This Old SGI

Consisting of a collection of notes and memoirs on my experiences with the 4D series machines.

Compiled and maintained by A. J. Corda (Email) copyright (c) 1996

Version 2.0

Visitor Number


I am posting this assortment of notes and observations as a kind of "thank you" to the numerous people who have replied to my posts in the past. The free flow of information is the life-blood of the internet community, and this is my feeble attempt to maintain that flow, while at the same time repaying the kindness shown me by other members of the community in my rather obsessive attempts to revive a defunct 4D professional series machine.

I have posted a number of messages concerning my project, and I can say that all the replies I have received have been quite helpful. One of the things you learn early on as a denizen of the net is the utility of Usenet posts. You also learn that the volume of answers can convey almost as much information as the content of those answers. If I post a question and receive a significant number of replies, then I can be relatively certain that others have run across (and possibly solved) the same class of problem. If, however, I receive no responses, it indicates that this is a new problem not previously encountered (quite unlikely, due to the age of the equipment in this case), the problem represents a true hardware-level failure (usually at the IC level) or the problem is due to some fundamental stupidity on my part (by far the most likely scenario!). This means that it's time to re-evaluate the procedure which caused the problem, which usually leads to an alternate approach which inevitably works. During this project, I have only had 2 genuine hardware failures, both of which had very little usenet response. The rest of the low-response questions were solved by re-reading the documentation available, or using my common sense when it was at last evident that this was not a common bug.

The point of this diatribe is that if you don't receive an immediate response to a usenet post, don't immediately repost it! Think the problem out. If none of the other half-million or so people who have seen your post have run across your particular problem, then the odds are that it's due to some fundamental mistake or misunderstanding on your part. Step back and look at the whole procedure again. Then, if you still can't think of a way around it, repost the problem with more info, or describe the event from an earlier point in the timeline.

Now, back to my main topic. This whole adventure started when when I developed a craving to have my "own" SGI at home. I use one quite frequently at my job, and it did not take very long for me to fall in love with the critter :-}. Unfortunately, prices being what they are, I decided to piece one together from parts obtained via the net (being a hardware hacker at heart!) This proved to be quite a challenging project. Cost-wise it was a toss-up between a Professional IRIS or Personal IRIS, depending on what I could lay my hands on (At this point in my project, I wasn't about to get picky :-). The first machine to come my way turned out to be a Professional series 4D/70GT. Machines in the Professional IRIS series are relatively obsolete right now, and their bulk, slow speed and power requirements have made them unattractive to their original owners. As a result of this, a number of them are most likely heading for the dumpster as we speak!. Fortunately, I was able to locate one of these scrapyard refugees via the net. Needless to say, it was nonfunctional and incomplete. This resulted in a rather unique learning experience.

Because of the size and weight involved, shipping is not an option with these critters! After a marathon 400 mile drive, I finally arrived back home with the beast in the back of my vehicle. I strongly suggest that you get a friend (or three!) to help you unload. I tried it myself. Hopefully, my physical therapy sessions will end soon.

The following document started out as a "how-to" file centered around the 4D/70GT. I am currently trying to expand it into a "used-sgi-hardware" reference, similar to the excellent one available for older Sun systems. It is not my intention to "compete" with the official SGI hardware FAQ! Quite to the contrary, I intend this document to serve as an unofficial hardware hacker's supplement to the official SGI FAQs. I have tried to avoid duplicating information available in the official FAQs, except where such duplication serves to enhance the clarity of a topic being discussed. Along a similar vein, I have tried to avoid including information available via IRIX man pages, except where such information may aid in the initial boot stages where the man page facility is not available to the poor fool ^h^h^h^h^h experimenter trying to boot a system for the first time.

I would eventually like to include information about the Indigo and Power series machines. Needless to say, my main emphasis has been (and will continue to be) on machines which I currently own and can tinker with, so information about these and other IRIS series may not show up until I can locate enough hardware tidbits to bring up a machine in that series.

This is a work-in-progress, so please excuse any errors. If you do spot a problem, or have some info that would be useful to include, please email it to me and I will try to incorporate it here. Please note that this is an experimenter's document. Whenever you tinker with hardware, you run the risk of damaging the hardware, yourself, or both! Some of the information presented in this document comes from old usenet posts of questionable veracity. Some comes from my experiments and observations (and even guesses!) Where possible, I have tried to indicate the reliability of the source. Never trust anything you read... Always verify it with a O'scope or meter. Please pay heed to the following:

WARNING!: I am not responsible for whatever damage you inflict on your system or yourself! I am providing this information in good faith, and in the hope that it may help someone else through the hurdles that I had to leap. I ferverently hope that common sense will prevail in it's application! I am not responsible if you toast your system, blow up your house, barbecue your cat or fry yourself! Please use COMMON SENSE when playing with electrical systems. If you have the slightest doubts of your ability in these matters, DON'T TRY! Find a professional or friend with experience to help you!


Document changes

Document changes will be reflected in the version number, [X.Yz]. A change in the major verion number X will reflect the addition of information about a new platform. The addition of a new chapter about a currently supported platform will be reflected by a change in Y. Corrections to or enhancement of a current chapter will result in a change in z. Grammatical or spelling corrections will not result in a change in the version number.

Revision History

1.0a 12/10/96
Initial Distribution
1.1a 12/13/96
Added chapter on Real time clock & non-volatile memory problems.
1.1b 12/16/96
Added reference to DS1216B to chapter on Real time clock & non-volatile memory problems.
Added Nec XP21 to APPENDIX C: Monitors.
1.2 01/01/97
Added chapter on How to convert a Sun-3 Mouse to an SGI Mouse.
Added chapter on Attempting to recover a currently formatted disk.
Corrected partition numbers in chapter on Booting SASH and installing the miniroot.
1.2a 01/31/97
Added some references for serial port information to Pointers to other information sources.
Enhanced chapter on Serial Ports for the Personal IRIS.
1.3a 02/19/97
Enhanced chapter on Serial Ports for the Personal IRIS. Added information on Macintosh pinouts and Modem cabling.
Updated chapter on CDC Rebadged SGI Systems.
Updated chapter on 4D Series Serial Port Pinouts.
Updated chapter on PROM Monitor Commands.
Updated chapter (Professional IRIS section) Hardware Debugging Experiences and added topic on The Hidden World of the GM1 PROM Monitor.
Updated chapter (Personal IRIS section) Configurations and Performance.
Added Chapter (Personal IRIS section) Chassis Configurations.
Added Chapter (Personal IRIS section) Upgrading a 4D/2x to a 4D/3x.
Added Chapter (Personal IRIX section) How to Defeat the NVRAM Password.
Added Chapter (Personal IRIX section) Memory Configurations.
1.4a 05/14/97
Updated chapter on Hardware Debugging Experiences to include a section on Power-On LED Test Codes.
Updated chapter on Pointers to other information sources.
Updated Compatible Monitor List(see Appendix C: Monitors).
Added Chapter (Personal IRIX section) Audio Capabilities.
1.5 05/20/97
Added topic on Building a bootable IRIX filesystem on a small (Zip) disk.
Added topic on Gaining root access when you don't know the password.
Added Chapter on Sources for SGI systems and parts.
Updated APPENDIX A: Card ID/Function list for SGI cards.
2.0 07/2/97
Added Section on the Power Series family.
Enhanced topic on Building a bootable IRIX filesystem on a small (Zip) disk.
Enhanced topic on IRIX platform-dependent support notes
Corrected topic on Professional Iris Backplane slot/jumper assignments.
Added topic on The anatomony of an IRIX bootable disk

Pointers to other information sources

There are a number of very good information sources on the net. To start with, you should print out a copy of the official SGI Hardware FAQ. this and other official SGI FAQs will be invaluable to anyone trying to revive a defunct SGI.

Another useful source of information is the comp.sys.sgi Usenet archive. This archive can be extremely helpful if you simply want to browse through older postings looking for material that might have some bearing on your problem. A good deal of the material in this document was derived from this archive. If you would rather use a search engine on the archives, try Harry Mangalam's SGI WAIS page or the Silicon Graphics Search page.

SGI has recently expanded the number of on-line manuals which are available through their website. Check out the SGI Technical Publications Library for more information.

Scott Henry has an excellent page describing the trials and tribulations of Configuring and Debugging SLIP and PPP Connections. You will also find a very useful discription of the Serial Port Design History of the ports on Personal IRIS and Indigo systems. I strongly recommend reading this if you are trying to use Macintosh peripherals (such as MIDI adaptors) on your Personal IRIS 4D/30-35 or Indigo.

If you are considering the purchase of an older SGI system, you should take a look at The Buying an SGI System FAQ before you buy. It is very well done, presents quite a bit of information on the Personal IRIS series, and in addition will give you some idea of what kind of problems you are letting yourself in for :-)

If none of the above information deters you, then you are truly a hardware hacker! Read on!

Sources for SGI systems and parts

Finding both complete (used) SGI systems and repair parts can sometimes be an intimidating process. There are a large number of vendors specializing in workstation hardware on the net, but many are only interested in corporate or medium sized business accounts. Often, the hobbyist is left in a quandry as to where to look. The following source list is divided into 2 parts. The first part consists of vendors that I have dealt with personally, and with whom I feel comfortable in recommending. The second part consists of vendors that I have not dealt with, but who seem to have a decent net reputation (i.e. I haven't run across pages of "Don't deal with xxxx, they'll $%#$# you over..." posts.)

Sources I have dealt with:

Sources I have not dealt with:

CDC Rebadged SGI Systems

Apparently, SGI supplied a number of complete systems to CDC for resale (or possibly internal use?) as CDC products in the late '80s. As far as I have been able to determine, the only change CDC made to these systems was to rebadge them, and possibly equip them with CDC-sourced peripherals such as hard disks, etc. The following is an incomplete (and probably inaccurate :-) list of CDC system part numbers and the closest equivalent SGI system.

CDC/SGI Equivalents
Cyber 920-254 4D/420 Server Cyber 910B-537 4D/60 (G Graphics)
Cyber 910B-430 4D/20 Entry Graphics Cyber 910-437 4D/20 24-bit(G?) Graphics
Cyber 910B-440 4D/20 "G" Graphics Cyber 910B-450 4D/20 "TG" Graphics
Cyber 910-460 4D/25 Entry Graphics Cyber 910B-460 4D/25 Entry Graphics
Cyber 910B-465 4D/25 "T" Graphics Cyber 910B-470 4D/25 "G" Graphics
Cyber 910B-475 4D/25 "TG" Graphics Cyber 910B -482 4D/30 Entry Graphics
Cyber 910B -483 4D/30 "G" Graphics Cyber 910B -484 4D/30 "TG" Graphics
Cyber 910B -485 4D/35 Entry Graphics Cyber 910B -486 4D/35 "G" Graphics
Cyber 910B -487 4D/35 "TG" Graphics

Note that anything designated CDC 920B-XXX constituted the server version of the 910B equivalent (i.e. no graphics.)

IRIX Platform-Dependent Support Notes

Because of the graphics and memory limitations, certain versions of IRIX seem more suited to some of the older platforms than others. The two recommended versions of IRIX for older hardware are the various flavors of IRIX 4.0.5 (with 4.0.5f being the most recent general hardware support release), and IRIX 5.3 (with patches applied?).

General Considerations:

If your system has 16 Mb or less of memory, definitely consider using IRIX 4.0.5. It is still quite a nice OS. If your system has 32 Mb or more of memory, and can run at a cpu speed of >20 Mhz, consider trying IRIX 5.3. Note however, that IRIX 5.3 does not support the "G" graphics option for the Professional series, and may not support OpenGL on some of the older graphics hardware platforms such as the Personal Iris TG or the Professional series GT. If you want to try using IRIX 5.3 on a system with 16 Mb of memory, you might want to turn off the objectserver (use chkconfig objectserver off ). This will help conserve memory, but will also cause some problems when using the admin tools.

(anyone have more details as to OpenGL vs. Graphics hardware support?).

Recommended OS Versions:

IRIX 4.0.5
Disk space required (System ONLY w/IDO): ~300 Mb
IRIX 5.3
Disk space required (System ONLY w/IDO): ??? Mb

CPU/IRIX performance notes
IP4-9<=16MbIRIX 4.0.5Runs nicely. Reasonably fast response.
>=32MbIRIX 5.3Runs, but a bit sluggish. Will not support XFS (or OpenGL?) If the GUI is trimmed down a bit, response reportedly increases.
IP12<=16Mb IRIX 4.0.5 Runs nicely.
>=32MbIRIX 5.3 Runs nicely.

4D Series Serial Port Pinouts

There is quite a bit of information available via the IRIX man pages concerning serial ports, including pinouts, etc. Unfortunately, if you are trying to revive a system, the IRIX man pages are usually not available to you! It is often advantageous in such a situation to connect a terminal to serial port 1 of the system in question and bring it up in diagnostic mode by disconnecting the keyboard. The following table provides both the pinout for the 9-pin SGI DB9 serial connector and the proper DB25 pin numbers needed to construct a SGI to ASCII terminal adaptor cable.

DB9 4D Series Serial Port Connector
DB9 Pin
DB25 Pin
2TDTransmit Data3
3RDReceive Data2
4RTSRequest To Send8
5CTSClear to Send8
7SGSignal Ground7
8DCDData Carrier Detect4 & 5
9DTRData Terminal Ready6

Note: The pinouts for the SGI 9-Pin serial connector are incompatible with the IBM 9-pin serial standard. You will need to wire up an adapter in order to use your pc as a terminal emulator for your SGI. Before you complain too loudly about SGI and incompatibility, you should realize that the SGI pinout is older than the IBM standard, and direct your complaints to IBM :-)

4D Series CDROM Boot-Up and Software Installation

Booting SASH and installing the miniroot:

Yes, you can boot and install from CDROM on all the 4D series machines. Unfortunately, on some of the earlier machines in the series (such as the Professional Series and Personal IRIS 4D/20 and 4D/25) the PROM monitor is totally ignorant of how to handle a CDROM drive, so you need to treat it like a SCSI disk. For the rest of this chapter, we will assume that we are installing on a machine that does not support CDROM boot from the PROM monitor menu. For the sake of our discussion, we will assume that we are installing on a 4D/70 (although the procedure is virtually identical for any of the 4D series), that the CDROM drive has been installed via the procedures described in the SCSI HACKS section (if needed), the SCSI ID for the CDROM is set to 4, and you have already inserted the IRIX distribution CDROM in the drive (I recommend doing this before trying to access the CDROM from sash. Sometimes sash will get confused if it sees an empty CDROM drive.)

To boot up sash (Stand Alone SHell), enter the monitor's command mode and type:

boot dksc(0,4,8)sash.IP4

if this gives you an error, try replacing "sash.IP4" with "/", which is an invalid file name. This should cause the monitor to display the valid filenames on the partition. If "sash.IP4" is not present, then the CDROM that you are using is not bootable on a 4D/70. Versions that I know are bootable are 4.0.1, various flavors of 4.0.5 (A and F), 5.2 & 5.3. I recommend the use of 4.0.5 due to it's smaller memory requirements.

Once sash is up and running, you will have access to a limited number of unix-like shell commands, including ls, cp, etc. At this point, you will need to copy the miniroot from the CDROM to the swap partition of the target's hard-disk (let's say it's SCSI ID is 1). To do this, type:

cp -b 32k dksc(0,4,8)mr dksc(0,1,1)

This will produce a whole series of dots. When the copy is finished, you can boot the miniroot by typing:


This should start the boot-up procedure, and bring up the miniroot and the standalone inst program.

Gaining root access when you don't know the password:

This is another one of those frustrating situations. You've just carted one of these critters home from a hamfest, you power it up, and it sits there and asks for a password. Now what? Well, if the NVRAM password hasn't been set (only possible for Personal IRIS 4D/30 and later systems, covered under How to defeat the NVRAM password) you simply have to bring the system up in single user mode and reset the root password. For newer systems, simply enter the command monitor and type the command:


For older systems, you'll have to do it manually. First, boot up sash by typing:

boot dksc(0,1,8)sash

Then set the initstate environment variable to "s" by typing:

setenv initstate s

And finish the boot process:


This should bring you up in single user mode. Change the root password by typing:

passwd root

You can then bring the system back down by typing:

init 0

Or, alternately, you can finish bringing it up to multiuser mode by typing:

init 2

Note that once you power the system off, the initstate variable is cleared, and the system will boot using the default init state defined in /etc/inittab

Attempting to recover a currently formatted disk:

If your system came with a hard disk and it won't boot from the monitor menu, there is still a good chance that IRIX might be present and bootable. Your bootfile and root environment variables might simply have been trashed. For the sake of the discussion, let's assume we're talking about a SCSI disk set to address 1. First, see if SASH is on the disk. try typing:

boot dksc(0,1,8)sash

if sash is there, it should start loading. Once sash is loaded, you should be able to load IRIX (assuming it's still intact). At this point, you might want to try bringing IRIX up in single user mode so that you can examine the root filesystem, etc. You can force singe user mode by setting the initstate environment variable to "s". This is acomplished by typing:

setenv initstate s

You can then try to boot up IRIX by typing:


If none of this works, try taking a look at the disk partition structure with fx (booted from CDROM). The partition table should look something like the following:

Hard Disk Partition Table
PartitionFormatMain UseContents
0EFSBoot PartitionIRIX Root Partition (mounted as /, the stand-alone utilities are in /stand).
1rawdataSwap Partition IRIX miniroot (Immediately after CDROM installation ONLY), overwritten by swap data after first full IRIX boot.
6EFSData partitionIRIX filespace partition (usually mounted as /usr)
7EFSVolume partition This partition is usually mapped to the overlap every partition on the disk except the volume header partition
8volhdrVolume headerMust start at the first sector on the disk. The first sector contains the disk label. This sector is also duplicated in the first sector of every track in the first cylinder. A simple directory structure (which is understood by the PROM Monitor) is supported in this partition, and the directory's table of contents is also included in the disk label. The first file in the directory table is sgilabel which is usually followed by a bootable copy of sash.
10entire---Mapped to overlap the entire disk.

Formatting and installing a new hard disk:

If you happen across a machine in dire mechanical and electrical condition as I did, you may find that the original hard disk has long since vanished. In order to install and format a new hard disk, you will need to run the stand-alone version of fx. Fx is SGI's disk format/label/testing utility. There are 2 versions. One can be run from IRIX, while the other is intended for stand-alone use. The first step in loading fx is to boot sash, as described above. Since your disk has not yet been labeled properly, don't attempt to copy the miniroot to it yet. From sash, you can boot fx from the CDROM by typing:


Fortunately, fx is a pretty complete menu-driven utility. The only oddity occurs if you select automatic disk installation using the standard defaults. In this mode, fx will re-format the hard drive, label it, and set up default partitions. For ESDI drives, this is just fine. For SCSI drives, however, it is not usually a good idea to re-format unless absolutely necessary. If you are trying to install a SCSI drive, I suggest you go through the menus manually, selecting the defaults for the partition and label commands. When you are done, you should write the changes to disk, reboot sash, and continue installing the miniroot. If this fails, go ahead and try the autoconfigure mode on the SCSI disk. What could it hurt at this point :-)

The anatomony of an IRIX bootable disk

One of the mysteries that first besets a beginning hobbyist consists of trying to understand the IRIX bootable disk structure. I will try to shed some light on this rather confusing (to a beginner) subject. Please realize that I myself am not an expert, but simply a fellow hobbyist who has had to travel this bumpy road before.

In order to create a bootable IRIX filesystem on a hard disk, you need a couple of things. First, you need access to fx, the IRIX disk formatting and partitioning utility. There are both standalone and IRIX versions of this utility. The standalone version is used when you have a copy of the IRIX installation media, and you wish to install a fresh new copy of IRIX on a virgin disk. The IRIX version can be used to format a 2nd hard drive from an up-and-running IRIX system.

Information on fx and other installation matters can be obtained from SGI via their on-line libary (you can find a pointer to this in the section on Pointers to other information sources), so I won't go into too much detail on this. What I want to concentrate on is the partition structures themselves. A typical IRIX bootable file system consists of the following partitions:

Lets take a look at the following partitions in detail. Rather than decribing the partitions in numberic order, we will describe them in the order in which they appear on the disk.

Partition 8: Volume Header partition
The Volume Header partition must start at the first sector on the disk. It contains the disk label in the first sector, and a rudimentary filesystem (readable by the PROM Monitor) in the rest of the partition. The disk label is also duplicated in the first sector of every track on the first cylinder in the partition. The disk label identifies the disk's architecture to IRIX, i.e. how many cylinders, tracks, sectors, etc. The disk label also includes a directory table of contents consisting of file names, sizes and offsets for the rudimentary file system. The first entry in the table of contents is the file sgilabel, pointing to the disk label sector itself. The remaining entries can point to whatever files are resident in the rudimentary filesystem. These files usually include sash (the standalone shell), fx (the standalone version) and ide (a stanalone testing/diagnostic tool). The disk label is usually created by fx when it initializes and partitions the disk, but the label directory should only be modified using the dvhtool utility. Dvhtool will let you add, remove and copy files to and from the Volume Header filesystem. Using dvhtool, you can install standalone copies of sash and fx from the /stand directory into the Volume Header Partition filesystem (assuming there is sufficient space there.)

Partition 1: Swap partition
The swap has no filesystem structure, It is simply raw disk space. It serves two purposes; a place to copy and boot the miniroot from during software installation, and a raw swap area for IRIX after full system bootup. During IRIX system software installation a small virtual IRIX filesystem called the miniroot is copied into the swap partition. The miniroot is then booted and used to install a valid EFS based IRIX filesystem in partition 0. The miniroot may also be used to install new versions of critical IRIX kernel files that can't be modified during runtime. Once the software is installed and the full IRIX system is booted off of partition 0, the miniroot in the swap partition will be overwritten by swap data.

Partition 0: Root Filesystem partition
Partition 0 holds the root filesystem. It is an EFS (Extent File System) partition, and holds the IRIX kernel and the files accessed under the / directory. You can create an EFS partition using the mkfs utility, which is exactly what the miniroot does when you perform a first-time system software installation on a virgin disk.

Partition 6: Usr Filesystem partition
On large disks, it is often preferable to provide a second EFS partition for non-system related files. This partition can be backed up seperately from the root (/) partition, saving backup tapes, etc.

Partition 7: Volume Body partition
Partition 7 is what I refer to as a housekeeping partition. It does not have any unique disk space mapped to itself. It is simply an overlay that points to all the sectors on the disk that are not in the Volume Header partition.

Partition 10: Whole Disk partition
Partition 10 is another housekeeping partition. It maps to the entire disk. It can be used as a pointer to the entire disk from sash or the PROM monitor when using the cp command to clone a hard disk.

Building a bootable IRIX filesystem on a small (Zip) disk:

One of the major problems facing a hobbyist with a newly accquired SGI is that of backing up that precious installed operating system. If you have been lucky enough to latch onto the installation media for your system, all well and good. This is the ideal situation, and you can simply use tar, bru or whatever backup utility you prefer to make a complete hard disk backup, safe in the knowledge that if a micro-meteorite ever punctures your hard disk, you can use the installation media to create a miniroot on a new hard disk, and reinstall IRIX, etc.

If, however, you are in that sorry group of hobbyists that did not receive a copy of the installation media, then you are well acquainted with that fearful feeling in the pit of you stomach (akin to rolling dice) that occurs every time you power your SGI off and on.

The problem is basically that of a lack of a miniroot to facilitate disk repair and restoration of savesets. When you install IRIX off of the installation media, inst copies the miniroot from the installation media to the swap partition of the target hard disk. This copy is usable until the installed version of IRIX is booted, at which time the miniroot is overwritten by swap data. Inst does not, unfortunately, store a bootable copy of the miniroot on the target hard disk for future use. In order to recover from a completely obliterated hard disk, You will need to boot the miniroot off of a copy of the installation media in order to reinstall the system or restore the complete hard disk saveset.

There are a couple of ways around this dilemma. First, you can use the PROM Monitor cp command to completely copy one hard disk to another, as long as the two hard disks are of identical manufacture. Second, you can make a complete saveset of the current root hard disk, and restore it to another hard disk (of equal or larger capacity) configured to a different SCSI id Unfortunately, both these approaches lead to the undesirable requirement of holding a relatively large (and otherwise useful) hard disk in reserve, solely as a backup boot disk.

After a little bit of experimentation, I think I may have come up with another alternative to this dilemma. I have attempted to create an ersatz miniroot from the IRIX files currently present on the root hard disk. Now, don't get too excited about this yet...;-) This ersatz miniroot is quite restricted in it's capabilities, and is completely unlike the miniroot provided on the installation media. What I have done is to create a shellscipt that copies a minimal single-user bootable IRIX filesystem to a small SCSI hard disk (~100 Mb). The shellscript performs the following functions:

The ersatz miniroot is limited in that it can only be used to boot a system with an identical hardware configuration to that of the system it was generated from. (by identical, I mean the same CPU and Graphics Cardset configuration).

The purpose of this ersatz miniroot is as follows; If the bootable kernel on your root disk is wiped out, you simply boot up off of the small hard disk and use tar, bru, or whatever to do a complete reinstall from your backup saveset. If the filesystem is really hosed, you can use fx to reinitialize the disk, dvhtool to rebuild the disk label partition directory, and then restore your system.

My original intent was to use a Zip disk for the bootable ersatz miniroot. This does indeed work on some platforms. Unfortunately, there are other platforms which do not seem to like using removable SCSI media as a boot target from the PROM Monitor. In either case, a small SCSI disk salvaged from an older Macintosh or Sun3 should be adequate and acceptable to the platforms that seem to be more picky as to their boot target. You will find more info on platform-dependent behavior in the README files included in the release.

To download the V1.0-Alpha version of ZipBootGen, Click Here.

!!!WARNING!!! Please note that I am releasing this shellscript in Alpha form. This means that it is only minimally debugged, and will most likely need extensive hacking. Also, the ersatz miniroot may not be fully functional in that critical dynamic libraries may still be missing. I have tried my best to include what I thought was necessary, but it is very likely that I may have forgotten something. If you decide to experiment with this approach, please drop me an email note with your results. I would prefer that only those in posession of installation media actually try to perform a complete backup using this initial Alpha release. I'd hate to have anyone wipe out their only copy of a viable system while experimenting with an untested backup procedure.

4D Series PROM Monitor Commands and Environment Variables

PROM Monitor Commands:

The PROM monitor commands and environment variables are documented in the various 4D Series Owners Guides. Since the 4D series machines are relatively old, and this document is for experimenters who are relatively poor, and are most likely trying to revive/restore a machine for which documentation has been either lost or trashed, I will summarize them below. Note that your particular machine may have some extra commands, such as passwording, etc. Use the help (or ?) command to determine the monitor capabilities of your particular machine.

There are a number of ways to bring up the PROM monitor. If you are not certain of the condition of the graphics system or video monitor, you can bring up the PROM monitor from a terminal on serial port 1. Simply disconnect the system keyboard, and the bootcode will default to the serial port (9600, N, 8, 1).

Monitor Commands:

Reinitialize the monitor.

help (or ?) [command]
Print a list of commands, or info on a specific command.

enable [console_device]
Selects the specified I/O device for use as the system console. Possible values of [console_device] are:

Graphics console.
Terminal on port 1.
Terminal on port 2.

printenv [env_var_list]
Display the values of the selected environment variables.

setenv [env_var] [string]
Set the selected environment variable to the specified string.

unsetenv [env_var]
Delete the specified environment variable.

fill [-(b|h|w)] [-v value] range
Fill memory range with specified value.

value is a byte value.
value is a halfword value
value is a word value.

range is a memory range expressed in one of 2 ways:
Base Address#Count or Start Address:End Address. Each Address value must be specified with a preceding 0x if the address begins with a non-numeric character (i.e. 0xA1000000)

dump [-(b|h|w)] [-(o|d|u|x|c|B)] [-v value] range
Display memory range in specified format. The datatype size and address range specifications are the same as those used by the fill command. the data display options are listed below:

Memory contents are displayed in Octal.
Memory contents are displayed in Signed Decimal.
Memory contents are displayed in Unsigned Decimal.
Memory contents are displayed in Hexidecimal.
Memory contents are displayed in ASCII.
Memory contents are displayed in Binary.

Begin auto-boot procedure (use the values of the environment variables to specify boot parameters).

boot [-f file] [-n ] [args]

Specifies which program you want to boot. If you do not use the "f" switch, the boot file name is taken from the "bootfile" environment variable.

This simply loads the boot file into memory, and returns you to the monitor prompt.

"Args" are variables which are passed directly to the program being booted. In order to pass an argument with a preceding "-", you need to prepend another hyphen (i.e. "--") in order to pass the argument through the monitor's command parser.

go [pc]
Transfer control to the specified address pc.

Display system hardware configuration.

Display PROM version.

Device and File Names:

File names at the monitor level follow unix standards, with the exception that the file name must be less than 20 characters. Device names are specified differently in the monitor than they are in IRIX. The following list describes the devices supported by the monitor. The general format is:

<driver name> (<controller id>, <device id>, <partition>)

Device Driver Names
IRIS MonitorIRIX EquivalentDescriptiopn
dkip(#,#,#)ips#d#s#ESDI disk controller
dksc(#,#,#)dks#d#s#SCSI disk controller
tpsc(#,#,#)tps#d#s#SCSI tape controller
xyl(#,#,#)xyl#d#s#SMD disk controller
tpqic???1/4" Tape drive (QIC02)
tty---CPU Board duart
tty(#)---Serial port 1 or 2
gfx(0)---Graphics System/Keyboard
console---Default console, which is
set by enable command
bootp---Ethernet controller, supports
either BOOTP or TFTP protocols

Note that there are 3 arguments to most of the disk device names. For Example, if we wanted to specify ESDI controller #0, device #1, partition #2, we would use the following:


Device ID Conventions:

Most older SGI systems utilize SCSI ID 1 for the first hard disk, and SCSI ID 4 for the first CDROM drive. For ESDI drives, the first drive is 0, the second is 1.

Important note: On SGI systems, the SCSI disk controller (and tape controller?) ID is 0. This is a SGI peculiarity. This limits the number of usable SCSI IDs to 1-7.

Environment Variables stored in NVRAM:

There are a number of environment variables that the monitor uses for configuration of software and hardware interfaces. These variables may be viewed or modified via the monitor printenv and setenv commands, and are listed below. Note that this list is based on the 4D Professional series PROM monitor. There may be minor variations and additions for newer machines:

Variables stored in NVRAM
netaddrNetwork IP address for booting across the net. (e.g.
dbaudDiagnostics console baud rate (75 to 19,200 Baud.)
rbaudRemote console baud rate.
bootfileName of file used by the autoboot command.
bootmodeSelects the bootmode on init/ powerup. Possible values are:
- Performs complete cold autoboot.
- Enter PROM monitor. Perform no power-on diagnostics.
- Enter PROM monitor. Perform all power-on diagnostics.
consoleSelects boot console. Possible values are:
- Graphics console/keyboard with Logo.
-Graphics console/keyboard without logo .
-Diagnostics terminal attached to serial port 1 .
rootSelects disk with root file system. Note that this is in IRIX notation, i.e. a device name such as dks0d1s0.
keybdSpecifies the type of keyboard. The default is "df".

Variables that affect IRIX
showconfigTells IRIX to print extra info as it boots. To enable, set to "istrue".
initstateOverrides the initdefault value in /etc/inittab. Possible values are: S, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.
swapSpecifies the swap partition to use. If left unset, the default swap partition is 1 on the device specified by the "root" variable.
verboseBe excessively wordy when complaining about errors.

Professional IRIS Series (4D/50-85)

Configuration and Performance

The following list contains what I have gleaned from ongoing Usenet traffic. If you find an error, or have information not listed here, please drop me an email note and I will include it.

Professional IRIS Series
Base Model4D/50
IntroducedNo info available yet...
EnclosureProfessional Series Twin Tower
CPUNo info available yet...
MemoryNo info available yet...
PerformanceNo info available yet...
GraphicsNo info available yet...
SoftwareNo info available yet...
NotesIf anyone has the specs for this (or other) SGI
systems, let me know and I will include them...
Base Model4D/60
IntroducedAnnounced March 1987
Replaced by 4D/70 in Fall/Winter 1987/1988
EnclosureProfessional Series Twin Tower
CPUMIPS R2000 (8 MHz) system with separate MIPS R2360 FPA board.
MemorySeparate 4Mb memory boards (up to 3 per system for max of 12 MB CPU memory)
Performance0.72 MFLOPS (double precision)
7.0 MIPS
Graphics"B", "G"
SoftwareSystem Software based on System V.3.
NotesThis information was gleaned from usenet posts. I have never actually seen this configuration (or an IP4 family "multicard" CPU???), but the original poster seems to have had his act together, so here it is...:-)
Base Model4D/70
IntroducedAnnounced November 1987
Replaced by 4D/80 ???
EnclosureProfessional Series Twin Tower
CPU(IP4)MIPS R2000 (12.5 MHz) with integrated
MIPS R2010 FPA on board.
MemoryIntegrated CPU memory on board (8 - 16 Mb), Standard 30-pin 9-chip SIMMS. See the section on Memory Requirements for a possible exception to this memory limitation.
Performance1.1 MFLOPS (double precision)
10.0 MIPS
Graphics"B", "G", "T", "GT", "GTX"
SoftwareIRIX 4.0.5 Recommended because of 16 Mb Memory limitation. The "GT" and higher graphics configurations Will supposedly run up to IRIX 5.3, but won't support XFS (or OpenGL?).
Base Model4D/80
IntroducedAnnounced ???
EnclosureProfessional Series Twin Tower
CPU(IP4.5)MIPS R2000 (16 MHz) with integrated
MIPS R2010 FPA on board.
MemoryIntegrated CPU memory on board (8 - 16 Mb), Standard 30-pin 9-chip SIMMS. Memory was expandable beyond 16 Mb by use of a companion VME card in the next slot which connected to the IP4.5 via an external bus jumper plug.
Performance?? MFLOPS (double precision)
Graphics"B", "G", "T", "GT", "GTX"
SoftwareIRIX 4.0.5 Recommended because of 16 Mb Memory limitation, unless you are lucky enough to have the VME memory expansion card! "GT" and higher graphics configurations will supposedly run up to IRIX 5.3. Don't know yet about XFS or OpenGL, but my guess is that the same restrictions that apply to a 4D/70 apply to this machine.
Base Model4D/85
IntroducedAnnounced ???
EnclosureSingle tower enclosure, similar to that of the Crimson.
CPU(IP4.5)MIPS R2000 (16 MHz) with integrated
MIPS R2010 FPA on board.
MemoryIntegrated CPU memory on board (8 - 16 Mb), Standard 30-pin 9-chip SIMMS. Memory was expandable beyond 16 Mb by use of a companion VME card in the next slot which connected to the IP4.5 via an external bus jumper plug.
Performance?? MFLOPS (double precision)
Graphics"B", "G", "T", "GT", "GTX"
SoftwareIRIX 4.0.5 Recommended because of 16 Mb Memory limitation, unless you are lucky enough to have the VME memory expansion card! "GT" and higher graphics configurations will supposedly run up to IRIX 5.3. Don't know yet about XFS or OpenGL, but my guess is that the same restrictions that apply to a 4D/70 apply to this machine.
NotesAside from the nicer enclosure and it's ability to use power-series style hard drive caddies, it is essentially a 4D/80 in performance. I have also heard that some twin-towers were badged as 4D/85's. I have only seen, and can confirm, the single tower species!

Graphics Configurations

I have noticed that the graphics subsystems seem to be interchangeable across the 4D/50-85 family. This would imply that it should be possible to "mix and match", although I haven't tried it with anything except the "G and "GT" cardsets. Also, it appears that the color of the top and decorative trim panels of this series reflected a "color code" that can be used to quickly identify the graphics engine in that system.

Professional IRIS Graphics Configurations
Graphics modesUnknown ???
ColorUnknown ???
CardsetUnknown ???
ResolutionUnknown ???
Performance I have only run across one or two references to this configuration...It might be simply be the "server" configuration (i.e. no graphics)
SoftwareUnknown ???
Graphics modesUnknown ???
ColorPurple Top--
CardsetGF3, TB2, ZB2, DE3 (Seems to be identical to "G" ???)
Resolution1280x1024 screen resolution.
PerformanceI can only assume that the performance is identical to that of a "G" system. Apparently, the T designation originally implied "Turbo". This designation was dropped (around 1988?) in favor of the "G" designation.
SoftwareProbabily the same as "G"
Graphics modesUnknown ???
ColorPurple Top--
CardsetGF3, TB2, ZB2, DE3
Resolution1280x1024 screen resolution.
Performance8 - 24 bit color + 4 bits overlay/underlay + 24 bit z-buffer. 5500 gouraud shaded, z-buffered polys per second. Apparently, the Z-buffer was considered an option, and may not be present in all systems.
SoftwareSoftware support seems to stop somewhere before IRIX 5.3. Known to work with IRIX 4.0.5
Graphics modes30HZ, 60HZ, NTSC, PAL, and 30HZ_SG.
ColorGreen Top--
CardsetGE4, GM1, RM1, RV1, RM1
Resolution1280x1024 screen resolution.
Performance8 - 24 bit color + 4 bit overlay/underlay + 24 bit z-buffer. 60,000 gouraud shaded, z-buffered polys per second. Note that there seem to be two versions of this cardset. One version supports Alpha planes, the other doesn't (See the card list in the appendix.) It might also be possible to replace the RV1 cards with RV2 to allow for stereo video and 343 mode. The GT supports Alpha planes and the GTB does not. 1280x1024 screen resolution.
SoftwareSupported through IRIX 5.3
Graphics modes30HZ, 60HZ, NTSC, PAL, 30HZ_SG (343 and STR_RECT with the RV2 cardset.)
ColorRed Top--
CardsetGM2, GE4, RM1, (RV1.5 or RV2)
Resolution1280x1024 screen resolution.
PerformanceUnknown planes... (probably same as GT) 100,000 gouraud shaded, z-buffered polys per second. Note that there appears to be 2 versions of this cardset. The GTX supports Alpha planes, and the GTXB does not. The RV2 cardset allows for stereo video and 343 mode.
SoftwareSupported through IRIX 5.3
Notes: Although I have seen this configuration mentioned in the SGI archives, I have my doubts as to it's usage with the professional series. It would require a different backplane since the GM2 uses a non-VME style connector.

3-D Stereo connections

It is apparently possible to connect a set of LCD Shutter glasses to a GT or GTX graphics system. The LCD glasses will require a TTL level square-wave signal indicating which eye to blank for alternate frames of video. On a GT or GTX system, this signal is apparently available, and can be tapped from the 3rd pin from the bottom right of the 240 pin connector block on the graphics cardset. Use a 75 Ohm COAX cable, and ground the outer shield. BTW, this information was gleaned from old Usenet posts in the comp.sys.sgi archives, so I am not quite comfortable with it's accuracy or with the possible consequences to your equipment from it's use (or misuse). Until I can verify this, proceed with CAUTION. I suggest you probe this signal out with an Oscilloscope (and possibly buffer it with a TTL driver?) before you try to use it.(Whats that, you say? You don't have an Oscilloscope? Then what are you doing fiddling with the hardware at this level! shame on you! :-) Again, I am NOT responsible if you toast your graphics cardset. You have been warned!.

Another interesting thing to note is that the IRIX man page serial indicates that a Stereo Field Sync signal is available from pin 3 of the DIN-8 powered serial port (a Professional/Power Series option.) I haven't come across any further reference to this signal. It might be intended for use with LCD shutter glasses, but your guess is as good as mine! If anyone has any further info, drop me an email note and I'll include it here.

Power Requirements/Interlocks/Cooling

Note that the 4D series require 20 amp service. Ahem. Of course, if you don't really load it up with lots of option cards, 4 Full Height hard disks, 2 tape drives, etc. you might be able to get away with swapping the 20 Amp plug for a plain old 15 Amp plug, and connecting it to a standard wall outlet (for testing purposes only!). Do try to place it on a circuit that is carrying a minimal load (cut off the circuit breaker for the selected outlet, see what other outlets/lamps die, etc. and try to move those other loads to a different circuit.) Note that the system has a built-in 16 amp circuit breaker, which will be of little protective use if you use this approach on a 15 amp wall outlet. If you intend to keep the 4D up continuously, you should run a separate 20 amp circuit for it.

!!!PLEASE NOTE!!!, I am not _recommending_ that you do this! In a home with inadequate wiring, this approach can be a fire hazard! I do not want to have people chasing me around with axes because their house burned down. I accept NO liability for any damage you may incur to yourself, your home or your system! You have been warned! I STRONGLY recommend that you have a certified electrician install a building code compliant 20-amp receptacle.

Twin Tower Enclosures:

The following notes apply only to the Professional series twin-tower enclosures. The Power series are similar, however I believe that they use a different power supply and cooling system. There may also be differences in the SCSI cabling system used in the smaller drive tower.

The 4D/70 and other of it's ilk (Professional series twin tower cardcages) use an interlock system to shut down the power if a panel is open. This can sometimes be a pain in the posterior when troubleshooting. The interlock system consists of 3 door switches and a 1 amp breaker ganged to the 16 amp main breaker on the back panel of power-module (at the base of the drive tower.) Two of the switches are located at the top of the main tower near the threaded mount that the door thumb-screw screws into. When the thumb-screw is fully engaged, it's tip depresses the interlock switch opening it. These two switches are obvious to anyone who examines the system superficially. The third switch is hidden insidiously inside the power-module on the right-hand side. It is operated via a mechanical linkage through each of the stacked drive/tape modules, and is depressed only when the top vanity cover of the drive tower is in place. All three switches seem to be wired in parallel, and operate by shorting a voltage through the 1-amp circuit breaker, which throws both circuit breakers open. To disable the interlocks, simply pull off one of the two switch-wires (they use press-on spade connectors) at the switch you wish to disable. To get to the switch in the drive tower, you'll have to remove the power module cover. I suggest you cover the wire you pull off with electrical tape. I also strongly suggest that you re-connect the interlocks when you are done troubleshooting. I'm only guessing, but I think part of the reason they are there is to insure that the front and rear panels of the main tower are in place during operation. This probably has a significant effect on the flow of cooling air over the cardset. My guess is that prolonged operation with either of the panels open could lead to card/component overheating and failure!.

Incidentally, a number of people sent me warnings about the two squirrel-cage fans in the base of the main tower. Apparently, these are in the habit of failing on a random basis. Failure of just one of the fans can lead to overheating and card/component failure! Check to insure that both fans are operating! Mine seem to be fine, so I haven't developed a service/replacement hack for 'em yet.

Memory Requirements

Professional Series:

I have run across 3 different CPU cards for the 4D/(50-80) series of machines. These consist of a 8 Mhz IP4 (030-0121-001) used in the 4D/50, a 12 Mhz IP4 (030-0011-001) used in the 4D/70, and a 16 Mhz IP4.5 (030-0122-007) used in the 4D/80. A lot of the net messages I received, as well as the SGI Hardware FAQ, indicated that SGI systems need SGI-specific SIMMS. I have not observed this for the three CPU cards mentioned above. I have no doubt that it is true for other 4D series machines such as the 4D(30-35). The IP4 series of CPU cards seem to be much more forgiving than their faster and newer brethren, however. I have successfully used plain old PC type simms in all three CPU cards. These were 1 Mb 9-chip 30-pin simms (parity, 100 ns or faster.) I have even used simms from a Sun 3/80 (sacrilege!). I can not say that _all_ 9-chip simms will work, but I have had good luck with all the various ones that I have tested. The simms supplied by SGI seem to be of Toshiba manufacture, so if you are concerned, stick to those. But before you go out and spend wads on that SGI-specific memory, try pirating a few simms from that old PC you've been using as a door-stop the past two years. If they work, send me a beer. Note that I have _not_ tried 3-chip simms. Some of these have refresh address requirements which are different than those of the 9-chip variety, so I doubt they will work.

For testing purposes, you can bring the system up with only 8 Mb of memory. Simply populate every other pair of simm slots (i.e. 2 in, 2 out, 2 in, 2 out, etc.)

A number of sources indicate the the Professional series could make use of SGI-proprietary VME memory expansion cards in order to expand the IP4 beyond it's normal 16 Mb limit. An examination of the Professional series backplane reveals the interesting fact that the VME P2 connector provides a small bussed segment across VME slots 1-4. If I were a bettin' man, I'd bet that the P2 connector on the VME backplane is used as a memory expansion bus by the IP4. Another interesting observation is that the IP4.5 has a large bus-type connector on the front of the card which is not found on an IP4. It seems that the IP4.5 made use of this connector (in conjunction with? ... in place of ?) the P2 bus to provide for memory expansion. As I have never run across a VME memory expansion card for either CPU card, and documentation for this feature seems to be as scarce as hen's teeth, I can't really elaborate any further about it. If anyone has any information on the VME memory expansion capabilities of either CPU card, or what VME memory cards would work with either CPU, please drop me an email note!

Recently, for lack of something better to do (Yeh, I know, I should get a life :-), I dragged out the ole' DVM and did some random circuit tracing on an IP4 card. One of the things I looked at was the (supposedly unused) 4 Mb MSB going to the SIMM array (I was having vague and idealistic dreams about hacking the board to handle 4-Mb SIMMS.) To my complete surprise, it appeared that the 4-Mb SIMM MSB was already routed by way of a buffer to some select logic. Could it be that the card could already handle 4-Mb SIMMS? Unfortunately, I have never gotten around to testing this. Will it work? I don't know at this time, but if someone else happens to have some spare 4-Mb SIMMS, and wants to try this out, let me know the results and I'll include them here. A recent version of the SGI Hardware FAQ actually mentions that some versions of the IP4 could handle 4-Mb SIMMS, with a max capacity of 64 Mb on board. It also mentions that the IP4.5 could support 4-Mb SIMMS by changing 2 PALS. I tried to pursue this, but was told by an SGI source that, although this is probably true, SGI never actually produced the 2 updated PALS. If anyone knows more about this, let me know.

Backplane Slot/Jumper Assignments

Professional Series:

Since my system was pieced together from parts, I needed to confirm the cardslot assignments and backplane jumper settings for the various cards. My configuration is listed below:

IP4 CPU w/GT graphics, ESDI Hard disk and Ethernet
3ESDIESDI Disk Controlleroutout||||||=

6ENETEthernet Interfaceoutout||||~=

8GE4Geometry Engineinin||||||||
9GM1Graphics Manageroutout||||||||
10RM1Raster Memoryoutout||||||||
11RV1Raster Videooutout||||||||
12RM1Raster Memoryoutout||||||||
  • The Designation PXn refers to row n of connector PX.
  • A || indicates that the specified PXn Backplane connector rows are bussed.
  • A ~ indicates that they are isolated.
  • A = indicates that they may be wired in a proprietary manner.

The Professional IRIS backplane seems to be divided into 3 logical segments, a CPU segment (slots 1-4), a CPU/VME segment (slots 5-7) and a Graphics segment(slots 8-12.) Note that the P2ac portion of the backplane does not extend across the 3 segments, but is divided into 2 separate busses, P2ac(CPU) and P2ac(GRAPHIC). The P2b portion of the P2 connector does extend across all 3 segments of the backplane.

The rule of thumb for most VME systems is to install backplane jumpers in unused slots. The only exception to this rule for the 4D appears to be for the GE4 card.

Note that the P1 connector is bussed across all three segments of the VME cardcage. The P3 connector on the IP4 CPU card (which must reside in slot 0) is used to provide a connection to the local SCSI bus and 4D control panel. On the Graphics segment of the backplane, the P3 connector is bussed.

Keyboard and Mouse

Unfortunately, my system came sans everything (keyboard, mouse, monitor, hard disk, memory, you name it, I didn't have it :-). The result of this is a series of improvisations which were quite interesting to devise. Unfortunately, only the keyboard did not yield easily to improvisation. At first, I contemplated building a small Intel 8051 based keyboard translator to adapt a generic IBM keyboard to the SGI. While this is quite possible, I decided against this approach for the time being, since I had too many other unknowns in my system already. Checking with resellers, I was able to locate a number of keyboards suitable for use with the 4D/70 professional series, but the prices were a bit out of my acceptable range (<$100). Finally, a net query on "netted" me (heh heh :-) an SGI keyboard I could use for a reasonable price.

Keyboard electrical specifications

The keyboard is documented quite thoroughly in the SGI man pages. Of course, if you don't have your SGI up and running yet, that won't quite help :-) For expediency, I will summarize the keyboard interface below:

The Professional and power series machines use a DB15 connector for their keyboards. The mouse daisy-chains off the keyboard. The pinout is as follows (with thanks to the SGI man pages!):

DB15 Professional/Power Series Keyboard Connector
4KTXDKeyboard Transmit
5KRDCKeyboard Receive
7+12 VdcPower
8+12 VdcPower
9+12 VdcPower
10MTXDMouse Transmit
15-12 VdcPower

The data stream format is as follows:

600 Baud, 8 Bits, Odd parity, 1 start bit, 1 stop bit

Idle-state and true data bit level: -5V
Start-bit and false data bit level: +5V

Mouse electrical specifications

On the Power and Professional series, The mouse interface is electrically compatible with the RS-423 specification. The mouse connects to the keyboard via a 9-pin DB9 connector. The pinout for this connector is documented in the table below.

DB15 Professional/Power Series Mouse Connector
5MTXDMouse Xmit Data

The data stream format is as follows:

4800 Baud, 8 Bits, No parity 1 start bit

Idle-state and true data bit level: -5V
Start-bit and false data bit level: +5V

Note that the data format is identical to the PC-compatible Mouse Systems format.

How to convert a Sun-3 Mouse to an SGI mouse

Internal examination of a real (borrowed) SGI professional-series optical mouse revealed a very interesting fact. The innards (plus or minus a few discrete components) were identical to that of the older Sun M4 optical mouse used on Sun-3 series systems. This mouse can be identified by the MSC part number 901589-001/C on the bottom label. For quick identification (when sorting through a box of orphan mice at a fleamarket) look for a mouse with a cable terminated with a modified RJ11 (telephone-type) connector. Sun modified the connector by adding 2 brass alignment pins to it's sides.

The Sun3 M4 mouse transmits data conforming to the Mouse Systems format. The only real differences between the SGI optical 9-pin mouse and the Sun3 mouse consist of baud-rate (The Sun3 mouse operates at 1200 baud, whereas the SGI mouse uses 4800 baud) and electrical interface (the Sun3 mouse requres only +5Vdc, and provides a 0-5 Volt data signal swing. The SGI mouse, on the other hand, uses a bipolar supply, and provides a bipolar data swing.)

Upon opening the Sun-3 mouse, you should be able to find the numbers 301276-001 Rev B silkscreened on the pc board somewhere near the center screw hole mount. Be aware that there is also a newer Sun M4 mouse that is used on Sun 3/80 and Sun-4 systems. This mouse can be identified by it's use of a mini-din connector. Unfortunately, the Sun-4 mouse uses a different PC board, and won't work in this application.

The following modifications will convert a Sun-3 series mouse to an SGI Professional series compatible mouse. If you have problems after the modification, you may need to try experimenting with different optical mouse pads. The one I converted worked fine, but I needed to add some extra light-baffling to isolate the X and Y sensors (I used a piece of black electrical tape.)

Sun-3 Mouse Modifications

The Following modifications will convert a Sun-3 mouse to an SGI-compatible mouse:

  1. Remove transistor Q4 (2N3904)
  2. Install transistor Q2 (2N3906)
  3. Remove jumper J5.
  4. Remove jumper J7.
  5. Install jumper J2.
  6. Install jumper at CR4.
  7. Install jumper at CR5.
  8. Install 3.3 K-Ohm resistor at R5.
  9. Move capacitor C11 to position C12.
  10. Replace resistor R8 (150 Ohm) with a 91 Ohm resistor.
  11. Replace resistor R4 (150 Ohm) with a 82 Ohm resistor.
  12. Connect a 4-wire cable to the solder pads labeled P1 and terminate it with a Male DB9 connector.

Serial Ports

The Professional Series systems use the SGI 9-Pin DB9 Serial port standard, and may optionally provide DIN-8 connectors which are nothing more than serial ports that can also provide 10 VDC power to peripherals. The pinout for the DIN-8 connector is available via the SGI man pages under serial.

SCSI Hacks

Although the 4D/50-80 (Professional twin-tower series) does not include an external SCSI connector like the power series, it is relatively simple to hack one in. the SCSI bus is accessible via each drive module on the smaller tower. I simply disassembled a drive module and fabricated a new backplate with a standard IDC Centronix-style SCSI connector (mounted diagonally, in order to fit on the plate.) Simply connect this via a short piece of ribbon cable to the internal SCSI connector. It is important that this module remain the last one in the SCSI cable chain, i.e. it must be the top module. In addition, you need to install a SCSI termination plug on the connector (and disable whatever termination was being provided by the last device previously in the chain) in order to terminate the SCSI chain properly. This modification will allow you to connect an external SCSI CDROM or tape drive.

CDROM boot and software installation procedures

None of the 4D professional series systems allow for rom monitor menu-based booting from CDROM. It is still possible to boot and install these systems from CDROM using a rather simple procedure outlined in the chapter on 4D series CDROM boot and software installation.

Professional Series Power Supply Problems

Before I begin this section, a few words of caution: If you don't feel comfortable troubleshooting high-amperage switching supplies, don't try!!! Have a qualified service technician do the repair. You could very easily injure yourself and/or your system, and start a fire to boot! you have been warned!!! I will not be held liable for the consequences! Proceed at your own risk!!!

I have run across bad supplies in 3 of the 4 systems I have access to (These are Professional series twin-tower systems. I don't know think the '85 or the Power series twin-tower systems use the same supply.) All the supplies failed in the same manner, which could indicate a long-term failure mode with this particular power supply(or just my bad luck :-)

This was a @#$% problem to diagnose! The CPU and logic in both systems seemed fine, but neither would format or access a hard disk without horrible errors. Of course, the first thing I did was put a DMM on the 12v and 5v supply lines, which both looked fine! I then tried both ESDI and SCSI hard disks, and both acted as if they were bad! Finally, in desperation, I put the SCSI disk in a separate powered enclosure, and it worked like a charm! Grumbling to myself, I dragged out the old O'scope, and sure enough, both the 5V and 12V lines looked like an EKG trace! On the 5V side, spikes as low as 4.5V and as high as 5.3V appeared. A DMM could not detect this crud.

I pulled the supply. This is a nice blue box made by LH Research, model # MMA44-E192B, which puts out about 5V @200A (Screwdriver-melting stuff! be careful if you try this!) After opening it up, I found a bad electrolytic, one of a pair joined by a plastic plate across the top (2900 Uf @ 200VDC, 250V Surge). Note the this pair is somewhere in the input side of the supply, not on the output as you might suspect.

As I said previously, I had 3 systems that have failed in exactly the same manner. All three used LH Research power supplies. I pulled one good electrolytic from one of the other supplies and used it to replace the bad one in the supply I was working on. Voila! A working supply! no disk errors!.

I called the nice lady at LH Research to see if I could purchase a replacement electrolytic. They cost about $40.00 each, but the kicker is the lead time, which is about 6 months! Apparently we are in the middle of a high-voltage electrolytic shortage :-) If this turns out to be your problem, you might be able to lean on her a bit harder than I did, though. (Note that this is being written in Sept '95. The situation at the current time might have improved.)

Real time clock & non-volatile memory problems

I recently received a message from a fellow net resident asking about a problem he had with his 4D/70 IRIX system clock. Apparently, his IRIX software system clock was being reset to zero every time he rebooted. The question prompted me to investigate my own system a bit further, revealing a potential failure mode for these dinosaurs. Anyone who has ever played with Sun hardware (perish the thought! :-) will recognize this problem, as it is quite common in some of the older Sun3 and Sun4 series systems.

Even though I'm not privy to the internals of IRIX, I don't believe it's a stretch of the imagination to assume that IRIX initializes it's software system clock from the hardware real time clock (RTC) on board the IP4 or IP4.5. On these CPU cards, the RTC is implemented with a Dallas Semiconductor DS1216 (or DS1216B) SmartWatch. The SmartWatch is a 28-pin DIP socket with a built-in RTC chip and lithium back-up battery. A Static RAM chip is plugged into the SmartWatch, and the SmartWatch/RAM assembly is then plugged into a 28-pin DIP socket on the CPU card. The SmartWatch is designed to supply back-up power to both it's internal clock chip and the piggybacked static RAM chip. While this is a neat idea, there will invariably come a time when the built-in lithium cell becomes exausted. When this happens, the built-in clock will begin to act flaky, and the static RAM chip (used to store the monitor-rom nvram enviroment variables) will become unreliable in that it's contents may become scrambled when the system is powered down. How long will the lithium cell last? The manufacturer's data sheet indicates a nominal lifetime of greater than 10 years. Now the discouraging part... the date code on the SmartWatch in my system is '85. (I guess this means that my system is living on "borrowed time" :-)

Fortunately, unlike Sun hardware, SGI does not keep it's system ethernet MAC address in nvram on the Professional series machines, so a nvram failure is not quite as devastating on a 4D/70 as it would be on a Sun3 or Sun4. I would, however, recommend keeping a paper copy of the contents of your nvram (use the printenv monitor command) in case a powerdown leaves you stranded. The Professional series monitor will recognize a corrupted nvram and will still allow you to enter monitor mode and correct the contents.

If I locate a source for the SmartWatch modules, I'll include a reference to it here. If no source is available, it might be possible to attack the SmartWatch module with an Xacto knife and mini-soldering iron and kludge in a replacement battery. When or if I try this, I'll update this chapter to include the modifications.


Well, I have some good news, and some bad news. The good news is that for one specific case, hot-clocking the IP4 works well. The bad news is that you probably aren't using this particular version of the CPU. The results with the 12 Mhz IP4 were particularly disappointing, since it appears that some versions of this board are capable of using 4Mb SIMMS. If this board were capable of 16 Mhz, it could be preferable to an IP4.5, which requires a memory expansion card (verrry hard to find!) in order to exceed 16 Mb of memory.

The CPU oscillator is the oscillator closest to the RTC module. It's frequency should be twice that of the actual CPU frequency.

I have tried hot-clocking 2 versions of the IP4, and also played with an IP4.5. The results were as follows:

4D/50 8 Mhz IP4 (030-0121-001):

Here is the good news! Don't throw away those old 8 Mhz 4D/50 IP4 CPUs! All that seems to be needed in order to get one of these up to 12 Mhz (the clock rate of an IP4 in a 4D/70) is a simple Xtal Oscillator swap. I have seen no ill effects in the system I have converted.

4D/70 12 Mhz IP4 (030-0011-001):

Here the picture is much more gloomy. I have tried to boost this to 16 Mhz, in the hope that I could get performance equivalent to an IP4.5. No go... I'm not quite certain what is causing the problem, but more than a mere Xtal osc. change is needed. Unfortunately, my supply of Xtal oscillators is limited, and I was unable to test any values between 12 and 16 Mhz. As far as differences between the IP4 and IP4.5, the only noticeable one appears to be the speed the the CACHE chips. The same chips are used in both boards, but the IP4 chips appear to be 15 ns, and the IP4.5 appear to be 10 ns. I don't believe this is the cause of the problem however, since total removal of the CACHE chips followed by a subsequent attempt to boot (at 12 Mhz) leads to a failure of the power-up self test, which is reported correctly via a diagnostic terminal on serial port 1. It is possible that a frequency somewhere between 12 and 16 Mhz might work... if anyone out there tries it, let me know your results, and I'll include them here.

4D/80 16 Mhz IP4.5 (030-0122-007):

The results here were a bit more ambiguous. I managed to get this CPU board operating as fast as 18 Mhz without any initial problems. One problem did crop up later, however. A short time after the mod, I tried to power up/boot the system (which I had been able to do successfully quite a number of times since the Xtal swap). Unfortunately, the system hung on boot-up. Power cycling did not help, and the CPU card remained in a hung state. I finally made a last-ditch feverish white-knuckled attempt restore functionality by removing the NVRAM chip, in the hopes that it's select control or contents had glitched somehow. This worked! the system booted without a problem. I did have to re-initialize the NVRAM, however. This leads me to believe that the memory-access cycle timing for the NVRAM is on the hairy edge at 18 Mhz, and it must be possible to glitch the chip in such a manner that it locks up. As a result of this hair-raising experience, I dropped my system back down to 16 Mhz, and have not had a recurrence of the problem. It is conceivable that one could replace the NVRAM with a newer version (with a possibly faster access time), but I haven't looked into it yet.

Audio Capabilities

What's that, you say? Audio? On a 4D/50-85 or Power Series Machine? No Way! ...Well actually, Both the 4D/50-85 series and the Power Series do have some rudimentary audio capability. Unfortunately, it seems that this capability has never been documented or exploited. I'll give you a brief rundown of what I've discovered, and let you be the judge as to it's usefulness.

The IP4 and IP4.5 have a small audio section consisting of a Philips SAA1099 Stereo Sound Generator and 2 LM386 Audio Amps. Note that the Philips chip has no DSP capabilities. It is simply a sound generator. Don't expect to do anything complicated with it. As sound generators go, it's actually not that shabby. It supports the following:

The output from the audio section is provided by two 1/8" audio jacks on the IP4. The IP4.5, on the other hand, uses a 4-pin connector. Both are located on the upper back-edge of the board (as seen from the back of the cardcage.)

For some unknown reason SGI never documented this capability, or provided a software driver for it's use. If one examines the include file for the IP4 cpu (/usr/include/sys/IP4.h), you will find the following definitions:

#define SOUND_DAT_ADDR 0xbf60000 /* SAA1099 stereo sound generator */
#define SOUND_CMD_ADDR 0xbf600010

Also, under (/usr/include/sys/clover2.h), you will find the following definitions under defines for the IO2 board:

#define SOUND_DAT_ADDR 0xb7f00000 /* SAA1099 stereo sound generator */
#define SOUND_CMD_ADDR 0xb7f00010

The IO2 board is a single port IO board for the 4D power series. After physically examining an IO3 card, I can definitely say that the chip is present on this card also.

Well, now that we know about it, how do we use it? As far as I have been able to determine, no one has developed any driver code to access this chip. Part of the reason for this may be lack of documentation on the chip itself. Hopefully, I can remedy this. I have been able to locate the register definitions for the SAA1099, and have included a summary of them in appendix B. Unfortunately, as of this writing, I have not had the chance to try my hand at writing a driver. If anyone out there cares to give this a try, let me know and I'll include a pointer to your code here.

Hardware Debugging Experiences

General Hardware Debugging Hints

First, a few notes as to the hardware configuration of the IP4 and IP4.5. The IP4 PROM monitor appears to use the RAM in the RTC module during the first stages of initialization. Even if you pull all your SIMM memory and CACHE chips (Both data and instruction), you should still see the monitor attempt to boot via serial port 1. (It won't get very far, though! :-). Note that in a normally functioning system, immediately after powerup or reset the LED display on the power supply will cycle, displaying the codes "F","B","D", and then will cycle continuously from "1" to "9".

I have assembled the following debugging tips by generating "fake" failures (i.e. removing chips, memory, etc.) This map has already helped me to repair a bad IP4 with a blown DUART. If you happen across any other debugging tips, please let me know. I'll include them in this section.

The following LED codes refer to the LED single-digit display on the power-supply control panel, located at the bottom-front of the I/0 (smaller) tower.

Professional Series Hardware Debugging Chart
SymptomsNo activity on serial port 1 or graphics monitor.
Diagnostic Actions If the LED display never gets beyond the initial "F", something serious has happened. Check the RTC/RAM module, the CPU XTAL Osc., your EPROM (four 8Kx8 25C512's), etc. Note the the RTC module uses a 2Kx8 static RAM (replaceable with a 150 ns Hitachi HM6116 or equiv.)
SymptomsNo activity on serial port 1 or graphics monitor.
LED Code1
Diagnostic Actions The system LED cycles once through "F","B", ...etc... but halts with a "1" display. One possible cause is a bad DUART at location (F7N8) on the IP4 (This is the "middle" DUART). This is a Signetics SCN2681AC1N40 40-pin DUART. Apparently this DUART is critical to system operation. As a test, try exchanging it with the other 40-pin DUART, which doesn't seem to be quite as critical. If serial port 1 comes alive and the PROM monitor wakes up, then the DUART is bad. If not, check the Xtal oscillator for the DUARTs and the other glue logic around them.
SymptomsPROM monitor comes up on serial port 1, but hangs during the local hardware initialization phase. Graphics monitor remains dead.
LED CodeLED code cycles extremely fast (almost "wildly") from " 1"to " 9".
"Diagnostic Actions Try checking the 24-pin DUART (SCN2681AC1N24, IP4 location F2N8).

Note: If anyone has any "real" documentation as to what the LED codes actually indicate, or any other tips on debugging one of these critters, drop me an email note with the details and I'll include them here.

Power-On LED Test Codes

If you examine the front panel on a twin-tower machine, you will notice an 8 position DIP switch. This switch enables the power-on diagnostic routines. You must have switches 3 or 7 closed in order to enable power-on diagnostics.

Recently, a fellow hobbyist emailed me a list of the actual single-digit LED code meanings for the professional series. Note that the display cycles through the tests listed below, hence some codes have duplicate meanings depending on where they occur in the power-up test cycle. There also seems to be a correspondence with each of the tests and the LED array found on the edge of the IP4 and IP4.5 CPU cards.

Unfortunately, I have not yet been able to determine just how every LED array code corresponds to it's single-digit LED code (They flash by too #$%@$ fast, even with two people watching... As a last ditch attempt I tried slowing the CPU clock down to 1 Mhz in the hope that we would be able to catch 'em. No dice. If anyone knows these codes, drop me an email note and I'll complete the table below.
(Note: This would be useful to know, since single-tower machines don't have a single-digit LED display on the front panel.)

Professional Single-digit LED Error Codes
Single-digitLED ArrayPower-On Test
LED Code543210Executed
B110110Memory Address Pattern Test
B111010Initialize Local Hardware
B001101Sizing and Clearing Memory
DParity Test
5Data & Instruction Cache
6CPU Address Translation
8VME Bus
DNon Volatile Memory
0100000Timer & Clocks
1Duarts/Serial Ports
5Local I/O Interrupt
6FPU Test
7SCSI Test
8SysID PROM/Sound Chip

The Hidden World of the GM1 PROM Monitor

Buried deep within the GT graphics subsystem is a little-known interface which resides on the GM1 card. The GM1 appears to be built around a MC68020 CPU running at 16 Mhz. If you examine the card, you will notice a female DB9 connector. This connector provides an RS232C serial interface (9600,N,8,1) with more or less the same pinout as the standard SGI DB9 Serial connector. The only difference is that this serial interface doesn't support any of the hardware handshaking lines, so you can get away with simply connecting pins 2,3 and 7 via an appropriate adaptor cable (or you can use the same type of adaptor cable needed to connect an ASCII terminal to serial port 1 for debugging purposes. See the chapter on 4D Series Serial Port Pinouts for more details.)

If you connect this interface to an ASCII terminal, you will observe an interesting series of events. Upon hardware reset, the GM1 card will proceed through a series of power-up self tests, displaying the results on the terminal. The card will then display a monitor prompt ("gm>") and wait for input. If you type either "?" or "help", it will list a series of commands which will allow you to do the following:

As 680x0 monitors go, this isn't bad! This monitor was apparently intended for field service debugging of the graphics subsystem. Unfortunately, without more detailed documentation on the GT graphics subsystem (such as overall GT architecture documentation, a physical memory map, card interface specifications, etc.) the utility of this monitor is limited. The power-on self tests might still be of use, as they will probabily allow you to diagnose GM1 on-board problems (or rule out the GM1 board as a the failure point.)

If you look in /usr/include/sys/gtx.h, you will discover that the GM1 acts as the gateway into the graphics subsystem. As far as I have been able to determine, the MIPS based CPU board apparently communicates with the graphics subsystem by submitting buffered requests through a shared memory interface managed by the GM1. I find it interesting that the basic architecture of the entire SGI 4D seems to be that of a MIPS based system wrapped around a MC68020 based graphics subsystem. Perhaps there is some evolutionary history to the development of this architecture, based on previous IRIS 3000 design experience? Since I don't have an IRIS 3000 to perform a design comparison on, this all is mere speculation, but it is interesting nonetheless :-)

If anyone has more detailed information on the G, GT, GTX or other graphics architectures, board diagnostic/repair/substitution guidelines or common failure modes (i.e. the pinstriped screen of death failure on the G and GT :-) drop me an email note with the info and I'll include it here.

Personal IRIS Series (4D/20-35)

Configurations And Performance

The following list contains what I have gleaned from ongoing Usenet traffic. If you find an error, or have information not listed here, please drop me an email note and I will include it.

Personal IRIS Series Base CPU configuration:

Personal IRIS Series
Base Model
IntroducedNo info available yet...
CPU(IP6) MIPS R3000 (12.5 MHz) with integrated MIPS FPA on board.
MemoryIntegrated CPU memory on board (8 - 64 Mb), Standard 30-pin 9-chip parity SIMMS (80-100 ns). 8 Kb data cache, 16 Kb instruction cache.
Performance0.9 MFLOPS (double precision)
7.5 SPEC
Graphics"Entry", "TG"
SoftwareWill supposedly run up to IRIX 5.3 (IRIX 4.0.5 recommended because of CPU speed limitations)
NotesFirst Personal IRIS in the series.
Base Model
IntroducedNo info available yet...
CPU(IP10) MIPS R3000 (20 MHz) with integrated MIPS FPA on board. 32 Kb data cache, 64 Kb instruction cache.
MemoryIntegrated CPU memory on board (8 - 64 Mb), Standard 30-pin 9-chip parity SIMMS (80-100 ns).
Performance1.6 MFLOPS (double precision)
12.2 SPEC
Graphics"Entry", "TG"
SoftwareWill run up to IRIX 5.3
Base Model
IntroducedAnnounced ???. Cost: $15,000 base, $25,000 TG. Replaced by 4D/35 ???
CPU(IP12) MIPS R3000 (30 MHz) with integrated MIPS FPA on board. 64 Kb data cache, 64 Kb instruction cache.
MemoryIntegrated CPU memory on board (8 - 128 Mb), Proprietary 64-pin SIMMS with large ASIC on back.
Performance4.7 MFLOPS (double precision)
Graphics"Entry", "TG"
SoftwareWill run up to IRIX 5.3
Base Model
IntroducedAnnounced ???. Cost: $19,000 base, $28,000 TG. Replaced by Indigo ??? Until recently, SGI still listed refurbished 4D/35 systems on their price sheet for $12,995 :-)
CPU(IP12) MIPS R3000 (36 MHz) with integrated MIPS FPA on board. 64 Kb data cache, 64 Kb instruction cache.
MemoryIntegrated CPU memory on board (8 - 128 Mb), Proprietary 64-pin SIMMS with large ASIC on back.
Performance6 MFLOPS (double precision)
Graphics"Entry", "TG", Elan
SoftwareWill run up to IRIX 5.3

Graphics Configurations

I have noticed that the graphics subsystems (except for the "Elan" ?) seem to be interchangeable across the 4D/20-35 family. This would imply that it should be possible to "mix and match". Note that the values for Polygons refer to 10x10 (100 pixel) full 24-bit color, Lighted Gouraud-shaded Z-buffered polygons with arbitrary orientation.

Personal IRIS Graphics Configurations
"Entry" or "G"
Graphics modes30HZ, 60HZ, NTSC, PAL, and STR_RECT.
CardsetGR1, GR1.1, GR1.2 or GR1.5 8-bit graphics (GR1.5 and possibly GR1.2 are upgradable to "TG")
Performance ZB3 24-bit Z-buffer optional
BP4 24-bit color plane optional
88K 3DVectors, 9.4K Tmesh, 4.8K Polygons
SoftwareKnown to work with IRIX 5.3
NotesZB3 24 bit Z-buffer was optional BP4 24-bit color plane was optional It has been mentioned in the newsgroups that the GR1 and GR1.1 do not support X very well. See the general graphics notes below. In order to upgrade this to a "TG" the LSI graphics chip in the GR1.2 needs to be socketed (not soldered in place!), since it must be replaced by the GT2 piggyback cardset.
Graphics modes30HZ, 60HZ, NTSC, PAL, and STR_RECT.
Cardset GR1.2 or GR1.5 8-bit graphics, BP4, ZB3, GT2
Performance ZB3 24-bit Z-buffer
BP4 24-bit color
220K 3DVectors, 34K Tmesh, 23K Polygons
SoftwareKnown to work with IRIX 5.3
Notes24 bits framebuffer 24 bits z-buffer 4 bits wid planes (not user accessible) 2 bits popup planes 2 bits overlay planes The man page for the G and TG states the following about supported modes: "STR_BOT and STR_TOP are supported on RE2 and RE2 turbo only."
Graphics modes30HZ, 50HZ, 60HZ, 72HZ, NTSC, PAL, IRIS3K, STR_RECT, STR_BOT, STR_TOP and 343..
Cardset GR2
Performance24 bit color.
24 bit Z-buffer.
1M 3DVectors, 270K Tmesh, 120K Polygons
(Fog effects, Anti-aliasing, Light modeling, Texture emulation.)
SoftwareKnown to work with IRIX 5.3

General graphics hardware notes:

There are apparently 2 flavors of GR1. These are referred to as "RE1" and "RE2". GR1.0 and GR1.1 are of the RE1 variety, while GR1.2 and above are RE2 boards. The advantages of RE2 over RE1 are listed below:

Chassis Configurations

The Personal IRIS series consists of 4 basic machines which utilize the same general chassis/power supply. The Personal IRIS chassis was apparently designed with modularity in mind, since almost all the electronics reside in a subchassis or E-module. This E-module may be replaced as a unit, and contains the CPU and Graphics boards. Interestingly enough, SGI decided to design most of their systems so the the system ID hardware would "follow" the main chassis, rather than the CPU board. The ID module is located on inner front face of the main chassis. It connects to the E-module via a 10-pin IDC connector and ribbon cable.

To remove the E-module, you only need to remove 1 (or possibly 2) screws on the lip of the module near the top of the chassis. You then lift the lip up, carefully tilting the E-module out of the chassis until the SCSI, system-ID, and power supply cable connectors are visible. Disconnect these cables, and the E-module should lift right out. The "outer" or main chassis and power supply for all 4 machines are virtually identical and exchangable, with the possible exception of the cooling fan (see the chapter on Cooling.) As far as I can determine, there were 2 variants of this main chassis. An early version provided rail-based drive bays for only two accessory drives which were installed from the top/front of the machine. The main hard drive was installed via a metal bracket which can only be accessed by removing the left-hand "skin" and cover. The newer (and more common) variant of the main chassis provides a rail-based drive bay for the main drive, accessible from the front of the unit via a large brown hinged access cover directly below the access cover for the 2 accessory drive bays. Although the older version of the main chassis may seem less flexible, in actuality it is preferable, since the main drive mounting hardware in this version uses a standard 40-pin IDC SCSI connector, eliminating the need to cludge up a SCSI/Power adaptor for the rail connectors. These rail drive-mounting kits (which are the same ones used for the SGI Crimson series) are available from 3rd party suppliers, but they are still a bit pricey.

The E-module consists of a metal sub-chassis housing the CPU and Graphics boards. The E-Module also provides a single 6U VME slot for accessory VME cards. Note that the E-Modules for the 4D/(20-25) and 4D/(30-35) are quite different! The '35 E-module is deeper than the '25, and the bottom has a slight slope in order to accomodate the power supply cabling harness that runs under the E-module when it is installed in the main chassis. This difference precludes using the metal housing of the '25 E-module when upgrading to a '35. The '35 E-module also provides a "mixer fan" on the inside CPU cover of E-module. Apparently, this cludge was added to eliminate thermal hot spots from forming over the R3000 and/or FP Math chip. Make certain that this small mixer fan is operating! failure of this fan could result in your system cooking itself to death!

Memory Configurations

The Official SGI Hardware FAQ covers memory configuration matters for the Personal IRIS series in an relatively complete manner, and should be considered the authoritative reference on memory matters. Nevertheless, I have included the following information for the sake of completeness.

There are two main architectures within the Personal IRIS series, and both use completely different SIMM designs. The 4D/(20-25) systems use industry standard 30-pin true parity SIMMS. The 4D/(30-35) (and also the Indigo R3000) make use of SGI-developed proprietary 64-pin SIMMS.

4D/(30-35) Systems

The 4D/(30-35) architecture uses a SGI proprietary 64-pin SIMM. It can usually be identified by the large ASIC (responsible for memory interleave?) which is present on the back of each SIMM. Note that no other 64-pin SIMM (such as the ones used in COMPAQ systems) will work.

SGI R3000 SIMMS usually come in 2Mb, 4Mb, 8Mb and 16Mb flavors, and may be used in any combination (as long as you observe the restriction that SIMMS must be installed in banks of 4, all of the same size.) Note that there is one peculiarity that you should watch out for when using 4Mb SIMMS. Due to a memory initialization bug in the '35 boot EPROM, only one set (i.e. 4) of 4Mb SIMMS may be installed in any one machine. This restriction applies only to the 4Mb flavor. You can then fill out the rest of the available banks with any of the other SIMM sizes.

4D/(20-25) Systems

The 4D/(20-25) architecture uses industry standard 30-pin true parity SIMMS :-) I recommend using 9-chip SIMMS, as people seem to have had the most luck with this variety. Supported SIMM sizes for the 4D/25 are 1Mb, 2Mb and, with any luck, 4Mb. The 4D/20 supposedly supports 1Mb and 2Mb. 4Mb support on the 4D/20 seems open to question. Some of the older postings to the SGI archive indicate conflicting opinions on this, with the general impression being that 4Mb SIMM support on the 4D/20 may depend on the boot PROM version.

Getting 4Mb SIMMS to work in a 4D/25

Although the 4D/25 supports 4Mb SIMMS, this support can, at times, be a bit flakey. Apparently there is a bug in the memory initialization code of the '25 boot EPROM. Somewhere during the memory sizing/test phase, the '25 reads memory and checks for a known pattern before initializing it. This results in memory being sized incorrectly if the 4Mb SIMMS do not power-up with the expected memory bitpattern. Many older Toshiba 4Mb SIMMS power-up with the correct pattern. Many Hitachi (and various other manufacturer's) 4Mb SIMMS do not. This failure mode is covered in much greater detail by the Official SGI Hardware FAQ. There is a quick and dirty fix if you encounter this problem. After booting the '25 up in monitor mode, check the reported memory size via the hinv command. If it reports an incorrect value for installed memory, try the following command:

fill -v 0 0xa0400000

Then press the reset button (do NOT power the system off). This command will initialize memory to a known and expected bitpattern, and during the next boot cycle the memory will retain this pattern (if you haven't powered your system off.) The '25 should now size memory properly, and should continue to do so as long as you don't power the '25 off between system resets.

Audio Capabilities

The audio capabilities of the Personal IRIS series are outlined below. You should check the official SGI man audio pages for more detailed information. For the benefit of those who don't yet have access to the man pages (some versions of IRIX considered audio support as part of the optional IDO) I have summarized some of the important points below.

The capabilities of the '30 and '35 are significantly improved over those of the '20 and '25, owing to the complete redesign of the audio subsystem for the later machines. Some early versions of the '35 may not have the audio "option", however, as the audio subsystem was not ready in time for the initial release of the '35.

4D/(30-35) Systems

The audio subsystem for '30 and '35 machines was referred to as the "Magnum" audio option. This consisted of a CPU daughter board containing a Motorola 56000 DSP chip and associated D/A, A/D and glue logic. This audio subsystem is quite similar, if not identical, to that present on the Indigo. It is capable of sampling at the following rates; 8 Khz, 11.025 Khz, 16 Khz, 22.05 Khz, 32 Khz, 44.1 Khz and 48 Khz, and supports 8, 16 and 24 bit audio sample sizes. Interfacing to the audio subsystem is accomplished via 2 analog channels and one digital channel. All I/O connections are made using miniature (1/8") stereo phone plugs. The pinouts are below:

Audio I/0 connectors for 4D/(30,35)
Full Scale
Digital I/OOutInGround*75 Ohm75 Ohm
MicrophoneInGround2K Ohm
Line InL InR InGround5K Ohm1-10 Vpp
Line OutL OutR OutGround600 Ohm6 Vpp
HeadphonesL OutR OutGround16 Ohm280 Mw
  1. All inputs and outputs are referenced with respect to the computer... i.e. input (to the computer), output (from the computer).
  2. The ground connection for the digital I/0 connector is transformer isolated. All other grounds are chassis grounds. Take appropriate precautions to prevent ground loops when connecting audio peripherals.
  3. The digital input is compatible with AES3-1992 and EIAJ CP-340 standards. The digital output conforms to the IEC958 channel coding standard.

4D/(20-25) Systems

The audio subsystem for the '20 and '25 machines was based on an 8-bit ulaw encoding/decoding scheme. The samples are 8-bit 2's complement (signed char). A 0x00 represents minimum (0) Amplitude, and 0x7F (or 0x80) represents maximum Amplitude. A similar scheme was used on the Sun Sparc2, and it may be possible to play files interchangably on both machines (I have not tried this, and you may have to address byte-ordering differences between the two platforms, but I have heard of people getting this to work.) To access the audio subsystem, you simply read or wrote a ulaw encoded file to /dev/audio. You will need to connect an 8 Ohm speaker and a 600 Ohm microphone. The output is AC coupled. If anyone happens to have more detailed specs for the audio subsystem on the '20 and '25, drop me an email note with the details and I'll include them here.

Upgrading a 4D/2x to a 4D/3x

It is possible to upgrade a 4D/2x to a 4D/3x. You will need to swap out the E-module and replace it with an E-module from a 4D/3x series. You can re-use the graphics board, however. At a minumum, you'll need a new CPU board and a new '3x E-module metal sub-chassis (see the chapter on Personal IRIS Chassis Configurations.) You might also have to upgrade the cooling fan in the main chassis if it happens to be undersized (see the chapter on Personal IRIS Cooling.)

How to defeat the NVRAM password

Let's say you've just located this neat fully loaded 4D/35TG at a hamfest for $25.00 :-) You drag it home happily mumbling to yourself, pleased with your bargaining acumen. You hoist the critter up onto the kitchen table, ignoring your wife's screams of indignation. You connect the monitor and keyboard and power it up. Up comes IRIX! Woopee! Now to log in...password? what's that you say? I need a PASSWORD???. Hastily thumbing through some old usenet posts, you finally realize that you can boot the beast up from the monitor in single user mode and reset the root password. After a hasty reset, you try to enter the NVRAM monitor... password? what? What? PASSWORD AGAIN??? ARRGHH!!! (This is where you start pulling your hair out :-)

You've just been bitten by the NVRAM password option available on some of the 4D/3x and later series. Fortunately, there are a couple of ways around this, so go get a dust pan, sweep up your hair, and read on...

Root Access Method

If you are lucky enough to have root access to a system that has a NVRAM password set, you can reset it from root simply by using the nvram command. The NVRAM environment variable you need to change is passwd_key. For example, the command:

nvram -v passwd_key [new password]

will change the NVRAM password and print out the new value.

Brute Force Method

If you can't get root access, you'll need to be a little more forceful with the machine. Lay it on it's side, and remove the right hand (CPU) skin. Remove the screw holding the lip of the E-module in place. Carefully lift/tilt the end of the E-module out of the main chassis until the 10-pin system-ID cable connector is visible (it's the small IDC connector/ribbon cable located just to the left of the power connectors.) Prop the end of the E-module up somehow (use an eraser, etc.) Remove the system-ID cable connector and power the system up. It will probabily be a bit distraught about not being able to read it's ID, but it will grudgingly come up into monitor mode. Carefully plug the system-ID cable back in and reset the NVRAM password (either set it to a new value using the monitor passwd command, or remove it completely using the resetpw command.) Power the system back down and reassemble everything.

Try to keep the system power-up time to a minimum when doing this. With the E-module half-in/half-out, the cooling system is almost totally compromised, and your E-module will cook itself if power is left on for any length of time.

3-D Stereo connections

It is apparently possible to connect a set of LCD Shutter glasses to a Personal IRIS graphics system. The LCD glasses will require a TTL level square-wave signal indicating which eye to blank for alternate frames of video. On a Personal IRIS system, this signal is apparently available, and can be tapped from Pins 8 and 10 of the DB15 GENLOCK connector on the graphics board. I'd use a 75 Ohm COAX cable. BTW, this information was gleaned from old Usenet posts in the comp.sys.sgi archives, and the particular post that contained this information indicated that these pin numbers might be subject to foggy memory, so I am not quite comfortable with it's accuracy or with the possible consequences to your equipment from it's use (or misuse). Until I can verify this, proceed with CAUTION. I suggest you probe this signal out with an Oscilloscope before you try to use it. (Whats that, you say? You don't have an Oscilloscope? Then what are you doing fiddling with the hardware at this level! shame on you! :-) Again, I am NOT responsible if you toast your graphics cardset. You have been warned!.

Serial Ports

The Personal series systems use 3 types of serial ports. The 4D/20-25 use the SGI 9-Pin DB9 Standard, while the 4D/30-35 use the standard DB25 Serial port pinout for port 1, and a mini-din-8 connector for the rest. Check the IRIX man page serial for more information.

It is interesting to note the the SGI mini-din-8 serial connector on the 4D/30-35 and Indigo was designed to allow the use of Macintosh peripherals. One interesting use of the Macintosh mode is to control Macintosh Serial-to-MIDI interface adapters. When the port is configured in MAC mode, It is possible to supply an external baud clock via pin 2 (HSKi). This capability is needed to accomodate the rather unusual MIDI data clock rate. On some of the earliest machines there was a problem with the Macintosh emulation mode. Usenet posts from around the same time period indicated that SGI believed the problem would be corrected in later revisions of the 4D/30-35. I am not certain that this correction ever occured. The problem seemed to stem from the fact that some Macintosh peripherals powered themselves from the DTR/HSKo serial line. Apparently, SGI serial ports are not quite as capable of supporting parasitically powered devices as are the ports on a Mac. If you run into this problem, you might consider building a serial adaptor cable that splits off the DTR/HSKo line going to the peripheral and provides power to it via a separate wall-wart style 5Vdc regulated supply. Again, be careful and take pains to ascertain which line the peripheral is actually drawing power from or you could do nasty things to your peripheral! :-)

A good description of the MacIntosh serial-port emulation problem can be found on the Configuring and Debugging SLIP and PPP Connections page maintained by Scott Henry. Take a look at the chapter entitled Serial Port Design History. It gives a very good description of the design tradeoffs that SGI had to make in order to provide a useful dual-capability (standard RS232C serial and Mac) serial port. I strongly recommend reading this if you are trying to use Macintosh peripherals (such as MIDI adaptors) on your Persional IRIS 4D/30-35 or Indigo.

If you wish to use your IRIS or Indigo with a modem, you will need to wire-up a modem cable. Don't try to use commercial Macintosh modem cables. Even the ones that advertise themselves as "Hardware Handshake capable" generally don't provide all the required handshake signals. Your best bet is to wire one up yourself. A quick way to do this is to buy a Macintosh serial-to-printer cable, cut off one end, and attach a male DB25. The table below lists the appropriate pinouts for wiring a modem cable.

Mini-Din-8 Personal IRIS Serial Port Connector
RS232 SignalRS232 DescriptionMAC SignalMAC DescriptionMale DB25
Modem Connector
1DTRData Terminal ReadyHSKoHandshake (out)20
2CTSClear to SendHSKiHandshake (in)5
3TDTransmit DataTxD-Transmit Data (-)2
4SGSignal GroundGNDSignal Ground7
5RDReceive DataRxD-Receive Data (-)3
6RTSRequest To SendTxD+Transmit Data (+)4
7DCDData Carrier DetectGPiGeneral Purpose Input8
8SGSignal GroundRxD+Receive Data (+)7

The Mysterious Cursor Hardware Hack

A number of early posts refer to a hardware hack that was apparently popular within SGI itself, and which made it possible to have a two-color hardware-supported cursor on the PI. I am not currently aware of what added value this modification actually has, but I'll include it here for anyone who wishes to experiment. The gist of the modification is the addition of a Brooktree chip (Bt431KC) to the GR1.x Graphics board. If you remove the GR1.x board, you will notice an empty IC location (I8G6) next to the a Bt431KC which is already on the board. You simply :-) install a second Bt431KC in this location. Note that the IC pads at this location will be filled with solder, so you'll have to CAREFULLY remove the excess solder from each pad hole. If I were you, I'd strongly consider using an IC socket, if the board clearance allows it. I have NOT tried this modification myself, nor have I been able to locate a source for spare Bt431KC chips. Apparently, IRIX versions 4 and above detected the extra hardware cursor support and could make use of it. I don't know if IRIX 5.x retained this support.


The fully decked out 4D/35 is very picky about cooling. Make certain the cooling fan is not dying, and always suspect the cooling fan first when investigating repeated system crashes or graphics engine lockups! If it is making funny noises, or seems slow to start up, replace it! SGI found it necessary to provide a cooling fan "upgrade" kit for the 4D35 to address these problems, especially when they were upgraded to a TG configuration. These replacement fans were of the 105 CFM variety listed below.

The personal IRIS series use 12 VDC muffin fans. The specs for them are below:

Personal IRIS Cooling Fans
ManufacturerIndek corp. (408) 432-1199.
4D/20, 4D/2575 CFM 450 mA fan (ELINA Model DA121238M)
4D/30, 4D/35105 CFM 540 mA fan (ELINA Model MDA121238H)

Power Series (4D/xxx)

The Power Series consists of a rather large number of configurations ranging in speed from 16 to 40 Mhz (Not counting the Crimson) and 1 to 8 Processors. These machines are still in everyday use at many installations. Despite this, a small number of the low end machines are beginning to find their way into the hands of hobbyists. The information that I have managed to collect on these systems is still woefully incomplete, but I will summarize what I've found to date in the hopes that it will aid those who have been lucky enough ;-) to latch onto one of these beasts.

Configuration and Performance

The configuration table below lists the Power Series (Non Challenge models) that I know of. There may be others that I don't know about, and I may have made some errors in ones I have listed. Please note that these configurations represent models that were shipped by SGI, and may not be the only ones possible. An example of a unique (non-factory) configuration might be a 4D/220 with a VGXT graphics subsystem, or a hybrid multiprocessor system with 2 CPU cards of different speeds.

Power Series
Base Model4D/120
IntroducedNo info available yet...
EnclosurePower Series Single or Twin Tower
CPUIP5 Dual R2000 processors @16.7 Mhz
No onboard memory.
MemoryProprietary 80-pin SIMMS.
Memory provided by MC2 memory array board (256 Mb Max.)
PerformanceNo info available yet...
GraphicsGTX, GTXB, VGX
SoftwareNo support for IP5 after IRIX 5.3
NotesIf anyone has the specs for this (or other) SGI
systems, let me know and I will include them...
Base Model4D/210
IntroducedNo info available yet...
EnclosurePower Series Single or Twin Tower
CPUIP9 Single R3000 processor @25 Mhz
Onboard memory supported.
MemoryProprietary 80-pin SIMMS.
Memory on IP9 plus memory on MC2 board can not exceed 256 Mb. Max.
PerformanceNo info available yet...
GraphicsGTX, GTXB, VGX
SoftwareNo support for IP9 after IRIX 5.3
NotesIf anyone has the specs for this (or other) SGI
systems, let me know and I will include them...
Base Model4D/(220,240)
IntroducedNo info available yet...
EnclosurePower Series Single or Twin Tower
CPUIP7 with dual R3000 processor modules @ 25 Mhz.
No onboard memory. The /240 uses 2 IP7 boards.
MemoryProprietary 80-pin SIMMS.
Memory provided by MC2 memory array board (256 Mb Max.)
PerformanceNo info available yet...
GraphicsGTX, GTXB, VGX
SoftwareNo support for IP7 after IRIX 5.3
NotesIf anyone has the specs for this (or other) SGI
systems, let me know and I will include them...
Base Model4D/280
IntroducedNo info available yet...
EnclosureRack Mount (Power Center?) enclosure
CPUIP7 with dual R3000 processor modules @ 25 Mhz.
No onboard memory. The /280 uses 4 IP7 boards.
MemoryProprietary 80-pin SIMMS.
Memory provided by MC2 memory array board (256 Mb Max.)
PerformanceNo info available yet...
GraphicsGTX, GTXB, VGX
SoftwareNo support for IP7 after IRIX 5.3
NotesIf anyone has the specs for this (or other) SGI
systems, let me know and I will include them...
Base Model4D/310
IntroducedNo info available yet...
EnclosurePower Series Single or Twin Tower
CPUIP7 with single R3000 processor module @ 33 Mhz.
No onboard memory.
MemoryProprietary 80-pin SIMMS.
Memory provided by MC2 memory array board (256 Mb Max.)
PerformanceNo info available yet...
GraphicsGTX, GTXB, VGX, VGXT (SkyWriter?), RE (Reality Engine)
SoftwareNo support for IP7 after IRIX 5.3
NotesIf anyone has the specs for this (or other) SGI
systems, let me know and I will include them...
Base Model4D/(320,340)
IntroducedNo info available yet...
EnclosurePower Series Single or Twin Tower
CPUIP7 with dual R3000 processor modules @ 33 Mhz.
No onboard memory. The /340 uses 2 IP7 boards.
MemoryProprietary 80-pin SIMMS.
Memory provided by MC2 memory array board (256 Mb Max.)
PerformanceNo info available yet...
GraphicsGTX, GTXB, VGX, VGXT (SkyWriter?), RE (Reality Engine)
SoftwareNo support for IP7 after IRIX 5.3
NotesIf anyone has the specs for this (or other) SGI
systems, let me know and I will include them...
Base Model4D/380
IntroducedNo info available yet...
EnclosureRack Mount (Power Center?) Enclosure
CPUIP7 with dual R3000 processor modules @ 33 Mhz.
No onboard memory. The /380 uses 4 IP7 boards.
MemoryProprietary 80-pin SIMMS.
Memory provided by MC2 memory array board (256 Mb Max.)
PerformanceNo info available yet...
GraphicsGTX, GTXB, VGX, VGXT (SkyWriter?), RE (Reality Engine)
SoftwareNo support for IP7 after IRIX 5.3
NotesIf anyone has the specs for this (or other) SGI
systems, let me know and I will include them...
Base Model4D/(420,440)
IntroducedNo info available yet...
EnclosurePower Series Single or Twin Tower
CPUIP15 with dual R3000 processors @ 40 Mhz.
No onboard memory. The /440 uses 2 IP15 boards.
MemoryProprietary 80-pin SIMMS.
Memory provided by MC2 memory array board (256 Mb Max.)
PerformanceNo info available yet...
GraphicsGTX, GTXB, VGX, VGXT (SkyWriter?), RE (Reality Engine)
SoftwareNo support for IP15 after IRIX 5.3
NotesIf anyone has the specs for this (or other) SGI
systems, let me know and I will include them...
Base Model4D/480
IntroducedNo info available yet...
EnclosureRack Mount (Power Center?) Enclosure
CPUIP15 with dual R3000 processors @ 40 Mhz.
No onboard memory. The /480 uses 4 IP15 boards.
MemoryProprietary 80-pin SIMMS.
Memory provided by MC2 memory array board (256 Mb Max.)
PerformanceNo info available yet...
GraphicsGTX, GTXB, VGX, VGXT (SkyWriter?), RE (Reality Engine)
SoftwareNo support for IP15 after IRIX 5.3
NotesIf anyone has the specs for this (or other) SGI
systems, let me know and I will include them...

Graphics Configurations

I have noticed that the graphics subsystems seem to be interchangeable across the Power Series family. This would imply that it should be possible to "mix and match". Of course, you must be realistic in your expectations. There may be some performance problems if you try to install a RE graphics cardset in a 4D/120. Also, as with the Professional Series, it appears that the color of the top and decorative trim panels of this series reflected a "color code" that can be used to quickly identify the graphics engine in that system. Unfortunately, I have not personally seen every member of this series, so I am unaware of some of the color codes.

Power Series Graphics Configurations
Graphics modes30HZ, 60HZ, NTSC, PAL, 30HZ_SG (343 and STR_RECT with the RV2 cardset.)
ColorRed Top (Twin Tower), Red Trim panel (single Tower)--
CardsetGM2, GE4, RM1, (RV1.5 or RV2)
Resolution1280x1024 screen resolution.
PerformanceUnknown planes... (probably same as GT) 100,000 gouraud shaded, z-buffered polys per second. Note that there appears to be 2 versions of this cardset. The GTX supports Alpha planes, and the GTXB does not. The RV2 cardset allows for stereo video and 343 mode.
SoftwareSupported through IRIX 5.3.May be supported by newer versions of the OS if used in a >= R4000 based system.
Graphics modes30HZ, 60HZ, NTSC, PAL, HDTV, STR_RECT and 343.
Custom formats are also supported. check the setmon man page for more details
ColorBlue Trim panel (single Tower)--
CardsetGM3, GE6, RM2, DG1
Resolution1280x1024 screen resolution
Performance 48 Bit Color, 24 bit Z-buffer. Unknown specs...
SoftwareSupported through IRIX 5.3. May be supported by newer versions of the OS if used in a >= R4000 based system.
"VGXT" (Skywriter?)
Graphics modes30HZ, 60HZ, NTSC, PAL, HDTV, STR_RECT and 343. Custom formats are also supported. check the setmon man page for more details
CardsetGM3, GE6, VS1, RM3, DG1
Resolution1280x1024 screen resolution
Performance 48 Bit Color, 24 bit Z-buffer. Accelerated Texture mapping. Unknown specs...
SoftwareSupported through IRIX 5.3. May be supported by newer versions of the OS if used in a >= R4000 based system.
"RE" (Reality Engine)
Graphics modes30HZ, 60HZ, 72HZ, NTSC, PAL, HDTV, VGA, STR_RECT and 343. Custom formats are also supported. check the setmon man page for more details
CardsetGE8, DG2, RM4 (1, 2 or 4 RM4 boards may be installed)
Resolution1280x1024 screen resolution
Performance 192 Bit Color, 32 bit Z-buffer. Accelerated Texture mapping. 320 M TexPix, 1.1 M TMesh, 600K TexAA.
SoftwareSupported through IRIX 5.3. May be supported by newer versions of the OS if used in a >= R4000 based system.

CPU card notes

The Power Series family uses a number of different CPU cards ranging in speed from 16.7 Mhz to 40 Mhz. Some are dual CPU cards, while others are single CPU cards. All but 1 (the IP9) have no onboard memory support and require the use of an MC2 (or MC3) memory card. Each CPU card in the series supported serial I/O and a card-edge reset switch that performs a hardware reset on the CPUs resident on the card. When installing CPU cards in a Power Series chassis you need to observe a few simple rules:

1. Multiple CPU Cards:
The number of CPUs must be an even value (i.e. 2, 4, 8). i.e. You can not install a Single CPU card and a Dual CPU card in the same chassis.

2. CPU Card Installation Speed Ordering:
It is possible to install up to 2 CPU cards in a Single or Twin Tower system. A rack mount (Power Center) enclosure can handle up to 4 CPU cards. When installing CPU cards of differing speed, you need to install the faster card in the first CPU slot (slot 6).

3. CPU Card PROM Version Level:
When installing more than one CPU card, all the cards should use the same boot PROM version.

IP5 CPU Card

The IP5 is a dual CPU card based on 2 R2000 CPUs and their associated floating point processors. The 2 CPUs run at 16.7 Mhz.

IP9 CPU Card

The IP9 is a single CPU card based on an R3000 CPU and it's associated floating point processor. The IP9 also supports onboard memory via 2 banks of 8 SIMM sockets. The SIMM banks are populated in groups of 4 SIMMS (2 consecutive SIMM sockets in adjacent banks, starting from the end of the array closest to the serial I/O IDC connector on the edge of the card. The IP9 only supports 2 Mb 80-pin SGI Proprietary SIMMS (The same as used in the MC2 memory card.) When using the IP9 with an MC2 memory card, the MC2 card must be fully populated before the system will recognize the SIMM banks on the IP9.

IP7 CPU Card

The IP7 card is actually a CPU Module carrier. It supports up to 2 CPU modules (In SGI parlance, they are SM7 daughter boards.) Each CPU module supports 1 R3000 CPU and it's associated floating point processor. CPU Modules were made with clock speeds of 25 Mhz and 40 Mhz. Stock configurations consisted of IP7 cards with two 25 Mhz modules, one 33 Mhz module (4D/310), and two 33 Mhz modules.

IP15 Card

The IP15 card is a dual CPU card based on 2 R3000 CPUs and their associated floating point processors. The 2 CPUs run at 40 Mhz.

IO card notes

The IO cards used by the power series support a number of system facilities. These include the following: All of these facilities are documented by SGI, except for the audio channel. This channel is based on the Phillips SAA1099 audio chip, and is also present in the Professional Series machines. see the chapter on Audio Capabilites in this section for more info.

IO2 SCSI/Ethernet/Audio Interface Card

Single SCSI channel board. No further details as of yet.

I03 SCSI/Ethernet/Audio Interface Card

There exist both single and dual SCSI channel versions of this card. The dual SCSI card can be identified by it's part number (030-0210-xxx) or by the existance of the external 2nd channel SCSI connector (a 50 pin IDC ribbon cable connector) on the edge of the card.

Memory Expansion card notes

The memory subsystem of the Power Series machines is based on the MC2 (or MC3) memory expansion card. You can not install more than 256 Mb of memory in a Power Series machine. The Single Tower enclosure can support 1 MC2 card (slot 8), and the Twin Tower Enclosure can support 2 MC2 cards (Slots 8 and 9. Populate Slot 8 first). Unfortunately, I don't have any information about the rack mount (Power Center)enclosure at this time.

MC2 Memory Card

The MC2 supports 2 banks of 16 SIMM sockets. SIMMS must be installed in groups of 4 (2 Adjacent pairs of SIMM sockets in each bank) starting at the edge of the board nearest the status LEDS. The MC2 will support 2 Mb or 8 Mb 80-pin SGI proprietary SIMMS. You can not mix 2 Mb and 8 Mb SIMMS on the same MC2 card.

MC3 Memory Card

This is an enhanced version of the MC2. I have no further info at this time.

3-D Stereo connections

It is apparently possible to connect a set of LCD Shutter glasses to a GTX graphics system. The LCD glasses will require a TTL level square-wave signal indicating which eye to blank for alternate frames of video. On a GTX system, this signal is apparently available, and can be tapped from the 3rd pin from the bottom right of the 240 pin connector block on the graphics cardset. Use a 75 Ohm COAX cable, and ground the outer shield. BTW, this information was gleaned from old Usenet posts in the comp.sys.sgi archives, so I am not quite comfortable with it's accuracy or with the possible consequences to your equipment from it's use (or misuse). Until I can verify this, proceed with CAUTION. I suggest you probe this signal out with an Oscilloscope (and possibly buffer it with a TTL driver?) before you try to use it.(Whats that, you say? You don't have an Oscilloscope? Then what are you doing fiddling with the hardware at this level! shame on you! :-) Again, I am NOT responsible if you toast your graphics cardset. You have been warned!.

Another interesting thing to note is that the IRIX man page serial indicates that a Stereo Field Sync signal is available from pin 3 of the DIN-8 powered serial port (a Professional/Power Series option.) I haven't come across any further reference to this signal. It might be intended for use with LCD shutter glasses, but your guess is as good as mine! If anyone has any further info, drop me an email note and I'll include it here. As far as VGX(T) or RE graphics subsystems, I don't have any definite info just yet...

Power Requirements/Thermal shutdown/Cooling

Power Requirements

Note that the Power Series require 20 amp service. Unlike the Professional Series, fudging this with a 15 Amp to 20 Amp adapter plug may not work, depending on your card complement and hard drive load. There are a couple of factors in our favor, though. Today's modern drives have much lower power requirements (and, more importantly, lower start-up current loads) than the 5.25 full height behemoths of the Power Series era. Do try to place the system on a circuit that is carrying a minimal load (cut off the circuit breaker for the selected outlet, see what other outlets/lamps die, etc. and try to move those other loads to a different circuit.) Note that the system has a built-in 16 amp circuit breaker, which will be of little protective use if you use this approach on a 15 amp wall outlet. If you intend to keep the 4D up continuously, you should run a separate 20 amp circuit for it.

!!!PLEASE NOTE!!!, I am not _recommending_ that you do this! In a home with inadequate wiring, this approach can be a fire hazard! I do not want to have people chasing me around with axes because their house burned down. I accept NO liability for any damage you may incur to yourself, your home or your system! You have been warned! I STRONGLY recommend that you have a certified electrician install a building code compliant 20-amp receptacle.

Thermal Sensor and Reset Switch

The Power Series design team were much less paranoid than the Professional Series team in that the Power Series is not burdened with a whole slew of access door and drive tower interlocks. The Power series does, however, have a thermal shutdown system. The system shuts itself down if the temperature at the thermal sensor reaches 140 Degrees F. After the system cools off, the thermal shutdown system can be reset via a switch.

The thermal sensor is located in the top of the main tower. On the Twin Tower chassis, the thermal shutdown reset switch is located in the front of the smaller drive tower. It is accessed through a small hole just to the right of the lower drive bay. On the Single Tower chassis, the thermal shutdown reset switch is on the control panel located in the upper right corner of the front of the chassis. It is accessed through a small hole located just below the midway point of the 2 status LEDS.

Backplane slot/jumper assignments

Power Series systems were available in 3 basic configurations, the Twin Tower deskside chassis, the Single Tower deskside chassis, and the rack mounted Power Center chassis. All three enclosures can support the full range of graphics subsystems (although there may be cooling problems when trying to install a VGXT or RE graphics subsystem in a Twin Tower chassis. If anyone has any info on this, please drop me an email note!) The Power Center chassis can support up to 4 CPU cards. The deskside systems can only support up to 2 CPU cards.

The Power Series backplane seems to be divided into 3 segments. The first segment (slots 1-4) is a VME compliant 32 Bit bus. It is implemented using the P1 connector and row b of the P2 connector. External I/O may be implemented via rows a and c of the P2 connector. I don't believe the P3 connector is available for I/O use.

The second segment consists of slots 5-9 (or 5-8 on a Single Tower system). In the newsgroups, this has been referred to as the MP (or Powerchannel?) bus. It is a proprietary extension of the VME standard. It was designed to sustain a 64 Mb/s memory read access rate, and a 32 Mb/s memory and I/O write rate. DMA Based I/O can supposedly run at 32 Mb/s.

The third segment consists of slots 10-15 (or 9-14 on a Single Tower system). It is a proprietary bus used to support the various graphics cardsets. The bus will support the GTX, VGX, VGXT and RE graphics cardsets.

The interface between the 3 segments is facilitated by 2 slots with non-vme proprietary "hellofalong" card-edge connectors. The IO(2,3) card (slot 5) handles the bus interface between the VME an MP busses, and the first card in the graphics cardset (slot 10, or slot 9 on a Single Tower system) handles the interface between the MP bus and the graphics subsystem bus.

Note: If you install an optional card in the VME segment, you will need to remove the VME bus grant (BG) and Interrupt Acknowledge(IACK) jumpers for that slot. If you install a genlock card (CG2 or CG3), you will also need to install the 4 genlock jumpers on the backplane. These jumpers are located on the reverse side of the backplane. To gain access to the backplane, you will need to remove the back panel from the chassis. The BG and IACK jumpers are located between the P1 (top) connectors for slots 1, 2 and 3. The genlock jumpers are located just to the left of the slot 4 P3 (bottom) connector.

>Twin Tower Configuration

The Twin Tower chassis can support 2 CPU cards and 2 MC2 Memory Cards. The example below illustrates a 4D/440VGX system.
Power Series Twin Tower Chassis
1VMEVME Slot 1 (empty)inin||||~=
2VMEVME Slot 2 (empty)inin||||~=
3VMEVME Slot 3 (empty)inin||||~=
4VMEVME Slot 4 Genlock cardslot (empty)Genlock Jumpers

5MPIO3 CardSpecial card-edge connector
6MPIP15 CPU card 1||||||=
7MPIP15 CPU card 2||||||=
8MPMC2 Memory card||||||=

10Graph.GM3Special card-edge connector
  • The Designation PXn refers to row n of connector PX.
  • A || indicates that the specified PXn Backplane connector rows are bussed.
  • A ~ indicates that they are isolated.
  • A = indicates that they may be wired in a proprietary manner.

Single Tower Configuraton

The Single Tower chassis can support 2 CPU cards and 1 MC2 Memory Card. The example below illustrates a 4D/440RE (2 RM4 board) system.
Power Series Single Tower Chassis
1VMEVME Slot 1 (empty)inin||||~=
2VMEVME Slot 2 (empty)inin||||~=
3VMEVME Slot 3 (empty)inin||||~=
4VMEVME Slot 4 Genlock cardslot (empty)Genlock Jumpers

5MPIO3 CardSpecial card-edge connector
6MPIP15 CPU card 1||||||=
7MPIP15 CPU card 2||||||=
8MPMC2 Memory card||||||=

9Graph.GE8Special card-edge connector
13Graph.2nd RM4||||==
14Graph.1st RM4||||==
  • The Designation PXn refers to row n of connector PX.
  • A || indicates that the specified PXn Backplane connector rows are bussed.
  • A ~ indicates that they are isolated.
  • A = indicates that they may be wired in a proprietary manner.

Graphics Cardset Slot Assignments

The following tables list the appropriate cardslot assignments for each graphics subsystem.

GTX Cardset
Single Tower
Twin Tower
VGX Cardset
Single Tower
Twin Tower
VGXT Cardset
Single Tower
Twin Tower
VS1 (Optional?)1213
RE Cardset
Single Tower
Twin Tower
RM4 (4th)1112
RM4 (3rd)1213
RM4 (2nd)1314
RM4 (1st)1415

Keyboard and Mouse

The Power Series family uses a DB15 serial keyboard connector with the same specifications as the Professional Series family. Indeed, by wiring up an appropriate adaptor cable, you can use any of the SGI proprietary keyboards (SGI #950-0801-xxx) with the Professional, Power, Personal IRIS and Indigo series machines. The same goes for the mouse, which simply daisychains off of the keyboard. For more information, check the chapter in the Professional Series section of this document entitled Keyboard and Mouse.

Serial Ports

The Power Series family use DB9 connectors to implement 4 serial ports. Again, the Power Series machines share a common serial port design with the rest of the 4D series. For more detailed info, check the chapter in this document entitled 4D Series Serial Port Pinouts.

Power Supply problems

The Power Series family used a number of different power supplies from vendors such as LH Research, Cherokee, ACDC and Power One. These were all relatively high-output supplies (usually > 1000 Watts). Be extremely cautious when attempting to repair one of these critters. I have some notes on the LH Research Supply in the Power Supply problems section of the chapter on the Professional Series. If anyone has had any experiences with repairing these beasts, drop me an email note and I'll include them here.

Real time clock & non-volatile memory problems

The Power Series uses the same type of smartwatch module as the Professional Series machines. This module is located on the IO2 or IO3 board, and is probably subject to aging and failure, just like it's earlier cousin. Check the chapter in the Professional Series section of this document entitled Real time clock & non-volatile memory problems for an overview of the problem.

Audio capabilities

Power Series systems do have some rudimentary audio capability already built into both the IO2 and IO3 cards. This audio channel is based on the Phillips SAA1099 audio chip, and is also present in the Professional Series machines. You can find further info on this audio channel in the Professional Series section of this document in the chapter on Audio capabilities, and in APPENDIX B. Audio output is provided on the IO3 by 2 LM386 audio amplifiers, the outputs of which are AC coupled to a 4-pin connector block labeled C2P4 near the front edge of the board. the 2 pins nearest the edge of the card are the L and R audio out. The other 2 pins provide a ground reference.

There were also a number of much more sophisticated VME based audio interfaces for the Power Series. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to accumulate very much information on these yet. As I learn more, I'll expand this section.

Hardware Troubleshooting

Twin Tower Chassis

Some revisions of the Twin Tower chassis may actually use the same LH Research power supply used in the Professional Series machines. Check the chapter in the Professional Series section entitled Power Supply problems for more info.

Single Tower Chassis

At first glance, there is one obvious difference between the Single Tower and Twin Tower systems (beside their physical appearance). This is the apparent absence of the 7-segment status LED, and the 8-position configuration switch on the Single Tower enclosure. This is actually quite deceiving. The system status panel on the Single Tower chassis is deliberately hidden from view. To access it, you will need to remove the status panel cover located in the upper right-hand corner of the front of the unit. This is the small black panel with the power and reset switch. There is a single screw on the left hand edge of this panel. Remove the screw (you may also need to remove the hard drives located in the top two bays) and lift the panel off. As the panel comes off, you will notice a PC board attached horizontally to the upper edge of the panel, connected by a ribbon cable to the rest of the system. Be careful when powering up the system with the status panel exposed. Don't just leave it dangling. Find somewhere safe (and non-conductive) place it.

This status panel provides the following system status indicators:

Power-On LED Test Codes

7-Segment status LED
Unfortunately, haven't found any documentation on the codes displayed by the 7-Segment status LED on the chassis status panel. They may be the same as those for the Professional Series (see the Professional Series chapter entitled Power-On LED Test Codes) but I haven't been able to verify this. As soon as I know more, I'll expand this section. If anyone happens to know the meaning of these codes, drop me an email note.

CPU Board Error Codes
I'm still a little uncertain about the following info, so take it with a grain of salt. The IP5, IP7, and IP15 CPUs all provide a set of LED status indicators visible from the edge of the board when it is installed in the chassis. There are 2 sets of 8 LEDs each. For dual CPU boards, the lower set reflects the status of CPU 0 and the upper set that of CPU 1. The LEDs will cycle while the CPUs on the board execute their self-test routines. If the self-test is completed without any errors, the CPU LED array for CPU 0 will have only the 2nd LED from the bottom lit. When the user enters the PROM Monitor, all of the CPU 1 LEDS will blink on and off.

The Graphics System PROM Monitor

If you are having problems with your graphics cardset, you might try checking the graphics system on-board self test messages. These messages can be read by attaching a serial terminal to the serial connector present in the GTX, VGX and VGXT Graphics subsystem. This serial port is implemented with a DB9 connector using the DB9 SGI standard serial port pinout (see 4D Series Serial Port Pinouts). The GTX actually displays self-test messages and brings up it's own PROM Monitor when a terminal is attached to this port (9600,N,8,1). Unfortunately, I have not yet been able to try this out with the VGX cardset, so I don't know how it acts in this regard.


Card ID/Function list for SGI cards

The following list contains the part numbers and a brief one-liner for all of the cards I know. If you have any knowledge of cards not in the list, drop me an email note and I will include it.

Notes: In the following table, A "Card" refers to an easily installable/removable option, usually plugging into a bus structure or connector of some type. A "Board" refers to an option which requires multiple cables, connectors, or manual chassis disassembly/assembly to replace or install.

Professional IRIS Series: 4D/(50-85)
CPU/Memory Cards:
Part NumberCard IDDescription
030-0011-001IP44D/70 CPU Card (12 Mhz)
030-0121-001IP44D/50 CPU Card (8 Mhz)
030-0122-007IP4.54D/80 CPU Card (16.5 Mhz)
030-0126-001MXPVME Memory Expansion Card for IP4.5 (32 Mb)
"G" or "T" Graphics Cardset:
030-0013-002GF3Graphics Controller Card
030-0058-001TB212-Bit Graphics Card
030-0063-001ZB2Z-Buffer Card
030-0067-006DE332-Bitplane Card
030-0051-001---64-Pin proprietary SIMMS
used on DE3 card.
"GT" Graphics Cardset:
030-0075-001GE4Geometry Engine Card
030-0076-004GM1Graphics Manager Card
030-0077-001RV1Raster Video Card
030-0077-003RV1Raster Video Card (No Alpha plane)
030-0078-001RM1Raster Memory Card
030-0078-002RM1Raster Memory Card (No Alpha plane)
Power Series: 4D/xxx
CPU Cards:
Part NumberCard IDDescription
???-????-???IP5R2000 Dual CPU Card (16.7 Mhz)
???-????-???IP9R3000 Single CPU Card (25 Mhz)
030-0135-008IP7Dual CPU Module Carrier Card (Supports 2 Modules)
???-????-???SM7R3000 CPU Module for IP7 (25 Mhz)
030-6512-002SM7R3000 CPU Module for IP7 (33 Mhz)
030-0199-005IP15R3000 Dual CPU Card (40 Mhz)
Memory Cards:
030-0117-026MC2Low Density Memory Expansion Card (2Mb SIMMS ?)(256 Mb Max.)
???-????-???MC3High Density Memory Expansion Card (8 Mb SIMMS ?) (??? Mb Max.)
IO Cards:
???-????-???IO2Single Port IO controller Card (SCSI, Ethernet, etc.)
030-0180-001IO3Single Port IO controller Card (SCSI, Ethernet, etc.)
030-0210-005IO3Dual Port IO controller Card (SCSI, Ethernet, etc.)
"GTX" Graphics Cardset:
030-0075-001GE4--same as in GT--
030-0085-005GM2Graphics Manager Card
030-0154-001RV1.5Enhanced Raster Video Card (stereo video?)
030-0154-003RV1.5Enhanced Raster Video Card- No Alpha plane.
030-0381-003RV2Enhanced Raster Video Card Option (stereo video?)
030-0078-001RM1--same as in GT--
030-0078-002RM1--No Alpha...same as in GT--
"VGX(T)" Graphics Cardset:
030-0213-005GM3Graphics Manager Card
030-0153-004GE6Graphics Engine Card
030-0190-001VS1Texture Acceleration(?) (VGXT only)
030-0156-004RM2Raster Manager Card (VGX)
030-0220-001RM3Raster Manager Card (VGXT)
030-0218-004DG1Graphics Output Card
"RE" Graphics Cardset:
???-????-???GE8Graphics Engine Card
???-????-???RM4Raster Memory Card
Personal IRIS Series: 4D/(20-35)
CPU Boards:
Part NumberCard IDDescription
030-8081-002IP12+4D/35+ CPU Board (36 Mhz, Magnum Audio?)
030-8043-002IP124D/35 CPU Board (36 Mhz)
030-8082-002IP14+4D/30+ CPU Board (30 Mhz, Magnum Audio?)
030-8068-002IP144D/4D/30 CPU Board (30 Mhz)
030-8029-001IP104D/25 CPU Board (20 Mhz)
030-8000-003IP64D/20 CPU Board (12 Mhz)
Base Graphics Boards:
030-8002-004GR1Main Graphics Board (8-bit)
030-????-???GR1.1Main Graphics Board (8-bit)
030-????-???GR1.2Main Graphics Board (RE2, 8-bit,
upgradable to TG)
030-8031-001GR1.5Main Graphics Board (RE2, 8-bit,
upgradable to TG,
Has VGA-style connector
in addition to RGB BNC's))
030-????-???GR2?Elan graphics (/30, /35 only?)
Graphics Option Boards:
030-8003-001BP4GR1.x 24-Bit Plane option card
030-8004-003ZB3GR1.x Z-Buffer option card
030-????-???GT1/GT2GR1.x Graphics accelerator (TG)
option. This is a piggyback 2-card
set the provides 4 geometry engines.
Misc. Option Boards:
030-8064-004Magnum AudioEnhanced audio option board
for /30 and /35 systems. Provides
Indigo-like audio?
Generic 4D supported VME-bus cards
Misc. Option Cards:
Part NumberCard IDDescription
013-0205-001---1/4" Tape Controller (QIC-02)
013-0206-001---1/2" Tape Controller (Xylogics)
013-0208-001---6 Port Serial I/O Card
013-0207-001---Parallel Plotter Interface (IKO)
030-0045-001CG2NTSC Genlock
013-0203-001---ESDI Disk Controller (2 Drive)
013-0204-001---Ethernet Interface
Note: These are VME 6U cards which install directly into the 4D/20-35, or via 6U-to-9U adapters in the 4D/xxx series systems.
Elan Graphics Cardset:
Part NumberCard IDDescription
030-8058-006GR2?Main Graphics board W/4 GE-7's
030-8060-001ZB4Z-Buffer board
030-8093-002VB1Video Buffer board
030-8059-002VM2Video memory board


Philips SAA1099 Sound Generator

The Philips SAA1099 Sound Generator contains the following subsystems:

General Architecture:

The internal modules of the SAA1099 are arranged in 2 banks, presumably to allow separate configurability for each of the 2 audio channels. Each bank consists of 3 frequency generators, 3 frequency/ noise mixers, 3 dual-output amplitude controllers, 1 noise generator and 1 envelope controller.

There are also 2 Mixer/Output stages, one for each audio channel, which provide some cross-channel mixing capability.

In order to reduce confusion, we will specify the groupings below:

Bank 0 Bank1
Frequency generators 0-2Frequency generators 3-5
Frequency/noise mixers 0-2Frequency/noise mixers 3-5
Amplitude controllers 0-2Amplitude controllers 3-5
Noise generator 0Noise generator 1
Envelope controller 0Envelope controller 1
Mixer/Output stage 0Mixer/Output stage 1

Frequency Generators:

Each of the 6 frequency generators can select one of 256 tones from one of 8 octaves. The frequency generators are arranged in 2 banks of 3 each, along with one noise generator per bank. The tone map is as follows:

031 - 61 Hz.
162 - 122 Hz.
2122 - 244 Hz.
3245 - 488 Hz.
4489 - 977 Hz.
5978 - 1950 Hz.
61960 - 3910 Hz.
73910 - 7810 Hz.

All the frequency generators may be turned on or off by an enable bit. There is also a reset bit allowing all the generators to be synchronized with each other.

Noise Generators:

There are 2 independent noise generators. Each may be controlled by one of 3 preset noises or the output of a frequency generator (If a frequency generator is used, it's tone output becomes unavailable for other use.) The three preset noises are based on a clock frequency of 7.80 Khz, 15.60 Khz and 31.25 Khz. If a frequency generator is used as a source for a noise generator, the noise produced will be based on twice the frequency generator output.

If you choose to use one of the preset noise sources, you can then mix the output of that generator with the three frequency generators in that noise generator's bank. i.e. noise generator 0's output may be mixed with the outputs of frequency generators 0-2, and noise generator 1's output may be mixed with the outputs of frequency generators 3-5. If you choose to use a frequency generator for a source, then frequency generator 0 may be used to supply the source for noise generator 0, and frequency generator 3 may be used to supply the source for noise generator 1.

Frequency/Noise mixers:

There are 6 frequency/noise mixers, one for each frequency generator. The mixers in bank 0 use noise generator 0 and the mixers in bank 1 use noise generator 1. Each mixer has four operating modes:

  1. Disable output.
  2. Frequency only.
  3. Noise only.
  4. Both freqency and noise.

Amplitude controllers:

Each of the six amplitude controllers has 2 outputs (a right and left component), all of which are separately adjustable. Each output may be adjusted to one of 16 possible amplitude levels. Note that when an envelope controller is used, the number of possible amplitude values is reduced to 8, with the LSB ignored.

Envelope controllers:

There is one envelope controller in each bank. Only one of the frequency generators in a bank is modulated by the envelope controller, and only one of the frequency generators in the bank may supply the modulation control signal.

Bank 0Bank 1
Modulation SourceFrequency generator 2Frequency generator 5
Modulation TargetFrequency generator 1Frequency generator 4

When modulation is selected, both left and right outputs of the frequency generator's associated amplitude controller are modulated. In this case, the resolution of the modulated amplitude controller is reduced to 8 levels (the LSB is ignored). It is also possible to configure the amplitude controller such that the "right" output modulation is the inverse of the "left" signal.

Each envelope controller has 8 operating modes:

  1. Zero Amplitude
  2. Max. Amplitude
  3. Single Attack (One cycle of a rising sawtooth wave)
  4. Single Decay (One cycle of a falling sawtooth wave)
  5. Single Attack-Decay (One cycle of a triangular wave)
  6. Repetitive Attack (Continuous rising sawtooth wave)
  7. Repetitive Decay (Continuous falling sawtooth wave)
  8. Repetitive Attack-Decay (Continuous triangular wave)

A direct enable bit can be used to start the envelope. It is also possible to supply an alternate modulation frequency to the amplitude controller by simply writing to the address buffer register. Note that if the frequency generator supplying the input signal to the amplitude controller is turned off, then the output of the amplitude controller will simply be the modulation envelope. You can use this approach to generate a non-square output signal.

Mixer/Output Stages:

There are 2 Mixer/Output Stages, one for each channel. Each Mixer can select/weight all 6 internal signal sources, providing a seven-level analogue output.

Register Map:

SAA1099 registers are accessed by writing the internal register address to the chip's Address Select Register (SOUND_ADR_ADDR), and then writing the data destined for that address to the Data Register (SOUND_DAT_ADDR).

Note: All empty fields are "don't cares" and should be written as zeros. The following 00 to 1F block of registers repeats 8 times in the chip's total address space (00-FF.)

Register AddressD7D6D5D4D3D2D1D0Operation
00AR03AR02AR01AR00AL03AL02AL01AL00Amp. Chan 0 L/R
01AR13AR12AR11AR10AL13AL12AL11AL10Amp. Chan 1 L/R
02AR23AR22AR21AR20AL23AL22AL21AL20Amp. Chan 2 L/R
03AR33AR32AR31AR30AL33AL32AL31AL30Amp. Chan 3 L/R
04AR43AR42AR41AR40AL43AL42AL41AL40Amp. Chan 4 L/R
05AR53AR52AR51AR50AL53AL52AL51AL50Amp. Chan 5 L/R
08F07F06F05F04F03F02F01F00Freq. Gen. 0 Tone
09F17F16F15F14F13F12F11F10Freq. Gen. 1 Tone
0AF27F26F25F24F23F22F21F20Freq. Gen. 2 Tone
0BF37F36F35F34F33F32F31F30Freq. Gen. 3 Tone
0CF47F46F45F44F43F42F41F40Freq. Gen. 4 Tone
0DF57F56F55F54F53F52F51F50Freq. Gen. 5 Tone
10O1-2O1-1O1-0O0-2O0-1O0-0Octave Select:
Freq. Gen. 1 & 0
11O3-2O3-1O3-0O2-2O2-1O2-0Octave Select:
Freq. Gen. 3 & 2
12O5-2O5-1O5-0O4-2O4-1O4-0Octave Select:
Freq. Gen. 5 & 4
14FE5FE4FE3FE2FE1FE0Freq. Gen. Enable
15NE5NE4NE3NE2NE1NE0Noise Enable
16N1-1N1-0N0-1N0-0Noise Gen. 1 & 0
18E0-7E0-5E0-4E0-3E0-2E0-1E0-0Envelope Gen. 0
19E1-7E1-5E1-4E1-3E1-2E1-1E1-0Envelope Gen. 1
1CRSTSEFreq. Reset
Sound Enable (All channels)



One of the monitors commonly supplied with 4D series machines was the Hitachi CM2086A3SG. This is a 20" RGB Sync-on-green monitor with the following characteristics:

Resolution1280 x 1024, 60 Hz.
Scan Rate63.9 Khz Horiz., 60 Hz Vert.
Bandwidth100 Mhz.
Dot Pitch0.31 mm

The important characteristics here are the 63.9 Khz. Horizontal scan rate and the 60 Hz. Vertical Refresh rate.

If you happen across an SGI without a monitor, don't dispair! there are a number of ways to utilize monitors from other systems. Additionally, both the 4D50-80 series and quite a few of the 4D20-35 series have a separate Horizontal/Vertical or composite sync. capability, so the Sync-on-green requirement for a monitor may be avoided.

Graphics systems

Professional and Power series: G, T, GT, GTX, GTXB:

These systems provide a composite sync. signal along with the R, G and B connectors on the back of the chassis. This composite sync. signal (4V peak to peak) is always present (as well as the Sync-on-Green) regardless of the video mode. I have used this successfully, along with a VGA-to-RGBS cable (which you can find at almost any computer show) to drive a high-end multisync PC monitor of the kind that will operate with both PCs and MACs (In my case, a MAG DX17F.)

Personal IRIS: G, TG:

If your Personal IRIS happens to have a graphics board of rev. GR1.2 or greater, you will probably have noticed the 15-pin VGA-style connector labeled "composite", next to the 3 RGB BNC connectors. This DB15 connector is indeed pinned for the VGA standard, and will work with a high-end multisync PC monitor (I have used a NEC 3V successfully.) You can also buy an VGA to RGBS cable from most any PC parts supplier. This will allow you to use a RGBS monitor in place of a RGB w/Sync-on-Green monitor if the Horiz. and Vert. refresh rates match the requirements.

Non-SGI monitors known to work on SGI systems
Original UseManufacturerModelTested onNotes
PCMAG InnovisionDX17F12
PCNECMultisync Plus32
Dec VRT16-DASonyGDM-160133
  • Test Systems:
    1. 4D/70 GT
    2. 4D/30 Turbo+ (TG)
    3. 4D/35 Turbo+ (TG)
    4. Indy Entry Graphics (8-bit)
  • Notes:
    1. Monitor has R,G,B (and possibly Sync) BNC inputs, but will decode Sync-on-Green.
    2. Monitor has an SVGA connector, so you will need an RGBS to VGA cable to use it.
    3. Needs some tweaking of internal controls in order to sync properly and make the screen look pretty (i.e. Horiz. Sweep Freq, Horiz. Size, etc.)
...If you know of any others, drop me an email note and I'll add them to the list...