Eire 1986 max - Mar lastSun 1:00s 1:00 BST Rule GB-Eire 1986 max - Oct Sun>=23 1:00s 0 GMT Rule W-Eur 1986 max - Mar lastSun 1:00s 1:00 " DST" Rule W-Eur 1986 max - Sep lastSun 1:00s 0 - Rule M-Eur 1986 max - Mar lastSun 2:00s 1:00 " DST" Rule M-Eur 1986 max - Sep lastSun 2:00s 0 - Rule E-Eur 1986 max - Mar lastSun 3:00s 1:00 " DST" Rule E-Eur 1986 max - Sep lastSun 3:00s 0 - Rule Turkey 1986 max - Mar lastSun 1:00 1:00 " DST" Rule Turkey 1986 max - Sep lastSun 1:00 0 - Rule W-SU 1986 max - Mar lastSun 2:00s 1:00 " DST" Rule W-SU 1986 max - Sep lastSun 2:00s 0 - # Zone NAME GMTOFF RULES/SAVE FORMAT [UNTIL] Zone GB-Eire 0:00 GB-Eire %s Zone WET 0:00 W-Eur WET%s Zone Iceland 0:00 - WET Zone MET 1:00 M-Eur MET%s Zone Poland 1:00 W-Eur MET%s Zone EET 2:00 E-Eur EET%s Zone Turkey 3:00 Turkey EET%s Zone W-SU 3:00 M-Eur ???? # Tom Hoffman says that MET is also known as Central European Time Link MET CET # # And now, letters on the subject. . . # ############################################################################### # # ... # Date: Wed, 28 Jan 87 16:56:27 -0100 # From: seismo!mcvax!cgcha!wtho (Tom Hofmann) # Message-Id: <8701281556.AA22174@cgcha.uucp> # ... # Subject: Time zone handling # ... # # ...the European time rules are...standardized since 1981, when # most European counrties started DST. Before that year, only # a few countries (UK, France, Italy) had DST, each according # to own national rules. In 1981, however, DST started on # 'Apr firstSun', and not on 'Mar lastSun' as in the following # years... # But also since 1981 there are some more national exceptions # than listed in 'europe': Switzerland, for example, joined DST # one year later, Denmark ended DST on 'Oct 1' instead of 'Sep # lastSun' in 1981---I don't know how they handle now. # # Finally, DST ist always from 'Apr 1' to 'Oct 1' in the # Soviet Union (as far as I know). # # Tom Hofmann, Scientific Computer Center, CIBA-GEIGY AG, # 4002 Basle, Switzerland # UUCP: ...!mcvax!cernvax!cgcha!wtho # ############################################################################### # # ... # Date: Wed, 4 Feb 87 22:35:22 +0100 # From: seismo!mcvax!!dik (Dik T. Winter) # Message-Id: <> # ... # Subject: timezones # ... # # The information from Tom Hofmann is (as far as I know) not entirely correct. # After a request from chongo at amdahl I tried to retrieve all information # about DST in Europe. I was able to find all from about 1969. # # ...standardization # on DST in Europe started in about 1977 with switches on first Sunday in # April and last Sunday in September. In UK it was from last but 1 Sunday # in march to last Sunday in October. In 1981 UK joined Europe insofar that # the starting day for both shifted to last Sunday in March. And from 1982 # the whole of Europe used DST, with switch dates April 1 and October 1 in # the Sovjet Union. In 1985 the SU reverted to standard Europen switch # dates. Note that currently in the UK the switch back date appears not # to be the last Sunday in October, but 4 weeks after the last Sunday in # September (withness 1982 and 1983 with terminating days October 24 and 23). # # It should also be remembered that time-zones are not constants; e.g. # Portugal switched in 1976 from MET (or CET) to WET with DST, and the UK # used MET throughout from 1967 to 1969, and WET with DST before and after # that time. Note also that though there were rules for switch dates not # all countries abided to these dates, and many individual deviations # occurred, though not since 1982 I believe. Another note: it is always # assumed that DST is 1 hour ahead of normal time, this need not be the # case; at least in the Netherlands there have been times when DST was 2 hours # in advance of normal time. # # ... # dik t. winter, cwi, amsterdam, nederland # INTERNET : # BITNET/EARN: dik@mcvax   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa02348; 30 Mar 90 13:12 EST Received: from by VMB.brl.MIL id aa02097; 30 Mar 90 13:01 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa02015; 30 Mar 90 12:47 EST Received: from by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa20648; 30 Mar 90 12:24 EST Received: from by id ; Fri, 30 Mar 90 12:23:48 -0500 From: Stephen Wolff Received: by id ; Fri, 30 Mar 90 12:23:41 -0500 Date: Fri, 30 Mar 90 12:23:41 -0500 Message-Id: <> To: mike@BRL.MIL, Subject: Re: "Commercial" Use of InterNet? Cc: info-iris@BRL.MIL, SGI's distribution of software updates to its customers ENGAGED IN RESEARCH AND/OR EDUCATION is in perfect accord with the guidelines for acceptable use of NSFNET. If SGI wish to support customers engaged in OTHER activities, they should check with the Federal agency (if any) that sponsored those customers' access to the Internet in the first place; if what SGI wants to do is ok with the sponsor then NSFNET would, by virtue of an interagency "courtesy" agreement, carry the traffic. Cheers, -s   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa05554; 30 Mar 90 19:19 EST Received: from by VMB.brl.MIL id aa05443; 30 Mar 90 18:48 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa05432; 30 Mar 90 18:30 EST Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa01462; 30 Mar 90 18:15 EST Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA02552; Fri, 30 Mar 90 15:14:37 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 30 Mar 90 21:52:06 GMT From: John D Mccalpin Organization: College of Marine Studies, Univ. of Delaware Subject: graphics performance questions Message-Id: <5951@udccvax1.acs.udel.EDU> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL I am looking for info to help me evaluate the relative performance of several implementation strategies for my (mostly) 2-D graphics. My machine is a new 4D/25-Turbo. The graphical output desired consists of 2-D maps made out of color-filled rectangles. These maps are then displayed in an animated mode as fast as possible. The current code (the GASP system from Florida State --- Hi Al!) uses the 'rectf' subroutine in a pattern like: do icolor=1,n_colors call color(icolor) do ibox=1,n_boxes(icolor) call rectf ( x1(ibox), y1(ibox), x2(ibox), y2(ibox) ) end_do end_do Actually, the flow of control is quite a bit more complicated, but that gives the general idea. The observation is that this code is not much faster on the new machines (i.e. 4D/240GTX, 4D/25T) than on the old 3000 series. Apparently the new machines are spending too much time waiting for the graphics pipe to clear between instructions. Questions: (1) Is it possible that the triangular mesh routines will enable this to run faster? It would certainly provide a painless path for the introduction of a third dimension! The code would then look like: do istrip=1,n_strips bgntmesh() v3f(args) ! coords of upper left edge of rectangle v3f(args) ! coords of lower left edge of rectangle do i=1,n_boxes color(icolor(1)) ! set color of rectangle v3f(position) ! upper right vertex of rectangle ! draws upper half of rectangle v3f(position) ! lower right vertex of rectangle ! draws lower half of rectangle end_do endtmesh() end_do Of course, it would be greatly complicated by details.... Note that the color is changed with each new vertex/triangle. This is unavoidable -- I have already chosen the rectangles to be as long as possible before changing colors. (2) Minor point: What happens when the color number is changed in the middle of a t-mesh if the shade model is set to FLAT? My guess is that it uses the color in effect when the last vertex is drawn. (i.e. any vertex after the second in a list). If the shade model is set to GOURAUD, does it remember the color settings of each node and interpolate? Thanks for any bits of wisdom! -- John D. McCalpin Assistant Professor College of Marine Studies, U. Del.   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa05606; 30 Mar 90 19:42 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab05554; 30 Mar 90 19:31 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa05550; 30 Mar 90 19:15 EST Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa02054; 30 Mar 90 19:00 EST Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA04698; Fri, 30 Mar 90 15:47:25 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 30 Mar 90 17:40:57 GMT From: Tom Mitchell Organization: Silicon Graphics Computer Systems, Mountain View CA. 94039 Subject: Re: More batch job problems Message-Id: <> References: <10481@portia.Stanford.EDU> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <10481@portia.Stanford.EDU> dhinds@portia.Stanford.EDU (David Hinds) writes: * * We have an Iris 4D/240 system (4 processors), used for a combination * of interactive graphics and computation-intensive .... Some people have observed the following problem. The below 'Solution' is also diagnostic. As always make a backup of your work prior to making system changes. Do log -- changes in a $.49 spiral bound system notebook. Problem Description: - running 3.2, - have a multiprocessor machine, - running large jobs in the background, - cannot log in (can't get window manager started), - and can rlogin and login NOGRAPHICS. Temporary Solution: - su to root - edit file /usr/sysgen/master.d/kernel, - change line that reads: int network_processor = 1; to int network_processor = 0; - cp /unix /, - cd /etc/init.d - run ./autoconfig and answer y (yes) - sync - reboot (to restart your system). - test PS: This is addressed in the maint release. -- Thomas P. Mitchell -- "All things in moderation; including moderation."   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab05606; 30 Mar 90 19:42 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ac05554; 30 Mar 90 19:31 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa05552; 30 Mar 90 19:16 EST Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa02070; 30 Mar 90 19:00 EST Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA04905; Fri, 30 Mar 90 15:51:15 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 30 Mar 90 18:27:01 GMT From: Tom Mitchell Organization: Silicon Graphics Computer Systems, Mountain View CA. 94039 Subject: More on batch jobs Message-Id: <> References: <10481@portia.Stanford.EDU> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <10481@portia.Stanford.EDU> dhinds@portia.Stanford.EDU (David Hinds) writes: * * ...... improved batch * facilities in the next software release? * Many people (myself included) like to use all the cycles that a machine has. One of the problems and strengths of any UNIX is that there are almost no restrictions on I/O or cpu use. Applications can be built to be kind to others users on the system. Any application can do a sleep() system call. It might be useful to put together a small library 'be-kind.a' that has: be_kind_init() that inits a signal handler and deposits it PID in /usr/tmp/be-kind$$ be-kind_exit() that cleans its PID out of /usr/tmp/be-kind$$ be_kind_signal() that traps a signal and sleeps. Then a daemon can be built to send a signal, based on user interaction, to each PID in /usr/tmp/be-kind*. This is something that can be done by any user without superuser or vendor intervention. Some might elect to use IPC to notify the program. There is an internet project to factor large pseudo prime numbers (by mail). It is built to do just what I have outlined above. The below will get the package: Mail -s none < Organization: Silicon Graphics Computer Systems, Mountain View CA. 94039 Subject: Re: third party hard drives ... Message-Id: <> References: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <> frobinso@CAM.NAD.NORTHROP.COM writes: * * I have 4d80gt running 3.2 . I bought a Hitachi dk515-78. No manual * was provided. Using the same cables provided for the original dk512-17 * and the same controler, Interphase 3201, I assumed it would be a drop in * replacement. It doesn't work. Can anyone provide me with the proper * jumper Caution here: Most 780 disks are designed for a higher clock rate than the 3201 can manage. There is a new controller 4201 which does just fine. Caution all firmware releases on controllers are not equal. SUMMARY: Jumpers may not be the answer. -- Thomas P. Mitchell -- "All things in moderation; including moderation."   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa06140; 30 Mar 90 22:46 EST Received: from by VMB.brl.MIL id aa06095; 30 Mar 90 22:25 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa06093; 30 Mar 90 22:16 EST Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa03764; 30 Mar 90 21:59 EST Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA16692; Fri, 30 Mar 90 18:54:46 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 31 Mar 90 01:57:52 GMT From: John D Mccalpin Organization: College of Marine Studies, Univ. of Delaware Subject: Re: More on batch jobs Message-Id: <5953@udccvax1.acs.udel.EDU> References: <10481@portia.Stanford.EDU>, <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <> (Tom Mitchell) writes: >In article <10481@portia.Stanford.EDU> dhinds@portia.Stanford.EDU (David Hinds) writes: >* ...... improved batch >* facilities in the next software release? >Applications can be built to be kind to others users on the system. >Any application can do a sleep() system call. It might >be useful to put together a small library 'be-kind.a' that >has: [...details deleted...] > Thomas P. Mitchell -- > "All things in moderation; including moderation." I was considering learning how to set up an interrupt handler in a FORTRAN program and doing this very thing, but then I realized that there is a much more portable way of doing it. All of my large FORTRAN jobs are capable of doing their own check-point/restart, which makes it easier. Simply set up the job to periodically look for a particular file (I call it MESSAGE) with status='old' in the open statement. If the file does not exist, then the error branch just continues with the processing. If the file does exist, then the program does a graceful shutdown, depositing all necessary info for a restart into files. The next statement in the shell that ran the program submits an 'at' job to restart the program later. Although this is not so fancy as using signals or IPC, it does enable me to move the code around without any modifications..... -- John D. McCalpin Assistant Professor College of Marine Studies, U. Del.   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa08673; 31 Mar 90 18:12 EST Received: from by VMB.brl.MIL id aa08415; 31 Mar 90 17:51 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa08403; 31 Mar 90 17:33 EST Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa14233; 31 Mar 90 17:15 EST Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA07687; Sat, 31 Mar 90 14:03:14 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 31 Mar 90 21:33:22 GMT From: Vernon Schryver Organization: Silicon Graphics, Inc., Mountain View, CA Subject: Re: "Commercial" Use of InterNet? Message-Id: <> References: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Please notice that the author of the following is an Authority on what we at SGI might legally do or sanction be done to the Internet: In article <>, (Stephen Wolff) writes: > SGI's distribution of software updates to its customers ENGAGED IN RESEARCH > AND/OR EDUCATION is in perfect accord with the guidelines for acceptable use > of NSFNET. If SGI wish to support customers engaged in OTHER activities, > they should check with the Federal agency (if any) that sponsored those > customers' access to the Internet in the first place; if what SGI wants to > do is ok with the sponsor then NSFNET would, by virtue of an interagency > "courtesy" agreement, carry the traffic. Cheers, -s Please notice what it implies about Internet communications with customers without Federal sponsors for access to the Internet, including almost everyone with Internet email access thru Uunet. Vernon Schryver Silicon Graphics   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa09066; 31 Mar 90 20:59 EST Received: by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa08873; 31 Mar 90 20:50 EST Received: from by VMB.brl.MIL id aa08731; 31 Mar 90 19:15 EST Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa08716; 31 Mar 90 18:55 EST Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa15129; 31 Mar 90 18:30 EST Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA12359; Sat, 31 Mar 90 15:24:54 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 31 Mar 90 21:49:57 GMT From: Mark Bradley Organization: Solbourne Computer, Inc. Subject: Re: third party hard drives ... Message-Id: <1990Mar31.214957.6786@Solbourne.COM> References: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL The 3201 will not support the Hitachi 780 ESDI. You must upgrade to the 4201 in order to run this drive reliably. markb   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa10181; 1 Apr 90 4:30 EDT Received: from by VMB.brl.MIL id aa10128; 1 Apr 90 4:20 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa10124; 1 Apr 90 4:13 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa19663; 1 Apr 90 3:59 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA08327; Sat, 31 Mar 90 23:50:38 -0800 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 1 Apr 90 07:06:45 GMT From: Tom Stockfisch Organization: Chemistry Dept, UC San Diego Subject: Re: More on batch jobs Message-Id: <710@chem.ucsd.EDU> References: <10481@portia.Stanford.EDU*, <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <* (Tom Mitchell) writes: *In article <10481@portia.Stanford.EDU> dhinds@portia.Stanford.EDU (David Hinds) writes: ** ...... improved batch facilities in the next software release? *Applications can be built to be kind to others users on the system. *Any application can do a sleep() system call. It might *be useful to put together a small library 'be-kind.a' that *has: * be_kind_init() that inits a signal handler and deposits * it PID in /usr/tmp/be-kind$$ *... Why not just use nice or ndpri ? With ndpri you can get processes to use less than 1% of cpu time when a normal process is competing with it. No software modifications, and no worry that all processes are sleeping with noone using the cpu. -- || Tom Stockfisch, UCSD Chemistry   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa11105; 1 Apr 90 15:17 EDT Received: from by VMB.brl.MIL id aa11057; 1 Apr 90 14:35 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa11049; 1 Apr 90 14:16 EDT Date: Sun, 1 Apr 90 14:15:08 EDT From: Kurt Fickie To: info-iris@BRL.MIL cc: Subject: [Vernon Schryver: Re: "Commercial" Use of InterNet?] Message-ID: <9004011415.aa07291@IBD.BRL.MIL> In article <>, (Stephen Wolff) writes: >> SGI's distribution of software updates to its customers ENGAGED IN RESEARCH >> AND/OR EDUCATION is in perfect accord with the guidelines for acceptable use... Vernon Schryver of SGI writes in return: > Please notice what it implies about Internet communications with customers > without Federal sponsors for access to the Internet, including almost > everyone with Internet email access thru Uunet. I think Steve Wolff was being more subtle than that. Academic discussions about how to solve problems using SGI's, exchange of source code, expert advice from SGI gurus, etc., represent exemplary use of the Internet. This is what it was intended for. The *nature* of the exchange is what Steve is driving at. Vernon is bringing up the *who* which is much less important. The federal courts and government agencies have always focussed on the intent---not the issue of whether the offender had a federal sponsor. For example, a well-known graduate student of Cornell's computer science department had legitimate access to the Internet, but his use of the network was judged inappro- priate. I believe that the past traffic on 'info-iris' by SGI employees has been uniformly excellent and well within the guidance of Internet authorities. As an illustration, the recent note about Postscript/NeWs issues answered a number of questions which many of us have puzzled on. This saved us time and helped in making some decisions with our research programs. Most of the infor- mation exchanged in 'info-iris' is of general interest to the body of SGI users. This is great. Individual hot-line service subsidized by tax dollars is another matter. SGI officials are wise to think this through carefully. I believe that so long as the "general use" criterion is met then all is well. Transferring site-specific information to government or government-sponsored installations is also OK because it saves time and money. Other categories bring up shades of grey. I am certain that there is no body of law which clearly governs the use of Internet (are any laws clear?). Guidelines are just what they sound like. We live by ambiguity and this has worked pretty well over the years. The net gain of the network has far exceeded the costs. Kurt Fickie USA BRL Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD PS: I disagree with one of the employees from our lab. I think the SGI sales force has been very responsive. "To get mud on your motorcyle, you first have to take it out of the garage." "Analogies of motorcycles and graphic workstations are for pencil neck geeks."   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa11192; 1 Apr 90 16:04 EDT Received: from by VMB.brl.MIL id aa11135; 1 Apr 90 15:33 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa11131; 1 Apr 90 15:22 EDT Received: from by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa24561; 1 Apr 90 15:04 EDT Date: Sun, 1 Apr 90 15:05 EDT From: Subject: subnets/gateways To: info-iris@BRL.MIL X-VMS-To: IN%"" Message-ID: <9004011504.aa24561@SMOKE.BRL.MIL> I have a question that is not exactly SGI specific, but maybe someone will be generous enough to answer anyway. The particular Physics lab that I'm in has a PI, a Sun 3/60, and a number of PCs; we'd like to have as many as possible of these on Ethernet, but the Department Computing people charge us $50.00 per month *per networked device.* What I would like to do is form a subnet within the lab, and use one machine as a gateway. That way, we'd pay for only one connection, and wouldn't bother the rest of the dept.'s network with 99% of our traffic. The catch is that I can't use the PI's VME slot for a second Enet controller (it's in use for A to D.) Any suggestions? I don't know of anyone who makes a secondary controller for a 3/60, and would like to avoid dedicating a (rather slow) PC to this task. Thanks, Robert Sears University of Michigan, Dept. of Physics   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa19669; 2 Apr 90 11:51 EDT Received: from by VMB.brl.MIL id aa19469; 2 Apr 90 11:40 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa19429; 2 Apr 90 11:27 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa11856; 2 Apr 90 11:16 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA06926; Mon, 2 Apr 90 08:07:09 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 2 Apr 90 01:19:03 GMT From: David Hinds Organization: Stanford University Subject: Re: More on batch jobs Message-Id: <10653@portia.Stanford.EDU> References: <10481@portia.Stanford.EDU*, <>, <710@chem.ucsd.EDU> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <710@chem.ucsd.EDU>, (Tom Stockfisch) writes: > Why not just use nice or ndpri ? With ndpri you can get processes to > use less than 1% of cpu time when a normal process is competing with it. > No software modifications, and no worry that all processes are > sleeping with noone using the cpu. What is ndpri? Is it something different from npri? If it is the same as npri, the problem is that it is inconvenient to have to be superuser to knock down your own process's priority. And I don't know enough about Unix at this point to write a C program that I can give setuid priviliges to take care of this silently. Our problems were two-fold. First, even at maximum niceness, a process is still executed often enough to never be swapped out. And until last week, we were very short on system memory - 16MB for the 4 processor system. We've added another 16MB since then, so this problem has gone away. Second, due to what I now know was a bug in IRIX, the graphics console was constrained for some reason to run on processor 0. I'm still not clear on why this was a problem, but the result seems to be that when the system is loaded and background processes try to run on processor 0, it is impossible to even log on to the console. Anyway, with the extra memory, our most urgent problem is gone. But until we rebuild our kernel, we have to suspend batch jobs by hand whenever we want to use the console. -David Hinds   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa14304; 2 Apr 90 3:19 EDT Received: from by VMB.brl.MIL id aa14200; 2 Apr 90 2:48 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa14183; 2 Apr 90 2:34 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa00557; 2 Apr 90 2:14 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA12672; Sun, 1 Apr 90 23:07:46 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 2 Apr 90 05:44:52 GMT From: James Helman Organization: Stanford University Subject: Re: subnets/gateways Message-Id: References: <9004011504.aa24561@SMOKE.BRL.MIL> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL > we'd like to have as > many as possible of these on Ethernet, but the Department Computing > people charge us $50.00 per month *per networked device.* It sounds very regressive to charge $50 regardless of whether the machine is a PC or a Cray. Fortunately, at Stanford there aren't any charges. Caveat nettor. Unless you are a net whiz, be careful with gateways. Just buying an interface card and enabling the workstation as a gateway may not be enough. Back in the PUP days, the people who built our campus network used their own protocol for gateway routing exchanges. We had one guy who tried to use a Sun as a gateway to isolate his clients (an interface board is much cheaper than a bridge or a dedicated gateway). He got stuck. None of the real gateways knew about his. So his clients couldn't talk to any machines more than 1 hop away. He had a lot of trouble getting it to work at all. Eventually, he got a bridge. If your computing facilities folks count transceiver connections rather than logical connections, e.g. computers or IP addresses, you could buy a multiport transceiver, a repeater or a bridge. The bridge would be the best because it would isolate your traffic (except broadcasts) from the rest of the department. Vendors include DEC, Retix and Cabletron. Lots of people here use bridges to isolate heavy server-client sets (and dog fighter addicts) from the rest of the net. However, you should still use the department network number in your IP addresses and register your hosts with the domain name server so that people outside your department will be able to connect to them. If registering hosts would still cost you $50 a pop, don't even think about pirating addresses from the existing department address space. It's very antisocial, and people have been shot for less. Using a different network number might be OK, but check it out with someone who knows first. As RT Morris has learned, networks are not a good place for unauthorized experimentation. Jim Helman Department of Applied Physics 6 Trillium Lane Stanford University San Carlos, CA 94070 ( (415) 723-9127   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa18166; 2 Apr 90 9:57 EDT Received: from by VMB.brl.MIL id aa17959; 2 Apr 90 9:46 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa17431; 2 Apr 90 9:25 EDT Received: from by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa07187; 2 Apr 90 9:13 EDT Received: Mon, 2 Apr 90 08:14:47 EST by (5.52/5.6) Date: Mon, 2 Apr 90 08:14:47 EST From: "Brent L. Bates AAD/TAB MS294 x42854" Message-Id: <> To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Subject: HP drive and 3130 Does anyone know if a HP97544E 396Mb drive will work on a 3130. Interphase (the company that makes the Storager II board for the 3130) says it should work with the Storager II, but I don't know if there would be a SGI software problem or not. Any comments would be helpful. Thanks. -- Brent   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa22349; 2 Apr 90 14:05 EDT Received: from by VMB.brl.MIL id aa21546; 2 Apr 90 13:55 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa21462; 2 Apr 90 13:42 EDT Date: Mon, 2 Apr 90 13:40:07 EDT From: "John A. Condon" (BDB) To: info-iris@BRL.MIL cc: jac@BRL.MIL Subject: VideoCreator Message-ID: <9004021340.aa09487@TBD.BRL.MIL> To users: Does anyone have a VideoCreator (D4-VCON) on their 4D to run computer animation and record to VCR. I'm looking for an opinion of this hardware before we drop $8K on this option. You see, I've tried running the cg2.c routine in the /video directory (NTSC Standalone composite video with the Genlock option) but the picture is not that great on my video monitor (i.e., the colors and resolution is no where near the quality of my high resolution monitor, not that I expected it to be perfect). Does the VideoCreator give you better results than this cg2 option???? - John (the "Jersey Renegade")   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa23985; 2 Apr 90 15:07 EDT Received: from by VMB.brl.MIL id aa23337; 2 Apr 90 14:57 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa23155; 2 Apr 90 14:38 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa03111; 2 Apr 90 14:01 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA17338; Mon, 2 Apr 90 10:46:15 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 2 Apr 90 17:18:39 GMT From: Gary Tarolli Organization: Silicon Graphics, Inc., Mountain View, CA Subject: Re: graphics performance questions Message-Id: <> References: <5951@udccvax1.acs.udel.EDU> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <5951@udccvax1.acs.udel.EDU>, mccalpin@vax1.acs.udel.EDU (John D Mccalpin) writes: > I am looking for info to help me evaluate the relative performance > of several implementation strategies for my (mostly) 2-D graphics. > My machine is a new 4D/25-Turbo. > > The graphical output desired consists of 2-D maps made out of > color-filled rectangles. These maps are then displayed in an > animated mode as fast as possible. > . . . > > The observation is that this code is not much faster on the new machines > (i.e. 4D/240GTX, 4D/25T) than on the old 3000 series. Apparently the new > machines are spending too much time waiting for the graphics pipe to clear > between instructions. > > Questions: > (1) Is it possible that the triangular mesh routines will enable this > to run faster? It would certainly provide a painless path for the > introduction of a third dimension! > Yes, the tmesh would be much faster. However, the best performance on all machines is probably to draw quadrilaterials that are point sampled. This can be done using bgnpolygon/v/endpolygon, or by turning off the compatability flag for old style polygon filling: glcompat(GLC_OLDPOLYGON,FALSE); Unfortunately, the very handy rectf() commands fill "bloated" polygons which are more than twice as slow as point-sampled polygons on the GT/GTX/VGX machines. However, with glcompat, you can set a mode so that rectf() polygons are point sampled. The bgnpolygon/endpolygon commands always draw point-sampled polygons. For more info, check the GL graphics manuals. Also, if the data is never rotated on the screen and is not zbuffered you may try out the sboxf() command. It is very very fast on low end machines and shouldn't be any slower than rectf on high end machines. Be warned that many features like lighting do not work with sboxf(). In the future, we may introduce a quad-mesh command which would eliminate some of the unnecessary work in drawing a mesh of quads. You may keep your eyes open for this and test it out. On low end machines, the sboxf() optimizations may save more time than the quad-mesh optimizations though. -- Gary Tarolli   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab24699; 2 Apr 90 15:40 EDT Received: by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa24512; 2 Apr 90 15:37 EDT Received: from by VMB.brl.MIL id ab23985; 2 Apr 90 15:19 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa23593; 2 Apr 90 14:58 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa00762; 2 Apr 90 13:17 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA14955; Mon, 2 Apr 90 10:10:01 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 2 Apr 90 16:55:39 GMT From: Jim Bennett Organization: Silicon Graphics, Inc., Mountain View, CA Subject: Re: graphics performance questions Message-Id: <> References: <5951@udccvax1.acs.udel.EDU> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <5951@udccvax1.acs.udel.EDU>, mccalpin@vax1.acs.udel.EDU (John D Mccalpin) writes: > I am looking for info to help me evaluate the relative performance > of several implementation strategies for my (mostly) 2-D graphics. > Questions: > (1) Is it possible that the triangular mesh routines will enable this > to run faster? It would certainly provide a painless path for the > introduction of a third dimension! On the GT and GTX architectures, the use of bgntmesh(), v(), v(), ... should run faster than the rectf() in general. Be sure to set shademodel(FLAT) to get the rectangles to be all one color. If the rectangles are screen aligned, then sboxf() will give you the best performance. If none of this helps, then you may be fill rate limited, especially on the 4D/25. > (2) Minor point: What happens when the color number is changed in the > middle of a t-mesh if the shade model is set to FLAT? > My guess is that it uses the color in effect when the last vertex > is drawn. Yes. > If the shade model is set to GOURAUD, does it remember the color > settings of each node and interpolate? Yes. > John D. McCalpin > Assistant Professor > College of Marine Studies, U. Del. Jim Bennett (   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa25735; 2 Apr 90 16:21 EDT Received: from by VMB.brl.MIL id aa25168; 2 Apr 90 16:11 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa25092; 2 Apr 90 15:59 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa06072; 2 Apr 90 15:31 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA24054; Mon, 2 Apr 90 12:23:39 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 2 Apr 90 17:25:40 GMT From: Kipp Hickman Organization: Silicon Graphics, Entry Systems Division Subject: Re: graphics performance questions Message-Id: <> References: <5951@udccvax1.acs.udel.EDU> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL If your rectangles are "screen aligned", then you can switch to the "sbox" command on the 4D/25 and double (or more) your rectangle rate. Screen aligned means that the rectangles aren't rotated... kipp hickman silicon graphics inc.   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa27688; 2 Apr 90 18:33 EDT Received: from by VMB.brl.MIL id aa27469; 2 Apr 90 18:12 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa27315; 2 Apr 90 18:03 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa09038; 2 Apr 90 17:47 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA01950; Mon, 2 Apr 90 14:18:38 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 2 Apr 90 18:33:14 GMT From: Dave Olson Subject: Re: Writing Low Density Tapes from a Personal Iris Message-Id: <> References: <23482@pasteur.Berkeley.EDU> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <23482@pasteur.Berkeley.EDU> hohmeyer@miro.Berkeley.EDU (Michael E. Hohmeyer) writes: | I need to be able to transfer files from a personal | iris to a GT via tape. Unfortunately the personal iris writes | high density that the GT cannot read. A friend tells me that there | is a way to write low density tapes. Does anyone know how to | do this? | Thanks, | Mike. This has been said many times in this group, but I guess it bears repeating. The Archive 2150S (QIC-150) drive is NOT able to write in QIC-11 or QIC-24 format. It IS able to read QIC-24 tapes. The recently qualified Tandberg tape drive being shipped in Europe will operate only in the QIC-150 mode. This drive can also read and write QIC-120 format tapes ( ~120 Mb on a 600A cartridge). The drive firmware dectects the cartridge type based on the hole pattern and the distance between the holes at the beginning of the tape. We do sell the Archive 2060S (QIC-24) tape drive for those customers who require the ability to write QIC-24 tapes on the PI. This drive will NOT read or write QIC-11, QIC-120, or QIC-150 tapes. Dave Olson Life would be so much easier if we could just look at the source code.   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa28224; 2 Apr 90 20:04 EDT Received: from by VMB.brl.MIL id ab28108; 2 Apr 90 19:54 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab28062; 2 Apr 90 19:43 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa09766; 2 Apr 90 19:24 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA09662; Mon, 2 Apr 90 16:15:14 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 2 Apr 90 22:37:04 GMT From: John H Merritt Organization: Goddard Space Flight Center Climate and Radiation Branch Subject: cc dumped core. Message-Id: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL 'cc' dumped core on this one! ------- Cut here ------ void main(argc, argv) int argc; char **argv; { int input; if ( (input == -1) { perror(argv[1]); exit(-1); } if ( (output=creat(argv[2], 0644)) == -1) { perror(argv[2]); exit(-1); } exit(0); } } ------- Cut here ------ And the messages: ------- Cut here ------ ccom: Error: d.c, line 8: syntax error if ( (input == -1) { ---------------------^ ccom: Error: d.c, line 13: syntax error if ( (output=creat(argv[2], 0644)) == -1) -----^ ccom: Error: d.c, line 13: syntax error if ( (output=creat(argv[2], 0644)) == -1) ----------------^ ccom: Warning: d.c, line 13: undeclared initializer name argv if ( (output=creat(argv[2], 0644)) == -1) ---------------------------^ ccom: Error: d.c, line 13: illegal indirection if ( (output=creat(argv[2], 0644)) == -1) -----------------------------^ Fatal error in: /usr/lib/ccom - core dumped Signal 139 ------- Cut here ------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ John H. Merritt # Yesterday I knew nothing, Applied Research Corporation # Today I know that. #   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa28413; 2 Apr 90 20:13 EDT Received: from by VMB.brl.MIL id aa28108; 2 Apr 90 19:53 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa28062; 2 Apr 90 19:43 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa09760; 2 Apr 90 19:22 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA08786; Mon, 2 Apr 90 16:02:33 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 2 Apr 90 22:31:09 GMT From: Tom Stockfisch Organization: Chemistry Dept, UC San Diego Subject: Re: More on batch jobs Message-Id: <715@chem.ucsd.EDU> References: <>, <710@chem.ucsd.EDU>, <10653@portia.Stanford.EDU> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <10653@portia.Stanford.EDU> dhinds@portia.Stanford.EDU (David Hinds) writes: >In article <710@chem.ucsd.EDU>, (Tom Stockfisch) writes: >> Why not just use nice or ndpri ? With ndpri you can get processes to >> sleeping with noone using the cpu. > What is ndpri? Is it something different from npri? Sorry, typo. >If it is the same >as npri, the problem is that it is inconvenient to have to be superuser to >knock down your own process's priority. I forgot about this. I wrote a program "nice2" using schedctl() calls before I found out about the existence of npri. It changes the non-decaying priority. It must run setuid 0, but checks that a user doesn't speed up a process beyond "normal" speed, and also allows changing only one's own processes. For convenience, I also wrote "slow", which changes the ndpriority to +128, and "fast" which changes the priority back to normal. Let me know if you want these, and I'll mail them to you. > Our problems were two-fold. First, even at maximum niceness, a process >is still executed often enough to never be swapped out. At +128 processes will swap out, but the trouble is they will also swap back in, so that if swapping is happening, things still grind to a halt. Does anyone know how to avoid this? If this is impossible, sgi, are you listening? We need some way to keep a low priority process locked out of memory long enough to get something useful done on more important processes. >But until we rebuild our kernel, we have to suspend batch jobs by >hand whenever we want to use the console. Do you have a reasonable method to suspend jobs after you have logged out and logged back in? (That is, other than starting up edge and attaching to the process in question). -- || Tom Stockfisch, UCSD Chemistry   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab28413; 2 Apr 90 20:14 EDT Received: from by VMB.brl.MIL id ab28224; 2 Apr 90 20:11 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa25818; 2 Apr 90 16:23 EDT Received: from by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa06328; 2 Apr 90 15:41 EDT Received: from VM.NRC.CA by VM.NRC.CA (IBM VM SMTP R1.2.2MX) with BSMTP id 3104; Mon, 02 Apr 90 15:39:21 EDT Received: by NRCVM01 (Mailer R2.06) id 3103; Mon, 02 Apr 90 15:39:20 EDT Date: Mon, 02 Apr 90 15:39:02 EDT From: "John S. Tse" Subject: Third party disk To: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL Message-ID: <9004021541.aa06328@SMOKE.BRL.MIL> Resent-Date: Mon, 2 Apr 90 19:54:33 EDT Resent-From: Chuck Kennedy Resent-To: info-iris@BRL I have installed a third party disk on a 4D/25S without any problem. It is a WREN VI 766 Mb CDC disk from Imprimis. The installation and formatting is straight forward. John S. Tse Division of Chemistry National Research Council of Canada MLK @ NRCVM01   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ac28413; 2 Apr 90 20:14 EDT Received: from by VMB.brl.MIL id ac28224; 2 Apr 90 20:11 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa24632; 2 Apr 90 15:37 EDT Received: from by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa05574; 2 Apr 90 15:14 EDT X400-Received: by /PRMD=inria/ADMD=atlas/C=FR/; Relayed; 02 Apr 90 21:16:03+0100 X400-Received: by /PRMD=ch/ADMD=/C=/; Relayed; 02 Apr 90 21:13:01+0100 Date: 02 Apr 90 21:13:01+0100 From: Reinhard Doelz In-Reply-To: <10653@portia.Stanford.EDU> To: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL Subject: Re: More on batch jobs References: <>, <710@chem.ucsd.EDU> Message-ID: <268*> Resent-Date: Mon, 2 Apr 90 19:54:40 EDT Resent-From: Chuck Kennedy Resent-To: info-iris@BRL David: ... why be a su in order to knock down users? well, we have a crontab which is executed by root grepping all procsesses which are beyond a certain limit in CPU time and the crontab wakes up every 15 mins to do its job. ... to rebuild the kernel thats easy to be done *IF YOU HAVE A BACKUP OF YOUR OS* or if you're running 3.2.2. ... general comment on this discussion: Wait for the NQS product to be released, it does most of what you need. - Reinhard   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa28841; 2 Apr 90 21:01 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa28775; 2 Apr 90 20:51 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa28772; 2 Apr 90 20:41 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa10198; 2 Apr 90 20:17 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA13374; Mon, 2 Apr 90 17:12:48 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 2 Apr 90 21:22:50 GMT From: Super-User Subject: Re: Writing Low Density Tapes from a Personal Iris Message-Id: <> References: <23482@pasteur.Berkeley.EDU>, <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <> (Dave Olson) writes: | This has been said many times in this group, but I guess it bears repeating. | The Archive 2150S (QIC-150) drive is NOT able to write in QIC-11 or QIC-24 | format. It IS able to read QIC-24 tapes. The recently qualified Tandberg | tape drive being shipped in Europe will operate only in the QIC-150 mode. | | This drive can also read and write QIC-120 format tapes ( ~120 Mb on a 600A | cartridge). The drive firmware dectects the cartridge type based on the | hole pattern and the distance between the holes at the beginning of the | tape. Sorry if the above confused anyone. I added the Tandberg sentence and didn't notice that the meaning of the above paragraph was no longer clear. It is the Archive 2150S which can read and write QIC-120 format tapes, NOT the Tandberg.   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa28968; 2 Apr 90 21:19 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab28841; 2 Apr 90 21:09 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa28811; 2 Apr 90 20:57 EDT Received: from Icarus2.AE.MsState.Edu by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa10333; 2 Apr 90 20:44 EDT Received: by Icarus2.AE.MsState.Edu (4.1/5.0s); id AA06987; Mon, 2 Apr 90 19:49:47 CDT Date: Mon, 2 Apr 90 19:49:47 CDT From: Larry Thorne Message-Id: <9004030049.AA06987@Icarus2.AE.MsState.Edu> To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Subject: QMS Colorscript printers on SGI? We are evaluating a QMS Colorscript 100 Mod 10 color postscript printer. It works fine with our Macs, but I haven't found a way yet to make it work with our 4D/70GT (and we have 4D/25s and a 4D/240VGX arriving...). Does anyone know how to capture screendumps and print them (in color) on this printer? Our main visualization software is plot3d, but we would like to be able to print ANY screen dump. At this point, I don't know if plot3d produces Encapsulated Postscript Files. The QMS sales people say they have several customers using this box with an SGI machine, but nobody seems to know how to print to it. Any & all help appreciated! As usual, responses will be posted if requested. Larry Thorne   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa29187; 2 Apr 90 21:59 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa29045; 2 Apr 90 21:49 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa29004; 2 Apr 90 21:31 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa10636; 2 Apr 90 21:14 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA17227; Mon, 2 Apr 90 18:10:33 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 3 Apr 90 01:00:39 GMT From: "Mark D. Hanes" Organization: CWRU Dept. of Macromolecular Science Subject: Info on color output Message-Id: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Our department is purchasing two Silicon Graphics workstations and I am interested in comments on how people are producing color output. We would like to generate output on overheads, VHS, and 35mm slide film. Any information regarding commercial products including company, telephone number, price range, and quality of output would be appreciated. We will be doing molecular modelling with a Personal Iris and a 4D/220. -- ************************************************************************ Mark Hanes --- Department of Macromolecular Science Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH 44106   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa29630; 2 Apr 90 22:30 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa29371; 2 Apr 90 22:20 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa29281; 2 Apr 90 22:06 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa11083; 2 Apr 90 21:59 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA19655; Mon, 2 Apr 90 18:47:30 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 2 Apr 90 18:31:16 GMT From: Rick Becker Organization: AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill NJ Subject: Polygon Decomposition Algorithm Wanted Message-Id: <10657@alice.UUCP> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL One of the limitations of the GT Graphics on the Iris 4D series of machines is that the polygon processor uses a 255 element vertex buffer to render polygons, thus limiting polygons to 255 vertices. This is insufficient for many cartographic applications, where a ragged coastline can easily produce polygons with 1000 or more vertices. Has anyone written a routine that can be used to decompose a large polygon into a series of smaller polygons, each of which can be handled on the GT machines? -- Rick Becker alice!rab   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa01038; 2 Apr 90 22:47 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab29630; 2 Apr 90 22:37 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa29513; 2 Apr 90 22:22 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa11096; 2 Apr 90 22:01 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA20152; Mon, 2 Apr 90 18:55:11 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 3 Apr 90 01:25:27 GMT From: John D Mccalpin Organization: College of Marine Studies, Univ. of Delaware Subject: Re: graphics performance questions Message-Id: <5964@udccvax1.acs.udel.EDU> References: <5951@udccvax1.acs.udel.EDU> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <5951@udccvax1.acs.udel.EDU> mccalpin@vax1.acs.udel.EDU (John D Mccalpin) writes: >I am looking for info to help me evaluate the relative performance >of several implementation strategies for my (mostly) 2-D graphics. >My machine is a new 4D/25-Turbo. > >The graphical output desired consists of 2-D maps made out of >color-filled rectangles. These maps are then displayed in an >animated mode as fast as possible. Many thanks to the folks at SGI for the helpful answers. The first answer is to use `sbox' instead of `rectf'. That is a single-line replacement in the code, and gave me speedups of 17%-72%, depending on which of the movies I was displaying. The `sbox' call also gives very interesting results when you rotate the viewpoint! (Note that it is not supposed to work in this case, but it is interesting to see what it does!). The second answer is that tmesh's should be even faster, though it would take considerably more work to verify that for my code.... The CPU is pretty busy now in the `sbox' version of the code: 35% user 35% intr 7% system 10% gfxf 8% gfxc 5% idle I guess that the interrupts are dominated by the 9000 interrupts per second when the graphics unit tells the cpu that the FIFO is full. This number was only about 3000/second with the rectf version of the code.... -- John D. McCalpin Assistant Professor College of Marine Studies, U. Del.   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa05701; 3 Apr 90 0:31 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa05596; 3 Apr 90 0:20 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa05570; 3 Apr 90 0:09 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa11963; 2 Apr 90 23:59 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA27637; Mon, 2 Apr 90 20:49:52 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 3 Apr 90 00:15:59 GMT From: "Roger B.A. Klorese" Organization: MIPS Computer Systems, Sunnyvale, CA Subject: Re: cc dumped core. Message-Id: <37606@mips.mips.COM> References: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <> (John H Merritt) writes: >'cc' dumped core on this one! >Fatal error in: /usr/lib/ccom - core dumped > Signal 139 Broken in Mips' 1.31 compilers, fixed in 2.0 and 2.10. -- ROGER B.A. KLORESE MIPS Computer Systems, Inc. phone: +1 408 720-2939 MS 4-02 928 E. Arques Ave. Sunnyvale, CA 94086 rogerk@mips.COM {ames,decwrl,pyramid}!mips!rogerk "I'm the NLA" "Two guys, one cart, fresh pasta... *you* figure it out." -- Suzanne Sugarbaker   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa03222; 3 Apr 90 9:06 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa01830; 3 Apr 90 8:33 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa01786; 3 Apr 90 8:17 EDT Received: from by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa16375; 3 Apr 90 8:11 EDT Received: Tue, 3 Apr 90 08:11:57 EST by (5.52/5.6) Date: Tue, 3 Apr 90 08:11:57 EST From: "Brent L. Bates AAD/TAB MS294 x42854" Message-Id: <> To: Subject: Re: QMS Colorscript printers on SGI? Cc: info-iris@BRL.MIL PLOT3D version 3.6 lets you dump PostScript files, but they are only black and white or grayscale. It shouldn't be too difficult to write something to do what you want. I have written some software to convert PLOT3D (GAS & SURF) "*.ras" files to Tektronix 4693D, Celco, and PostScript formats. The PostScript is black and white or grayscale, I don't think it should be too difficult to add color PostScript. We don't have a color PostScript printer so I haven't put that option in. I use the PostScript "image" format for my PostScript files. -- Brent L. Bates NASA-Langley Research Center M.S. 361 Hampton, Virginia 23665-5225 (804) 864-2854 E-mail: or   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab03222; 3 Apr 90 9:06 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa02429; 3 Apr 90 8:55 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa01859; 3 Apr 90 8:31 EDT Received: from by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa16798; 3 Apr 90 8:21 EDT Received: Tue, 3 Apr 90 08:22:40 EST by (5.52/5.6) Date: Tue, 3 Apr 90 08:22:40 EST From: "Brent L. Bates AAD/TAB MS294 x42854" Message-Id: <> To:!CWMAC6.CWRU.Edu! Subject: Re: Info on color output Cc: info-iris@BRL.MIL Here at Langley we have a centrally located Celco Film recorder. We get overheads, 35mm slides, 4"x5" negatives, other formats are available but I personally haven't used any of the others. For quick copies we have a Tektronix 4693D thermal hardcopy device. We are very pleased with the quality of the output, I haven't seen any better. We get paper hardcopies and tranparencies from ther 4693D. The unit is a 4 pass system, yellow, magenta, cyan, and black. The black makes paper copies look much better than 3 pass systems. One problem thou, if you have a very dark or black back ground, tranparencies tend to melt on the overhead projector. Tranparencies work better if you don't include the black pass, but this is no problem to change, it is a menu option on the printer. If we need black and white or grayscale (so we can make "Xerox" copies) we send the output to our laser printer. We have an Apple (not sure of model) and a NEC 890. They are ok, as far as laser printers are concerned, but we are looking into getting some better ones. -- Brent L. Bates NASA-Langley Research Center M.S. 361 Hampton, Virginia 23665-5225 (804) 864-2854 E-mail: or   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa04373; 3 Apr 90 9:27 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa01474; 3 Apr 90 8:16 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa01390; 3 Apr 90 8:01 EDT Received: from by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa15783; 3 Apr 90 7:54 EDT Received: Tue, 3 Apr 90 07:54:52 EST by (5.52/5.6) Date: Tue, 3 Apr 90 07:54:52 EST From: "Brent L. Bates AAD/TAB MS294 x42854" Message-Id: <> To: dftsrv!! Subject: Re: cc dumped core. Cc: info-iris@BRL.MIL I belive it. You have an extra "(" in that first line. -- Brent L. Bates NASA-Langley Research Center M.S. 361 Hampton, Virginia 23665-5225 (804) 864-2854 E-mail: or   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa08589; 3 Apr 90 14:18 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa08250; 3 Apr 90 14:07 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa07970; 3 Apr 90 13:40 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa26611; 3 Apr 90 13:30 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA14867; Tue, 3 Apr 90 10:28:39 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 3 Apr 90 16:37:30 GMT From: "David B. Anderson" Organization: Silicon Graphics, Inc., Mountain View, CA Subject: Re: cc dumped core. Message-Id: <> References: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <> (John H Merritt) writes: > >'cc' dumped core on this one! [ ] >Fatal error in: /usr/lib/ccom - core dumped > Signal 139 [ ] This is a known bug. Fixed in /usr/lib/ccom as part of the release after 3.2. Regards, [ David B. Anderson Silicon Graphics (415)335-1548 ] ``I ca'n't explain *myself*, I'm afraid, Sir,'' said Alice, ``because I'm not myself you see.'' ``I don't see,'' said the Caterpillar. --Advice from a Caterpillar (in Alice in Wonderland)   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab08589; 3 Apr 90 14:18 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab08250; 3 Apr 90 14:07 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa08228; 3 Apr 90 13:55 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa27156; 3 Apr 90 13:46 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA15734; Tue, 3 Apr 90 10:40:08 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 3 Apr 90 17:27:57 GMT From: Tom Haapanen Organization: University of Waterloo, WATMIMS Research Group Subject: Re: cc dumped core. Message-Id: <> References: <>, <37606@mips.mips.COM>, <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL >In article <37606@mips.mips.COM> rogerk@mips.COM (Roger B.A. Klorese) writes: >> Broken in Mips' 1.31 compilers, fixed in 2.0 and 2.10. John H Merritt writes: > And in which future release of the op-sys can we expect to see this > version of the C compilier? And might the 2.x compiler finally be ANSI C? The current compiler produces great code, but it won't be long before non-ANSI C compilers will be considered brain-damaged. [ \tom haapanen -- university of waterloo -- ] [ comp.binaries.os2 moderator -- submissions to ] [ "i say what i say, but i say it for myself and myself only" -- me ] [ "i don't even know what street canada is on" -- al capone ]   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa08973; 3 Apr 90 14:39 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa07920; 3 Apr 90 13:47 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa07911; 3 Apr 90 13:36 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa26168; 3 Apr 90 13:18 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA13322; Tue, 3 Apr 90 10:02:55 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 3 Apr 90 14:08:53 GMT From: "Loren (Buck" MMDF-Warning: Parse error in original version of preceding line at BRL.MIL Organization: Computer Sciences Corporation @ NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Subject: Re: Nine track tape drive and PI Message-Id: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Hi Netlanders, Here is my response document to my earlier post requesting comments about 9 track tape drives and the PI. A couple of suggestions were to use the tape drive on a remote machine and transfering the data via Ethernet. Unfortunately, the only machine we have an Ethernet connection to is a messy-dos clone. Because of space problems the tape drive has to be either rack mounted or be located some distance away (100' to 150' as the cable flies). All we need to is to use dd to dump a few files (we already do this on a Sun and transfer via cartridge tape [and we can't do that in the operational control room]) and use custom software to reformat the files for use on the PI or the messy-dos clone via PC-NFS. Since the tape drive is going to be used in a control room for a spacecraft, reliability is a major concern. The maintenance people do not like the autoloaders, but to have a manual loader we either have to have it slide out of the rack or have it in the next room. From: Scott_Klosterman DO NOT BUY A CIPHER!!!! They are total pieces of shit with a lifetime of about one month. I have gone through SIX of them (Thanks to maintenance contracts) New ones last about three months, rebuilds last about a month, before they need fixed. SGI can't fix them so they swap them out for a re-build. I've heard that Kennedy makes a good drive. From: contex!lacey@uunet.UU.NET (Dan Lacey) We currently ship a Cipher M990 1/2" tape drive to our customers. The reliability is good. I would prefer a CDC direct drive ( but the only ones we use come in BIG boxes and is not autoloading). If you could be more specific about: 1) How you will interface electrically (SCSI, Pertec) 2) What applications (tar, I will write my own (can be scary)) I may be able to be more specific. The SGI's kernel (4D) knows about Kennedy drives, but I do not. HAVE FUN LACEY From: contex!lacey@uunet.UU.NET (Dan Lacey) Hi Buck, If you would like to use the Cipher M990 drive, you will need the following: 1) Cipher M990 drive (It has a Pertec interface) 2) Cipher CSC 100 (Pertec to SCSI "piggy-back module) 3) SGI Field Information Bulletin FB45 This will list what Cipher options to set for best performance. 4) SCSI cable. This is all you need for most applications. We had to modify the tpsc driver to handle logical EOT correctly for our application (ANSI tape format). Just a reminder: I have no experience with the Kennedy tape drives although they are supported by SGI. The address I have for Cipher is: Cipher Data Products, Inc. 10101 Old Grove Road P.O. Box 85170 San Diego, California 92138 Tele: 1-800-4-CIPHER TWX: 910-335-1251 Remember to set the SCSI address of the drive to something sane: Not 1 (main disk) or 2 (1/4" tape drive). Your system MAKEDEV file will use the tape drive with the highest SCSI address for /dev/tape. So, if you get things running, and /dev/tape spins the 1/2" drive, you'll know why. This is easy enough to fix. Unix on SGI PI's is smart enough to find the drive on the SCSI bus at boot time. HAVE FUN! GOOD LUCK LACEY -- ===================================================================== | Dan "GO FOR IT" Lacey | "It never got weird enough." | | Senior Software Engineer | Dr. H.S.Thompson | | Xyvision Design Systems, Inc. | | | 101 Edgewater Drive | | | Wakefield, MA. 01880 | | | (617) 245-9004 X5575 | | | contex! | | ===================================================================== From: (Dave Olson) If you can keep it close to the PI, then the Kennedy 9612 will do the job, although it is a tad expensive. The 9612 is the standard 9610 (quad density: 800, 1600, 3200, 6250, autoloading, software density select, etc.) with a SCSI interface. We support it in both fixed and variable block size modes, at all 4 densities. Since we don't support differential scsi, it will have to be within 10 feet of the PI. I have no idea what the official price is, but I can tell you that the one on our price list is 100% stock Kennedy, except for the SGI nameplate. I seem to recall the price was around $10K, but that could be way off. There are some other SCSI 9 track drives out there, but I haven't tried them, so I don't know if they will work or not, but my guess is that they won't. This is because the driver supports about 8 different models of tape drives, and decides what drive specific stuff to do based on the inquiry string returned. -- Dave Olson Life would be so much easier if we could just look at the source code. Thanks & B Cing U Buck Loren "Buck" Buchanan | internet: | standard disclaimer CSC, 1100 West St. | uucp: ...!ames!dftsrv!drax!buck | "By the horns of a Laurel, MD 20707 | phonenet: (301) 497-2531 or 9898 | sky demon..."   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ac08973; 3 Apr 90 14:50 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ac08589; 3 Apr 90 14:28 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa08556; 3 Apr 90 14:13 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa27849; 3 Apr 90 14:03 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA16690; Tue, 3 Apr 90 10:52:05 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 3 Apr 90 17:44:51 GMT From: Tim Hall Organization: Boston University Subject: menu and color table editor code Message-Id: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL There have been, in the past, questions about what the SGI pop up menus can and cannot do. Most of these questions were about problems that I had also run into. As a result awhile ago I started to write my own menus to provide myself with more functionality. Anyhow, this code is available via anonymous ftp to ( It is in the "sgi" directory. There are two files "Menu.tar" (the menu code) and "Ctedit.tar". Ctedit is a color table editor that uses splines or a frequency/phase method of modifying a color table. The following is a part of the README file from the menus... Some things it does that people on the net have inquired about are.... 1) You can attach a pop up menu to any or all mouse buttons. 2) It has menus that will stay open until closed. This way you can choose more than one item at a time. 3) You can specify the point on the screen that menus will open. 4) A value associated with a menu item is passed to the callback function along with the index of the chosen menu item. Some additional things it does.... 1) It has panels. By a "panel" I mean a menu whose elements are sliders. 2) A means of "ripping out" and "putting in" menu elements. I use this to associate menu elements with one another. For example in my "scientific visualization" code I have a menu of files that have submenus of data elements within the file. A different menu has slots that define the points and colors of a plot/surface/volume /whatever. The user can then "rip out" the data elements and "put in" to one of the slots of the plot menu and thus build a plot. 3) A way of modifing a menu without deallocating and rebuilding the whole thing. -Tim Hall   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa09539; 3 Apr 90 15:00 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab08973; 3 Apr 90 14:50 EDT Received: by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa08664; 3 Apr 90 14:21 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa07904; 3 Apr 90 13:36 EDT Received: from [] by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa26011; 3 Apr 90 13:14 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA13328; Tue, 3 Apr 90 10:03:01 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 3 Apr 90 14:25:46 GMT From: John H Merritt Organization: Goddard Space Flight Center Climate and Radiation Branch Subject: Re: cc dumped core. Message-Id: <> References: <>, <37606@mips.mips.COM> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <37606@mips.mips.COM> rogerk@mips.COM (Roger B.A. Klorese) writes: >In article <> (John H Merritt) writes: >>'cc' dumped core on this one! >>Fatal error in: /usr/lib/ccom - core dumped >> Signal 139 > >Broken in Mips' 1.31 compilers, fixed in 2.0 and 2.10. And in which future release of the op-sys can we expect to see this version of the C compilier? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ John H. Merritt # Yesterday I knew nothing, Applied Research Corporation # Today I know that. #   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa12574; 3 Apr 90 18:17 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa12204; 3 Apr 90 18:06 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa12121; 3 Apr 90 17:55 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa03474; 3 Apr 90 17:34 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA00747; Tue, 3 Apr 90 14:04:15 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 3 Apr 90 21:00:48 GMT From: "Roger B.A. Klorese" Organization: MIPS Computer Systems, Sunnyvale, CA Subject: Re: cc dumped core. Message-Id: <37628@mips.mips.COM> References: <37606@mips.mips.COM>, <>, <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <> (Tom Haapanen) writes: >>In article <37606@mips.mips.COM> rogerk@mips.COM (Roger B.A. Klorese) writes: >>> Broken in Mips' 1.31 compilers, fixed in 2.0 and 2.10. > >John H Merritt writes: >> And in which future release of the op-sys can we expect to see this >> version of the C compilier? > >And might the 2.x compiler finally be ANSI C? The current compiler >produces great code, but it won't be long before non-ANSI C compilers >will be considered brain-damaged. Mips will be shipping an ANSI C compiler later this year to its customers and technology licensees. I don't know how the licensees (SGI among them) intend to ship it, whether as a separate product or as an upgrade. -- ROGER B.A. KLORESE MIPS Computer Systems, Inc. phone: +1 408 720-2939 MS 4-02 928 E. Arques Ave. Sunnyvale, CA 94086 rogerk@mips.COM {ames,decwrl,pyramid}!mips!rogerk "I'm the NLA" "Two guys, one cart, fresh pasta... *you* figure it out." -- Suzanne Sugarbaker   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa12653; 3 Apr 90 18:35 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab12574; 3 Apr 90 18:25 EDT Received: by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab12540; 3 Apr 90 18:15 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa11396; 3 Apr 90 16:42 EDT Received: from Princeton.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa02558; 3 Apr 90 16:33 EDT Received: from acm.Princeton.EDU by Princeton.EDU (5.58+++/2.32/mailrelay) id AA22986; Tue, 3 Apr 90 16:32:39 EDT Received: from taylor.Princeton.EDU by acm.Princeton.EDU (5.61/1.100) id AA12266; Tue, 3 Apr 90 16:33:39 -0400 Received: by taylor.Princeton.EDU (5.61/1.95) id AA05123; Tue, 3 Apr 90 16:33:37 -0400 Date: Tue, 3 Apr 90 16:33:37 -0400 From: Message-Id: <9004032033.AA05123@taylor.Princeton.EDU> To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Subject: I have done it before but I forgot Can someone remind me of the trick one needs to do to get an iris to use another's remote tape drive? I know you have to setenv netaddr, but I thought there were some other setenv's too (like broadcast/netmask and possibly the ip address of the remote host). Also, do you need to have bootp or any other entry in /etc/services? (my configuration is this, subnetted ethernet, broadcast=, netmask= --ams _________________________________________________________________________ Andrew Simms, System Manager Program in Applied and Computational Mathematics Princeton University 218 Fine Hall, Washington Road Princeton, NJ 08544 609/258-5324 609/258-1054 (fax)   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa12973; 3 Apr 90 19:14 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa12843; 3 Apr 90 19:04 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa12719; 3 Apr 90 18:46 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa03857; 3 Apr 90 18:14 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA04723; Tue, 3 Apr 90 15:07:35 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 3 Apr 90 21:18:25 GMT From: "James P. Loan" Organization: Computer Science Department, Stanford University Subject: 4sight questions Message-Id: <1990Apr3.211825.17087@Neon.Stanford.EDU> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL I am trying to write an application under 4sight that involves 6 - 10 windows, most of which are "tools" which are stowed in the toolbox most of the time. (1) Is it possible to create windows that are initially iconic? And can I force the icon to be at a certain position and not let the user move it, while still letting him move and resize the open window? (2) Like jot does, how can I specify the starting size and position of a window, but still let the user resize it? Prefposition seems to force the window to always remain at that size. Thanks in advance, pete loan P.S. Thanks to the half dozen SGI Xperts and sales people who responded to my semi-flame last month. All my questions were quickly answered.   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa13585; 3 Apr 90 21:16 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa13546; 3 Apr 90 20:55 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa13531; 3 Apr 90 20:45 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa04939; 3 Apr 90 20:29 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA14195; Tue, 3 Apr 90 17:28:50 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 3 Apr 90 18:48:16 GMT From: sgi!shinobu!odin! Organization: Silicon Graphics, Inc., Mountain View, CA Subject: Re: Polygon Decomposition Algorithm Wanted Message-Id: <> References: <10657@alice.UUCP> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <10657@alice.UUCP> rab@alice.UUCP (Rick Becker) writes: >One of the limitations of the GT Graphics on the Iris 4D series >of machines is that the polygon processor uses a 255 element vertex buffer >to render polygons, thus limiting polygons to 255 vertices. >This is insufficient for many cartographic applications, where a ragged >coastline can easily produce polygons with 1000 or more vertices. > >Has anyone written a routine that can be used to decompose a large >polygon into a series of smaller polygons, each of which can >be handled on the GT machines? >-- > > Rick Becker alice!rab Following describes an algorithm to triangulate a simple polygon in 3-space. (A simple polygon is polygon is one that is not self-intersecting). We have implemented this algorithm, but it is not ready for release and we do not anticipate releasing it soon. Triangulating a polygon in 3-space First, find three independent points of the polygon. (A set of points is independent if no point may be expressed as a linear combination of the others, i.e. not collinear of coincident). Let p0, p1, and p2 be the points. Second, orthogonalize the vectors v1 = (p1-p0) and v2 = (p2-p0) using the Gram-Schmidt orthogonization process. (See Linear Algebra and Its Applicaitons by Gilbert Strang or any other linear algebra text.) Let v1^ and v2^ be the resulting vectors. v1^ = v1 v2^ = v2 - dot(v2,v1) / dot(v1,v1) * v1 Third, for each point p of the triangle, compute its 2-space coordinates in the system given by the vectors v1^ and v2^. Call the coordinates of p in 2-space p(s, t). p(s, t) = ( dot(p, v1^), dot(p, v2^) ) Finally, triangulate the 2-space polygon. This can be done by using any of a number of algorithms for triangulation. Theoretically, the best known general algorithm for triangulation is by Tarjan and Van Wyck. It runs in O( n log log n ) time. However, it is probably not the best one to use in practice. A simpler algorithm is to first decompose the polygon into monotone components. Then to triangulate each component individually. This algorithm is due to Garey, Johnson, Preparata, and Tarjan. Edelsbrunner, Guibas and Stolfi give an unusually clear description of the monotone decomposition process in Optimal point location in monotone subdivisions, DEC/SRC Tech. Report #2, 1984. Triangulating a monotone polygon is treated in Computational Geometry: An Introduction by Preparata and Shamos, pp 232-234. -- "What is the greatest joy?" "The joy of duty!" Miq Millman -- or {decwrl,pyramid,ucbvax}!sgi!miq 415 960 1980 x1041 work   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa14355; 3 Apr 90 23:07 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa13709; 3 Apr 90 21:43 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa13705; 3 Apr 90 21:36 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa05537; 3 Apr 90 21:30 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA18307; Tue, 3 Apr 90 18:29:54 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 3 Apr 90 21:34:03 GMT From: Paul Puglia Organization: Columbia University Subject: When the resolver is turned on the Window Manger goes off Message-Id: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Does anyone know of any problems with using the resolver stuff with 4-sight? I can't seem to get both packages to work together. If I create the file /usr/etc/resolv.conf with the name of the campus nameserver in it, the next time I try to login to the 4D/25 the window manager exits with a 1. All the networking stuff does work while the /usr/etc/resolv.conf file is there. Is this a bug, or am I not configuring something correctly? Please e-mail any reponses. I don't read this group as a rule. Thanks in Advance Paul Puglia Dept of Civil Engineering Columbia University (internet) PUGLIA@CUCEVX (BITNET)   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa20213; 4 Apr 90 10:09 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa19715; 4 Apr 90 9:58 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa19320; 4 Apr 90 9:39 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa13078; 4 Apr 90 9:16 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA25076; Wed, 4 Apr 90 06:01:45 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 3 Apr 90 22:39:10 GMT From: Gary Klaassen Organization: York U. Subject: Re: Writing Low Density Tapes from a Personal Iris Message-Id: <9618@yunexus.UUCP> References: <23482@pasteur.Berkeley.EDU>, <>, <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL >In article <> (Dave Olson) writes: >| This has been said many times in this group, but I guess it bears repeating. >| The Archive 2150S (QIC-150) drive is NOT able to write in QIC-11 or QIC-24 >| format. It IS able to read QIC-24 tapes. >| >| This drive can also read and write QIC-120 format tapes ( ~120 Mb on a 600A >| cartridge). The drive firmware dectects the cartridge type based on the >| hole pattern and the distance between the holes at the beginning of the >| tape. My PI owners guide says to use DC600XTD cartridges which have the following specs: extra track density, 12500 ftpi, 550 oersted tape. The hotline told me that only the 12500 ftpi, 550 oersted specs mattered. Do tapes that are labelled like this but without the *extra track density* get written as QIC-120 or QIC-150? Some 600A tapes are labelled 12500 ftpi and 550 oersted. Which density does the PI QIC-150 tape drive write on these tapes? Thanks in advance, G. Klaassen   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa15671; 4 Apr 90 2:35 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa15181; 4 Apr 90 1:33 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa15171; 4 Apr 90 1:21 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa07082; 4 Apr 90 1:15 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA02009; Tue, 3 Apr 90 22:03:58 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 4 Apr 90 04:24:12 GMT From: "Prof. Steven H. Izen" Organization: Case Western Reserve University Subject: Re: QMS Colorscript printers on SGI? Message-Id: <> References: <9004030049.AA06987@Icarus2.AE.MsState.Edu> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <9004030049.AA06987@Icarus2.AE.MsState.Edu> larryt@AE.MSSTATE.EDU (Larry Thorne) writes: >We are evaluating a QMS Colorscript 100 Mod 10 color postscript printer. >It works fine with our Macs, but I haven't found a way yet to make it >work with our 4D/70GT (and we have 4D/25s and a 4D/240VGX arriving...). > >Does anyone know how to capture screendumps and print them (in color) >on this printer? Our main visualization software is plot3d, but >we would like to be able to print ANY screen dump. At this point, I >don't know if plot3d produces Encapsulated Postscript Files. Which version of plot3d are you using? the one used at NASA-Lewis contains provisions for capturing a screen image to a rgb file. The supplied program snapshot will do that for any screen area. About two months ago I posted some diffs to the 4dgifts program tops which generated color postscript from rgb image dumps. If you'd like send me email at and I'll send it to you. I've printed successfully with these color dumps on a seiko 5504pm3 using the freedom of press PS interpreter. -- Steve Izen: {sun,uunet}!cwjcc!skybridge!izen386!steve / Quote corner: or / or /-------------------------/ My second bike is a car. | Klein bottle for sale - Inquire within.   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa20492; 4 Apr 90 10:19 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa17678; 4 Apr 90 8:41 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa17645; 4 Apr 90 8:28 EDT Received: from by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa11025; 4 Apr 90 8:18 EDT Received: Wed, 4 Apr 90 08:19:40 EST by (5.52/5.6) Date: Wed, 4 Apr 90 08:19:40 EST From: "Brent L. Bates AAD/TAB MS294 x42854" Message-Id: <> To: shelby!neon! Subject: Re: 4sight questions Cc: info-iris@BRL.MIL (1) I think you should be able to, but I haven't tried. (2) After the window is opened call winconstraints, if you haven't called any of the contraint routines since the window was opened or your last call to wincontraints, the contraints are reset to none. I was recently trying out a 4D/240GTX with the stereo glasses and in a program I modified to use the stereo, I did #2 above. In normal mode I wanted the user to be able to resize the window, but in the stereo mode I needed the full screen and didn't want the window resized. One thing I wanted to do but couldn't find a way to, was to get rid of the title bar while I was in stereo mode and the put it back when I change back to normal mode. I could get rid of the title bar, but couldn't get it back. -- Brent L. Bates NASA-Langley Research Center M.S. 361 Hampton, Virginia 23665-5225 (804) 864-2854 E-mail: or   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa23568; 4 Apr 90 12:14 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa23098; 4 Apr 90 12:03 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa23071; 4 Apr 90 11:52 EDT Date: Wed, 4 Apr 90 11:21:45 EDT From: Michael Ferry (VLD/IBAB) To: Gary Klaassen cc: info-iris@BRL.MIL Subject: Re: Writing Low Density Tapes from a Personal Iris Message-ID: <9004041121.aa23647@VIM.BRL.MIL> >My PI owners guide says to use DC600XTD cartridges which have the >following specs: extra track density, 12500 ftpi, 550 oersted tape. > >The hotline told me that only the 12500 ftpi, 550 oersted specs mattered. >Do tapes that are labelled like this but without the *extra track density* >get written as QIC-120 or QIC-150? Some 600A tapes are labelled 12500 ftpi >and 550 oersted. Which density does the PI QIC-150 tape drive write on these >tapes? > > Thanks in advance, G. Klaassen The PI QIC-150 tape drive writes 32 (thirty-two) tracks onto tape that has the same number of tracks. The 3M specs for DC600A and DC6150 tape cartridges are identical *EXCEPT* for the number of tracks on the tape; the DC600A has 16, and the DC6150 has 32, the value being drive dependent.   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa24155; 4 Apr 90 12:55 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa21933; 4 Apr 90 11:12 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa21795; 4 Apr 90 10:55 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa16722; 4 Apr 90 10:45 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA00662; Wed, 4 Apr 90 07:33:44 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 4 Apr 90 13:59:51 GMT From: Dan Long Organization: NEARnet, Cambridge, MA Subject: Question about disabling input on WSH window Message-Id: <126@nic.NEAR.NET> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Posted for a friend (forgive my ignorance of SGI lingo): Running V3.21 of SGI OS under 4Sight. Have a WSH window in/on which we want to run an application that displays to the screen periodically. If someone tries to type something at that window, we'd like to catch the input and beep at them to alert them that input is not being accepted. And we'd like to not mangle the display with the echo of what they typed. What's a good mechanism for catching the input and disabling the echo under WSH? Thanks, Dan Long (617) 873-2766   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa27050; 4 Apr 90 16:34 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa26877; 4 Apr 90 16:24 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa26803; 4 Apr 90 16:00 EDT Received: from TROUT.NOSC.MIL by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa26780; 4 Apr 90 15:37 EDT Received: from by (5.59/1.27) id AA19673; Wed, 4 Apr 90 12:38:47 PDT Received: from by; id AA15002 sendmail 5.61/UCSD-2.0-sun via SMTP Wed, 4 Apr 90 12:38:44 -0700 for Received: by (5.51) id AA24310; Wed, 4 Apr 90 12:38:22 PDT Date: Wed, 4 Apr 90 12:38:22 PDT From: Steve Dempsey Message-Id: <> To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Subject: Re: Writing Low Density Tapes from a Personal Iris >>DateDate: Wed, 4 Apr 90 11:21:45 EDT >>From: Michael Ferry (VLD/IBAB) >> >>The PI QIC-150 tape drive writes 32 (thirty-two) tracks onto tape that >>has the same number of tracks. The 3M specs for DC600A and DC6150 tape >>cartridges are identical *EXCEPT* for the number of tracks on the tape; >>the DC600A has 16, and the DC6150 has 32, the value being drive dependent. Is there any REAL difference, other than price and labels, between DC600A and DC6150 tape cartridges? The QIC-150 drive on a PI will read and write onto DC600A tapes without any complaint, but if the DC600A has a lower quality media I wouldn't want to trust it for long term storage. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Steve Dempsey (619) 534-0208 Dept. of Chemistry Computer Facility, B-014 INTERNET: University of Calif. at San Diego BITNET: sdempsey@ucsd La Jolla, CA 92093 UUCP: ucsd!sdempsey   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa27437; 4 Apr 90 17:17 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa27250; 4 Apr 90 17:06 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa27239; 4 Apr 90 16:50 EDT Received: from by ADM.BRL.MIL id aa08863; 4 Apr 90 16:20 EDT Received: Wed, 4 Apr 90 13:05:58 -0700 from by (5.61/1.2) Received: Wed, 4 Apr 90 16:06:33 EDT by (5.51/LeRC(1.0)) Received: Wed, 4 Apr 90 16:08:36 EDT by (5.52/LeRC(1.0)) Date: Wed, 4 Apr 90 16:08:36 EDT From: Tony Facca Message-Id: <> To: Subject: Re: 4sight questions > > "James P. Loan" writes: > > (1) Is it possible to create windows that are initially iconic? And can > I force the icon to be at a certain position and not let the user > move it, while still letting him move and resize the open window? There is a NeWS definition called ConsoleStartsIconic (not sure what it does :-) ) which controls the console. The windows use "flipiconic" to send information to open or stow a window. You can see example code for this in /usr/NeWS/lib/NeWS which you can copy to your application. I don't know of a way to StartAnyWindowIconic. > > (2) Like jot does, how can I specify the starting size and position > of a window, but still let the user resize it? Prefposition seems > to force the window to always remain at that size. The wsh() command allows you to specify a name for the window using the -n option (this is not the title). If you the do a preforigin on this name, the window will start at a predefined origin, but the user can move and resize it as desired. A section of code from my /RestartActions [ { (-n C_Shell -r1000 -s40x80 -t"$USER@`hostname`") forkwsh } ] store (C_Shell) 136 130 preforigin When the system starts up, I get a wsh called C_Shell with lower left corner positioned at (x,y) = (136,130) -- ____________ ____/--\____ Dammit Jim, \______ ___) ( _ ____) I'm a doctor not a systems administrator! __\ \____/ / `--' ) `|=(- Tony Facca (fsfacca@avelon) \------------' 3-8318   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa00991; 5 Apr 90 4:35 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa00835; 5 Apr 90 3:53 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa00820; 5 Apr 90 3:40 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa02974; 5 Apr 90 3:16 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA04036; Thu, 5 Apr 90 00:12:06 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 4 Apr 90 14:58:58 GMT From: "Gregory D. Swedberg" Organization: The Aerospace Corporation, El Segundo, CA Subject: Re: graphics performance questions Message-Id: <70128@aerospace.AERO.ORG> References: <5951@udccvax1.acs.udel.EDU> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <5951@udccvax1.acs.udel.EDU> mccalpin@vax1.acs.udel.EDU (John D Mccalpin) writes: >I am looking for info to help me evaluate the relative performance >of several implementation strategies for my (mostly) 2-D graphics. >My machine is a new 4D/25-Turbo. . . . > >Questions: >(1) Is it possible that the triangular mesh routines will enable this > to run faster? It would certainly provide a painless path for the > introduction of a third dimension! In general using tmesh should be a lot faster however the TG board has a SERIOUS bug which causes a couple of problems. First, when using lighting in conjunction with tmesh it seems the normal for the third vertex in the strip goes to zero, screwing up the lighting calculation. Second, when using backface and zbuffer together with tmesh whole triangles sometimes disappear when one vertex is clipped and sometimes whole strips of triangles disappear when part of the strip is clipped. We ordered a couple TG upgrades for our 4D/20's but after one was installed and we saw the problems we had to have them take it out so we could do some work. Most of our software uses tmesh to get the best speed so none of it worked correctly on the TG. We are now patiently waiting for SGI to find a fix so we can use our boards. SGI has assured us that they have a team working on the problem but until they deliver a fix I would be VERY careful when using tmesh on a TG. If anybody else has these problems the SCR number is 9237 and Gretchen Helm is aware of the problem.   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa11480; 5 Apr 90 14:52 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa11118; 5 Apr 90 14:42 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa11080; 5 Apr 90 14:27 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa18169; 5 Apr 90 14:16 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA11891; Thu, 5 Apr 90 10:55:59 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 4 Apr 90 17:55:45 GMT From: Mark Andrews Organization: Alias Research, Inc. Toronto ON Canada Subject: Cannot find window slot in shared memory Message-Id: <1990Apr4.175545.8339@alias.uucp> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL We are running Irix 3.2 on a 4D/25G. Occasionally, when we run a graphics program, we get the errror "Cannot find window slot in shared memory". What does it mean and what causes it? When the message occurs, I have been telling people to quit and restart 4sight and the problem should disappear! Is this a "solution" or just a coincidence? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mark Andrews Systems Programmer, Alias Research, Toronto, Canada Phone: (416)-362-9181 Internet: -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mark Andrews Systems Programmer, Alias Research,   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa10274; 9 Apr 90 12:19 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ac10008; 9 Apr 90 12:08 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa28883; 4 Apr 90 22:18 EDT Date: Wed, 4 Apr 1990 22:17:38 EDT From: ABOLA @ PB3.CHM.BNL.GOV Message-Id: <900404221738.282@PB3.CHM.BNL.GOV> Subject: Re: HOOPS Graphics Software To: info-iris-request @ X-Vmsmail-To: SMTP%"" Resent-Date: Mon, 9 Apr 90 11:54:30 EDT Resent-From: Chuck Kennedy Resent-To: info-iris@BRL We are in the process of evaluating several graphics library packages for the IRIS 4D-240/GTX. We would like to know if anyone has tried using the package HOOPS from Ithaca Software. Does anyone recommend any other comparable software package. Enrique E. Abola Protein Data Bank Brookhaven National Laboratory Upton NY 11973 abola@bnlchm   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa09780; 5 Apr 90 12:51 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa07827; 5 Apr 90 12:20 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa07663; 5 Apr 90 11:55 EDT Received: from SCYLLA.DREA.DND.CA by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa12859; 5 Apr 90 11:41 EDT Received: Thu, 5 Apr 90 12:27:27 ADT by (5.52/5.6) Date: Thu, 5 Apr 90 12:27:27 ADT From: dave hally Message-Id: <> To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Subject: Three Fortran bugs Here are three Fortran bugs which I found recently. SGI has been informed, via the Hotline, of the first two. During the call I made reference to the third bug but had not yet isolated it into a short test program. Bug #1: program bug1 complex x, y x = (1.0,0.0) n = -1 y = x**n write(*,'(a,2g12.5)')' y =',y end Output: y =NaN NaN Comments: There is only an error when the number to which x is exponentiated is an integer variable. If y = x**n is replaced by y = x**(-1) it works fine. Similarly, y = x**z with z = -1.0 (real) works fine. Bug #2: program bug2 s=f(2.0)+f(3.0) write(*,'(a,g12.5)')' s =',s s=g(2.0)+g(3.0) write(*,'(a,g12.5)')' s =',s end function g(y) g=y*sin(y) RETURN entry f(x) f=x*sin(x) RETURN END Output: s = 0.42336 s = 2.2420 Comments: Notice that the function g and its entry point f are equivalent. Hence the two values for s written to the terminal should be the same. The second value of s is correct. The first value of s is f(3.0). For some reason the value of f(2.0) did not get added to it. This bug disappears if the program is compiled with the -O optimizer option. It is present if one compiles as follows: f77 bug2.f -o bug2 or f77 bug2.f -g -o bug2 Bug #3: program bug3 s=f1(1.0) s=f2(1.0) s=f3(1.0) write(*,'(a,f4.2)')' s =',s end real function f1(x) f1=x RETURN entry f2(y) f2=y RETURN entry f3(z) f3=z RETURN END To discover the bug run the edge debugger. Step through the program one line at a time via a command sequence such as: stop in bug3 run step step ... You will step into f1 and f3, but not into f2. Now force a breakpoint in f2 by giving the commands: stop in f2 rerun (stops at line 2 in bug3) cont You now stop in f2 and can step through it, but if you try to print the variable y, you you will get the message "y not active". After a single step, the highlighted line will be the end statement. Now y has suddenly become activated. If you believe that y is not activated because you have not stepped far enough into the function, try putting some extra lines before the f2=y. You will find that no variables in the function are activated until control is at the end statement.   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa10559; 5 Apr 90 13:57 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa07074; 5 Apr 90 11:33 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa07029; 5 Apr 90 11:19 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa10416; 5 Apr 90 10:30 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA27016; Thu, 5 Apr 90 07:19:32 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 5 Apr 90 13:33:41 GMT From: Brad Smith Organization: Swedish Institute of Computer Science, Kista Subject: Connecting a Versatec plotter to an SGI machine. Message-Id: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL This is kind of vague, but I have an SGI machine (unknown model for now) coming that needs to be connected to a Versatec C2700 plotter (with a Centronics Parallel port) asap after the SGI arrives. Does anyone have any pointers on how to do this? What drivers and software are available for making this connection (public domain, and otherwise)? Thanks in advance, Brad Smith EPFL Lausanne, SWITZERLAND   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa11001; 5 Apr 90 14:18 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa10367; 5 Apr 90 13:47 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa10281; 5 Apr 90 13:27 EDT Received: from by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa15812; 5 Apr 90 13:12 EDT Received: Thu, 5 Apr 90 13:13:30 EST by (5.52/5.6) Date: Thu, 5 Apr 90 13:13:30 EST From: "Brent L. Bates AAD/TAB MS294 x42854" Message-Id: <> To:!!rpi!uupsi!sunic!! Subject: Re: Connecting a Versatec plotter to an SGI machine. Cc: info-iris@BRL.MIL If you are getting a Personal Iris (4D/20 or 4D/25) and the Versatec plotter has a standard Centronics Parallel port, you shouldn't have too many problems. If you are getting anything other than a Personal Iris, you will have to buy the Centronix interface board. That covers hardware. As far as software is concerned, if you have files that are in the proper format for the Versatec, you will be ok. Just follow the manual instructions on setting up a centronix printer (mkcent ?). -- Brent L. Bates NASA-Langley Research Center M.S. 361 Hampton, Virginia 23665-5225 (804) 864-2854 E-mail: or   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab11480; 5 Apr 90 14:52 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab11118; 5 Apr 90 14:42 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa11100; 5 Apr 90 14:28 EDT Received: from kovic.IRO.UMontreal.CA by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa18340; 5 Apr 90 14:20 EDT Return-Path: Full-Name: Robert Gerin-Lajoie Message-Id: <9004051820.AA19930@kovic.IRO.UMontreal.CA> From: Robert Gerin-Lajoie Date: Thu, 5 Apr 90 14:20:48 EDT From: Robert Gerin-Lajoie X-Mailer: Mail User's Shell (6.5.6 6/30/89) To: info-IRIS@BRL.MIL Subject: Kerberos on IRIS workstation? Does anyone heard about a Kerberos port on SGI workstations and servers? Universite de Montreal just bought 60 IRIS workstations and 6 4D/280, and we look for installing Kerberos system instead of Yellow Pages. -- Robert Gerin-Lajoie, Chef des laboratoires, Departement IRO, Universite de Montreal CP 6128, Succ A, Tel: (514) 343-7933 Montreal,Canada, H3C 3J7 FAX: (514) 343-2155   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa13717; 5 Apr 90 16:44 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa13435; 5 Apr 90 16:34 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa13359; 5 Apr 90 16:23 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa22452; 5 Apr 90 16:00 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA19793; Thu, 5 Apr 90 12:51:20 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 5 Apr 90 19:25:13 GMT From: tom rohling Organization: Univ. of Cincinnati, College of Engg. Subject: di3000 metafile system Message-Id: <4099@uceng.UC.EDU> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Has anyone been succesful in installing di3000's metafile stuff on a 4D, in particular, an 80GT or 120GT? I have been hacking at it for several days due to the fact that di3000 has never (that I know of) been written for the 4D's. All kinds of strange things still happen, not to mention that it doesn't work. please responed by e-mail, I'll post a summary. thank's Tom Rohling   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa14767; 5 Apr 90 18:00 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa14636; 5 Apr 90 17:50 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa14605; 5 Apr 90 17:31 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa24708; 5 Apr 90 17:17 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA25750; Thu, 5 Apr 90 14:15:20 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 5 Apr 90 21:11:46 GMT From: Jean-Francois Lamy Subject: mail including From_ line? Message-Id: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Any particular reason why /usr/ucb/mail finds it necessary to include a From lamy Thu Apr 5 11:41 EDT 1990 remote from .... line at the top of the message? That sort of thing is to be done by transport agents, not user-interfaces... Can it be turned off easily? It is also frustrating to note that some of the options to sendmail seem to have somewhat gratuitously been changed from the BSD ones (-f for one). All that poetic license means that sites (like this one) that have to run their own version of sendmail (typically derived from the BSD source) get to add more and more silly code to compensate for this "creativity". Jean-Francois Lamy, uunet!!lamy Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto, Canada M5S 1A4 Quote of the day: There is a fine distinction between movement and progress...   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa15186; 5 Apr 90 18:34 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa15039; 5 Apr 90 18:23 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa14806; 5 Apr 90 18:01 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa25183; 5 Apr 90 17:48 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA27572; Thu, 5 Apr 90 14:42:59 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 5 Apr 90 21:10:58 GMT From: "Daniel L. Severance" Organization: Purdue University Subject: 4D raster to PBM converter? Message-Id: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL I am looking for a utility to either dump the screen on an IRIS 4D to a PBM (Portable BitMap), or to convert an imagefile created by scrsave to PBM. Thanks in advance. Dan Severance   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa15261; 5 Apr 90 18:54 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab15186; 5 Apr 90 18:43 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa15148; 5 Apr 90 18:30 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa25377; 5 Apr 90 18:00 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA28283; Thu, 5 Apr 90 14:52:52 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 5 Apr 90 21:47:47 GMT From: Jean-Francois Lamy Subject: Re: mail including From_ line? Message-Id: <> References: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL (Jean-Francois Lamy) writes: [all sorts of things that don't apply to SGI boxes] To anyone who might have seen that message, please ignore. It was meant for comp.sys.mips (and there is no such problem on SGIs). Jean-Francois Lamy, uunet!!lamy Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto, Canada M5S 1A4   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa15684; 5 Apr 90 20:16 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa15556; 5 Apr 90 20:06 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa15523; 5 Apr 90 19:47 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa26206; 5 Apr 90 19:36 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA03354; Thu, 5 Apr 90 16:12:25 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 5 Apr 90 22:30:49 GMT From: Dana Treadwell Organization: Silicon Graphics, Inc., Mountain View, CA Subject: Bug in SunOS4.1 mountd Message-Id: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Please take heed if you are contemplating installing SunOS4.1. There is a bug in Sun's 4.1 mountd which will prevent you from mounting an SGI filesystem on a SunOS4.1 client. Here's the scoop: Sun incremented the version number of mountd in 4.1 from 1 to 2. SGI supports its own version so that showmount(1M) can report on the additional export options provided by SGI. We chose version number 99 in order not to collide with Sun's version numbers. The problem is that Sun's back-off algorithm assumes a continous range of version numbers, though such a restriction is not documented in the protocol specification. If 1) the server's highest version number is greater than the Sun client's highest version number and 2) the Sun client's highest version number is not supported on the server, the mount request will fail, even though the client and server might both support a lower version number. In the case with SGI, the Sun client sees that the SGI server supports #99 (which the Sun client doesn't), tries its highest version number which is #2 (which the SGI server doesn't currently support) and then the Sun client gives up, failing to back-off and try version #1. ********************************************************************* The result is that SunOS4.1 clients cannot NFS mount SGI filesystems. ********************************************************************* We plan to fix this from our side in our next software release. This appears as bugs #1035513 and #1035515 in Sun's database, if you want to talk to them about it in the meantime. Dana Treadwell   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa16545; 5 Apr 90 22:08 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa16449; 5 Apr 90 21:56 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa16394; 5 Apr 90 21:41 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa27303; 5 Apr 90 21:30 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA12087; Thu, 5 Apr 90 18:30:14 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 5 Apr 90 21:54:35 GMT From: Kipp Hickman Organization: Silicon Graphics, Entry Systems Division Subject: Re: Question about disabling input on WSH window Message-Id: <> References: <126@nic.NEAR.NET> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL WSH doesn't echo characters. Only UNIX does that job. Therefore, do the usual tty games on the tty to disable echo, etc. and away you go. kipp hickman silicon graphics inc.   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab16545; 5 Apr 90 22:08 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab16449; 5 Apr 90 21:56 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ac16394; 5 Apr 90 21:41 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa27308; 5 Apr 90 21:30 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA11967; Thu, 5 Apr 90 18:28:46 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 5 Apr 90 18:10:26 GMT From: "John F. Malia" Organization: SGI:ASD, I/O Subsystems Group Subject: QIC150/QIC-120 Differences (Was: Writing Low Density Tapes from a Personal Iris Message-Id: <> References: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <>, sdempsey@UCSD.EDU (Steve Dempsey) writes: > >>From: Michael Ferry (VLD/IBAB) >> >>>The 3M specs for DC600A and DC6150 tape cartridges are identical *EXCEPT* >>for the number of tracks on the tape; the DC600A has 16, and the DC6150 has >>32, the value being drive dependent. > >Is there any REAL difference, other than price and labels, between DC600A and >DC6150 tape cartridges? The QIC-150 drive on a PI will read and write onto >DC600A tapes without any complaint, but if the DC600A has a lower quality media >I wouldn't want to trust it for long term storage. > ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The difference bwteen 6150 (DC600XTD) cartridge and the DC600A is mechanical. (see my revious post). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There's no place, anything like this place, anywhere near this place, so this must be the place! John Malia (johnm) Silicon Graphics, Inc. 2011 Shoreline Blvd. Mt. View, Ca,   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ac16545; 5 Apr 90 22:08 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ac16449; 5 Apr 90 21:57 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ad16394; 5 Apr 90 21:41 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa27310; 5 Apr 90 21:30 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA11910; Thu, 5 Apr 90 18:28:03 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 5 Apr 90 17:33:22 GMT From: Tom Mitchell Organization: Silicon Graphics Computer Systems, Mountain View CA. 94039 Subject: Re: More on batch jobs Message-Id: <> References: <710@chem.ucsd.EDU>, <10653@portia.Stanford.EDU>, <715@chem.ucsd.EDU> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <715@chem.ucsd.EDU> (Tom Stockfisch) writes: * In article <10653@portia.Stanford.EDU> dhinds@portia.Stanford.EDU (David Hinds) writes: * >In article <710@chem.ucsd.EDU>, (Tom Stockfisch) writes: * >> Why not just use nice or ndpri ? With ndpri you can get processes to * >> sleeping with noone using the cpu. * * * At +128 processes will swap out, but the trouble is they will also swap * back in, so that if swapping is happening, things still grind to a halt. That is why I had a 'sleep()' attached to the signal handler. Checking on a 'flag' file is also a great way to do the same thing as a signal handler. It does require a bit more cycles. Once a system begins swapping there is a very BIG impact on the system. Consider 'rotating' signals or 'flag' files. By getting one program at a time to run the total swap load can be reduced. A process that is sleep()ing will stay swapped out until the call is finished. Tricks like this are often preferable to 'OS' intervention because it gives the user a choice. Very often vendor made 'OS' decisions are too restrictive..... -- Thomas P. Mitchell -- "All things in moderation; including moderation."   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ad16545; 5 Apr 90 22:08 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ae16449; 5 Apr 90 21:57 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ac16405; 5 Apr 90 21:42 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa27320; 5 Apr 90 21:31 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA11875; Thu, 5 Apr 90 18:27:30 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 5 Apr 90 15:21:19 GMT From: "John F. Malia" Organization: SGI:ASD, I/O Subsystems Group Subject: Re: Writing Low Density Tapes from a Personal Iris Message-Id: <> References: <23482@pasteur.Berkeley.EDU>, <>, <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <9618@yunexus.UUCP>, gklaass@yunexus.UUCP (Gary Klaassen) writes: > My PI owners guide says to use DC600XTD cartridges which have the > following specs: extra track density, 12500 ftpi, 550 oersted tape. > > The hotline told me that only the 12500 ftpi, 550 oersted specs mattered. > Do tapes that are labelled like this but without the *extra track density* > get written as QIC-120 or QIC-150? Some 600A tapes are labelled 12500 ftpi > and 550 oersted. Which density does the PI QIC-150 tape drive write on these > tapes? > > Thanks in advance, G. Klaassen > > > An 12500ftpi and 550 oersted are two important aspects in writing QIC-150, but another inportant criteria is mechanical. If you look at the cpastan side of the cartridge, you'll find a guide post just to the left of the capstan roller. If it is just a post, then it is written at QIC-120, but if it is a guide, then it is QIC-150. The guide helps keep the tape skew down to a minimum required by the drive head. johnm -------------------------------------------------------------------------- There's no place, anything like this place, anywhere near this place, so this must be the place! John Malia (johnm) Silicon Graphics, Inc. ASD Division 2027 Shoreline Blvd. I/O Systems Department Mt. View, Ca,   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ae16545; 5 Apr 90 22:08 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id af16449; 5 Apr 90 21:57 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab16419; 5 Apr 90 21:43 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa27326; 5 Apr 90 21:31 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA11939; Thu, 5 Apr 90 18:28:26 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 5 Apr 90 17:41:20 GMT From: Dave Olson Subject: Re: Writing Low Density Tapes from a Personal Iris Message-Id: <> References: <>, <>, <9618@yunexus.UUCP> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <9618@yunexus.UUCP> gklaass@yunexus.UUCP (Gary Klaassen) writes: | My PI owners guide says to use DC600XTD cartridges which have the | following specs: extra track density, 12500 ftpi, 550 oersted tape. | The hotline told me that only the 12500 ftpi, 550 oersted specs mattered. | Do tapes that are labelled like this but without the *extra track density* | get written as QIC-120 or QIC-150? Some 600A tapes are labelled 12500 ftpi | and 550 oersted. Which density does the PI QIC-150 tape drive write on these | tapes? The significant difference between the QIC120 (600A) and QIC150 (600XTD or 6150) tape cartridges are their mechanical tolerances. Part of this is the use of a guide roller next to the head, rather than a straight roller. The tape quality itself is usually identical for QIC120 and QIC150 cartridges from a given vendor. The tighter tolerances on the QIC150 cartridges are required in order to reliably write 18 tracks instead of 15, which is what gives the higher capacity. The drive itself determines the tape type when writing by the amount of tape between the BOT holes and the load point hole. This distance is 36" on QIC24, 48" on QIC120, and 60" on QIC150. When reading, the drive determines the tape type by looking at the reference burst written in this section of the tape (since QIC150 cartridges can be written on QIC24 and QIC120 drives, this is the only reliable way). On 3.2 and later SGI systems, once the drive has read the first part of the tape, an 'mt status' command will report whether the cartridge was written in QIC24, 120, or 150 mode. Dave Olson Life would be so much easier if we could just look at the source code.   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id af16545; 5 Apr 90 22:08 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ag16449; 5 Apr 90 21:57 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ad16419; 5 Apr 90 21:44 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa27329; 5 Apr 90 21:32 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA12068; Thu, 5 Apr 90 18:29:58 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 5 Apr 90 21:47:00 GMT From: Tom Mitchell Organization: Silicon Graphics Computer Systems, Mountain View CA. 94039 Subject: Re: Writing Low Density Tapes from a Personal Iris Message-Id: <> References: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <> sdempsey@UCSD.EDU (Steve Dempsey) writes: * * >>DateDate: Wed, 4 Apr 90 11:21:45 EDT * >>From: Michael Ferry (VLD/IBAB) * >> * >>The PI QIC-150 tape drive writes 32 (thirty-two) tracks onto tape that * >>has the same number of tracks. The 3M specs for DC600A and DC6150 tape * >>cartridges are identical *EXCEPT* for the number of tracks on the tape; * >>the DC600A has 16, and the DC6150 has 32, the value being drive dependent. * * Is there any REAL difference, other than price and labels, between DC600A and * DC6150 tape cartridges? YES. * The QIC-150 drive on a PI will read and write onto * DC600A tapes without any complaint, but if the DC600A has a lower quality media * I wouldn't want to trust it for long term storage. There is a real difference in the specification. When QIC-150 tape drives first hit the market none of the 600A would work (OK 1 in 30 did I tried a bunch). About a year later 29 in 30 would work. I expect much of the difference is QA screening. If a lot fails XTD screening perhaps they test it against QIC-24/11 specs. If all the XTD orders for the period are filled perhaps they use XTD equipment and 'stuff' to build 600A carts. The profit margin was lower but cash flow better so they did/do it. Anyhow -- there is a value judgement here. How valuable is your data, your time? Do you have earthquake insurance, etc. The drive makers are very clear about what they recommend. -- Thomas P. Mitchell -- "All things in moderation; including moderation."   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ag16545; 5 Apr 90 22:08 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ah16449; 5 Apr 90 21:57 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ae16419; 5 Apr 90 21:44 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa27332; 5 Apr 90 21:32 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA11996; Thu, 5 Apr 90 18:29:04 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 5 Apr 90 18:45:53 GMT From: Tim Heidmann Organization: Silicon Graphics, Inc., Corporate Marketing Subject: Re: VideoCreator Message-Id: <> References: <9004021340.aa09487@TBD.BRL.MIL> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <9004021340.aa09487@TBD.BRL.MIL>, jac@BRL.MIL ("John A. Condon", BDB) writes: > Does anyone have a VideoCreator (D4-VCON) on their 4D > to run computer animation and record to VCR. I'm looking > for an opinion of this hardware before we drop $8K on this > option. I've used early models of the VideoCreator board on my 4D/120GTX over the past couple of months and am very happy with the results. > ...You see, I've tried running the cg2.c routine in > the /video directory (NTSC Standalone composite video with the > Genlock option) but the picture is not that great on my > video monitor (i.e., the colors and resolution is no where > near the quality of my high resolution monitor, not that I > expected it to be perfect). You mention a couple of basic problems here. Of course the pixels are going to be a lot bigger, since you're filling the screen with a 640x486 raster instead of 1280x1024 - it's not going to look as good. Second, an NTSC monitor is interlaced, meaning single pixel wide horizontal lines will flicker BADLY, since they're getting refreshed at only 30Hz. But mostly, an NTSC encoded signal doesn't have the capability to represent a picture with the kind of contrast and saturated colors a computer can generate. A good RGB monitor (3 wires in, not just one) actually gives a pretty good result, the real degradation comes in the encoding to a composite signal. A composite monitor can't represent the full range of colors or the abrupt color transitions in computer signals. Also, abrupt black-white transitions (like white text on black screen) tend to produce false colors around the edges. Finally, the genlock board (CG2,CG3) uses a relatively low-quality encoder to produce its composite output. Most pictures look okay, but would drive a video engineer with a vectorscope crazy. > Does the VideoCreator give you > better results than this cg2 option???? Wrong question. They're completely different products with different features. The main function of the genlock board is to sync the video output of the IRIS to an outside source, like another IRIS in hi-res mode, or a house video sync generator in NTSC mode. It's also got an encoder, but you can buy better cheaper ones elsewhere. It's got a basic video keyer, allowing you to combine external video with your graphics. It's got a few general status and control lines you can read and write from your program. The VideoCreator has its own frame buffer, scan conversion electronics which samples the IRIS display and filters the full screen down to an NTSC (or PAL) signal in real time, and it provides genlockable RGB and composite outputs. It also has 1/2 of the electronics needed to control an editing VCR. The other 1/2 is specific to the VCR and you buy it separately. You can control up to 32 VCR's or switchers simultaneously. If you write a high-contrast, high-saturation image into the frame buffer digitally and look at the output on a composite monitor, you will be disappointed, for the same reasons I mentioned before. To get rid of some of the artifacts, buy a Faroudja encoder for $9K and plug the RGB into that, but there's no substitute for resolution. Because the scan-converted screen image is filtered in the conversion process, a lot of the artifacts go away, but you can't really read 12pt text in the composite output. Also, because the scan conversion does exact 2 to 1 line filtering to get a 486 line image, the top and bottom 26 raster lines, ((1024 - 2 * 486) / 2), disappear. Furthermore, since just about all NTSC monitors are overscanned, the outside 1" of your IRIS screen is covered by the plastic bezel of the monitor. Unfortunately, that's where most programs put their menus. Just about all scan converters work this way. For a more flexible device, which can convert movable, resizable windows, or fit your full IRIS screen within the viewable area of a monitor, look at the Lyon-Lamb RTC (approx $25K, they're in Burbank, CA) In summary, the VideoCreator is a good product. For doing frame-by-frame output, having a 2nd frame buffer for the output so you can still use your monitor screen in hi-res makes all the difference in the world. And for those thousand occasions when you just want to make a quick video of an application to show somebody, just plug in the VCR - great! Video is a pain and the product has its shortcomings, but it should make a lot of customers pretty happy. Hope that helps! Tim.   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa16741; 5 Apr 90 22:19 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ad16449; 5 Apr 90 21:57 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab16405; 5 Apr 90 21:42 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa27313; 5 Apr 90 21:31 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA12043; Thu, 5 Apr 90 18:29:46 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 5 Apr 90 20:51:10 GMT From: Ted Wilcox Organization: Silicon Graphics, Inc., Mountain View, CA Subject: Re: Question about disabling input on WSH window Message-Id: <> References: <126@nic.NEAR.NET> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <126@nic.NEAR.NET> (Dan Long) writes: > >Posted for a friend (forgive my ignorance of SGI lingo): > >Running V3.21 of SGI OS under 4Sight. Have a WSH window in/on which we want to >run an application that displays to the screen periodically. If someone tries >to type something at that window, we'd like to catch the input and beep at them >to alert them that input is not being accepted. And we'd like to not mangle >the display with the echo of what they typed. > >What's a good mechanism for catching the input and disabling the echo under >WSH? Just do the same things you'd do for any terminal. For example running "stty -echo" will prevent echoing of anything typed, but won't actually discard the input. Looking at the "stty" and "ioctl" man pages should be a good place to start. > >Thanks, >Dan Long > >(617) 873-2766 Hope this helps. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ |Ted. | "Reality is a horde of mice nibbling away in | | | the basement of your dreams." | | | -Bruce Sterling |   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa17455; 6 Apr 90 0:52 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa17384; 6 Apr 90 0:31 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa17366; 6 Apr 90 0:19 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa28554; 6 Apr 90 0:15 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA22526; Thu, 5 Apr 90 21:15:37 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 6 Apr 90 03:24:16 GMT From: James Helman Organization: Stanford University Subject: QIC 1/4" versus 8mm video (was Re: QIC150/QIC-120 Differences) Message-Id: References: <>, <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL All this talk about tapes brings up rumors I've heard about the reliability of tape systems which use 8mm video. What is the currently accepted value of the shelf life of a recorded tape? I read on the instructions for one drive that tapes should be "rerun" once a year? First, what is "rerun"? Just a euphemism for read out and rerecord? I can't imagine how simply reading a tape is going to refresh it, (dynamic refresh: you've seen it in RAM, now available on tape, right?). We have a little over 3GB of disk storage on our various workstations. Backing up on 50MB and 150MB tapes is either painful or absurd, depending on whether one is doing or watching. I'm very paranoid about lossy tapes. We occasionally have cause to go back to tapes that are 4-6 years old. Is it best to suffer until the much heralded DAT based backup subsystems become available? Will they be any better? Jim Helman Department of Applied Physics 6 Trillium Lane Stanford University San Carlos, CA 94070 ( (415) 723-9127   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa23996; 11 Apr 90 17:51 EDT Received: from by VMB.brl.MIL id aa23872; 11 Apr 90 17:40 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa23866; 11 Apr 90 17:32 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa13945; 11 Apr 90 16:01 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA23675; Wed, 11 Apr 90 12:51:58 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 5 Apr 90 20:34:32 GMT From: Paul Spinrad Organization: Advanced Decision Systems, Mt. View, CA (415) 960-7300 Subject: Scrolling Quickly Message-Id: <11471@saturn.ADS.COM> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL (In C, using the GL, on the Iris 4D:) I've built a scrolling table which scrolls by translating, redrawing (with callobj) the graphical object that contains all the lines and text in the table, and then swapping buffers (double buffer mode). The problem is, when the table is big, this takes a while, such that you can actually see the words and lines of the table get redrawn. Not a very smooth scroll. Is there some way of making a bitmap of the whole object, and then bit blitting it real quick in the new position, instead of having it drawn with callobj? And if so, would this be faster? Is there any other way of doing this faster? How is the scrolling done in the wsh shell window? It's real quick, and those windows hold a lot of stuff. Thanks! Paul Spinrad   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa19478; 6 Apr 90 7:48 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa18666; 6 Apr 90 6:25 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa18657; 6 Apr 90 6:09 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa00561; 6 Apr 90 6:00 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA08227; Fri, 6 Apr 90 02:47:37 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 6 Apr 90 04:07:35 GMT From: Andrew Hume Organization: AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill NJ Subject: Re: Connecting a Versatec plotter to an SGI machine. Message-Id: <10679@alice.UUCP> References: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL irix 3.2 already comes with adriver for the centronics port (and also the versatec port on the same card altho this is unsupported now). there is already support for numerous printers on the centronics interface but i dunno about the versatec in partciular   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa01715; 6 Apr 90 10:19 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab00120; 6 Apr 90 9:58 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab20342; 6 Apr 90 8:35 EDT Date: Fri, 6 Apr 90 8:33:03 EDT From: Michael Ferry (VLD/IBAB) To: "John F. Malia" cc: info-iris@BRL.MIL Subject: Re: QIC150/QIC-120 Differences (Was: Writing Low Density Tapes from a Personal Iris Message-ID: <9004060833.aa05518@VIM.BRL.MIL> >>The difference bwteen 6150 (DC600XTD) cartridge and the DC600A is mechanical. >>(see my revious post). >>John Malia (johnm) Silicon Graphics, Inc. >> 2011 Shoreline Blvd. >> Mt. View, Ca, John, Please forward me a copy of your previous post. Thanks! I called 3M and requested info on the differences between the two cartridges. The ID/REV of the DC600 is 5A and of the DC6150 (DC600XTD) is B4. The load-point hole for the 600 is at 48 inches, and for the 6150 is 60 inches. The major difference pointed out is that the tape for the 600 is more *abrasive* than that of the 6150. The head of a QIC-150 is made of a softer metal than the head of a QIC-24. Hence, if one regularly uses DC600 tape in a QIC-150 drive, the heads will be worn out faster. Read compat- ibility for a QIC-120 drive is QIC-24. For a QIC-150 drive, it is both QIC-24 and QIC-120. A result of the development standards adopted by the QIC members are the various *recording* formats; QIC-24/120/150/525/1350, and others. Tape drive manufacturers are not forced to necessarily abide by the conventions agreed upon by the QIC. Bottom line is to obtain the designated tape the QIC specs recommend for a particular drive. Kind of like using unleaded gas in your vehicle if it is equipped with a cat- alytic converter...Sure leaded gasoline will work, but for proper operation, greater efficiency, and longer life, use what is recommended. By the way, is DC600XTD an SGI-OEM designation for the DC6150 cartridge? It is not listed on any of the info I received from 3M.   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa03162; 6 Apr 90 11:09 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa02214; 6 Apr 90 10:48 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa02189; 6 Apr 90 10:39 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa02692; 6 Apr 90 8:15 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA15318; Fri, 6 Apr 90 05:04:16 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 6 Apr 90 11:27:55 GMT From: Michael Johnson Organization: University of Virginia Subject: man -k Message-Id: <1990Apr6.112755.6306@murdoch.acc.Virginia.EDU> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Is there some reason that the "man -k" does not seem to work on 4D release 3.2? I seems to work on other system V machines, even our 3B15's. -- (804)-924-8607 Michael L. Johnson mlj8e@mljsg.pharm.Virginia.EDU Pharmacology Dept. mlj8e@Virginia.BITNET Box 448; Univ. of Va. Charlottesville, Va. 22908   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa03326; 6 Apr 90 11:20 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa20176; 6 Apr 90 8:37 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab20123; 6 Apr 90 8:25 EDT Received: from by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa02599; 6 Apr 90 8:10 EDT Received: Fri, 6 Apr 90 08:11:28 EST by (5.52/5.6) Date: Fri, 6 Apr 90 08:11:28 EST From: "Brent L. Bates AAD/TAB MS294 x42854" Message-Id: <> To: agate!shelby!helens!baroque! Subject: Re: QIC 1/4" versus 8mm video (was Re: QIC150/QIC-120 Differences) Cc: info-iris@BRL.MIL What do you think of Magneto Optical drives as opposed to tape? At 600Mb per disk, it sounds like an excellent alternative to tape. I also hear that they have disks with twice the capacity. Are a lot of people using MO drives yet? -- Brent L. Bates NASA-Langley Research Center M.S. 361 Hampton, Virginia 23665-5225 (804) 864-2854 E-mail: or   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa10377; 6 Apr 90 16:19 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa08384; 6 Apr 90 15:17 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa07621; 6 Apr 90 14:52 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa10075; 6 Apr 90 14:05 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA04682; Fri, 6 Apr 90 10:18:08 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 6 Apr 90 15:04:13 GMT From: "Loren (Buck" MMDF-Warning: Parse error in original version of preceding line at BRL.MIL Organization: Computer Sciences Corporation @ NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Subject: Re: QIC 1/4" versus 8mm video versus DAT Message-Id: <> References: <>, <>, Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article jim@baroque.Stanford.EDU (James Helman) writes: > >All this talk about tapes brings up rumors I've heard about the >reliability of tape systems which use 8mm video. What is the >currently accepted value of the shelf life of a recorded tape? I read >on the instructions for one drive that tapes should be "rerun" once a >year? First, what is "rerun"? Just a euphemism for read out and >rerecord? I can't imagine how simply reading a tape is going to >refresh it, (dynamic refresh: you've seen it in RAM, now available on >tape, right?). This rerun is to help prevent write through. Write through is where one layer of tape starts to magnetize the next layer. By just reading and rewinding will (supposedly) shift the magnetic domains of a given layer with respect to the domains in the neighboring layers. > >We have a little over 3GB of disk storage on our various workstations. >Backing up on 50MB and 150MB tapes is either painful or absurd, >depending on whether one is doing or watching. I'm very paranoid >about lossy tapes. We occasionally have cause to go back to tapes >that are 4-6 years old. Is it best to suffer until the much heralded >DAT based backup subsystems become available? Will they be any >better? I personally have uneasy feelings about 8mm (I watched someone get burned by a VHS based backup system). I know of two places that have the 8mm tape drive, and both are quite happy. The things I like about DAT is its ability to inform the computer when a tape needs to be replaced, has very fast random search, and it is more appropriate for use in a laptop. What I don't like about DAT is its slow transfer rate. Because 8mm holds almost twice as much data and has a reasonable transfer rate I think it will continue to grow in popularity as a backup media. The big question I have about 8mm is transportability between dissimilar systems. It doesn't do me much good to have one on a PC or Mac at home and not be able to transfer stuff to the workstation at work. DAT also has this problem but you only have to worry about two different formats, DDS and Data/DAT. What I would like to know more about is the proposed image storage format for DAT. Supposedly this is to be compatible with the Mavica type electronic cameras, and is to hold something like 1400 images (as opposed to the 25 on a 2" floppy). B Cing U Buck Loren "Buck" Buchanan | internet: | standard disclaimer CSC, 1100 West St. | uucp: ...!ames!dftsrv!drax!buck | "By the horns of a Laurel, MD 20707 | phonenet: (301) 497-2531 or 9898 | sky demon..."   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab13350; 6 Apr 90 17:27 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa11844; 6 Apr 90 17:04 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa11156; 6 Apr 90 16:43 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa06594; 6 Apr 90 12:20 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA28505; Fri, 6 Apr 90 08:47:06 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 6 Apr 90 14:49:17 GMT From: tom rohling Organization: Univ. of Cincinnati, College of Engg. Subject: Re: di3000 metafile system Message-Id: <4112@uceng.UC.EDU> References: <4099@uceng.UC.EDU> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <4099@uceng.UC.EDU>, trohling@uceng.UC.EDU (tom rohling) writes: > > Has anyone been succesful in installing di3000's metafile stuff > on a 4D, in particular, an 80GT or 120GT? > I finally figured it out late last night. For anyone thinking of trying to link up the metafile systems with an SGI device driver (and to those at PVI who may be listening) here's the problem/solution: The metafile source code contains a subroutine by the name of QXINIT. In this subroutine is a common block that has been designated QDEVIC. Well if this looks familiar it should - its the name of the fortran graphics call to queue the devices. Since the device driver for the SGI contains a bunch of calls to QDEVIC. The loader of course barfs on this but the error you get is pretty deceiving and I happened to h have found the problem by chance. So, change the name of the common block (that subroutine is the only place I cound find it in) and all should (so far) be fine. Tom   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa13578; 6 Apr 90 17:37 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa13350; 6 Apr 90 17:27 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa12209; 6 Apr 90 17:04 EDT Received: from [] by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa14860; 6 Apr 90 16:21 EDT Date: Fri, 6 Apr 90 16:17 EST From: "Bob Bruccoleri (609) 683-6165" Subject: Future of 4Sight and X To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Message-id: X-Envelope-to: X-VMS-To: IN%"" Dale Sutton, our local SGI sales rep, informed me that SGI will slowly move to X windows as their primary window management software. Although the next release of Irix (3.3) will have 4Sight as the base, the following version (3.4?) will have the X window manager as the base, with 4Sight on top of it. The primary reason is the marketplace -- everyone is adopting X as the standard. He told me that this information should be disseminated widely. Speaking for myself, this is very important information, because it means there is no real incentive to ever master 4Sight. If one is going to spend a lot of effort learning how to best use the windowing system, X is the thing to learn. Bob Bruccoleri ( Research Leader, Macromolecular Modeling Squibb Institute for Medical Research   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa15803; 6 Apr 90 20:22 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa15141; 6 Apr 90 19:20 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa15112; 6 Apr 90 18:52 EDT Received: from TROUT.NOSC.MIL by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa16584; 6 Apr 90 17:57 EDT Received: from by (5.59/1.27) id AA05088; Fri, 6 Apr 90 14:58:20 PDT Received: from by; id AA29579 sendmail 5.61/UCSD-2.0-sun via SMTP Fri, 6 Apr 90 14:58:17 -0700 for Received: by (5.51) id AA22667; Fri, 6 Apr 90 14:58:01 PDT Date: Fri, 6 Apr 90 14:58:01 PDT From: Steve Dempsey Message-Id: <> To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Subject: Stereoscopic viewers for the Personal IRIS A few questions regarding stereoscopic viewing on IRISes: Does anybody know when something like the StereoView option for the Power Series will be available for the Personal IRIS? Has anybody considered modifying 4Sight to work with StereoView? I can 'imagine' some sort of high level switch to stereo mode that would automatically compress and display all visible windows in both halves of the screen, along with a stereoscopic application interface that allows one to direct graphics to the left, right, or both (for mono, default) regions. Something like this would make stereo applications development much simpler and would allow the 4Sight user interface tools to be used in stereo applications. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Steve Dempsey (619) 534-0208 Dept. of Chemistry Computer Facility, B-014 INTERNET: University of Calif. at San Diego BITNET: sdempsey@ucsd La Jolla, CA 92093 UUCP: ucsd!sdempsey   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa16362; 6 Apr 90 21:41 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa16226; 6 Apr 90 21:30 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa16035; 6 Apr 90 21:05 EDT Received: from [] by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa17976; 6 Apr 90 20:05 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA24999; Fri, 6 Apr 90 15:19:46 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 6 Apr 90 21:56:41 GMT From: Thomas Russo Organization: University of Texas at Austin, Center for Nonlinear Dynamics Subject: Bogus utmp entries. Message-Id: <27686@ut-emx.UUCP> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL I've asked about this before and gotten no replies, so I try again. What can I do to prevent or eliminate bogus utmp entries. What I mean by this is that a who -a shows: ... pete ttyq8 Apr 6 16:43 . 5965 telnet ttyq11 Apr 6 10:43 0:48 1242 id= q11 term=0 exit=0 steve ttyq12 Apr 6 14:41 0:02 1393 id= 12 term=0 exit=2 stuart ttyq11 Apr 6 16:02 0:48 5307 ... and if stuart on ttyq11 does a who am i he is told that he is telnet. If he tries to talk to a user the user is told that user telnet is trying to contact him and that he can respond to the talk by typing talk telnet@chaos... If stuart tries to change his password, passwd tells him that telnet is not in the password file. So, what can be done to prevent this type of stuff? What kinds of things makes a telnet process exit and leave its droppings in utmp? Is this a problem on other systems as well? I've never encountered it before, but then I've not used too many other systems as much as I use this one. Is this a matter of entries remaining in utmp past their usefulness, or is it a matter of lookups in utmp not distinguishing between entries which show error messages and active entries? Is it a known problem which will be fixed RSN, or is it some strange artifact of how we do business here? Thanks... Thomas Russo Center for Nonlinear Dynamics, University of Texas at Austin or phib421@utchpc.bitnet ------   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab16362; 6 Apr 90 21:41 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab16226; 6 Apr 90 21:30 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab16035; 6 Apr 90 21:05 EDT Received: from [] by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa17981; 6 Apr 90 20:06 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA22280; Fri, 6 Apr 90 14:40:14 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 6 Apr 90 21:17:30 GMT From: Thomas Russo Organization: University of Texas at Austin, Center for Nonlinear Dynamics Subject: Bug in f77? Why does this drop core? Message-Id: <27681@ut-emx.UUCP> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL The 3.2 fortran compiler drops core with a message Fatal error in /usr/lib/fcom - core dumped Signal 139 message when it sees a file in which a parameter is equivalenced to a variable. Of course, I know as well as you that parameters shouldn't be equivalenced to variables, but the fortran compiler shouldn't drop core, should it? An error message pinpointing the problem would be nice ;-D. Here is the very smallest program we tried which causes the core dump: c This is an example of the core-killer program parameter(nt=20000) equivalence(nt,n) end Thomas Russo Center for Nonlinear Dynamics, University of Texas at Austin or phib421@utchpc.bitnet ------   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ac16362; 6 Apr 90 21:41 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ac16226; 6 Apr 90 21:30 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ac16035; 6 Apr 90 21:05 EDT Received: from [] by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa17987; 6 Apr 90 20:07 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA22150; Fri, 6 Apr 90 14:38:46 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 6 Apr 90 18:02:13 GMT From: Paul Puglia Organization: Columbia University Subject: Problem with resolver and NeWS resolved Message-Id: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Thanks to all the folks who reply to my question. I will try and mail the relevant solutions and scripts send to me to those others who asked for them as soon as I get back to work. It turned out that I jumped the gun a little in running to the net. It seems that we where trying to start up our networking before our net manager had entered the Iris 4/D into the campus wide nameserver. Once that was done the problem cleared up immediately. It seems that NeWS need to get verification that you are who you say you are. Since there was no entry for the Iris that verification failed. Thanks Again Paul Puglia Dept of Civil Engineering Columbia University PUGLIA@CUCEVX   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa16542; 6 Apr 90 21:59 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa16018; 6 Apr 90 21:12 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa15993; 6 Apr 90 21:01 EDT Received: from [] by ADM.BRL.MIL id aa15637; 6 Apr 90 20:48 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA02977; Fri, 6 Apr 90 17:23:56 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 6 Apr 90 21:46:32 GMT From: Jim Bennett Organization: Silicon Graphics, Inc., Mountain View, CA Subject: Re: graphics performance questions Message-Id: <> References: <5951@udccvax1.acs.udel.EDU>, <70128@aerospace.AERO.ORG> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <70128@aerospace.AERO.ORG>, (Gregory D. Swedberg) writes: > In general using tmesh should be a lot faster however the TG > board has a SERIOUS bug which causes a couple of problems. First, > when using lighting in conjunction with tmesh it seems the normal for > the third vertex in the strip goes to zero, screwing up the lighting > calculation. I've never seen this problem, could you send me an example? > Second, when using backface and zbuffer together with > tmesh whole triangles sometimes disappear when one vertex is clipped > and sometimes whole strips of triangles disappear when part of the > strip is clipped. Yes, this is a known problem with backface elimination. This problem has been fixed, and the fix will go out in the next release. If you complain enough, it will be sent out in the next maintenance release, otherwise you have to wait for 3.3. Jim Bennett (   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab16542; 6 Apr 90 21:59 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ad16362; 6 Apr 90 21:48 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa16311; 6 Apr 90 21:33 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa18214; 6 Apr 90 20:50 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA02750; Fri, 6 Apr 90 17:21:02 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 6 Apr 90 18:22:31 GMT From: "Calvin H. Vu" Subject: Re: Three Fortran bugs Message-Id: <> References: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <> hally@SCYLLA.DREA.DND.CA (dave hally) writes: >Here are three Fortran bugs which I found recently. SGI has been >informed, via the Hotline, of the first two. During the call I made >reference to the third bug but had not yet isolated it into a short >test program. >Bug #1: > program bug1 > complex x, y > x = (1.0,0.0) > n = -1 > y = x**n > write(*,'(a,2g12.5)')' y =',y > end >Output: > y =NaN NaN I just fixed this a few weeks ago. It will be fixed inthe next release. >Bug #2: > program bug2 > s=f(2.0)+f(3.0) > write(*,'(a,g12.5)')' s =',s > s=g(2.0)+g(3.0) > write(*,'(a,g12.5)')' s =',s > end > function g(y) > g=y*sin(y) > RETURN > entry f(x) > f=x*sin(x) > RETURN > END >Output: > s = 0.42336 > s = 2.2420 This has been fixed in the MIPS 2.0 release which will be in our next release. >Bug #3: > program bug3 > s=f1(1.0) > s=f2(1.0) > s=f3(1.0) > write(*,'(a,f4.2)')' s =',s > end > real function f1(x) > f1=x > RETURN > > entry f2(y) > f2=y > RETURN > > entry f3(z) > f3=z > RETURN > END This is an annoying but rather harmless bug. It is probably a quirk in the debugger. We are looking at it. My guess is that if the entry function were longer instead of a trivial one liner then it would work correctly instead of ignoring f2. Sorry for the trouble, - calvin -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Calvin H. Vu | "We are each of us angels with Silicon Graphics Computer Systems | only one wing. And we can only (415) 962-3679 | fly embracing each other."   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ac16542; 6 Apr 90 22:00 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ae16362; 6 Apr 90 21:49 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab16311; 6 Apr 90 21:33 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa18241; 6 Apr 90 20:53 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA03923; Fri, 6 Apr 90 17:36:36 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 6 Apr 90 23:30:31 GMT From: "David B. Anderson" Organization: Silicon Graphics, Inc., Mountain View, CA Subject: Re: Three Fortran bugs Message-Id: <> References: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <>, hally@SCYLLA.DREA.DND.CA (dave hally) writes: [ bugs 1&2 Ccalvin Vu addressed earlier] > Bug #3: > program bug3 > s=f1(1.0) > s=f2(1.0) > s=f3(1.0) > write(*,'(a,f4.2)')' s =',s > end > > real function f1(x) > f1=x > RETURN > > entry f2(y) > f2=y > RETURN > > entry f3(z) > f3=z > RETURN > END > > To discover the bug run the edge debugger. Step through the program > one line at a time via a command sequence such as: > stop in bug3 > run > step > step ... > > You will step into f1 and f3, but not into f2. Now force a breakpoint [ stuff deleted] Ah, the joys of Fortran alternate entry points. :-) The problem is that the symbol table built by f77 is a little odd in this case. If you use stdump(1) on the .o from an f77 -g -c of the above code you'll note in the ``local Symbols'' section that the Proc and Block entries don't nest properly with the End entries: there is one too few End entries, and there is no End entry that points back to f2. This leaves dbx confused about f2's status: dbx does not think f2 is a proper function with enough information to step into it routinely. This will be fixed in a future release; possibly by teaching f77 to create a balanced symbol table in this case - it normally does so correctly already.... Or perhaps we'll make dbx a bit more flexible..... You can work around this in dbx/edge with the dbx command set $stepintoall=1 In the 3.2 release, this makes ``step'' step into all functions (even library functions). Because it causes stepping into library functions, this makes ``step'' a less pleasant command to use. In the release after 3.2, $stepintoall has bit more flexibility: it can let you step into f2 without forcing step to go into library functions (but this is not a fix, just a bandage). Hope this helps a little. [ David B. Anderson Silicon Graphics (415)335-1548 ]   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ad16542; 6 Apr 90 22:00 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id af16362; 6 Apr 90 21:49 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ac16311; 6 Apr 90 21:33 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa18243; 6 Apr 90 20:54 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA03168; Fri, 6 Apr 90 17:25:37 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 6 Apr 90 21:51:53 GMT From: Dave Ciemiewicz Organization: Silicon Graphics, Inc. Subject: Re: man -k Message-Id: <> References: <1990Apr6.112755.6306@murdoch.acc.Virginia.EDU> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <1990Apr6.112755.6306@murdoch.acc.Virginia.EDU>, mlj8e@mljsg.pharm.Virginia.EDU (Michael Johnson) writes: > Is there some reason that the "man -k" does not seem to work on > 4D release 3.2? I seems to work on other system V machines, even > our 3B15's. > > -- > (804)-924-8607 Michael L. Johnson > mlj8e@mljsg.pharm.Virginia.EDU Pharmacology Dept. > mlj8e@Virginia.BITNET Box 448; Univ. of Va. > Charlottesville, Va. 22908 Hmmm. Looking at the original SVR3.2 sources we have archived, I find no indication of support for man -k within the AT&T man shell script. This indicates to me that someone ported a different man to the "other" SYSV systems that you are working on. I feel fairly confident in stating that standard SVSV does not support man -k. Now, after hopefully resetting your expectations ... Man -k will be officially supported by SGI in the upcoming IRIX release along with many more BSD features. In the interim, the attached shar file contains an UNSUPPORTED implementation of apropos, whatis, and makewhatis (the tool used to create the data base of synopseseseseses) that may fill your needs until the upcoming IRIX release is distributed to customers. --- Ciemo ----- 8< Cut here ------------------------------------------------------------ # This is a shell archive. Remove anything before this line, # then unpack it by saving it in a file and typing "sh file". # # Wrapped by ciemo on Wed Mar 8 19:12:24 PST 1989 # Contents: apropos mkwhatis echo x - apropos sed 's/^@//' > "apropos" <<'@//E*O*F apropos//' #! /bin/sh # # NAME # apropos - find the apropriate manual pages for a give keyword # # SYNOPSIS # apropos keyword [...] # # DESCRIPTION # apropos searches its database of manual page descriptions # for those which match the specified keywords. The search # provided is an implied "or" of the keywords. # # apropos uses a database called whatis located in the manual # page tree. This database is created using the tool mkwhatis(1). # # This functionality of this version is based on William Joy's # version from UC Berkeley. # # SEE ALSO # mkwhatis(1) # # FILES # /usr/catman/whatis # # CAVEATS # Since apropos gets its information from a "static" database, it # is possible for apropos to report the existence of manual pages # which are not on the system. # # AUTHOR # Dave Ciemiewicz (ciemo) # # COPYRIGHT (C) 1989, Silicon Graphics, Inc., All rights reserved. # This file is a product of Silicon Graphics, Inc. and is # provided for unrestricted use provided that this legend is # included on all tape media and as a part of the software # program in whole or part. Users may copy or modify this file # without charge, but are not authorized to license or distribute # it to anyone else except as part of a product or program # developed by the user. # # THIS FILE IS PROVIDED AS IS WITH NO WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND # INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF DESIGN, MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR ARISING FROM A COURSE OF DEALING, # USAGE OR TRADE PRACTICE. # # This file is provided with no support and without any # obligation on the part of Silicon Graphics, Inc. to assist in # its use, correction, modification or enhancement. # # SILICON GRAPHICS, INC. SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY WITH RESPECT TO # THE INFRINGEMENT OF COPYRIGHTS, TRADE SECRETS OR ANY PATENTS BY # THIS FILE OR ANY PART THEREOF. # # In no event will Silicon Graphics, Inc. be liable for any lost # revenue or profits or other special, indirect and consequential # damages, even if Silicon Graphics has been advised of the # possibility of such damages. # USAGE="Usage: apropos keyword [...]" WHATIS=/usr/catman/whatis if test $# -eq 0; then echo $USAGE 1>&2 exit 2 fi if test ! -r $WHATIS; then echo $0": can't open "$WHATIS 1>&2 exit 1 fi for keyword in $* do egrep -i '^'$keyword'|[^a-zA-Z0-9_]'$keyword $WHATIS done | sort -u @//E*O*F apropos// chmod u=rwx,g=rx,o=rx apropos echo x - mkwhatis sed 's/^@//' > "mkwhatis" <<'@//E*O*F mkwhatis//' #! /bin/sh # # NAME # mkwhatis - make manual page "whatis" database for use with apropos # # SYNOPSIS # mkwhatis [filename] # # DESCRIPTION # mkwhatis scans the preformatted manual page trees (/usr/catman), # parses the manual pages, and strips out the NAME section information # to create the "whatis" database used by apropos(1). # # By default, mkwhatis creates the file, /usr/catman/whatis. Another # file may be created as the database by specifying its filename on # the command line. You must run mkwhatis as root to create the # whatis file. See su(1M). # # The format of the whatis file created is based on that used by # William Joy's UC Berkeley version of apropos. # # SEE ALSO # apropos(1) # # FILES # /usr/catman/whatis # # CAVEATS # This program is S...L...O...W. Expect execution times of about # 10-15 minutes. The reason is that EVERY manual page on the system # is read. # # You must run mkwhatis as root. # # AUTHOR # Dave Ciemiewicz (ciemo) # # COPYRIGHT (C) 1989, Silicon Graphics, Inc., All rights reserved. # This file is a product of Silicon Graphics, Inc. and is # provided for unrestricted use provided that this legend is # included on all tape media and as a part of the software # program in whole or part. Users may copy or modify this file # without charge, but are not authorized to license or distribute # it to anyone else except as part of a product or program # developed by the user. # # THIS FILE IS PROVIDED AS IS WITH NO WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND # INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF DESIGN, MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR ARISING FROM A COURSE OF DEALING, # USAGE OR TRADE PRACTICE. # # This file is provided with no support and without any # obligation on the part of Silicon Graphics, Inc. to assist in # its use, correction, modification or enhancement. # # SILICON GRAPHICS, INC. SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY WITH RESPECT TO # THE INFRINGEMENT OF COPYRIGHTS, TRADE SECRETS OR ANY PATENTS BY # THIS FILE OR ANY PART THEREOF. # # In no event will Silicon Graphics, Inc. be liable for any lost # revenue or profits or other special, indirect and consequential # damages, even if Silicon Graphics has been advised of the # possibility of such damages. # USAGE="Usage: mkwhatis [filename]" WHATIS=/usr/catman/whatis case $# in 0) ;; 1) WHATIS=$1;; *) echo $USAGE 1>&2 exit 2 ;; esac cd /usr/catman find * -type "f" -print | while read f do pcat $f | col -b | sed -e 's/ / /g' -e 's/ */ /g' -e 's/^ *//' | nawk ' BEGIN {name=0; count=0} $1 ~ /[0-9a-zA-Z_]+\([1-8][a-zA-Z]*\)/ { match($1, /\([1-8][a-zA-Z]*\)/) section = substr($1, RSTART, RLENGTH) next } $1 ~ /NAME/ {name=1; next} $1 ~ /SYNOPSIS|SY.*SIS/ {finish()} # SYNOPSIS is a common typo $2 ~ /SYNOPSIS|SY.*SIS/ {finish()} # SYNOPSIS is a common typo $1 ~ /DESCRIPTION/ {finish()} $2 ~ /SPECIFICATION/ {finish()} /^[ \t]*$/ {next} { if (name==1) nametext = nametext " " $0 next } function finish() { if (filenm ~ /g_man/) section="(3G)" # No section on GL man pages partscount = split(nametext, parts, " -") printf "%-24s", parts[1] " " section for (i=2; i<=partscount; i++) { printf " -%s", parts[i] } printf "\n" exit } ' filenm=$f done | sed -e 's/\([A-Za-z]\)- \([A-Za-z]\)/\1\2/g' -e 's/^ *//' | sort -u > $WHATIS @//E*O*F mkwhatis// chmod u=rwx,g=rx,o=rx mkwhatis exit 0   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ae16542; 6 Apr 90 22:00 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ag16362; 6 Apr 90 21:49 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ad16311; 6 Apr 90 21:33 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa18245; 6 Apr 90 20:54 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA01680; Fri, 6 Apr 90 17:04:06 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 6 Apr 90 23:29:34 GMT From: "Gordon V. Bancroft" Organization: NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA Subject: RAMDISK application for UNIX/SGI IRIS Message-Id: <> References: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL Does anyone know of an application for SGI systems that allows you to partition a segment of RAM to use it as if it were a disk drive? (Compilers, editors, etc. then treat it as a disk). For example: "Quickdisk" for a Macintosh. Thanks, Gordon Bancroft   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa16877; 6 Apr 90 22:45 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa16746; 6 Apr 90 22:34 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa16699; 6 Apr 90 22:13 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa18356; 6 Apr 90 21:35 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA02750; Fri, 6 Apr 90 17:21:02 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 6 Apr 90 18:22:31 GMT From: "Calvin H. Vu" Subject: Re: Three Fortran bugs Message-Id: <> References: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <> hally@SCYLLA.DREA.DND.CA (dave hally) writes: >Here are three Fortran bugs which I found recently. SGI has been >informed, via the Hotline, of the first two. During the call I made >reference to the third bug but had not yet isolated it into a short >test program. >Bug #1: > program bug1 > complex x, y > x = (1.0,0.0) > n = -1 > y = x**n > write(*,'(a,2g12.5)')' y =',y > end >Output: > y =NaN NaN I just fixed this a few weeks ago. It will be fixed inthe next release. >Bug #2: > program bug2 > s=f(2.0)+f(3.0) > write(*,'(a,g12.5)')' s =',s > s=g(2.0)+g(3.0) > write(*,'(a,g12.5)')' s =',s > end > function g(y) > g=y*sin(y) > RETURN > entry f(x) > f=x*sin(x) > RETURN > END >Output: > s = 0.42336 > s = 2.2420 This has been fixed in the MIPS 2.0 release which will be in our next release. >Bug #3: > program bug3 > s=f1(1.0) > s=f2(1.0) > s=f3(1.0) > write(*,'(a,f4.2)')' s =',s > end > real function f1(x) > f1=x > RETURN > > entry f2(y) > f2=y > RETURN > > entry f3(z) > f3=z > RETURN > END This is an annoying but rather harmless bug. It is probably a quirk in the debugger. We are looking at it. My guess is that if the entry function were longer instead of a trivial one liner then it would work correctly instead of ignoring f2. Sorry for the trouble, - calvin -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Calvin H. Vu | "We are each of us angels with Silicon Graphics Computer Systems | only one wing. And we can only (415) 962-3679 | fly embracing each other."   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa10464; 9 Apr 90 12:39 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab10274; 9 Apr 90 12:28 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa13495; 6 Apr 90 17:31 EDT Received: from [] by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa10658; 6 Apr 90 14:23 EDT Received: by (5.57/Ultrix2.4-C) id AA05912; Fri, 6 Apr 90 20:24:16 +0200 Date: 6 Apr 90 20:22 +0100 From: Reinhard Doelz To: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL MMDF-Warning: Parse error in original version of preceding line at BRL.MIL In-Reply-To: <1990Apr6.112755.6306@murdoch.acc.Virginia.EDU> Message-Id: <> Subject: RE: man -k Resent-Date: Mon, 9 Apr 90 12:09:54 EDT Resent-From: Chuck Kennedy Resent-To: info-iris@BRL man -k or apropos is not implemented. There is a utility around which is posted occasionally on this bboard written by Dave Ciemiewicz (at SGI). The utility is not perfect, though, a good replacement instead of having nothing. Maybe it's implemented in a fruture release ... Without wanting to advertise utilities written by others, I admit that I'm satisfied with ciemo's apropos. -Reinhard   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa01124; 7 Apr 90 22:31 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa00968; 7 Apr 90 22:20 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa00946; 7 Apr 90 22:06 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa02118; 7 Apr 90 21:46 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA16647; Sat, 7 Apr 90 18:18:31 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 7 Apr 90 15:10:02 GMT From: Bill Lasher Organization: Penn State University Subject: Accidently rm files Message-Id: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL If a user accidently rm's a file, is there a way to get it back (other than the backup tape)? I'm thinking of utilities similar to those available for DOS.   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa01183; 7 Apr 90 22:41 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa00573; 7 Apr 90 21:39 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa00473; 7 Apr 90 21:15 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa01647; 7 Apr 90 19:17 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA09621; Sat, 7 Apr 90 16:02:24 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 7 Apr 90 23:00:12 GMT From: Robert Lansdale Organization: CSRI, University of Toronto Subject: C compiler optimization bug? Message-Id: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL After having run my 3d renderer for several months with the '-g2' debug flag on, I decided to give it a spin with full optimization enabled. I realized something was wrong when one of my texture mapped test objects was instead being textured with a red moire pattern. The thought of finding where this bug was in 55k lines of C without the help of dbx caused it to be quickly placed at the bottom of my things-to-fix list. But my renderer is now about to be used in a large animation effort, in which a fully optimized version of the program would be an asset. After a good number of hours of narrowing the problem down, I found it was being caused by the following piece of code: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Calculate weights and Col at each of the points */ wt0 = xLowWt * yLowWt; wt1 = xLowWt * yHighWt; wt2 = xHighWt * yLowWt; wt3 = xHighWt * yHighWt; c0 = text[yLow * size + xLow]; c1 = text[yHigh * size + xLow]; c2 = text[yLow * size + xHigh]; c3 = text[yHigh * size + xHigh]; /* Calculate averaged colour */ col.r = (c0.r * wt0 + c1.r * wt1 + c2.r * wt2 + c3.r * wt3) / 255.0; col.g = (c0.g * wt0 + c1.g * wt1 + c2.g * wt2 + c3.g * wt3) / 255.0; col.b = (c0.b * wt0 + c1.b * wt1 + c2.b * wt2 + c3.b * wt3) / 255.0; #if 0 printf("Weights: wt0 = %g, wt1 = %g, wt2 = %g, wt3 = %g\n", wt0, wt1, wt2, wt3); printf("Red colours: 0 = %d, 1 = %d, 2 = %d, 3 = %d\n", c0.r, c1.r, c2.r, c3.r); #endif printf("Colour = %g, %g, %g\n", col.r, col.g, col.b); return (col); } ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The printf()'s are my part of my debug code. If run as shown above (without the first two printf()s) then the 'col.r' is set to 0. But if either of the first two printf()'s are included in the code, 'col.r' is set to its correct value of 0.26. This problem only occurs with the '-O1' and '-O2' optimization flags. It does not occur with '-g2' or '-O0'. It also only affects the first of the three "col.? = () / 255.0' lines. Looks like a definite optimization bug. I also remember having a number of other similar optimization related problems when I last ran the fully optimized version (several months ago), but they'll have to wait until I can get this one solved. The code was compiled and run on a 4D/140, software release 4D1-3.2.1. The following is the output of the '-V' C compiler option. NOTE: the compile aborted for an unknown reason with this option enabled (see end of this listing): --------------------------------------------------------------------------- cc -V -O2 -DIRS4D -DX11 -DUNIX -DSYS_V -I/usr/include/bsd -I/usr/include/gl -L/usr/lib/X11 -c -o o_iris/nufilt.o c/nufilt.c /usr/lib/cpp: Mips Computer Systems Release 1.31 /usr/lib/ccom: Mips Computer Systems Release 1.31 /usr/lib/ujoin: Mips Computer Systems Release 1.31 /usr/bin/uld: Mips Computer Systems Release 1.31 /usr/lib/usplit: Mips Computer Systems Release 1.31 /usr/lib/umerge: Mips Computer Systems Release 1.31 /usr/lib/uopt: Mips Computer Systems Release 1.31 /usr/lib/ugen: Mips Computer Systems Release 1.31 /usr/lib/as0: Mips Computer Systems Release 1.31 /usr/lib/as1: Mips Computer Systems Release 1.31 /usr/bin/ld: Mips Computer Systems Release 1.31 /usr/lib/ftoc: /usr/lib/cord: Mips Computer Systems Release 1.31 ldopen.c: 1.3 2/16/83 ldgetname.c: 1.2 2/16/83 ldclose.c: 1.3 2/16/83 ldohseek.c: 1.1 1/7/82 ldshread.c: 1.1 1/7/82 ldsseek.c: 1.1 1/7/82 ldnsseek.c: 1.1 1/7/82 ldgetname.c: 1.2 2/16/83 ldtbread.c: 1.1 1/7/82 ldrseek.c: 1.1 1/7/82 ldnrseek.c: 1.1 1/7/82 vldldptr.c: 1.1 1/8/82 allocldptr.c: 1.2 2/16/83 freeldptr.c: 1.1 1/7/82 ldnshread.c: 1.1 1/7/82 /usr/lib/crt1.o: /usr/lib/crtn.o: cc (cc) Mips Computer Systems 1.31 *** Error code 1 -- Robert Lansdale - (416) 978-6619 Dynamic Graphics Project Internet: Computer Systems Research Institute UUCP: ..!uunet!!lansd University of Toronto Bitnet: lansd@dgp.utoronto Toronto, Ontario M5S 1A4, CANADA   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa02197; 8 Apr 90 2:17 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab02035; 8 Apr 90 2:07 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab02014; 8 Apr 90 1:41 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa03018; 8 Apr 90 1:30 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA29308; Sat, 7 Apr 90 22:29:27 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 8 Apr 90 03:09:15 GMT From: Venkat Viswanathan Organization: University of Houston Subject: SGI X bug list needed Message-Id: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL I'm looking for an SGI buglist for their version of X. I was told that one such list comes out every quarter. Would some kind soul mail it to me? Pointers to where I could ftp it from are also welcome. Thanks. - Venkat ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Venkat Viswanathan   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa02656; 8 Apr 90 4:33 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa02035; 8 Apr 90 2:07 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa02014; 8 Apr 90 1:41 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa03016; 8 Apr 90 1:30 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA28882; Sat, 7 Apr 90 22:21:23 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 8 Apr 90 02:28:06 GMT From: Dave Olson Subject: Re: QIC150/QIC-120 Differences (Was: Writing Low Density Tapes from a Personal Iris Message-Id: <> References: <9004060833.aa05518@VIM.BRL.MIL> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <9004060833.aa05518@VIM.BRL.MIL> ferry@BRL.MIL (Michael Ferry, VLD/IBAB) writes: | John, Please forward me a copy of your previous post. Thanks! | I called 3M and requested info on the differences between the | two cartridges. The ID/REV of the DC600 is 5A and of the DC6150 | (DC600XTD) is B4. The load-point hole for the 600 is at 48 inches, ... | By the way, is DC600XTD an SGI-OEM designation | for the DC6150 cartridge? It is not listed on any of the info | I received from 3M. DC600XTD is the older name for the DC6150 cartridge. I suspect part of the reason for the name change was to establish in customers minds that this really is a different cartridge type from the 600A. Dave Olson Life would be so much easier if we could just look at the source code.   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab08384; 8 Apr 90 19:50 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa08211; 8 Apr 90 19:29 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa08202; 8 Apr 90 19:15 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa07601; 8 Apr 90 19:00 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA18705; Sun, 8 Apr 90 15:47:24 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 8 Apr 90 20:45:28 GMT From: Jeremy Higdon Organization: Silicon Graphics, Inc., Mountain View, CA Subject: Re: QIC150/QIC-120 Differences (Was: Writing Low Density Tapes from a Personal Iris Message-Id: <> References: <9004060833.aa05518@VIM.BRL.MIL> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL In article <9004060833.aa05518@VIM.BRL.MIL>, ferry@BRL.MIL (Michael Ferry, VLD/IBAB) writes: > > . . . . . . . . By the way, is DC600XTD an SGI-OEM designation > for the DC6150 cartridge? It is not listed on any of the info > I received from 3M. DC6150 is the new name for DC600XTD. They went to the new method, because they thought that DC6250, DC6320, and DC6525 would be more meaningful than whatever letter combinations they would have been able to come up with under the old system (XXXTD, RXXXTD?).   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa00088; 9 Apr 90 1:26 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa09779; 9 Apr 90 0:08 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa09730; 8 Apr 90 23:49 EDT Received: from ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU by SMOKE.BRL.MIL id aa08713; 8 Apr 90 23:45 EDT Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.61/1.41) id AA04880; Sun, 8 Apr 90 20:32:40 -0700 Received: from USENET by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU with netnews for ( (contact usenet@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU if you have questions) Date: 9 Apr 90 02:57:12 GMT From: lhary meyer Organization: Whole Earth 'Lectronic Link, Sausalito, CA Subject: Re: Stereoscopic viewers for the Personal IRIS Message-Id: <> References: <> Sender: info-iris-request@BRL.MIL To: info-iris@BRL.MIL If you in a hurry, Stereographics can provide the same capability as StereoView for the PI series now. SGI has not announced a date for direct availability yet, maybe someone there will respond. Stereographics at 415-459-4500.   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa06267; 9 Apr 90 10:05 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa04048; 9 Apr 90 9:25 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa03845; 9 Apr 90 9:09 EDT Received: from oliver.CS.McGill.CA by VGR.BRL.MIL id aa01148; 9 Apr 90 9:00 EDT Received: from Frodo.Physics.McGill.CA by (5.61+ (*mx)) with SMTP id AA25623; Sun, 8 Apr 90 20:28:41 -0400 Received: by frodo.Physics.McGill.CA id AA10213; Sun, 8 Apr 90 20:27:26 EDT (5.59++/IDA-1.1S) Date: Sun, 8 Apr 90 20:27:26 EDT From: Loki Jorgenson Rm421 Message-Id: <9004090027.AA10213@frodo.Physics.McGill.CA> To: Subject: name service Hey ho... I am not a subscriber to info-iris so pardon me if this question has been fully dealt with before. We are running Ultrix 3.2.1 on a new IRIS Personal 4D in the midst of a cluster of SUNs running SUN OSv3.5. A 3/180 provides name-service for the local group (Physics.McGill.CA); its address is frodo.Physics.McGill.CA ( My problem is that the IRIS seems to have trouble using the nameserver to resolve its own name during start-up of the window server (ie. during full-graphic console login). If the contents of the IRIS' /usr/etc/resolv.conf contain (at bootup): domain Physics.McGill.CA nameserver the window start-up will fail claiming that it "cannot resolve address". This is patently silly since this is the resolved loopback numerical address as it *should* need it. ??? When /usr/etc/resolv.conf is removed (and IRIS rebooted), the window server starts up properly by accessing the /etc/hosts file. I can effectively have it boot up without resolv.conf and then put in afterward and have everything work fine. I can even login and logout and login again *without* problems. The only depedence seems to be the presence of the resolv.conf file *during boot*!! What am I missing? Please Email direct since I am *not* on the mail list. Thanks in advance, Loki Jorgenson node: Physics, McGill University fax: (514) 398-3733 Montreal Quebec CANADA phone: (514) 398-6531 <*> ..... space for rent ..... <*>   Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id ab05077; 9 Apr 90 9:54 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa04568; 9 Apr 90 9:43 EDT Received: from by VMB.BRL.MIL id aa04121; 9 Apr 90 9:19 EDT Received: from oliver.CS.McGill.CA by VGR.BRL.MIL id aa01186; 9 Apr 90 9:11 EDT Received: from Frodo.Physics.McGill.CA by (5.61+ (*mx)) with SMTP id AA26024; Sun, 8 Apr 90 23:33:28 -0400 Received: by frodo.Physics.McGill.CA id AA12919; Sun, 8 Apr 90 23:32:07 EDT (5.59++/IDA-1.1S) Date: Sun, 8 Apr 90 23:32:07 EDT From: Loki Jorgenson Rm421 Message-Id: <9004090332.AA12919@frodo.Physics.McGill.CA> To: Subject: Correction Sorry gang...... I have been working too hard on too many projects. When I mentioned that we were running "Ultrix 3.2.1" on our IRIS, of course, I meant "IRIX 3.2.1". Obvious. Regards, Loki Jorgenson node: Physics, McGill University fax: (514) 398-3733 Montreal Quebec CANADA phone: (514) 398-6531 <*> ..... space for rent ..... <*>